HomeMy WebLinkAbout916460 TJm~~~;~~~~~T - '.'..,.....~.;!....,. . ....'......,......" '..-:"'. ,. -":)...";!:,;';;,".. ~ .;,,:,',', .. ~..,...... ;.;..'..:\¡j.... '. ;. ,':, ''!.;;:-¡I~ .;_. ","" ,. "::'( It,:: ~'..:¡; .: ~"': i;. ;ó:: .. .. ,. ',' ,$" :..~: ., . . . '~I~. ....',. \,,\; ',,' , : I, " . ,".:.", "'~...~ ..'~~ ;~r. - ,. :. . (00779 SHERIFF'S DEED STATEMENT OF JUDGMENT The following described real property was sold by the herein named Sheriff to SALT RIVER HOMES, LLC, pursuant to a mortgage held by the MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC" recorded November 1,2005 and filed in Book 565PR, page 32, in the Lincoln County Records, for the sum of $144,501.00 dollars, such sum being just and reasonable and the highest bid offered for such property at sale; and that such property is located near Etna, in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, being more fully described as follows: 1 Lot 184 in Nordic Ranches Division No, 13, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof with an address of 39 Gallup Circle, Etna, WY 83118. Together with all improvements thereon situate and all fixtures and appurtenances thereto. There being a certificate of purchase was issued to SALT RIVER HOMES, LLC, being recorded in Book 603 on Page 318 in the official records of the Lincoln County Clerk and no assignment of the certificate being made. NOW THEREFORE, know all men by this deed, that I, Lee Gardner, of the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, in consideration of the premises, having granted and sold and do hereby convey to SALT RIVER HOMES, LLC, their heirs and assigns, the following described tract of land: Lot 184 in Nordic Ranches Division No. 13, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof with an address of 39 Gallup Circle, Etna, WY 83118. Together with all improvements thereon situate and all fixtures and appurtenances thereto, RECEIVED 3/7/2006 at 10:29 AM RECEIVING # 916460 BOOK: 613 PAGE: 779 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Sheriff's Deed, Page J of 2 -...- '--...-..--.--- --_. -.-. --. .---'..----...---.-----.--. .. / ~~':" :.'.'.~~ . . ~~.,:...- ....~:..C'":~....~.,., . ..,.... .~ .~:.'.~(!..~., . ·~·:.'z.:.~.:-.:o:":.~· . .' '7'1,,;,,;,".1:.,,'':'\''<'-' t .',....,..........'... ~'". ".' .,~.....'.;!,','ò.~.f~..:'.,,;:;'~~..., ;....:_~.,;;.j.¡,~ 091.6LffiO aa0780 Ta have and ta hald the described premises with aU appurtenances ta the said SALT RIVER HOMES, LLC, their heirs and assigns farever: t MMc~ WITNESS my hand and seal thísÆ:dayof~b,I.l.I'f. ZOOfi. , Gardner Uncalrr Caunty Sheriff STATEOFWYOMfNG ) )ss_ COUNTYOFUNCOLN ) THE FOREGOfNG INSTRUMENTwas acknowledged before me by LEE GARDNER, wha appeared: befare me and was persanalfy knawrr ta me. and was by wham duly sworn and upan aath represented that he was the SHERIFF of UNCOLN COUNTY. thatthe instrument was signed orr behalf of the UNCOLN COUNTY SHERIFFS OffiCE bytheautharity of the Sfate ofWyarmng, acknawledgedthe instrument ta be the free- act and deed: of tt!~ ~1-tERIFF and the UNCOLN COUNTY SHERIFFS OffiCE, th¡s~ day of ~ZOOfi. WITNESS my hand and affidal seal. . ~~~c~ßÆdff/ My Commissiorr EXpires: ~ ' ¿;¡O,cJL:o:1 ,- . ..1IIIƓILWRIE._PIBIC .~ . Qlllltraf Sflraaf Uør:øIIr .,... 1-~ð-ðJ1 Slíerif.fi Deed, Pa~ Z ofZ ~:'Yn:'.·,!~'~ .._~"..... ~.._4._~ ~~~~~~r:~Wi;f!