HomeMy WebLinkAbout916545 C00075 RECEIVED 3/10/2006 at 10:30 AM RECEIVING # 916545 BOOK: 614 PAGE: 75 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY NOTICE OF AMENDED MORTGAGE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: It is hereby made of public record that an Amendment to Mortgage, dated the 1th day ofMarcb, 2006, by and between STAR _V ALLEY CHEESE CORPORA nON, a Wyoming Corporation, Mortgagor, and Morris A. 'Farinella, as ---'-'-"'.-'--'- Trustee ihr the Farinella Family Trust, or his assigns, Mortgagees, Said Amendment modifies the principalllmounl of the Mortgage executed by the above stated parties on the 21 Sf day of June, 2002, has been placed on the following described property situated in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, tO~\\lit: Tract No. .1", Beginning at the Northeast Corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SWt!2SE1I4) of Section 23 T34N, Rl19W, 6th P.M.,' Wyoming, and running thence West 652.0 feet, more or less, to the East Right of Way of United States 89 North llighway, thence Southeasterly along said East Right of Way 369.3 feet, more or less, to the North bank of the East Side Canal. thence along the NOIth bank ofsaid canal South 73° 13' East, 520 feet, more or lesst to the E~i boutldary of the subdivision, thence Nörlh 476.5 feet, more or less, to the point ofbeginlling. Lf Traçt 2. Beginning at a point on the Easterly side of Highway U.S. 89 North, said point being East 679.84 feet from the Southwest Comer of the Northwest Quarter ofthe Southeast Quarter (NW1I4SE1/4) of Section 23 T34N, Rl19W, 6th P.M. Wyoming, and running thence East 470.12 feetto the Westerly side ofa county road; thence along said Westerly line North 4° 26' 20" West 450.75 feet to a fence comer; thence along a fcnc.e South 8r 45' 50" West 120.68 feet and South 83° 30' to" West 499.67 feet to a fence comer on the Easterly side ofrIighway No. U.S. 89 North; thence along said Highway South 25° 30' 20" East 420.76 feet to the point of beginning. Excentiog therefrom that part ofthe Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (S\Vl!4SE1/4) of Section 23, T34N, R119W, within the incorporatc-d limits ofthe Town of Thayne; Lincoln County, Wyoming, described as follows: Beginning at a point; South 28007' West, 325.01 feet from the Northeast comer of the said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (S\Vl/4SE1I4) where found a 2" galvanized steel pipe (BLM type) with brass cap inscribe-d "BAKER ENGINEERS T34N, Rl19W SE1!l6 PE/LS 698 1979 EINA. WYO", thence '--" /' ( I) \ v¡ -1 ../ c.. Notice of Amended Mortgage Pagelof3 fC;;o"""":"¡"':''}916t::"'4- .;:¡..<".""..:;......'....... )~.,. !:;?,?!;;::~,.'..,.:,:;~:<; .... '-' ~:: u.Jffi rOO(t''16 \...~ iUt south OOG 51.8' East, 88.00tèet to a point thence South 89° 08.2' West, 144.00 feet to a point; thence North 00° 51.8' West, 88.00 feet to a point; thence North 89° 08.2 East, 144.00 feet to the point ofbcginning; encompassing an area of 0.29 acres, mote or less. Witness our hands this 7fl. day of March, 2006. 81'A TEOF CALIFORNIA ) ) S5. COUNTY OF ) (: ! ¡. ~ l;\ .-\ 't...."!... i/ 'I' '4 ". ~ " 1" . \ \ (, '" t. \ (, .... h~·~Ø-. ) ,. '.. ,:<li1.dÁL!.__,___ .. HUGO MI' 'SANA VICE PRESIDENT STAR VALLEY CHEESE CORPORATION ~~ SECRETARY rrREÁ.<;URER STAR VALLEY CHEESE CORPORATION On the l,~ day of March, 2006, before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Hugo Messana, known or identified to me as an officer of Star Valley Cheese Corporation, and who subscribed said corporation name to the foregoing Notice of Amended Mortgage, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same fhr and on behalf of Star Valley Cheese Corporation. Witness mv hand and oŒcial seal. "' My Commission Expires: 1 \"'~>·l·:'y1>Þ 19 1 >y. ~l /f-¡'~-. ;\-, NOTARlr PUB~IC ~ ..... ~..~ ...... fi'I.~ ...... ...... .... .... ... ...... J MANUEL U. MARIN ." . . Comm!sslon Ii 1387946 ~ Notary Public - CalifornIa I i.. Lv.. S A. noe.. I. e. s COUfl. ty. ..f MyComm. Ðpi'esNO\f29i'2C/œ¡ ~ .. __ __ ...... __ w _ - _". __ .. Notice of Amended Afor/gage Page 20f3 0916545 r n r. ti t'7 7 t. \.; \,.t \..) STATE OF WYUMING ) ) 55. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) On the q!: day of March, 2006, before me, a Notary Puhlic, personally appeared Frank Dana, Secretaryffreasurer of Star Valley Cheese Corporation, known or identified to me as an officer of Star Valley Cheese Corporation, and who subscribed said corporatiollname to the foregoing Notice of Amended Mortgage, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf of Star Valley Cheese Corporation. Witness my hand and omcial scal. ~ NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: 0 - 3· D1 HSDI BROWN - NOTARY PUBUO County of . State of Uncaln Wyaning My Commission expires August 6, 2009 Notice of Amended MÓrtgage Page 3 of 3 '~~II.I" t .f¡'i' ~¡'. i.·.I. ;I.tl·t'·i·fl ~~~~:~:~~: