HomeMy WebLinkAbout916386 ~ -... ~, ",Ii "- Sf? e~ b'~J S ·~8 .8 (.) . Uj ':;j ~ ¡ii r: õ u.¡ ~ elð' tJõ2. . ¿¡ .... $ :;:j ~ ¡ ç¡ 8 .!~ ~~ #<~. .,,,, .... ;¡"'."~ ~> fI ¡:-t ~(~ t~ RECEIVED 3/212006 ilt 2:32 PM RECEIVING# 916386 BOOK: 613 PAGE: 610 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER' WY. r ·000610 P.ART1ALBELEASE OFRRAT,ESTATEMORTGAGE .KNOWN:BY ALL THESE PRESENTS, That Sam Scaffide, does.hcreby certify that mortgage bearing the 1iate of December 6, 2005 :made.and executed by KatrinaHoxie, DBITyl Hoxie 4IIld Oracle Constrnction, .Inc., .as mortgagors, to Sam Scaffide liS mortgagee £onveying .certain Teal -estate thercin mentioned liS .security for 1he payment of $419,500.00 liS 1hercin mted, which mortgage WliS IeCOIded .in the office of the County Clerk .and :Ex-Officio JĹ“gister of Deeds of Lincoln· County, State of Wyoming, on December 6, 2005 .in ]look 606PR on page 844 mortgaging 1he following described real estate .:in.said County, to wit: Lot44 of Alpine VillaEe .subdivision No.1, P1at2 Amended, Lincoln County, Wyoming .as described on the off1dal :plat thereof. 1t bein.g -expressly understood .and BgIeed !hat !his release Mall not zffect 1he .said mortgage of the .security thereof, .:in .any manner or fonn w.hatsoever, .as 10 the J'eTnHlndf'T of the Teal ~ IDortgaged 1herein.and 1hereby. -rt... WITNESS our .hands this c:; 7 - Llay of State of California ) ).ss County of Los I/N J ez.es ) The forego.ing ..inst:rument: w.as .acknow.ledEed before.me by Sam .s.caffide this ~ my of re-,51U1 Jhi..q , 2006. (j Witness my hand.and officia1.seal. otary Public My Commi!'<!'<ÎOT}Exp.ires: J1.11f r I 2Òð ì ~__AL~___~ . . JEFFERY J. CZECH _ . . Comm!$sion # 1414ú21 ..:z ~.... Notary Public - California! ,... . My~':'~=~~~~f J____________