HomeMy WebLinkAbout916541 \ .. 000067 c.-" ~~...'" "t. '"j r .> 1/, .,) SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGE LRG Account #: 399384-7 Paid in full date: 02/21/06 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That COMMUNITY FIRST NATIONAL BANK, NOW KNOWN AS BANK OF THE WEST , a corporation, does hereby certify that a certain mortgage, bearing date the 21 Day of MAY 1999 made and executed by JOHN S. SAW A Y A, Husband AND MARY O. SAWAYA, Wife , as mortgagor, to Community First National Bank now known as Bank of the West. as mortgagee, conveying certain real estate therein mentioned as security for the payment of 22,420 as therein stated, which mortgage was recorded in the office of the County Clerk and Ex- Officio Register of Deeds of LINCOLN County, State of Wyoming, on the 28 day of MAY 1999 ,as Document No. 858944 in Book 430 of Mortgages, at page 784 , and mortgaging the following described real estate in said County, to-wit: Property description: SEE A IT ACHMENT is, with a note secured thereby, and the aforementioned debt, fully paid, satisfied, released, and discharged and in consideration thereof the said mortgagee does hereby release and quitclaim unto the said mortgagor the preniises thereby conveyed and mortgaged. ? ~ ,:J IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Bank of the West, by First Hawaiian Bank, Its Attorney in Fact Gary A Momohara has caused these Presents to be signed by its Assistant Vice President. this day of ITB 23 2001L ' . .:',.1 '::~'!:'...;.'.,. .'.' 'f~...::.... to.. _.. ;" I..,.. .."~.~ '. ":'. 'J....:" "'. f I : . ,; : _~l~" } _- j'1' f .... ",,0; . :.' \, !,~+., ..;(:~~};: 'to ..,). ........,.. Bank ofthe West, by First Hawaiian Its Attorney in fact ':' J'\ J , Gary AMo ~~ hara, Assistant Vice Pres I. ,.] -' ) STATE OF Hawaii County of Honolulu The foregoing instrument was acknowledged this day of FES 2 3 2006 , before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, by Gary A Momohara , "",""'"'"""" '\\\\ III Assistant Vice President . for Bank of the West, known to be the person who is """0' ú'l P. AI';:""",,- !to'''' ~~"I"", <::f ÍII\ described in and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the sar#0",,"" ""',:0\ I ,,' ~OT AR y', .~, 1*[ û 1*\ :: - : = .. , þ ..... \. ~ '" UBUC ,--...... ¡ % >-"." ",..., r;:- I ~'" ~ Ì'. ""....', ~~ ''!I.",,~ """'III'!' 0 F \1 ~\\\\,\~ II'U"'lllln"'~\ p~ No ary P lic,Honolulu County, Hawaii My commission expires: NOY 1 4 2009 THE STATE OF WYOMING ) )ss. County of ) This instrument was filed for record at o'clock , A.D. 20 , and duly recorded in Book M., on the _ day of on Page County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds By No. Fees, $ RECEIVED 3/10/2006 at 10:19 AM RECEIVING # 916541 BOOK: 614 PAGE: 67 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY 'CLERK, KEMMERER, WY çj¡¡i!~'·ii;f;'.','¡',~ li~llliffi~;i;W; 0916541 .... 00C68 ATTACHMENT FOR MORTGAGE LOAN NUMæER 399384-7 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: = -... - ... ....... .- ...x:· .' .... . ._~:~ ~. :' .~:...~' ....... . .... r ~. - .... _u -... _ ~ .'. . :;;. .,..~.." u__ _;_ '.." "The~southerli:":orïè~tlii~tr:: or' .L6ts',_,Num~ered One, '( 1) ,,,·Two" (2). ahd,'~ ~.,.'_ ,"', '''Thr-ëe : '( 3) -:1n c' BJ.Òck, '~Numberëd :. Thîd:.y-F'our :. (34)' _ in- . the 'First ".. . ':Addi tion: to the Town 'of I<emmerer I ~inco~ri:~County, Wyoming, more . pat-tièularly described às follows:, . ~. . , _ " ,',Beginnihg' at . the"Æml.theðst'erlY,:.:c'orner of' Lot 1,~ running ..the,nce .._ ' ::-:---~ ',We'stérly. alo~g~"l:he 'No~therly:~ ,·line- of' ·the:: -all~y .of,· :said~!Ùoc~_.::. ':'r: ;- 3,4, 110" feet;', 'thènêe :Northe:rly . a f i-f ght .' ðÏ1g Ie's '46" 2/3 f e/:ò! t;", . .: ,'thence' Easterl¥:a t'.right ·àl'lg lës ' ,~1 4 Ò "'f eet i ~ thence'~ Squ thër'l,y':: at' . , ',right,.~angles: 46,21'3 feet,: .to. the pl~c.e of, be~inJ1ing' . ..... - -. T'hé middle' i /3 . ttåét""~{~' land': f;o1tlng Sage Avenue: lying' in 'Lots 1, 2 and 3, of Blo,ck. 34 of the First Addi tion to the, Town of Kemmerer, County of Lincoln, Stat~of Wyoming, rnbre particularly described as follows: 'Commencing-at a point which lies S26034IE, a 'distance of 93.34 feet from the Northeast Corner of Block 34; thence S63°26'W, a distance of 80.5 feet along the Southerly boundary of said tract to the point of beginning; thence S26°34'E, a distance of 00.70 feet; thence S63°26IW, a distance of 21.00 feet; thence N26°34'W, a distance of 00.70 feet; thence N63°26IE, a distance of 21.00 feet to the point of beginning .. . ' . . . .. 'less : and except:,. -;: . .- õ: ,- , '.. .- . .. - .. ,- -.' ~·:-'r"'" . 0_<. _ '..,. ',... , , ..