HomeMy WebLinkAbout875922 ~ :.:. JENSEN -'3014823 !!i?~: ¥~:i. i .i 10 613 0 C Thi~'~:;-J;';;-, ;,'as prepared by: Major Mortgage Address: P0P00arey Avenue-MeZza?iine, Cheyenne, WY 82001 Telephone No: 307-654-7100 For Value Received, the unders!gned holder of a Mortgage (herein "Assignor") whose address is 2020 Carey Ave-Mezz, C:heyenne, WY 82001 . does hereby grant, sell, assign, transfer and convey, unto Principal Residential .M6rtga9e Inc., an Iowa Corporation (herein "Assignee"), whose address is 711 High Street DesMoines, IA 50392-0720 , a certain Mortgage, dated June 8, 2001 ,'made and executed by Rod R Jensen and Ileene C Jensen, Husband and Wife to and in favor of Maj or Mor!t~age , a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Wyoming ~ i , upon the following described property situated in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming ' See Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. RF_CE'I'/ ',' such Mortgage havinobeen given to:secure payment of the original principal amount of Fifty Seven Thousand 5lollars ($ 57,000.00 ) with an or gin¢.l maturity date date of July 1, 2016 ,which Mortgage is of record (or as No, ~ ~ ~q %']- : ) of the official Records of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming , together with the note(s) and obligations therein described and the money due and to become due thereon with interest, and all rights accrued or to accrue under such mortgage. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto Assignee, its successors and assigns, forever, subject only to the terms and conditions of the aboVe-described Mo~gage. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Assignor has executed this Assignment of Mortgage on June 8, 2001 .... % ~;~ ~ Mai or Mortgage .. . ~ : ._. . .= ULIE ~I CE PRESIDENT .' Attest: Seab Laramie County ss: STATE OF WYOMING , The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me &ILIE ZEILER, VICE-PRE~IBENT , 2001 of MAJOR MORTGAGE, this 8th. day ofun~~_.~/ /'~ enl. Signature~ NOTARY PUBLIC Title of Officer M! ll_TI~TATE A~IGNMENT ~F ~,..lt'3RTGAGE 4/g5 'g~IBIT A That part cf Lot 3, Block 2 of the Original To~n~.sitm of Afton, within Section 30, T~'N, RllSW, Lincoln County, Wyomin~ being peru of that tract of record in' the Office Of the Clerk of Lincoln Cowry, in Book 14~ P.R., Page 29 and all o~ ~ha=' tract of record in the said O[fice in Book' 153 P.R., Pa~e 759, described as follows: BEGI~.ING at uhe South.w~st co,er of said tract of record in Book 183 P.R.,. com~n to the Northwest Corner of said tract of record in Book 160 P.R. Page 209 of the West line of said Block 2, N01 45'56,,E, 82.50 f~'~e~ from the Southwest Corner of said Block 2; thence N01 45'56"E, the base bearing for this su~ey, 100.00 feet along ~he said We~t 183 P.R. to the Northwest Corner of said tract and - uo~.o~a, to the Southwest Co,er of ~ha= of record in Book lS2 'P~R., Page ~37; =hence S88 14'04',W, feet along a common line, in part to said tract of record Book 183 P.R., and Bock 152 9.R. to a point on an existing North-South fende; the:~ce S02 l~.7'W, 100.00 feet alon~ said existin~ fence to a pci~i~; =hence N88 14'04"W, 8~.61 feet alon~ a co,on l~n~, in part .'r.o said tract of record in Book 183 P.R.,and B-ook 160 9.R.t.O the cornea'of begi~in~; each point .. and .corner marked by a ~ael T-shaped s~ake 24" l'oh~" with'metal ..,.. cap. inscribed "PA~ ~.~..~.~EL'-.~S 164 ~Y POINT"; all in ..accord~Ce' ~ith the. .. pl~a~', pr~Dared· a~d-=o be~ filed in said .... i~.~_..~'[ .... ~"~.{~:~:~d~~'''P.i~&t~' of~'~'~B~'~6~'~?~:~:?~/-~h~'', .~r~9~h~al -~Wnsi~,e. of' _ · Af~0'~??.{thin...Secti°n '~.~.~. T.~.2N, RllSW, ~incotn Cowry, Wyoming.,