HomeMy WebLinkAbout916272 :i~~1~~i~lilimj W~:;~t~JlliR~~]l;& '-- ,'--, ,.......,.,.-.,',...,.. - . '. ". '.:;:'~'" 1" - .- :,'0' __ __' .-,,~.:r.;'.~~<-J"~:.:.. ",' ¡,L; ·..'I:I,I":':':':&:':CI.:".:,___ . " . ~:>':~:" ;'tlJ:ftjJ""'·.¡.';f·I".~';''''!i'!'' "'''r:'''' "'~~1 ,;, , ',"'''~':'. '~.:.."~~'.,': ~., '_ '0;,' " .,',,,,,' ,";.¡'.!;';..f;.. \~ (1: ('\nf)21, v'.) \,,' (." STATEMENT OF TRUST AND IDENTITY OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE Pursuant to W.S. 34-2-123 ',', "., , ss. RECEIVED 2/27/2006 at 11 :27 AM RECEIVING # 916272 BOOK: 613 PAGE: 221 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN Audrey M. Stones of PO Box 1000, Afton, WY 8311 A, upon her oath deposes and says: 1. That she makes this affidavit as her recorded statement, duly vèrified, pursuant to the provisions of W.S. 34-2-123 and in connection with the following described real property located in Lincoln County, Wyoming: "Î I " v ,.-I All lands described on Exhibit A attached and by this reference made a part hereof. ~ 2. That the names of the grantees in that certain Quitclaim Deed dated December 20, ( 1988, and recorded in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk on January 9, 1989, in Book 269 PR, page 189, Recording No. 697446, conveying the above-described lands is hereby stated to be as follows:i='rcinklin W. Stones, Jr. and Audrey M. Stories, Trustees of the FranklinW. Stones, Jr. and Audrey M. Stones Revocable Trust dated December 20, 1988 ("the Trust"). 3. That Franklin W. $tones, Jr., became deceased on September 17, 1996, at which time Audrey M. Stones became the sole surviving, grantor and trustee of the Trust. 3. That a First Amendment to the Franklin W. Stones, Jr. and Audrey M. Stones Revocable Trust dated December 20, 1988, was executed by Audrey M. Stones on October 6, 2005. The original Trust and First Amendment thereto constitute the trust referred to in Paragraph 2 above and throughout this affidavit. 4. That her name and address are Audrey M. Stones, PO Box 1000, Afton, WY 83110. 5. That Lex J. Stones is the successor Trustee of the Trust, and upon the death, resignation or incapacity of Audrey M. Stones becomes the sole Trustee of the Trust. ;, 'r., 1 ,,' , . -' ;;, ;.:.o:t"...:t;¡;~r:, ." ., .¡-. .,:t, ,",' -.,: .'~ ."".''-' .., ."...,.~.",~, - '..' ,-.'_."......".,:~. ,;" .;', ',-, -":~::..::.:k::,,,: ",.",., ",; "'·"'I·c.o~·"""¥':I·.-,"l... ',' . '_~j'~}:r'.o·¡''''''.~r¡'f".,' "...'- ·i"""'if:'.·"".!,Ic··' ': 'I·', ',,- , .. ::..:....;...a;.:.;¡.".!',.."",,-',.:-c;,' ':;....,: ';._., ':':..':'''''''' .....' o~lh%7~ r- On ("! .....\ 2 L _ \.}(..,~. 6. That Audrey M. Stones resigned as Trustee of the Trust by an instrument in writing dated February 17, 2006, at which time Lex J. StOnes became the sole Trustee of the Trust. Lex J. Stones is currently serving as the sole Trustee of the Trust. 7. That she hereby verifies that the information contained in this affidavit is true and correct according to her infç>rmation and belief. DATED the 20th day of February, 2006. ?~J~- 5~__ , A M.Stones ' . Subscribed and sworn to by Audrey M. Stones, before me this 23rd day of February, 2006. Witness my hand and official seal. GERÀLD 1,.. GOULDING - NOTÞ,.RY"PUBLlC County of I) State of Lincoln . ì Wyeming Mx. CornmJsslon Expires May 2, 2007 j¡~oY~ NOTARY PUBLIC ' My commission expires: May 2, 2007. 2 li.1I :~J;;!~~i~mj ...·o..,c '_.~~ ','_;.., _:...:.;...... .·_-......~Q;I·.·,·.·.,.·.·,';'I'~-.r'1·."><HI'.-.r.oI',".:!:""..:_J#.õ' ·'-""'''''!':t..;,,,,,",_...~ .,......... ~ '''.O;l·_'''1L:<_~.:'·. '. '. ':'~" ·,'-'.·.·..,;!'~·..._~~¡'L!.I:I:,.~ _ i ··'~:'f.. ~"Ú~y· -.;'~lt't'..>,;t"'<II",I"·:'''''~,·''M.,..;C-''· .. . ,·'...-,·..:"...·.1', r:,';··_".·'"'' ",..' .: ,';.',:;'~o.:.,..t;.'.. 091.621"2 EXHIBIT A (' -r-V/'1-:Pt ;~) g.. ~ 'll' ~,!~:;(..~ -----_._--_..--.~ -...-- .--. -~_.. ,'. -. "'~ ...,. ~-~,._.._- . ..---_..."...,....-~, - .~.. 'n .._.. ....~....~ . Commencing at ð point six hundred sIxty (660) feet West of the Northeðst Corner of Sectfon Twenty FIve (25) TownshIp thIrty two (32) North, Range one hundred nineteen (119) West of the sixth principal merIdian and running thence North thirteen hundred twenty ( 1320) feet I thence runnIng West sIx hundred sixty (660) feet; thence running South eighteen hundred niney eight ( 1898) feet ¡ thence running South eighty five (85') degrees East six hundred sixty two (662) feet; thence runnIng North six hundred thirty six (636) feet to the point of beginning, conta1nlng 29.2 ~res, more or less; AND ALSO. Commencing at ð point 636 feet South and 660 feet West of the NE Corner of Sectfon 25, TownshIp thirty two (32) North, Range 119 West and running thence South 426 feet to the South side County Road; thence North 74· West, 685 feet; thence North O. East, 302 feet¡ thence South 85' east 662 feet to place of beginning and containing 5.5 acres more or less; AND ALSO. Commencing at 8 pOint South 81' 45' West, 1343 feet, from the Northeast corner of Sectfon Twenty-five (25), TownshIp Thirty-two (32) North, Ranoa 1 J 9 West, 6th Principal Merldion, running thence North 90' 0' West, 669 feet; thence South O· O' East, 425.3 feet: thence South 73' 43' East 692 feet; thence North 0' 0' East, 618.8 feet to the point of beginnIng being a trapeZOidal tract of land contanlng 8.0 ðCres more or less; AND ALSO , Beginning at a pOint which Is 6 rros North from the Southwest Corner of the lot 2 In Block 29 In the Town of Afton, Lincoln County I Wyoming, and running thence East 10 rods, thence North 4 rods, thence West 10 roos, thence South 4 rods to the point of beginning. TC93ther with all rights of ingress ond egress thot the grantors own to and from the œscribed premises described as a tract 8 feet wide running along the south slœ of the above described pram lses for 10 rods east and west. . , ..- /.. , ,. ~