HomeMy WebLinkAbout916602 ¡m~l~ili~m C00192 RECEIVED 3/13/2006 at 10:43 AM RECEIVING # 916602 BOOK: 614 PAGE: 192 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY This s lJlu for Recorrler's Dse only lOlJD #: 7810414600 lnvestor lOlJD #: 1696907247 2001 #: 000080 PlN/T.ax ID #: 21162330403900 .Property Address: 1908 BERRY DR KEMMERER, WY 83101- WYMRSD3-4 04/18/03 DocumentPIt:pared by: .Elizabeth Brooks -when recorded return to: TIS BBnkHomeMortgage .P.O. Box 20005 OwensboTº, KY 42304 .Release Department \< MORTGAGE RELEASE, SATISFACTION, AND DISCHARGE IN CONSIDERATION of the payment.and full.satisfaction of .all indebtedness .secured by that certain Mortgage 1.lescribed below, MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR US BANK, NA whosellddress is4801 FREDERICA STREET, OWENSBORO, KY 42301eing the present legal owner of said indebtedness.and thereby entitled.and lUlthorized 10 Teceive.said payment, Does hereby Telease, .satisfy, .and discharge said Mortgage in full.and DOeS hereby consent that the .same be .canceled.and discharged of record. Original Mortgagor(s): ROBERT SCOTT ROBINSON, AN UNMARRIED MAN Original Mortgagee: MERS AS NOMINEE FOR US BANK, NA Lrum Amount: Sl64,600.00 D4te of Mortgage: 09/15/2004 D4teRecorded: 09/27/2004 Volwne: 0568 P.age: ro07 lnstrument Number: 903145 LegaJDescription: LOT ï AND 8 OF.BLOCK4 OF THE LINCOLN HEIGHTS 5TH ADDITION, TIIIRD ElLING TO THE CITY OF KEMMERER, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING AS DESCRIBED ON THE OFFIClAL PLAT THEREOF. .and Tecorrled in the records of LINCOLN County, State ofWyomingmfecting Real Property.and more particu.Jm-ly rlescribed on.said Mortgage Teferred to herein. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF,1he lIIldersigned has .caused these presents 10 be executed on 3/6/2006. MORTGAGE NICREG1STRATION SYSTEMS,1NC.,AS NO E FO U BANK, NA ~L.2 , U---- ~ PJUIlela L. Johnson Assistant Secretary JiW-~Mü~ Rober! Mueller Assistant Secretary Witness: Carla McPberson State ofKY CountY rifDA V1ES~f' On this .date of3/6/2Ò06, before me, the undersigned .authority, Ji N otaIy Public rluly commissioned, !}ualified .and JiCting within ..and for the .aíorementionèd State, personally Jippeared the within named PJUIlela L. Johnson .and Robert Mueller, known to me (or identified to me on the basis of .satisfactory evidence) that they Me the Assistant Secretary .and Assistant Secretary respectively of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR US BANK, NA,.and were rluly lIUthorized in their respective capacities to execute the foregoing instrument for .and in the name.and on behalfof.said corporation, Jiud that.said corporation executed the.same,.and further.stated.and JiCknowledged that they haJ:lso 5igned, executed.and delivered said jns1rmnent for 1he consideration, .uses.and purposes therein mentioned.and set forth. . _mYhm:~ OO:'mre Mrd=bove 2tfmíh Notary Public: Cr. g Fort My Commission Expires: 05/05/2007 MINott: 100316400010029428 VRUTeJ.'#: 888/679-MERS _~UIIIIUJ!~ __ .-'1 \r" RfGISìJ)~~- ~~....- ~~~:'_o."""';"")'..;" F ~~_.. ~OR..¡ ....~ ~ j¡; &....úO ~...~ ~ """-oJo _.~~ ¡¡g /.,¡j: .. D _ : :: - w; 1099 : ~ ê §t!). '" ;m= ... 4: S'EAL .~ Iii: \ ~\ . . ~"'~Cj ~ ~ ~'. .':-' ø '04···...........·····~~ ~ , /)fLAWþ..~~ ~# ~111.vIIUlIßIIII\"\\\\\~