HomeMy WebLinkAbout916218 ~. " ~'1 '/j J . .(O!l~.ra.!o"!;'I,~tI.~: ;;!I.¡.!¡'·;;õ\';I~:.:,,;:~,_'aåJ;:. ,,,,õ·'. JWõ!;;, ,¡~;!,,~; t:!' .':- . . ,."::~-.n_""..!,~i.k·,;:'; """ :·:;~T!('V ;'~'¡';~~f.,t1;~:"~~:r.t!o!'WI"j:"': : ~'~", '..;,.,', ,;::·~þ,,~.I!T.lln_ÕI1·.r;. ,;,.~';!.!imtwm.--giU!I!!:~~~X-'1ff. ~_:~.,-,.,,: -w.1!l!;-;';'-ï:¡:Utal!U;!'U;;!II;!.n:;¡::;';;....I¡,f~.,i!IH!t:;.t.Mi1.ij;'¡~~J:~: :' RECEIVED 2/24/2006 at 1 :32 PM RECEIVING # 916218 BOOK: 613 PAGE: 85 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY C00085 IN THE DI~TRICT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, STATE OF WYOMING Probate No. 200S-31-DC ,1'_'----..:--·,,·,_ ,;;~~3i/;J. 2,: ~?;~ ~::;>, IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: RONALD W. SAX, ~. Deceased. 'J AMENDED DECREE APPROVING APPLICATION FOR ESTABLISHING RIGHT AND TITLE TO'REAL PROPERTY This matter having come on regularly to be heard by the Court , on an Application for a Decree Establishing Right and Title to Real Property filed by Wayne N~il Sax, Rhonda Deann Sax and Brandon Keith Sax, decedent's heirs and distributees pursuant to the laws of the State of Wyoming, and' i tappearing that notice has been.' published and given to all interested parties according to law and there having been no objections to said Application ~iled herein; and the Court being fully aqvised in the premises; '- NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED, that all of the decedent's interest' in and to the following described lands situated in Lincòln County, Wyoming, to-wit: A parcel of land in Lots 5 and 6 in Block 3 of the Dayton Addition No. I, a subdivision of the Town of Cokeville and Tract 90, T24N R119W of the 6th P. M. , Lincoln County, Wyoming, being more particularly described as follows: . @~~;~m¡~~!tt¡ ~/;;¡~mmi~ [~~:;~,~~!~ŒftWJ , ""~~~"'~"'~~:J.:.L:..:;;~.i:~. :,-, .... "t. :!:'L¡_;l¡,_::'·I~"·."';';""K>,'~; ·.-,.i ";'<;,:.\' .!.';.... \.-. ::-". ..-,,' -'-.'.!-!.,,.,,,;......~.,.,',' _, r',· ,\.'''~''':, ',', ·,···...·,·...·...t.~;I.·.·,·, .:.;' ':.;".."',', "., "'-_ .", =,' r;"".,1II.~"t\.:~.1'..:.:.'.:1 :t>:,'. 'tr.1il.iU¡];'¡,b.Oîli!, ."or·";-;'."-,:i';"· :::1.1::' ::~;~;:':tHt;1,3:'t.~;';t~'''i''¡~ì_'''1,,·.¡:'='"'.i'.;: . ..:.';:o-tol:.:":.-'.:'; '. '. A' 091.6218 C00086 BEGINNING ãt the Northeast corner of said Lot 6, thence S31°39'39" W, along the easterly line to the Southeast corner of said Lot 6, a distance of 70.49 f~et; . ° . . thence S 70 53'12" W, 64.21 feet; thence N 52°27'59" W, 53.30 feet to the westerly line of said Lot 6; thence N 31°39'39" E, 57.04 feet along the westerly line of said Lot 6 to the corner common to Lots 5 and 6; thenc~ N 17°34'17" E, along the westerly line of Lot 5 (a 1~" dia. steel fence post); thence S 78°50'52" E,. 105.53 feet to the easterly line of said Lot 5, (ã 1~" dia. steel fence post); thence S 17°34'17" W, along the easterly line of said Lot 5, a distance of 30.14 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. be, and the same hereby is, determined to be and is set over to Wayne Neil Sax, Rhonda Deann Sax and Brandon Keith Sax, of 3701 .' Diane Ct , Napa, CA 94558, as tenants in 'cornman. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that pursuant to Section 2-1-205, W.S.A. . > (2005), a certified copy of this Decree shall be filed with the County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds in and for the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, this Decree being presumptive evidence of the title to the aforementioned real property. DATED this ~i6day of 2006. ~~ ~. Dennis L. Sanderson District Judge 55. 2