HomeMy WebLinkAbout916444 O {\t':I5 0 \. U t Sch£dule A QUIT CLAIM DEED Richard T. Auser ßlld DianeD. Auser, husband ßlld wife, grantors ofEtna, County of Iincoln, State of Wyoming, for ßlld in consider.ation ofTEN DOlLARS ($10.00) ßlld other valuable consider.ation, ill hand paid, receipt of w.hich is hereby .acknowledged,l1ereby remise, release ßlld forever quit claim unto the.said RICHARD THOMAS AUSER ßlld DIANE DAWN AUSER, Trustees, or their successors in 1rust, nnder the RICHARD THOMAS AUSER ßlld DlANEDAWN AUSERJOINT liVING TRUST, £lated Marc.h 3,2006, grantees, the following described real estate situated in County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, .hereby releasing ßlld w.ai villg .all rights nnder ßlld by virtue of the .homestead exe.JI1ption .ÙlWS of the State, to-wit: Lot 6 of the Corral Canyon MeAdows Subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyoming, .according to the plat filed June 13, 1995 in the office of Iincoln County Oerk as Plat No. 362. Subject to reserv.ationsßlld restrictions contained ill the United States P.atent ßlld to easements ßlld rights-of-wllY of record or ill use. J~ Together with .all improvements ßlld llppurtenances thereon. ~ûd WITNESS our .hands this "\) day of Marc.h, 2006. ~;¿~~ ~ ~RDTHOMASAUSER µûI;H~Æ~¿~~//Ai~ a~4~~-- DIANE DAWN AUSER STATE OF WYOMING ) )SS. COUNTY OFIlNCOLN ) Tl1e foregoing instrument was .acknowledged befofP me by Riclu1rd T.homas Auser ßlld Diane Dllwn Auser, .husbAnd ßlld wife, this~ day of MMc.h, 2006. Wjtness my hand llIld official seal. dLo~l, ;& VúAt. NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: 0-;5..69 RECEIVED 31612006 at 12:07 PM RECEIVJNG# 916444 BOOK: ß13 PAGE: 750 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY HEIDI BROWN - NOTARY PUBUC County of . State of lincoln Wyoming My CommissIon Expires August 5, 2009 -----... -- .--- ---~-~- Quit Claim Dœd Richard TllOmas Auser & DianeD.awn Auser P.age 1 of 1 1J1IIIJ .:.;.:::.....' '. "~·::,¡ìllilt.t!!...1t1