HomeMy WebLinkAbout916423 ~4 1, J t) /, ()v" ::··:J§1i~: n' vOD673 R€cording r€guest€d by: Countrywide Bome Loans. Inc. Record &Retum 10: Countrywide Home Loans,.Inc. YOBox 10423 MS: SV-79 VlIIlNuys, CA 91499-6211 ID# RECEIVED 3/612006 at 10:52 AM RECEIVING # 916423 BOOK: 613 PAGE: 673 JEANNE WAGNER 1.INCOLN COUNTY ClERK, KEMMERER. WY CORPORATION ASSIGNMENT OF MOR'TGAGE Doc. ~ Ol0ll525002005N Commitment=# 8000345 :For value r€ceiv€d, Coun . d€ Borne Loans, Inc. Vall€y, CA 93063, its·BuccessorS.an asSlgns, liSslgnsana trans ers to .Mortgage Jilectranic :Regist"Tat";c)TI Systems, Inc_, l595 Spring .Hill Road, Buit€ 3l0, Vi£illIla, VA 22182 its successors and assigns, as IlOmin€e £or -, its SUcc€ssors :and assigns, all its rights, titl€ :and int€rest in .and to a c€rtain Mortgag€ dat€d 7/05/05, -ex€cuted by: DALLAS WOLF .& J.QYCE WOLF, Mç>r1Tgagoras per MORTGAGE r€cord€d as :Instrument ~o. 4f)'I11A on Î!JI/ZIJOSin Book 5q/) :Fag€ "'c¡< o£ o££icial r€cords in th€ County R€cord€r's O££ice o£ LINCOLN County, W'rOMING. Tax :Farc€l = l22l1426303021, LINCOLN COUNTY 'TREASURER Original Mortgag€ $20,000.00 570 Bm;T ,Tn~Y , OPAL,WY 83124 Tog€ther with th€ ~ot€ Dr Not€s ther€in described Dr Ie£€rr€d to, the mon€y due .and to become du€ ther€on with int€r€st, and all rights accrued Dr to accrue under said Mortgage. Dat€d: 10/07/2005 Countrywide Borne Lians, Inc. \J\\ ay, CD t. Countrywide Bank N A. Countrywide Home Lo ProceSSlTIg 0 lC€r, as attorney in £act Íor , Inc. Btat€ o£ Cali£ornia County oÍ Ventura On lO/07/2005 be£or€ lIIe, Xeri Ann€ Giardino, personally appear€d DeborahRay, Collat-eral :Froc€ssing O££iC€I, perBonally known to IDe (or proved to IDe on the basis o£ satis£actory evidence) to be the person (s) whos€ .name (s) is/ar€ subscribed to the within instrument :and acknowl€dg€d to ITIe that .h€/ sh.€/th€y Ðœcut€d th€ same in lris/her/th€ir duly authori:æd capacity (ies), and that by .his/her/th€ir signatl1r€{s) on th€ instrument th€ person{s), Dr th€ entity upon behal£ o£ which th€ J>eIsons act€d, -executed the instrument. Witn€Ss my .hand :and o££icial seal. " Bignatl1r€: ~~~t7/}dJ4{~) X€rl Anne Gl 0 Á.ÂÀ..4 ) ~.... ..... ... ~ A ..4 ...t. .01 ...t. .... ¿ ,-... KERI ANNE GJARDINO~ w ' COMM#1 :e. ,NOTARY PUtlJ 326935 !': V uuC-CALlFORNIA m My CommisSion &:~'!JURA COUNTY ! .......,.,lfes OCr. 26, 2005 Prepar€d by: Deborah Ray 1800 Tapo Canyon Rd. Bimi Vall€y, CA 93063 Phone:#: (B05) 577-43B3 MIN: 100015700054934431 MERE Phon€: l-BBB-679-6377