HomeMy WebLinkAbout916453 I II ~ xi ill ..a::: ill ~ ,.. ~ '"'<t _ UI..a::: ~ :0 .-. ,.. ill ill ..;t~.újz~ -CDC9C9~ C\ _«~..a::: COQ)ll..:>ill o .-J ~_ .wo _-- z £eC9 Z.Ç t"')z «Z .c>~~:::> .will 0 >()~ 0 -ill 0 Z .w..a::: 0 ....J o 1D 0 .w u ..a::: z ::J CD -CO CDC:: "E~(t 0::300 OOOct\ CD.s >. '- ..... OCD!:: !:::t:::: ::3 .-1- 0 jgcü .- c oo(t _ ._-+OJ 0 ëSt.)>. CD 0 .~ 'E E~-IO Õ>'õ>. o~>.OO "C ° (,) CD OCt:: ~a:Q)::¡ t=È~8 )i¡~m¡~~~f ................,...,...,.~.,-...',.,.,-.,. - '-¡ -.~.,.,...~.. '-·T' ."'-"._, ...,.....,..-...--..,.,"'" ~œ3 C00767 CERTIFICATE OF REDEMPTION Tlris Certificate of Redemption is made .and.delivered 1his 3rd day of March, 2006, by1he Sheriff of Lincoln County, Wyoming 10 ÆROLD G. SCHMIDT (the '"Redemptioner"'), who obtained1heright of redemption 101he Subject Property from the former owner, MARK S. RYCZ by Quit-Claim Deed dated December 5, 2005. WHEREAS, onDecember 6,2005, a Certificate of Purchase was issued by1he Sheriff of Lincoln County, Wyoming 10 Leisure Valley, Inc., 1he purchaser at public auction of Ieal property .described as: Lot 63, Plat 6, Star Valley Ranch as platted.and Iecorded in the Official Records of Lincoln County, Wyomin,g. (!he ~'Subject Property") Which Subject Property was .sold by Leisure Valley, Jnc. pursuant toW.s. §34-4-1 Olet seq.,.and notice ofF oreclosure Sale 1iu1y advcrtised and given lUld said Leisure Valley was the successful purchaser (!he "'Purchaser") at the foreclosure Bale; lUld WHEREAS, said Certificate of Purchase was Iecorded onDecember 6,2005 in Book 606, j)age793 as Receivin.g:# 914217 in 1he office of the Lincoln County ClerkmKemmerer, Wyomin,g (the "Certificate of Purchase"); .and WHEREAS, 1he foreclosure was Iedeemed hy the Redemptioner upon 1he payment 10 1he Sheriff of Lincoln County, WyoIDÎn§q0n behalf of the Purchaser the amount of IH I Q.TL.\-S8.JE~ ~\.\t.U.~O ;;1~l~I~TiLh A.1Jb VrcoDOLLARS ($ ~Ii ~b2. 59 ), which amount includes the amount paid b the Purchaser at the foreclosure sale .and interest payable to the Purchaser £rom said date at TEN PERCENT (10%) per .annum through 1he date .hereof. .In .accordance with 1he provisiODB ofW.S.S. 1-18-103 (a) the .sale.and Certificate of Purchase Me .hereby .declared void. IN 'WITNESS WHRRROF, J.have .duly executed 1his Certificate of Redemption as of the day.and year first above written. ~~~ STATE OF WYOMING } }ss. COUNTY OF l.JNCOLN } The foregoing IDstnrment was subscribed lUl sworn 10 before me 1his ~ day of March, 2006, by tV 1" r~flYJ ~ÌK.fKO . !he ~heriff~uty Sberiff;nfLincoln County WYOming., ~ (V. J^ ~~, ~~r My CommissionExpires: ~ /:ì /ðlifi ' SHAUNA RIDGEWAY· NOTARY PUBLIC I I COUNTY OF -. STATE OF LINCOLN _ WYOMIN,G MY COMMISSION EXPIRES SEPT. 2, 2009