HomeMy WebLinkAbout916213 ~~::::f::::::::::::;:, .·.".·.·t·t!.' ·,',I.~ f n ".f>5 0 .... i.} U Li' WARRANTY DEED ';GARRY EIDEN, JR..and TRENA EIDEN,.husband.and wife, ofY.O.Box 4327~ Marbleton, Wyoming, 83113, GRANTORS, for ßIld in consideration ofTEN DOLLARS ($10.00).and other goodßIld v.aluable consideration, m band paid, PONVEY AND WARRANT to LORING 1. BROWN ßIld TINA M. BROWN,-.husband.and wife, of Y.O. Box281, LaBarge, Wyoming 83123, GRANTEES,.as tenants by the entirety, the following described real estate situate in Sublette County, Wyoming, hereby releasing .and waiving.all lights under.and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, to-wjt: I . . Lots 28 &29, of the Eiden Addition to the Town of LaBarge, Lincoln County, Wyoming, .as the same appears on the official plat thereof £led for record in the office of the County Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming; TOGETHER WITH.all improvements .and appin1enalll::e~.~reto apperrnininr;; SUBJECT TO reservations, restrictions, covenants .and exceptions of record ßIld those contained .in the United States patents; d ....L ' SUBJECT TO prior .mineral reservations of record; .and SUBJECT TO easements.and rights of way of record, .in iIseimd of sight. WITNESS our.hands this ~ day of Ç~~_,2006. RECÐVED 2/24/2006 at 12:58 PM RECEIVING #- 916213 BOOK: £13 PAGE: 50 .JEANNE WAGNER .LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ~.¿~~ G EN,lR. ! , .,,:'" L..--""'"" l., r-----.'''. '-.... "-- ..- .- ". --. _._--------~ . . . STATE OF WYOMING ) ) 5S: COUNTY OF~\.d::tL ) 'r ", The foregoing .instrument was .acknowledged before me this ~ day of 'Fe..bru.o..t"~, 2006 by GARRY EIDEN JR..and TRENAEIDEN. Witness my band.and 0 NElLOUFAR SAMBRANO- NOTARY DUmŒ ~Œ .5IBITŒ WiIIH My CoIIIIÎSOOn Exp!recs ~ -t'i-t::f1 My conuÌrissiori exprres: CiJ ~'L~ \~ ,~oo-i . '-, . .'- ~ - ,. ~~s~