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Seller, D.C. Krautter aka Don C. Krau~ter and Jean M. Krautter,
Trustees of the Krautter Family Trust dated August 26, 1996, of P.O.
Box 3465, Alpine, Wyoming 83128, ("Seller" herein), agrees to sell,
and J. Alvin Badeaux and Judith M. Badeaux,husband and wife, of
Thibodaux, Louisiana ("Buyer" herein) whose mailing address is: Post
Office Box 1056, Thibodaux, Louisiana 70301, agree to buy, for an
undivided one half interest each as tenants in common, the following
described real estate located in the W¥.! NW~, of Section 15, Township
36 North, Range 119 West, Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, and
described as follows:
Lot Nineteen (19) of the Longview Ranch Subdivision according to
the official plat thereof, Plat 36l-A, on file in the office of
the Lincoln County Clerk, Kemmerer, Wyoming.
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SUBJECT, however, to all covenants, conditions, restrictions,
reservations, easements and rights-of-way of sight or record,
including without limitation that certain Amended Longview
Ranch Declaration of Covenants-Conditions-Restrictions dated
March 9, 2005, and recorded in the office of the Lincoln
County Clerk on March 11, 2005, in Book 580 PR, page 550,
Instrument No. 906998, the provisions of which are iricorporated
herein by this reference.
(1) Price and Terms of Payment. The total selling price is
$71,500 (no earnest money is required by the seller). When the buyer
has received a title commitment to LongviewRanch Lot 19, the buyer
will execute (notarize) this Real Estate Sales Agreement, the Real
Estate Contract and mail them to the seller with a check in the amount
of the selling price. When Lot 19 has been paid in full, the seller
will promptly execute the returned Real Estate Sales Agreement, the
returned Real Estate Contract, prepare the buyers Warranty Deed and
send the three sales instruments to the Lincoln County Clerk to be
(2) Buyers' Inspection.
Buyer agrees that he, or his agent,
has had the opportunity to make a full and complete inspection of the
property, that he enters into this agreement to buy Lot 19 based solely
on his inspection, and ~hat he is buying the subject property and any
improvements in their present condition "AS IS" and not based on any
representation made to him by the Seller or the buyer's agent.
(3) Encumbrances.
Seller Warrants and Guarantees that the
subject property is free and clear of liens or encumbrances except
those stated below in Paragraph 4.
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RECEIVED 3/7/2006 at 11 :05 AM
RECEIVING # 916467
BOOK: 613 PAGE: 786
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4. The real property is sold subject to: Zoning or other land
use regulations and ordnances¡ All utility easements of record or
those appearing on the land which affect the subject property;
Covenants, restrictions, patents, mineral, or other reservations and
easements or rights of sight or record including without limitation
the covenants, conditions and restrictions referred to in the description
of the property above¡ Real estate taxes and assessments for the year
2006 and all succeeding years¡ The usual printed exceptions of a
standard title insurance policy issued by any duly licensed title
insurance company doing business in Lincoln County, Wyoming.
5. Warranty Deed. The deed conveying the subject property to
Buyer shall be a warranty deed in standard form utilized in Lincoln
County, Wyoming.
6. Title. Seller will give and Buyer will accept a marketable
title subject only to those liens, encumbrances, or defects as are
set out in paragraph 4 herein and which
assumed by Buyer. It is agreed that if
property is not marketable as set forth
within JO days after notice containing a written statement of defect
is delivered to Seller by Buyer, all moneys paid to the Seller will
be promptly refunded to Buyer.
are to be discharged or
the title of the subject
above, or cannot be made so
7. Fixtures. All fixtures, personal property, and fences, if
any, attached to or used in connection with said subject property are
represented to be owned by Seller and are included in this sale, but
are taken by Buyer liAS IS".
B. Delivery of Deed. The deed of the Buyer shall be executed
by the Seller and delivered to the Buyer when subject property is
paid in full.
9. Acceptance of Deed. Acceptance of a deed by Buyer will be
full performance by Seller of all terms, conditions, and agreements
except any obligations of Seller to be performed subsequently which
shall survive the closing and be continuing covenants running with
the land, except as otherwise limited herein.
10. Possession. Buyer shall be entitled to possession of the
subject property upon closing at Longview Ranch, Alpine, Wyoming.
11. Conditions of Sale. Buyer's obligation to purchase the
property pursuant to this agreement is subject to Seller complying
with the following conditions: none except those otherwise stated
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12. Payment of the Expenses of this Transaction: Buyer, at
its expense, will pay all Lincoln County property taxes for the year
2006 and all subsequent years. Seller will pay all closing expenses
and recording fees for this sale, but each party shall pay his own
legal expenses, if any.
I). Closing. The date of closing shall be on or before May )0,
2006. The closing agency shall be Longview Ranch, Inc., of Alpine,
Wyoming. Fifteen (15) days before the closing date, Seller and Buyer
shall have deposited with the closing agency all funds and instruments
necessary for the Seller to complete this transaction.
14. Default: The Buyer has the option to null and void the sale
of Longview Ranch Lot 19 for any reason and at any time before the
closing date mentioned herein. In the event of litigation between the
parties concerning this agreement or subject matter, the prevailing
party in that litigation shall be entitled to recover their attorney's
15. Risk of Loss. Prior to the closing of this sale, all risk
of loss shall remain with Seller. Should the subject própertybe
materially damaged prior to closing, Buyer shall have the option and
sole discretion of declaring this agreeme~t null and void and to
receive the earnest money back in full.
16. Entire Agreement and Binding Effect. All agreements between
the parties are merged in this agreement and is to apply to and bind
the heirs, personal representatives, executors, administrators,
successors, and assigns of the respective parties.
17. Utilities and Roads. The parties stipulate and agree that
the subject property has access to and is subject to the utility and
road easements described on Longview Ranch Plat )61-A. The property
shall have access to the main subdivision roads for ingress and egress,
and to easements for utilities and culinary water as follows: Seller
shall provide a graveled main road built to Lincoln County specifications
for ingress and egress to and from the subject property; Seller shall
provide underground power and telephone lines in the main road adjacent
to the subject property; Seller shall provide underground culinary
water pipeline in the main road adjacent to the subject property;
The main road and culinary water system shall be maintained by
Longview Ranch, a Wyoming corporation, of which Buyer as owner of the
property shall be a member. Buyer takes title to the property subject
to the obligations to pay maintenance asqessments to Longview Ranch
according to the Amended Declaration of Covenants-Conditions-
Restrictions referred to in the description of the property above.
18. Time is of the essence of this agreement.
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WITNESS our hands this
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On this 0 - day of. ar" ,
D.C. Krautter aka Don C. autter
200tf, before me personally appeared
and Jean M. Krautter, to me
personally known, who, being by me duly sworn and put upon their oath,
did say that they are the trustees of the Krautter Family Trust dated
August 26, 1996, described in and which executed the foregoing Real
Estate Sales Agreement¡ that said instrument was signed and sealed
on behalf of said trust¡ that said trustees had the authority under
the terms of the written trust instrument to execute the instrument
to be the free act and deed of said trust.
WITNESS my hand and official
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./ NOTARY PUBLIC --......
MY CO~'.1,··I'·<.S¡ON EXPIRES JUNE 14, 2008
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-- -- --- -- - - - -- - - ----- -----..-
Before me, the undersigned Notary Public, duly commissioned and
qualified within and for the State and Parish aforesaid, personally
came and appeared, J. ALVIN BADEAUX and JUDITH M. BADEAUX, of lawful
age, who acknowledged to me, Notary, 'in the presence of the undersigned
competent witnesses, that they executed the above foregoing instrument
in the presence of the foregoing witnesses as their own free voluntary
act and deed, for the uses, purposes and considerations therein
In Witness Whereof, said appearers have executed these presents
together with me, Notary, and the undersigned competent witnesses,
at my office in the Parish of
11/~ day of 1ehrttl{1 . 2oob.
Lafourche, State of Louisiana, on this
WITN~Sg&4 ~ rJk
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Richard J. Bouteri~, Jr.
La BRoIl #3333