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HomeMy WebLinkAbout916381 no 5 u·o 96 UCC FJNANCJNG STATEMENT AMENDMENT fi7935678 Pr-epan~d By: Dilig-enz, Inc. 6500 Harbour Heights Pkwy, Suite 4DO Mukilteo, WA 9B275 RECEIVED 312/2006 ilt ·11 :30 AM RECEIVJNG# 916381 BOOK: 613 PAGE: 596 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ~ L Filed In: Wyoming lJnco~ ïtIE ABOV£ SPACE J5 rOR rILING OFf'JCE USE ONLY 1>1. INITIAL FINANCING STAlEMENTFtLE'iI 1b. This FINANCING STAlEMENT AMENDMENT is U116560 & 872104 BK460 PG864 3/13/2001 " 1Dbetiled Iforrecord) (orreccrded) in1he .. REALESTAìERECORDS. .2. . lERMINATION: EIIectivenessDf1he Financing Slatement identified JIbove is1erminatad with respect1D security mterest(s) Df1he Secwed Pmtvauthorizing1hisTermination Blatement 3. CONTINUATION: Effectiveness Df 1he Financing Statement identified Above with T""peeI to 5ecurily mterast(s) Df the Secured PartV.authorizing this L:ontilUlationBlatement is "'mürwed iDr 1he .additional ~riod provided bV:applicable Jaw. -4. ASSIGNMENT (fiJ1I Dr partial): Give name Df.assignee in i!em7J1 Dr7band.address Dfassi_ in ilem7C;Jlnd.alsogive name DlJIØignor in i!emB. :5. AMEIIIDMENT (PARTY INFORMATION): This Amendmentaffeds Debtor.Jl[ SecuredPartVDfreccrd ChackDnIV.RQIDfthuetwo.boxes. Also check.RQI Df1he foIJowing 1hree.boxes.s ¡m>IIide.appropriate information in items. 6 Jlndlor7. DHANGEnameandloraddœ&S:i'Ieaoeœfer1DtheœmiJedinslwdions DElETEname: Give record name inre rdstocl1an i thenameladdressofa to be deleled in ilemSa Dr6b. :6. CURRENT RECORD INFORMATION: Sa. ORGANIZATION'S NAME Willis, Roland C. OR fib. INDIVIDUAL'Sl.AST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUA=IX 7. CHANGED (NEW) OR ADDED INFORMATION: 7J1. ORGANIZATION'S NAME OR 7b. INDIVIDUAL.'Sl.AST NAME FIRST NAME MIDD!.E NAME SUR=IX 7c. MAJUNG ADDRESS CITY STAlE rOSTAL CODE COUfolTRY 7lJ. SEEINSTlWCTIONS .. ~ ADD1.INFD RE 7...ìYf'EOF ORGANIZATION 71. JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION 7g.ORGANlZATIONALJD'iI, ifJlnv ORGANIZATION DNONE DEBTOR I 11. AMENDMENT (COUAlERAL CHANGE): J:hackDnly~j¡ox. Describe=IIaæmIÐdeIeted DrÐJIdded, Dr lIive.mireÐ_=I_GlI.dest:ri¡Jtion, Dr .dest:ribe=I_GlI Ð.assigned. _21, v· ·F) 71/ ¡ '.' 7 1)¡ E. NAME OF .sECURED PARTY OF RECORD AUTtlORJZING ïtllS AMEIIIDMENT (name Df """ignor, "this iun Assignment). IIthis iun Amendmentauthorizedbv JlDebtor which :adds =~ral Dr:adds 1he authorizing Debtor, or "this is a" em1ination authorized bva Debtor, check here and enter name of DEBTOR >wthorizing this Amendment. Qa. ORGANIZATION'S NAME FilnTI Cr-edit.Leasing OR 9b. INDIVIDUAL'SLAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUfFIX 1D.OPTIONAL FILER REÆRENCEDATA 6076915 17935678 'FILING DFFJCE .cOPY- DCe FINANCING STAìEMENT AMENDMENT (FORM UCC3) (REV.05l22/02) r-t¡~¡tj~;l:;S;:ji:::¡~ ~:::::~n1~~Š~;::j j~~m¡~im!~i;~;~;;;;¡ 1m· /1~;;Im~Jf;~;rf~~¡ '~"."', .J...,.'.. '. -- "" 091.6~ltS:L :.: .10597 UCCFJNANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT ADDENDUM 12. NAME DF PARTY AUTtiORJZINGìtllS AMENDMENT (umU5 ü.m.ll on """'_"l1orm) 12a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME Farm Credit Leasing DR 12b. INDIVIOUAL'SJ..AST NAME FIRST NAME MJD01.E NAME.SUFA 1.3.lJSB 1Iii5 spaœ for ¡¡¡ ¡ itIonal information "'J1iEABOVE SPACE JS J'DRFJUNG OFFIŒ.usE ONl. Y N 112, NE 114 OF SECTJON26, ALSO S 112. BE 114 OF SECTION 23, OF TOWNSHIP .22 NORTH. RANGE 120 WEST OFTHE 6TH P_M., l.INCOlN CO., WY . FWNG OFFJCEGDPY- NAìJONAL UCC FINANCING STAìEMENT AMENDMENT ADDENDUM (FORM UCC3Ad) (REV. 07J2B19B) /