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fl*j~~j ~""""".""". ',"-''''''>.'''1 '>"'." ....". -~..,--.,",¡'~lfc-"~:-,.'~I-':"-~-·"·.,,,·.- ....,., ... "i' ¡ .,:.."'11t....-""'I''C<:'O:::._. _-: -' ..~,-...,""'''' ':"':':, ~-~...!.~!'~'.''''T;..~.¡¡. . '.''': ·:'i":~I"-II¡'·¡¡"i~'·'" ..-r..".f':''::'~ ""1": '~;j.._' ,-"~': .~.'~ .;- ! ";;:. ';;,:0 iti';'i'¡:i'~ I¡ 'õ'. ~¡. Y¡' :;., ,: . , '. ': ~:;....',.:" ...:~..... ~ .!¡,1;'ó' I Name: Address: James J. Bailey & Robin Ann Bailey, Trustees 451 Ariel Court San Jose, CA 95123 cnn1£14 RECEIVED 3/13/2006 at 10:23 AM RECEIVING # 916593 BOOK: 614 PAGE: 164 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY File No.: 50882 (04) WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: WARRANTY DEED (Individual Form) Dale L. Thunnan, an unmarried man, GRANTOR(S} of )( I (/~,,;- J O/~ AND W ARRANT(S) to County, State of California, CONvEY(S) James J. Bailey and Robin Ann Bailey, Trustees of the Bailey Trust of 1995, under agreement dated June 8, 1995, and any amendments thereto, GRANTEE(S}, whose address is 451 Ariel Court, San Jose, CA 95123 for the sum ofTen Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State, to- wit: See "Exhibit An attached hereto Subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the United States Patent and to easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. Mwc k. WITNESS, the hand of said grantor(s) this ~ day ofFebruary, 2006. /) I i (? j :.'I J --:Dd ~~ Dale L. Thurman STATE OF CALIj;ORNIA J COUNTY OF 1< ,. ver,:?; e. Jj~:j- The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day of , 2006, by Dale L. Thurman, the signerofthe within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. LJ/bL'/ Notary Public: !. / My commission expires .5.3 0 20"" ru":::r-UI @. . c:=.~:=u . I -_.~ IMMIIde CoI.ny . - ~ ~~~~~~ File Number: 50882 Land Title Company Warranty Deed - (Individual) Page I of2 , ~ c- :·.J~~'~-'~-~·Ç;I~~¿;1 ,~~~). .',!"! t.~. :.r_~," ,,_.;~ .~';' ::W,' ,";'. '¡',:'::.!. ":, .. . ;_~, ì'- -;,'~:.'i¡.·~6~C4·'~:": ,: - :',~~:.: ¡'-, :;::.;::.;l: I{ 1]17';. ,;~:; '/:; ," ',õ:':' ~; .;;~, ·~ó!~":.:~: i..: ~ - ~; ··I~.- . - _:.-,-¡,_;,,~t.~.s'¡;TL't~·Il:·~ :.~U, 1;,t:I''.:'~· ::. ',; n()1"I16..... ~lt:· J 031..6593 CALIFORNIA ALL·PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT -.~ State of California ((,¡/e/5,'d.¿ County of On .3 / Go lz..o t> t- . 'Date personally appeared IJ A- k }ss 1/,; before me, Name and Title of Officer (e.g., ~Jane Doe. N Tl u.r l11aJ\ . Namo(s) of Signor(s) J~"'"" - -. .- :=:::~ - ~ , Notary PublIc . CaUtC:o'nla f RIYenfde COW1Iy MvComm. &pteI May 30, o personally known to me ~proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person~ whose name.(&) i~ subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/k&r/their authorized capacit~, and that by his/RorJ.tkeir signatur$)-on the instrument the persoAf* or the entity upon behalf of which the person~ acted, executed the instrument. WITNZm~ hand and O:Ci seal. OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law. it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: o Individual o Corporate Officer - Title(s): o Partner - 0 Limited 0 General o Attorney-in-Fact o Trustee o Guardian or Conservator o Other: Signer Is Representing: Number of Pages: Top of thumb here © 1999 National Nolary Assodalion' 9350 Do SOlo Avo., P.O. Box 2402· Chatsworth, CA 91313·2402, www.NationaINotary.org mrN;l¡;~;:;.""7TJ\ ,t!i¡l;'j';"';>"";'i"';'~ '~j~W2l1ill5 Prod. No. 5907 Roordor: Coli Toll·Froo 1-80D-876·6827 ,j:':i::::.:::::~;:;i¡ ~:~:I:!:~:~:~~:"~;: ~: .. ;' ; ~¡:ó:I:r.:I~':I:;~ I~I ;..'111: ;;,,~;:.' ,. "'..!Z'¡·j""Î ~: .~,::J..iJ.:'!,:l"',' .:: '.~. :,; 0916593 1-................ ~.-4 t.---. r....: N. 1dw.-4 ...,""'.... No. I~ JlI................""'" ......,..... No. Jill ~·.!o..I.ooI.1 1Ift1W.... "0. 1101 q ""rt. IfHrUll. ITD, 1.-""'.1.1--.1111\ ~ ~1Ja1 ....... """""low III 10 :~~j~~~[~:i~~n ,~·~r~.... '.t..';'¡;';UW' ,',~ ·Y.:.~:.T":.;':,~'~ ...' ,; _~ ~:¡1_~1i . . :,- '..!'.\', ."\ .' ":, ,. ·;.";¡i~;;;·'·1i:':·:·-;'., "":O:Õ-:"'!c";"¡',. , EXHIBIT IIAII P01t WILLIAM r... ICADDOO and DADI:W. a. CADDOO C00.166 'l'UCT B -1. 1; To-wit: __ That PQr~ ~f the EKNE~ and ~hat part of th~ M~SF.~ of Section 22 ~nd that Pqrt. o~ thli ~ u.c Section 23, 'T')"N, Rl'9W. Lil1col:l COUnty, Wyþming, boing part of that tráct ot record in rhp. Office of ~hc: Clerk of Linooln County in Soak 242 of Photo9t<tt- 1c R~I,:Uldl! ~on p~9'e 105, deocribcd "'0 follows: BEUIIDIING ·~t the intt1nlts~tlOll of the weet line:: of oaid trû.ct of record 1~: 800k j!q2 iilltl I;.h~ centerline of CUI ¢xioting ilCCCD;) roadr NUOr -lJ. .2IE, 327.'6 falil:. rlUUI the BouthwClSt. COrT:CL U.L said traè~ ana ~1~"'.4~.öIW, 21115.5.37 .ct:!I:!L [lUIII Lllc HÜl.tht::Q;,t;: corner ot !sa1d Section ~2, !ouna as t1escrlùt;¡t.! 111 ~h~ Çer~ified Land Corrtår'Recordat1on Certlr1ca~e ~11et1 1n said OLil~~; thl!ncecoultsinq said oenterline as follows: thence N45°-11.SIE. 75.68 feet to the beginning at a circular curve t~ the right; th.nce n~rt.heaQter)y, 98.25 feet. along the arc of said curve through; a Cp.ntr;¡l angle ot 39°-52.4', hd.vinq a l"adius of 111.18 ~Qet, to the end nt Raid curve; thence N~5°'03.8IE, l".Sj teet to the beGinning nf a circu- 1a~ cur+c to the left} thence nJrt.ht:iil:ltarly, 89.96 feet, Along the arc of g;Üd CUJ:VQ ~hraug~ ~ Ut:ntral ~n91c ot.7D-~U.1', having ~ r~diuw u£ lUtJ.a~ teet, to th~ t;:lId of said curve; thence N:/7°-43.7'E. 14:3.24 ree~ to a poluL; thence lUoo-22.2IE, 8a.18 teet to the beginning of ä dLc;Lila.l' curve ttf¡ the righti ' thence northeasterly, 162.49 feet, along the arc of said r:l1rve through a central angle of 630': 52.7' I having Q r:adiu:3 of 14~"75 feet, to the end of said curve; thence S85° -45.1' E, A'7. /;9 feet to thê beginulllg of a circular curve t~ the left; tllt:!w::es. ~Orl:he~eJtarly, 130.02. feet, a1 nng the arc of said CUL'VI::! tþl"ough ~ c:entr~l angle of 730 -J?. 4', having a J:1:1Ù.Î.US ot 101.76 feet, to the end of s.id curve} thence N'~l°·02.S'E, 19!i.97 feet to ~he beginning of A c~rcu lar çurve ~o the lett¡ thence nþrthea.starly I 85. H teet aloug the arc: of said, curv~ throug~ a central angle at 21D-10,7', having a rud~uG o. 230.66 feet, to the end of sai~ curve; Lh~n~~ Nboo-oe.3IW,J3.36 feet to the beg1nninq u[ a circulör CurVA to the right; I "Modiðdadon In any w~y v( the l0l"e&OlnS dcx:riptloo tcrminat~ liability of the SUrv~((" I .~. '~:'. .', r;·· -; ~._~/¡. {.f..:i:":((f;I:(':i":i~:. ' '~;::::.'::,:~:., "-',', .".>,;'-.':",., i·~·~¡rm~'MiIi'ti"(~.'ó;fi.!I!l.:m.:O~¡';-';A("''ß.~~~1.~-,''t~,;.;;w.<iy:·.~~\;,.,·/~-",·,t';.;:"4',";·.~(¡e',~ .,-. o O~16S93 ~\N ......".. .......,....~ 1f1tw.....,.. IH 1..40.. ~"""'" J...,;....-....IUI .....10.00 ". ~..... ........... 1M UU lUll"""'" ~llCUll. LtD. I.. ~ "'--r 11111 "'".... W_ IJOOI ·....·1';._61110 " \47.¡;;'h:;f¡.'t!,-t"~Jf!(f.t:;f!tU"~::.c.,-¡~·~~:~;...~~-.:".:..~~:~;~;~ .. "". ',~:.~: . ::":' '.', "i ¡" :~¡;!t~~P1~;~¡~~:;:~!i--::_:i!' ,:'<"',~ y :..::' C001S7 t.hence noirtheasterly, 117.'Il faet, along Utt! ar~ of ðaid curve thiough a cent,¡;'al AI1g1c of ~6Q-06.0I, haviLl~ .. l'.adiulI of 120,Jj feet, to the !nd ot said curve; t.hence N55°·S7.7'E, 21.67 feet to the int.ersection a! 'said ~p.nterline wi::h the east line· of said trac~ 111 Book 242¡ AND lp.avA Ra~d centerline; thence NOO~-11.51~, 4.99 fRet, along said east line, to the aouthea&t 90int Of that t.ract ot record in ~~ld Offic~ in Book 335 of Pho~osta~ic ~Qcorda on p~gp. 12; thtmce NB96~!iO.OIW, 45.06 feet, ..long the Slouth UM of said tr~l:L ill ~ok JJ5, to il point on the we.t~rly r'ighr.-of-way l1ne of tw: l5Xisting a.Cccl:la rOQd¡ the~ce con~1nUlng N896-SO.Ö'W, 951.12 feet t.o the nouthw6Gt pOlnt of s.id tract in Buok J35¡ thence SOOD.·~1.2'W H3&.12 ~eet, along Lhe west line of ~aid tract in ~ok J42, to a point on t.he UU.LLhc.Lly J..'19ht:-Qf-...ay line o~ an: existing. access road;. . ~.hence cont¡inuinc;r SOoo -11. 2'W, 42.42 feet to the nrrERBBCTION 01' BilJINN:qlG¡ cach "intQ1:1Qcc:tionll and IIpointll markl!ld by a 5/811 x 24" steel l.·cinforcin~ rod With a 2 n aluminum r.!Rp i nacribed "SURVEYOR 5CHERStiL, L~, DIC I'IlŒY, WYO. PLS 5368": t.hl! base beHI'lny fo): thia ðUrvey is the north lin~ of the NWU Or Sectlon ~3, T36N, RllSW being aB~D 48.5IE. all in acc;rdance with the platpr~parcd to be filed in the Office of tfle Clerk ot Lincoln CouULy titled .. ~LAT TO ACCOMPANY PARCEL DIV~SION APPLICAT10N FOR WILLIAM L. CADDOO AND DAnDArrA R. CADCOO 'WITHIN THE E~ SECTlUN 22 NW~ SECTION 23 T36N R11~W LINCOLN CO~, WYOMING", dated 2 ~epternber 1994. .....-¡--, " I-:'C~?~I?':'o.. Ita' ...---. (I r:-.' I ~·I/~~· ::. , g:7 ',: ~;:. ~;'...~.\..:~. 1. .....~ >.: . ~ Q, ~\..;¡ f'1 .. ~eptemhcr. 1991 cäddoe 11 . ~ "Modint¡tion ~n ~~r.~¡y o( Iha forqalng docriµtlon !errninAha ¡¡.bi\~~f¡~m¡i~u.......yor" ~¡ilitt;:~ ,:.~¡,.~.L':_Ü;!..