HomeMy WebLinkAbout875920 · ' ':" 1061308 Thi~/~i~'ii'i':.... as prepared by: 'Major E,.~ortgage Address: 2020 Carey Avenue-MezZanine, Cheyenne, WY 82001 Telephone No: 307-634-7100 ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE .... For Value Received, the undemigned holder of a Mortgage (herein "Assignor) whose address is 2020 Carey Ave-Mezz, Cl!.~eyenne, WY 82001 , does hereby grant, sell, assign, transCe: and convey, unto Principal Residential Ftcrtga9e , Inc., an Iowa Corporation (herein "Assignee"), whose address is 711 High Street ... Des Moines, IA 50392 . a certain Mortgage, dated June~ 21, 2 0 01 , made and executed by Thomas S Wels..acl and Lee Ann We'lstad, Husbancl and W±fe ,; to and in favor of Mai or Mortcjage , a corporation organized and existing under the laws of i' ' Wyoming , upon the following described property situated in Lincoln : County, State of Wyoming ' See Exhibit A attached hereto and mad¢:a part hereof. tjt',lCOL, t'l 60t.l~'.l'['f CLERk such Moagage havina been given to' secure payment of the original principal amount of Two HunS~ed SixZeen Tkousand ($ 2 [ 6,000.00 ) with an origimd maturity date date ot ~uZy Z, 203 ~ , which Mortgage is of record (or as No, ~ '7¢~5 ~ ,.: ) of the official Records of Lincoln County, State of ~yomi,'ng , together with the note(s) and ob~[igations therein described and the money due and to become due thereon with interest, and all rights a::crued or to accrue under such mo~gage. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the seine unto Assignee, its successors and assigns, forever, subject only to the terms and conditions of the abo~.e-described Moagage. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the u~!dersigned Assignor has executed this Assignment of Mortgage on Oune Attest: Laramie County ss: STATE OF WYOMING , The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me JULIE ZEE,ER, ViCE-pREsiDENT of MAJOR MORTGAGE, this 21~s~ day ~u~e /.? ' , 2001 ~~: Signature CLA..~ ~'~ WVO..m NQTARY PUBLIC MULTISTATE ASSIGNMENT O~ MORTGAGE 4/95 Exhibit "A" Book 4JOPR, on Page 't.:~.~ beinq Lot,14, o~ .the Bi/doer Fores! Rmches · Subdivision, .withb the E'~ 2W~of ~ection 2~ T~N N~'of the 6th. PM, Lbcdn Oouh'6~ Wyoming,~ being .more'p~ticulor~ describe8 as fo~ows: GINNINO at a Point in the ~est'line Of said Lot .14, being the B. LM type n~ent_m~kbg the P~J,~N .S~erbe~ 19~2 bC~ion for the .CW1/16. corner'of sold S~ction 2~' fh~n~m Nr10'46 ~ along ~id '~est line,'60.91 feet fo on kon P~ e s~t: ~hefoe .~57~5 ~'59,09 feet ~o ~ k~n.~Pip~ ~et: thence NI2'59'28"W 4~ . o~ Lron ~.~. ~et; ~ce NJJ'06'~6 F 124.1~ f~et to ~ .kan Pioe .set; .thence t -"' · ~8~'~:1~]~.6.82 feet ~o '~ Irg~ Pipe ~et~ ~bnce S25'~'58"~ ~98 feet to an ~roo ~i~ ~; .thenc~ S17~5'46 ~.5Z ~. fee f.'to an kan Piae set' ~ence ' -' bourn I~ne of. said Lot 14; thence S~8~4 ~6 ~ d~g said South #ne, fo the kon.P~e found Ni~rki~ the' South~vest co,er of said LOT 0 ..... , -- · . · ' thence ~ ~2 42'~ along sold ~.est line of Lot ~, 21249 feet, fo the Point of Beginning ~D Aporfion of ~he proper~' ~'afe~ed to in ~t~men~ :No. 858585, recorded in Bo~k 450PR, on Page l~; bein:l'Lot ~, of the Bri~ er F~est ' , ,'~thb the E~ ~ ' .~ .. · Ranches SubdA along so/d West g~ 264 ';0 fes~ , o,,-. ~ .... ~ ...... f, .. ~6 ~ continuing marking the Northeast ccn,~r of s,niH I~ ~. ~ .... en.,o ....... ~e set . Lot N, ~0~59 fee.: ~o on kan Pi e set morkb ~ . .n_ .: Lot 14; thence S68'24' fi":,v ~,~, ~ _ ~ the Southeast corner of sam . __ J8 ........ ~ ,he ~uth ine of sa~ " kan Pipe set; fnsnce N21U:5.'~x"w ~ , ........ ~gt 14, 50.~9 feet to on Iron Pioe ,,sb Olc~o~ ~?~-o7,o=.,, ...... ?. , ,., 12~78 feet ~0 on?on P/pd ~ret; thence N49'52'og"w ~63 feet fo on kan thence N~7~'46 W 5Z/5 feet fo on kan P~e set; thence N2~'59'58"W 1Z98 ~e~ kan P~e set; thence NB~:.'IW"W ~.62 feet to on kan' Pipe seb thenc ' '. " ~4.16 feet fo on kan Pioe set; ~henCe S~o'~o'oo"= -, =='- . , , e S~ 06~8 ~.' thence N88~7'25"W 5~9 .... ~u ~ ~.~ reef rom ran ~pe set, · feet,'to Pobt of ~e~innlng'. · ' ' '