HomeMy WebLinkAbout916242 ,1 . ¡~~~~i¡f;:¡:m:¡~~! ["~::;!:::m ··¡'..,·Ut······,·· ....,,-.;..:...:;.'!',,;',: RECEIVED 2/24/2006 .at 2:50 :PM RECEIVING# 916242 BOOK: 613 :PAGE: 132 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ::- n n 'f 2 'vvUJ.3 \~ CONSERVATOR DEED .Deed JD.ade 'this '&.Ir:,;t' day 0.£ ¡::;, b¡ , 2006, .b€tw-e-en "Timathy O. 13-eppl-er and W-estan R. Eark-er, Co-Cans-ervatars 0.£ th-e Estat-e 0.£ Richard H. Dimand, h-er-ein I-e:f-err-ed to. as "Co-Cans-ervataIs", and Rabert E. Fax and Jay S. Fax, husband and wi£-e, as t-enants by th-e -entir-eti-es, 0.£ HC 64, Stat-e Righway 233, K-emIIl€r-er, WY 83101, her-ein I-e£-err-ed to. as "Grant-e-es". WHEREAS, an th-e 10tb day 0.£ January, 2006, th-e Co-Cans-ervatars £il-ed th-eir "Third P-etitian £ar Authari'ty to. S-ell Li£-e Estat-e ::Int-er-est in R.eal :FIap-erty with th-e "Third Judicial District Caurt, ::r.inca.ln Caunty, Wyo.ming (Cas-e No.. 2937); and WHEREAS, an 'the ~ day 0.£ F-ebruary, 2006, said Caurt -ent-er-ed i'ts .Amend-ed Ord-er Autharizing Sal-es 0.£ Li£-e Estat-e ::rnt-er-est in R-eal Praj)€rty, dir-ecting a co.nv-eyanc-e 0.£ th-e d-ec-edent' s li£-e -estat-e int-er-est in c-ertain I-eal prap-erty lacat-ed in Linca.ln Caunty, Wyoming, to. .b€ -ex-ecut-edta the Grant-e-es, a capy 0.£ which Amend-ed .Decr-e-e has been r-ecard-ed in the O:flic-e 0.£ the Caunty Cl-erk and Ex- O:f£icia R-egist-er 0.£ .De-eds 0.£ .Lincaln Ca:unty, Wyaming, and which Amended Decr-ee is naw an fil-e and a:f r-ecard in 'th-e said Caurt, and which Amended Decr-ee is hereby r-e£-err-ed 'to. and made a part her-ea£. NOW, "THEREFORE, th-e Ca-Cans-ervatars, pursuant to. the .a.bav-e- mentian-ed Amend-ed Ord-er, .h-ereby convey to. Grant-ees, all 'th-e right I 'titl-e, int-erest and li:fe -estate 0.£ Richard H. Dimand, in and 'to. 'tha't c-ertain Ieal prap-erty mare particularly d-escribed as .:follows: ~'3 ¡)/ I '¿, 'Tawnship 23 Narth, Rang-e 118' West, 6th :F.M., Lincaln Caunty I Wyaming .sectian l: Lat 8 (NWY-4NW~), S~, ~SW~, SE~ ¡§.'~1':ir"·' ~;.I'f~.~;:(~.!:.~r.1 ~:;?-s::~~:;::~!:¡ ~~~ 091624Z f'f\n \~:,:\ 133 B-ection 2: S:E~~, NE~SE~ ~OGETRER WITH all imprOV€IIleDtB and appurt-enanc-es ther-eon Bituat-e or in imywis-e app-ertaining th-er-eunto. SUBJECT, .HOWEVER, to all r-es-ervations, .r-estrid:iDns, -exc-eptiönB, -eaB-em~ntB and .rights-oÍ-way oÍ r-ecord, o::f Bight or in UB-e. TO HAVEllliD TO BOLD all th-e aboV'-e-gr:ant-ed property, :and -ev-ery part th-er-eo::f, to Grant-e-eB ::for-ev-er. .J:N WITNESS WBEREOF, th-e CcrCons-ervatorB hav-e -ex-ecut-ed this Deed th-e day .and year ::first abov-e writt-en. ~ti2.., ð.K -J~;.Q Timothy O. B-eppl-er. . CcrCons-ervator o::f th-e EBtat-e o::f Richard H. Dimond ·LA ' ),7l;;;f4~ W-esTOn R. Barker CcrCons-ervator o::f th-e Estat-e o::f Richard H. Dimond TRESTAT£ OF WYOMING ) ) BS. COUNTY OF UINTA ) On this 6! (9 day o£ JJ irU1Jllý¡; , 2006, be£ ore IDe p-erBonally .app-ear-ed ~.imothy O. .B-epp -er, known to .me to be th-e p-eIBonwhoB-e name iB Bubscrib-ed to th-e within inBtrumerit as on-e o::f th-e CcrCöns-ervatorB o::f th-e Estat-e o::f Richard B. Dimond, and acknowl-edg-ed to IDe that h-e, aB Buch CO-CoD's-ervator , -ex-ecut-ed th-e sam-e. ... WITNESS IDY hand :and o::f::fici.al B-eal. \\\\\HlIIIJI111 Vf /J /\ 1 U ~ OCt/) ,\\ t:. J o~ Iq, ~ .$"'''''-~\·šs¡ó:,·.~ ~ Notary :Public , ... ....}.~~\ '.~~. (\ ~ My Commission .ExplI-e-$'=~ '~p ~..((' ~ 3 -5-D&, ~.:;;.:~ MARCH \"~:P§ .-*: 5 :*= :;: 2006 : ~ ..... "') . ..... ,. . "'. - -r\... ..... "':--. ···~~h ~. ~ .-;-10' ...'1 cou·rl"I.".w 1'., )or... t"':J . .,I I, '''//;/..q ;:lY' p"':'~~ I'"....,...,\\ J~giliIlifj¡~~l~*] ,.\\ p.::::·;':!f.:~;*W~~ !~::~~;:::~~~6~~ 091.6242 rnn1~4 ~...I ...} \..I..Ji.. V -:THE B'I'ATE OF WY OMIN G ) ) .ss. COUNTY OF TIINTA ) On thls J.I~ day o:f . {fll~ ' 2006, be:fore me p€r.sonally :app€ar-ed W-eston Mark-er, wn to 1I1€ to b€ th-e p€rson whos-e nam-e is subscribed to th-e within instrum-ent :as on-e o£ th-e Co- Cons-ervators o£ th-e Estat-e o£ Richard H. Dimond, and :acknowl-edg-ed to 1I1€ that b-e, :as .such Co-Cons-ervator, ~-ecut-ed the same. .My Commission :ExpÌI-e.s: 3- 5-0fo WI'I'NEBB JIlY hand and o££ic.ial .s-eal. Ni~~~ \\\,"11111//11 ~,\~\'é. J. O¡:-%./// ~ ~.=:~\sšiõÑ;;.:./'0~ " "·o~~ ~. A\. ~ ~~'c.; z.v·... E~:~ MARCH ~..-:P ~ _ ..:r cP. _ =*. 5 .*= 'ª~. 2006 .: 2 " .. /- ~...... .", .."?'+ ~.o ~ ~~o"'~ cO~~",Ú$ ~ "l'A . . .. .' <õ 'v ~ ///1" Fly pù \\" IIIU/1111 \\ \\\\ 3