HomeMy WebLinkAbout916238 .' i':';'~~~~1 ::::;:*!:::::::¡:::~: ¡!'!'f:>';:;";;O;',O':'] J:::¡ \ 'C" t. ""I; ,'"It" ,~ tilL (I:H¡~i; i:; ;1; j, ;.' \ . "---:r----'---'- -'--'_.'---~'- . - - --._---_. . . . - --_.".__._----_.~-_._~._-" RECEIVED 2/24/2006 at 2:47 PM RECEIVING # 916238 BOOK: 613 PAGE: 126 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ''''()/''\j n6 ~ . , ..1 t r' \..... '40./ '.. .... '11·' \J\- CONSERVATOR DEED Deed made this .JI.:" day of Fe~~""1 ' 2006, between Timothy O. Beppler and Weston R. Barker, Co-Conservators of the Estate of Richard H. Dimond, herein referred to as "Co-Conservators", and Lilac Properties, LLC, a Utah limited liability company, of 3955 W. Old Highway Road, Morgan, UT 84050, herein referred to as "Grantee". WHEREAS, on the 10th day of January, 2006, ,the Co-Conservators filed their Third Petition for Authority to Sell Life Estate Interest in Real Property with the Third Judicial District Court, Lincoln County, Wyoming (Case No. 2937); and WHEREAS, on the ~ day of February, 2006, said Court entered its Amended Order Authorizing Sales of Life Estate Interest in Real Property, directing a conveyance of the decedent's life estate interest in certain real property located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, to be executed to the Grantee, a copy of which Amended Decree has been recorded in the Office of the County Clerk and Ex- Officio Register of Deeds of Lincoln County, Wyoming, and which Amended Decree is now on file and of record in the said Court, and which Amended Decree is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, the Co-Conservators, pursuant to the above- mentioned Amended Order, hereby convey to Grantee, all the right, title, interest and life estate of Richard H. Dimond, in and to that certain real property more particularly described as follows: Township 23 North, Range 118 West, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming Section 3: NE~, N~SE~, SW~SE~, SE~SW~ 'I; , ·....n;,·...'"....".,·........""'''.T. .....__......_...~.. ..,._~..,~_...........__.._ "_ ..'......., .....~.'~_J...~.. . ..................- 091.6238 .r. 0. nt .~'; 7 ,-\)'\I.t~ Section 4: SE~NE~, E~SE~ Section 9: NE~NE~ Section 10: W~E~, E~W~ TOGETHER WITH all improvements and appurtenances thereon situate or in anywise appertaining thereunto. SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to all reservations, restrictions~ exceptions, easements and rights-of-way of record, of sight or in use. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all the above-granted property, and every part thereof, to Grantee forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Co-Conservators have executed this Deed the day and year first above written. ~"'~6.R - .~a. Timothy O. B ppler '. Co-Conservator of the Estate of Richard H. Dimond. {A.l~,K'~ Weston R. Barker Co-Conservator of the Estate of Richard H. Dimond ~'1I'~~J~ 2 .-.' . ill!, ....;' ~¡¡¡'¡¡'~*"¡!(¡jj¡UF.\ ~~~}f~~~~jtff; "J ~:;::.W:t;':':':'w' r::;:::::;':'N:~~~~ O~1.6Z38 r\ ('¡ A ('. 8 '. :J tJ ..l,,¿ THE STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. COUNTY OF UINTA ) On this /J¡/J'l day of ri;y¡~ 2006, before me per s onall y appeared T imoth y C;r Beppler, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument as one of the Co-Conservators of the Estate of Richard H. Dimond" and acknowledged to me that he, as such Co-Conservator, executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ,,'\"\lIIIIIIII}L~P~~ iw, ",,~\~.~: .~}:"..<:-//~ ~ v"?:· ~\t.\SSIOt\'~··."o ~ .::::: no 'rP ""'.0' A'\~ ........,.v ~.\".... .:: .....:~ MARCH-¡:¡'·' ':P ;. - .,:¡ (I). __ =*. 5 .*= ;:. 2006 .: ~ ~ A~··~"'h. -t··ú· § ~. - v..:;' . .'!, cowí'! ~ . ." .s- )"z ~.A ..... <õ" ~ //1 ", Fly pû \\\" COUNTY OF UINTA ) 1//111'''1\''\\\ On this ~11- day of Jlo/tUJl)¡Jf¡¡-; 2006, before me personally appeared Weston R. Barker, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument as one of the Co- ConservatQrs of the Estate of Richard H. Dimond, and acknowledged to me that he, as such Co-Conservator, executed the same. My Commission Expires: 3-6-0~ THE STATE OF WYOMING WITNESS my hand and official seal. , . Va Mh (w/JtJeø, Notary P li -- My Commission Expires: 3-;-0" \\\\\"'"11//1 ,,\~\'é. J. O}:"III//. ~ ."{' ...... I:-. í'. S v"?:· ~~\SSIOt\'~..?, 0 ~ S ~:<:.>C) ""'~'.~~ .:: ~:~ MARCH ~.. ':P;' - .~ (I). _ =*. 5 .*= ~ ~ 2006 ;-$ .". . J'_ . .... filii" .~" _A . ~ ~A:··ýh ~..,...... ~'v..O·.';'¡ CO~~'· ,v ~ 'l "l'A·······a.,,~' ///I"'Fly pû'V\\\" 1//111" /1\ \\\\\ 3