HomeMy WebLinkAbout916530 "" ';-:':<~:~:':(!j!: :¡:P~::;:'2!·',:·f.",':':!~::::;<:i;::I;,~~,¡¡·:r>.- ; ,... --.''''''''''',~:,'' , ·;..','i~.~~t;.;~.:I:.~,:.:-:- , ;' f::;:;,'.¡8~Q,~;llii!:~;,:;:'i~'¡ ~'~,':~f:' :'¡':I.'~::··::',' . "' . '?i+:!.t.~~¡':':':!ifj·iht!~,';'; . i,.:'+~;;'¡:¡;.; ::' ~'Ii !~- ~; t )' è~ ~~~ .,i. AFFIDAVIT CERTIFICATE OF OWNER COUNTY OF ~L..-9.3qllJ )SS 0!"\~r<47 RECEIVED 3/9/2006 at 4:19 PM RECEIVING # 916530 BOOK: 614 PAGE: 47 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY STATE OF 0 k/~hoty1q ) - -- ---.._,- - Comes now, in accordance with W.S. 34-12-102 and W.S. 34-12-103, I the undersigned, Bryce H. Erickson, whose address is .nOl W. 18th Avenue, Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074, being duly sworn on oath according to law do hereby make the £ollowing statement o£ £acts and a£firm: That I am the owner and proprietor of the property, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 43 8PR, on Page 402 , with the Of£ice of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, within the SEl/4SE1/4 o£ Section 33, T35N, Rl19W, of the 6th P.M. Lincoln County, Wyoming. That this Subdivision is with my £ree·consent and desires. That the Name of the Subdivision shall be Knoll View Estates, the metes and bounds being more particularly described as follows: ~~ BEGINNING at the Lloyd B. Baker PE/LS 698, 2002 location £or the Northwest Corner of the SWl/4SW1/4 of Section 34, of said T35N, R119W¡ thence Soo46'15"W, along the West line of said SW1/4SW1/4, 1,324.22 £eet to the Paul N. Scherbel RLS 164, 1967 location for the Northeast Corner of the NEl/4 of Section 4 of T34N, of said R119W¡ thence N89°16'24"W, along the North line of said NE1/4 724.14 £eet¡ thence Noo43'36"E 60.00 £eet¡ thence S89°16'24"E 147.00 £eet¡ thence N51049'19"E 619.13 £eet to a Point in the Thread Line of The Salt River Slough¡ thence Northerly, along said Thread Line, the £ollowing: N66023I06"W 86.14 feet, S88°21'17"W 59.24 feet, N81°06'58"W 126.52 £eet, N23°39'20"W 97.01 £eet, N1°35I03"E 63.83 feet, N16°19130"W 33.15 £eet, N35°39121"W 104.17 £eet, N13°17141"W 52.80 £eet, N14°36'53"W 100.75 £eet, N28°24139"W 37.63 £eet, N47010'13"W 73.15 feet, N60033'29''W 39.42 £eet, N76°32'37"W 44.84 £eet, N33°32114"W 24.31 feet, N04°12'49"E 42.46 feet, N22020'57"E 72.70 feet, N10040'07''E 92.76 feet, N14°33146"E 59.45 feet, N37°12 '37 "E 26.45 feet to a Point in the South line of the NE1/4SEl/4 of said Section 33¡ S89°11'19"E 599.45 feet, to the Point of Beginning, consisting of two Subdivision Lots containing 14.24± Acres of land. fu::,~~~t;¡:!!::: .::j ~mmmW{;; j;~m~~~~~r~!mm!: .' ,: ¡·'; :;:'.:'~i:~ ,:;;:;!):¡:;'; ~':;:~;:;!;¡;~'.:',;::l:'¡~;':',:,' -'~:': :~:;.< ··:·:·:·:·:·:·:c·:·;,:·' ',::~_";;:,:¡..:!;jO:;t,.,~.,:, .~. :';', '¡:_:,:'~'i¡~":' :'~ '¡"-,-' ." ':;:<:' ":¡¡'.:',~~!, " ., ' ~.:-; ,;t;.:.:· . ()~l.6~5Ð --. Qg9ê4'S GRANTING and RESURVING: a 60 Feet wide Driveway Access Easement, the Center Line being more particularly described as £ollows: Beginning at a Point in the South line of said NEl/4SEl/4, said Point of Beginning being 532.84 feet N89°20'll"W, along said South line from the Lloyd B. Baker PE/LS 698, 2002 location for the Southeast corner of said NEl/4SE1/4¡ thence N08024'22"W 75.77 feet to a point in the Centerline of the existing 60 feet wide Right-of-Way Easement as referred to on the Quitclaim Deed recorded in Book 497PR, on Page 810 with said Office. TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: The Non- Excl usi ve Utility Easement, as referred to in the Quitclaim Deed recorded in Book 497PR, on Page 8l0, with said Office. TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: All Easements, Exceptions, Reservations, Restrictions, Rights-of-Way and Improvements of sight and or record. That Knoll View Lane, South Knoll View Lane, Water Pipeline and the Utilities Easements, as and shall be grant€d to the Owners Successors each lot created, and the Remaining property. the Irrigation shown hereon is and Assigns of That all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State of Wyoming are hereby released. fJ rLlJ~ ?J - f~ BryceVH. Erickson JURATT The foregoing Erickson this instrument was~lJknOWledged before ¡?;\'Iv day of ruMj_ 2006. me by Bryce H. Witnessed my hand and offici~~If,,'i%7al. ~,'''\\h '" JeA ~,!IIII ~{ç,O ..... .:r/~~ #~.~'\t-RY p(¡~..d'~ .!r~..~~ ... o.%.: 7 :mE " --1 09-15-09: ê iJ&_. . .. ~7· ~ · ~~ \~·.~IiD fO~."o~~ ~·O··..·....~s: "",/ ¡:: OK\.r "10.\',.... IIII""III\\\\\\\: My commission €xpires: Q-/5-dCa1