HomeMy WebLinkAbout916241 L ) .y¡ .^) '...., "1 ~r' TEB-,jB-2æ6 i1:æ . "'.' ...~.II.._......~.' , -RMTIA ..QUALITY 'REAL ìY .1 :3Ø7 B7? ::DØØ .:p ..15 Quitclaim Deed . KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE -PRESENTS, That Keith Brian Dimond, of 1he .county of ~M ;~" I State of Arizona, in consideration of íhe .sum vfTsn ($1D.DO) 1l1ld other gODd:and v:aluable considerations, the TeÅ“ipt whereof is hereby confessed 1U1d .acknowledged, has remised, released, mnveyed Bod .quitclaimed and by 1hese .presents t:lces tor his heirs, sxecutors snd m:.fministrators, remis, rsJease :and icrever quitclaim 1JOÍO .Lilac Pmperties, LLC. B Utah .Lirniled .Liability Company, whose Bddress is .3955 W. Old Highway Road, MOl1)sn, UT B4D50, .all SlJch Tight,1itIe. interest, propenty, possession, .claim Bnd rlem:and, .:as he may have or ought to have, in .and fa the following rlescribetl premises 1o-wit: Township23 North, Ran,ge 118 West, 5111.p ..M., .Lincoln County, Wyoming Bection3: NE114, N112SE1/4, SW114SE114, SE1J4SW1J4 Bection4: SE1I4NE1J4, E112SE114 Section B: NE114NE114 Section 10: W112E1 12, E112W112 tiereby releasin,g .and waiving .all rights lJnder .and by virtue of ihe homestead sxemptJon Jaws of1he state of Wyoming. ,:>1- In witness whereof, he has hereunto Bet his .si,gnature this ~ day of ~~t\A,c..ty ,2006. ,-.. ~~~ Keith Brian Dimond State 1>f Arizona ) 11) )55. County Dr ()JuWptl. ) !he toæ,goin,g instrument was acknowledged befoR'J me, :a notary public in ~ said County Bnd State, .by Keith Brian Dimond, this ~ day of . ,2006, Witness my hand.and official.$eSL My Commission Expires: ÎfYì OFFICIAL SEAL JODiE GONZALES NOTARY PUBUC- .A.RIZOOA if. MARlCOPACOONTV 4 My Convn. Expires May 28~2007 RECEIVED 2I24/20DS .at2:49 -PM RECEIVING:# 916241 BOOK: 613 PAGE: 131 .JEANNE WAGNER l.INCOLN COUNTY CLERK; KEMMERER, WY ::;;;;;1;:;:;:;.;;;;;:;; !;;:~::~*!~~:::¡:¡;~ . '\ 000131