HomeMy WebLinkAbout916608 COOl9? QUITCLAIM DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, CARL HEBER HILLSTEAD, a person of County of Lincoln, and State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have hereby remised, released and forever quitclaimed unto the CARL H. HILLSTEAD FAMILY TRUST, dated February /~~ 2006, Carl Heber Hillstead r Trustee, his heirs and assigns forever, all such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand, as he may have or ought to have, expressly including after-acquired title, in or to all the foliowing described property, to-wit: See "Exhibit A," DESCRIPTION FOR NOAH HILLSTEAD FAMILY TRUST, DATED 16 APRIL 1984, TRACT A, attached hereto and made part of this deed by reference and incorporation as if fully set forth herein. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. . /'" WITNESS my hand this ...LL day of February, 2006. :riJðJJo ~ b. STATE OF WYOMlt~<9(\ þ..) Bðf¡flv/i 1If..- Y ) SS. COUNTY OF UNCOI:.#" ) ~ l/ J/~~ ARL HEBER HILLSTEAD . J.h The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by CARL HEBER HILLSTEAD, this ~ day of February, 2006. WITNESS my hand and official seal. A 1 J ~1± ~8L1C M1 . My Commission Expires: ] (1) ~ 9> . r;).{) I{) \\ \ I 111111/1 1//11 ~\\\\J SARc 111/1 :\' a. '\ .f::oo :/, ;:.' ~v .......... "'-A. ~ ~^ .... ·...:v/'~ ~ v. . ~ S .'-. I, ~ g /~OTARy\ %. - . . - = : OIIÞe_ : :: l *\ ÞUBUC /~ ¡ ~ ". .,' ~ ~ 15\:10. ". ..' ^ ~ .... ,~~..~..., :;"V:$' ···i,l~ c:: Of\Q~"..." II"""",ú\,,\\ . RECEIVED 3/13/2006 at 1 0:54 AM RECEIVING # 916608 BOOK: 614 PAGE: 197 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY - --~--- ~-- - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - ~ - lli¡]ill~¡ili~~!~¡~I~:: I' v /1 .? ./ I ¡:um¡:i'¡i".';¡;¡::i.!:i,O' 8 ;\ "~i' '0":<') ..'....JA... . ~¡~~~¡It~~I I . ;:00.198 .. DESCluvnON Iron. NOA.ll.H1LLSTEAD FAl'l'ULY 11tUST, DATED Hj Al'J.UL lYH4 TRACT A To-wi.t: - - That parl' of the SWY-,NEY-, and that part of the NWY4S,ß1f4 of S'ectiOll 10, T31N 1(1 L)lW, Lincoln COllnty, W yoriling, being part of those tracts ofreeorµ in the Office of tbe Cl,erk of Lincoln C~)llllty in Book 213 of Photostatic, Records on page 79 and in Book 124 of Photostatic .R,ccordsoll page 659, described as foUows: ' BEGINNJNC at a the southwest corner of said SWY;,NEY4' ' . . . . ., thence NOO° -24' -'24" E, 396.00 feet, along l).1e west line of said S WY4NEy.j, to tile soutbwest spike of that tract of record in said Of1ìcc in Boolc 530 of Ph.otostatic R.econls on page L97; , . thence S89°-35' -36"E, 214.50 feet, aloug the south lirie of said tract, to the southeast point Ulcreof; thcllcC NOoo-24' -24"E, '198.00 feel, along tlw"cast line of said tract, to the norLheast point tlterco.t; thence N89°-J5'-36"W, 214.50 feet, along the north line of said tract, to the Ilortllwcst sp.ike of said tract, 011 the westlinc of said S\YY;INEY;,; thence NOO° - 24' -24" E, 417.09 feet" along said west line, to a spike; thence SOoo-07' -06"E, 1013.16 feet, to a point 011 the south line or said Svy Y; NJ:W~; UlcnccN89u-44'-45"E, 265.19 feet, to a point; thence conlÍllu.i.ng SOO°·07' -06"E, l6.50 feet, to a point; tlJC~lce N890-4W -30"W, 274.61 feet, along a line parallel wit1\ said south line, to a point all the west line of said N\'VY-,SEJ/I; thence' NOoo-24'-24"E, 16.50 feet, along; said west line to the CORNIUt OF UJLGINN1NG; ENCO.lVl1> ASS1NG an 'arCtl of 5.40 acres, more or less; . "<lullt Schulbo' Wyu, fle\ i"lralloll Nu. 10'1 ' lJtDI~ HouivltølÎul} NlJ. 1670 ~J"ÌlU Hel~s\"'UO" UO. :IO'JI) Nllvlldo nc¡¡i,lIoalien 'lo. 61105 5ellll A. Sehulbol 'Nyu. flcui3tlalioll No. 3ß09 Id,II,o Ho(psllullon No, OO;!O Utah lIewullnlion No. 37211\ M/\IlL.UWIl A, 5CIIEIIUI:t Wyo. nelJi"llolion t~o, 5300 the BASE BEARING for this survey is the west line of the NEy.. of Section 10, '1'3 IN .lU I)lW, being NOoo-24'-24"E; , each "corner'; found as described in thc Corner Record flied or to be Ülcd in the Oflice of the Clerk of Lincoln County; I" . ·t" ': '1' > I by· 'l 5/8" X 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluuÜnulll cap cac 1 POI!l 1.Jl<l1 ~\;;l < J _,,' .'", , '"., ., (.'''6'8'' ·Ll' . ·"ll'C inscribed, "SUKYEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AliI ON WY PLS:u .' WI. ) <\PPlúl~lI< ~ details; . I " '\... " ·1,,·1 by ·l J/U" , x '12" steel SIJike refer.eliced. by a 5/'i!/' x 24" stL:el cae 1 Spl <..e IntI[ \.eu < 0 . . . ...,.,. . r' 'vrON reinJorcirlg rod \-villl2" alurniuulll cap inscribed, "SURYEYO.L\. SCf.L~.~ZBEL LID AI'.. 'WY PLS 5368", \Vith appropriate details; PIVI'3:Jfiiollul ti.lI~ SUI'iOYUIS SUI'lOY'.>1 St:luJlbcl. LID. I\IIUII, WyomillU [l1\i1'1".y, Wyolltl"y Jat:l~!.iOlI. Wyoluiny I.ov", 11,,1 5""'\1', Idahu \TR\3L-1 L9-IO\Nmlh l'illsl'~tIll "IVlodifieLìlion in any v¡ay ~f the foregoing description tenninates liability of the surveyor" .~G" Ii ._~--_. 09:1.6S08 f)1""¡19 ,I ~ '. 9 .' L_ .. , . DESCIUl'110N FOR NOAJ.I. .I.UL.LSTßld) FAl'dJLY TRUS'1', 16 A.l'JUL .l9S4 TLtACT A l'AGE'rWO all in accordauce with the phil lJrepared lQ be fileu in lhe 01lice of the Clerk of LincollJ County titled, "NOAH .L-ULLS'lf!{\D :FAIvllL Y TRUST, DATED 16 APRiL 1984 PLAT OFV:{j-\(1íFS.WT!H.IN THl ß· V.INEYt NWV.ISEYt SECTION ,.10 T31N Rl19vV ~þ~NC7/N'~C~UNIY' ~1"0 ;0 f/~¡' u,.ted.12 Decernber2005; as reviSed. .' ~' '7 /J /. /' _.... ,.,,::.~., I hI... f/ ,'I "'" . ,I ~ . / .;..-Ç//¿/ Otc/¿ A. /e ,i.,·7 .~~:~.~:f;;y.,,~ f /I ' ./ 1 ,... jP\ AI <i1,'...... '1'~ ~-6 'December 2005' I it~ !C\i~~ ;~~.i.,:..;,~¡;-,:\i~f.\ I· '. t,,, . "",,~~~IJ' \~ '~..; \ ' J ~t. ('oIi'tS tf.~" ø ~~) . '.I'" Jt:') ~IJI ¡;;. ;j ),!Jt ~ .~ ~' 'J I ~.-~ ' '\ \~"I~"t¿, .... / i '" . '..../ ~J )'ll ¡£ 1.9::> J / ",", 'þ k. ...... / '.' ¡'.'-)" 'I~ ,/ "'~ . t iv1l1'!..:'I ," ~. . .a.p'Jo' .~if . ., {.. ~...) " ( 1"lolet¡:iiolli.ll LUlllI Smveyuns P,u.. N. St;J\UllJoI Wyo, n"gis~·alioll No, 164 IJluh nOI,tislluUon No. 1610 Iduhu n"Uls~"lio/l No, 399U UUI/udo rt'-=yÎGlmOOIl f-Io. 6005 ScoLt 1\. :5GIIUlbel Wyo. noUlsloulion "III. 31)09 Idaloo noUisllnlioll No. 60~6 Uluh I\"ylshali"" .Io. 372111 I,IMILOWE A. SCHEIIUEL V'/yu. 1') !~JI5hnnQn No. 5366 SUlVIJYIJI' Schelhel. LTD. ¡,lIutl, WyonulI\J ßi~1 Pille)', WyolJlinu Jm;~.r.~).n,. \~Y(~lIIinu. .. '. _ .'.. "4' .' .. UP, ïnÙJ l,:J,J,9.,;IO\Nuuh llillslcud ;.~:':':': :':I:.:<'~A· \"'(Ò·i~~~_.;)jï f . ;N;"·'lN,~/.<i1 .. . . '("(;"";~:t,>\:~:'¡\'J~:!~ I've 'or' . ,... M'" ..."" "I ,i~~f;~~:;~nnil1f1 deSCli\Jlion lenninales lIabllily I.:;.;y,';;~¡';i~; y