HomeMy WebLinkAbout916417 '~.:,.j ~l 'j;., fit Jòi@.. t:.~ S ·f:ð .Eo .,~ ;.'f!!. J!f..." -Ñ (j i~Ø 11 Ji! Ì ~"f!i II.. .~ '§ill ¡¡. .' tJ.!; is ., .~~. . ,ç, ó1 fãii{,;' ~1¡ _i·' ¿. :.;~:"~~':'::;;¡::¿"~"-,,;IT1."." ~ ~"""'~t\.,,...,..I..!:'~ "II..fi'.,'..-·, "'.:"~""""""'-# .... .'_~"" ". '~....>. $~ ~''''''~c.'. ,··,··:.~·.·.-·..:'..I-Ç.·",:' ··,·,··.:·l""t!o~··'-";:,""":I'¡;··.U I=~,¡.- .,:.~..,. '! . , RECEIVED 3/3/2006 at 3:21 PM RECEIVING # 916417 BOOK: 613 PAGE: 666 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY !ì(l~~6 ,1 ASSIGNMENT OF REDEMPTION RIGHTS The Small Busines~dministration, an Agency of the United States Government, for value received hereby transfers and assigns unto T~.ert Brothers, LLC, Cokeville, Wyoming, all right, title and interest in and to its right of redemption, which right was acquired as a result of a foreclosure sale conducted by the Sheriff of Lincoln County, Wyoming on or about August 23, 2005. The sale was conducted pursuant to a Notice of Foreclosure Sale dated July 25, 2005. The mortgage dated May 10,2001 was granted by Mike Richins and Nellie Richins to First National Bank - West and was recorded in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk on May 10, 2001, in Book 464 PR, Page 161 and mortgaged the following described property: Tract T: That part of Tract 90 of T24N, Rl19W, within the incorporated limits of the Town of Cokeville, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk in Book 4 PR, page 115, more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached. Assignment is without recourse and without any representation or warranties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned:has executed this Assignment of Redemption Rights at Casper, Wyoming on this 21st;day of December, 2005. ADMINISTRATOR OF THE SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, An agency of the United States Government By: Robert Äuflick, Deput STATE OF WYOMING ) ) COUNTY OF NATRONA ) SUBSCRIBED and sworn to before me by Robert Auflick, Deputy District Director of the Wyoming District Office of the Small Business Administration on the ,j J,.,f of December, 2005. NOW~ d-1~ My Commission Expires: ~'â;ç~:c~ ,~.\¡<;.·¡N":¡!I~j~,!.· ',:'~~:t:;:'~;<;<:..'\ r.1~¡~ì:~:!~:~:;:f::: ~·~i..~~~t,:,~. :-_ _! :f:':;~¿·".I7~';: ::: ~, :'- I:.:;: ''::. :;'.. . O~1,641. 7 _ ~~~J:¡:l~~f@ \ f~ :t:!f:f~~f:'~'~ ,;. . . ',: ;~J·'''''~I'-4~~.:I·I:I'' ;.' ",\:""·_~~!~;z~·,.,,~;;· ;:;":,1,:'.:~ 'r·',,~~,,:,',: ',' .~ ':.;.;.'~'~"",":.,: ·;'-':"..;O;!.';':·:" C00667 EXHiBIT "A" TRACT T: That part of Tract 90 of T~4N, RIIOW, with~n the incor~ porated limit$ or tho Town or Colcevlllc, Lincoln County, l~yc) l\ing baihlJ p~rt at that tract of record ih t.he orace of thoJ Clurlc or Lincoln County in Boolc 4 of Photostatic Records on page 115, described ~s follows: Commencing at a corner on the West right-of-way line of Stato lIigh\lay 30N, Nß2·15.5·1~, 1655.11 (aGt from Ct)rner No.2 of said Tract 90 where found u. 2" l%alVllnizcd steel pipe 23" IonIC lllLH 'type) with br~ss cup inscribod "PAUL N. SCH8RU8L RLSl64 BrC PIN8Y WYOMING T24N Rl19W TI190 ? 1 TR74 Tr¡91 1 ~lû5" : G Tfl76 identicnl with tho northenst corner or tho.~ tract cit IQnd a! record in the slIid Office in Dook 12 of Photostatic necords on page JB9¡ thence Nll·35'W, 92.00 foet Alon" tho sAid right-or-uny lino to A corner¡ thence contiml!na Nll'35'II, 137,95 teet nlon¡: the said ri¡:ht-ot- way line to the Corner of ßc~innin~; thence continuinll Nl1'35'W, 205,5 fcot !\lon~ the said right-ot- WAY line to A C01'hor¡ thence S7S'25'W, 206.68 feAt to a corner¡ thence SlO'!<I'E, 197.19 fooe t to II. corner; thenco N80'41'E, 211,19 foct to the Corner of Boginning¡ ~ach corncr being murked by 11 Z"gAlvanized steel pipe 2S" lone (BLN typel with °brass CAp in$cribod "PAUL N. GC"EfiDBL nLSl64 DIG PINEY WYONING" ßnd appropriQte details; the ba.se bea.rin¡: for this survey is the line bl!tween corners Nos:. 1 and 2 of TrAct No. 90 with 11 record ot' Nort.h: a.ll in accordnnce with the map prepared And filed in the said Off ice. TRACT U: ThAt part of Tract 90 of 121M, Rl19W, withi~ the incor- !,orllted limit.. of the Town ot Coleeville, Lincoln County, Wyominc beinR part or that tract or "acord in the Otnce of the Cleric of Lincoln Couhty in Boole 4 of PhotostAtic RecDrds on page L15, dc~cribcd 1\3 follows: Commcncin~ at A corn~r an the west right-of-way li~e of Stntc UiChw£l.Y JON, NB2î5.5'W, 1655.11 f~at from Coroner No:, 2 of said Tract 90 whe~e found a 2" ~alvanized steel pipe 28P lon~ (BLH type) with bras's cap inscrtbed "PAUL N. SCHERBEL RLSIQ4 ßIG PINEY WYOMING T24N. Rl19W Trt90 2 1 'r fl 701 'fR91 :I fj 'l'fl76 1965": -.....'..,!.....,;.;..,... ".',','-": . -···;:.:.:.:n;.7I;(....·..· .' .~:". !,~¿:.~....,~/:", .-.-~..~". ......, 'ø.'7¡~_ 'io1f!'.' ........... ':.:'.<..\,I..I~·,:;·;·':¡,6-·:·,!'..·:,··,,'··:··'":";o..:r::....:.;' 1,,- 091.6417 "·Olì668 \... '" identic~l reco'rd in pnJ:1! 389: thence Nll'J~'I~, 92.00 fl!ct aloni: th~ snid ri¡:ht.-of-""y line: La 11 wi~h the northeast corner of th~~ trGct or IGnd of the snid Office in Uoole 12 or rho :ostGtit: necord¡; on carnel·; thencc continuing H11'35'W, 137.95 Ceot I\lon(: so.id dght-of-",ny line to n corner; thence continuing Nll'J5'1~, 205,5 feet alon~ so.id ::"i~"t-of'-'~"y line to the Corner of Beginning; thence continuingNl1'35'H, 318.05 feet nlone the snid ri~ht-of~ WI\Y line to Q corner; t.hence N7B·25'E:, 25.0 {"oot o.lon" :!;l\id right-oC-"u)' lino to 11 corner¡ thence cont.inuing N78·25'~, 3,0 rcut nlon~ s~ill ri~ht-or-way lino to II. corner; thence Nll'35'1~, 131.2 foet. o.lonl: the said right-oC-'~ay line \:0 II. Corner identical with the southeAst corner of that tractor lo.nd of record in s~id Office in nook 98 of Phot0static Records on 1111.1:'" 559; thenco S56·2·I'W, 197,27 feet uIonl ' the south Line oC suid tract. to 1\ corner: thenca S71·56'W, ~3.7G Ceet nlong the ~outh lire or snld tract to .a cornor; thence SlO·loj'ß, 371.01 feet to 0. Corner; thence N7ß¡25'~, 206.GB feet to the Corner of Decinninc; each corner being marlced by A 2" ~/\lvlln12Cd steel pip,:: 20" long (D1.H type) with brnss COop inscribed "PAUL N. SGII);:nD~L 111.51U1 DIG PINEY WYOHING" 'o.nd appropriate detAll~; the base bearin« for this survey is the line bctween corner Nos, 1 o.nd 2 of Tl'o.ct No. 90 with t\ record of North¡ 411 in o.Ccordnnce with the mnp Prcpnred o.nd filed in the so.id o rt i ce ~!fmm~i~!~]~~1~~ ;:~¡~]¡?~:~ ':'L,~~~:':_'_' .:'...:, "'::~'7·-. .. ;r_:-:; .:':::;~h:J·£r.C,:.:,:;:;:;;r;~':I'2;L;.!;t:;.m~"'i",;r"""ðlðN:,~,,-I,t<L·n:t<J~,". ·i:"·,'~~;1·~;~_~.;;a.'lU:i"· ,', - ;:~-;' .'.·.·,'.,¡~:i·;~i·ò~.·.~.!.rJ~~":.1.: :... - - 'j;' ,:- - t" - , ',' ·t'. '...."'-!~.:¡~~j:,¡.'c:':M"iòlI'.F,-·.¡¡::,r."~~._'l'l:"!:.. ' ' ,~.'" . - ::~" ' '~;¡~U"'fIjo~>¡~,,::.,/'-:'-j ,-, :-'.'~~'..~-!¡';..' ....:.:.;.,'..;.. ';. ~, , . , 091..6417 ·,·00669 ST ATE OF WYOMING ) ) ) COUNTY OF NA TRONA Robert Auflick being duly sworn upon his oath according to law deposes and states that: 1. I am the same person who executed the Assignment of Redemption Rights to which his affidavit is attached~ 2. I hereby attest to the fact that the amount unpaid and due on SBA Loan No. 438,142-45-05 as evidenced by that certain Note and Mortgage dated May 10,2001, Recorded May 10,2001 in Book 464, Page 177, Instrument No. 873201 in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, and assigned to the Small Business Administration on May 10,2001, is in the principal amount of $102,861.29 plus interest in the amount of $14,272.23 for a total of principle and interest in thy amount of $117,133.52 as of December 21,2005. Interest accrues thereafter at the rate of 6.524% per annum or $18.39 per day. FUTHER YOUR AFFIANT SA YETH NAUGHT. Robert Auflick, Affian Deputy District Director Wyoming District Office ST ATE OF WYOMING ) ) COUNTYOFNATRONA ) SUBSCRIBED and sworn to before me by Robert Auflick, Deputy District Director, Wyoming District Office of the Small Business Administration, on the 21st day of December, 2005. Not~ d 'J1;J.~ My Commission Expires: SHARON s. NICHOLS Notary PubHc County of State of Na!rona Wyoming' ~ CommissIon Gxpire$ Au . 3, 2007