HomeMy WebLinkAbout875921 :_~;! WEST, C At-
Thi:$~-b~q,-;'vcas prepared by: Major Mc..'lgage 1061296
'Address: 2020 Carey Avenue-Me;:za'~ine, Cheyenne, WY 82001
Telephone No: 307-634-7100'
For Va~ue Reodved, ~he und(~s~ned ho~de~ of a ~o~a~e (herdn "Ass~no¢') whose add~ess
2020 Carey Ave-Mezz, Cheyenne, WY 82001 ,
does hereby 9~an~, se~, assign, ~an~fe:r and ¢onvey, unto
Principal Residential ~lZcrtgage Inc., an Iowa Corporation
· (he~e~n "Ass~9nee"), whose add~ess
711 High Street ,~ Des Moines, IA 50392
a oe~a~n ~o~ga9e, da~ed Ju~e ~ 1, 2001 ,' made and
executed by Glen D West ~n~:~ Andra J West, Husband and Wife
~o and ~n favo~ of Mai or Morro]age , a co~po~a~on or9adzed and ex~sfing unde~ ~he }aws o~
Wyoming ' , upon the following described prope~y situated in
r Lincoln County, State of Wyoming '
'-'Se¢ Exhibit A attached her¢[o ~d made a par[ hereof.
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such Mortgage havin~been given to'secure payment of the original principal amount of
Ninety ~ive Thousand Dollars
($ 95,000.00 ) with an-origi~,d maturity date date °f July 1, 2031 ,which
Mortgage is of record in Book, Volu¢',le, or Libor No. ~' ~ , at page /¢¢
(or as No, ) of the official Records of Lincoln
County, State of WyOming
, together with the note(s) and ob:jgations therein described and the money due and to become due
thereon with interest, and all rights ~.ccrued or to accrue under such mo~gage..
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the s~:ime unto Assignee, its successors and assigns, forever, subject only to
the terms and conditions of the above-described Mortgage.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the u~dersigned Assignor has executed this Assignment of Mortgage on
June 1, 2001
~ Major Mortgage
,," o :'", t
... ~ ~¢~ % By:
% ·
Laramie County ss:
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me ,IUL.IE 7:Eli_ER- ~!IOE-lP~E~I~E[N'['
of MAJOR MORTGAGE, this 1st day~un~ ~ , 2001
~ ........... ~' .... :e NOTARY PUBLIC
~ Title of Officer
Oela D. West and -4adra J. Wea~
[,an ot' -%etlon 31, T37N k!:i~ gW Cf thc ~k6. P.M., Lincoln Com~y, W.~,oming,
descflb~' as' followa:
Beginnh~g at a point N 81,'~;' W, I 1~6.42 re~ from ta~ Southeast co,or of said $~tion 31 and
miming t~nc~ N 9~i 1' ~4?, 172.88
thence S 59'0' W, 243.7~ ~t;
thence S 31' E, Il0
lhe~e N 74"43' E.. 186.42 feet to ~ place of bagi~g.
TOGETIIER WI~ access easement to shard well as conta~d in Addendum to Shared Well
Agreement ~cord~ April 24, 1~ ia ~k 3~7PR on page 2Y0of ~ecords of Li~01n County