HomeMy WebLinkAbout916609 :m~~lli[~;i{ WARRANTY DEED nnr'l200 l.¡ \-' \...F CARL HEBER HILLSTEAD, a single person, grantor of the County of Lincoln, and State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to the CARL H. HILLSTEAD FAMILY TRUST, dated /' February /5 ,2006, CARL HEBER HILLSTEAD, Settlor and CARL HEBER HILLSTEAD Trustee, grantees of County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, the following described real estate situated in County of Lincoln and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: See "Exhibit A." DESCRIPTION FOR NOAH HILLSTEAD FAMILY TRUST, DATED 16 APRIL 1984, TRACT A, attached hereto and made part of this deed by reference and incorporation as if fully set forth herein. Together with all water rights, mineral rights, improvements and appurtenances thereon situate or in anywise appertaining thereunto. Subject, however, to all reservations, restrictions, exceptions, easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. WITNESS my hand this / /" day of February, 2006. 0/ /' !./( ~'Þ. STATE OF=lt~e- ~þ' (iDnof.J¡¡ V'L COUNTY OF LINCOLN- ~ ~/; ~)I Jl¿' )' CARL HEBER HILLSTEAD ) ) SS. ) The foregojng instrument was acknowledged before me by CARL HEBER HILLSTEAD, this I J)#l day of February, 2006. . WITNESS my hand and official seal. . 1·. . . \\\\\\1111/1111111 ~ 1- _A '''''\~'i SARGIt/~/... 0 _ vL Me{ ~ .$'t.~"""""""....~þ~ N T ARY ~BLlC. ð S'i v.- . ~ My Commission Expires: f /'~ 0 TAR y\~ ~ ª : 41111Þe_ : ê JÐ-~-Jol() - . C- ~ *..... PUBU /* i ~ ... :. S ~ .t\...., ..... 0 ~ I'~~~. ........ b~ ,,~ Ilffll/W, ~1~~yÞ<~" RECEIVED 3/13/2006 at 10:56 AM RECEIVING # 916609 BOOK: 614 PAGE: 200 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Page 1 of 1 .. í' / /. / . 091L6(:;09 C00201 /, .,/ DESCIUP'l'LON FOR NOAJIIllLLSTEA,D FAI"ULY TRUST, DATED Hj Al'lUL 1984 THACJ' A To-wit: - - T~lat part or the SWY-iNEY-, <111dthat part of the NWY4SEY4 of Section 10, T31N lU.IYW, LIncoln COULlty, Wyoming, being part of those tracts of record ill the Oflièc of the Clerk of LiLlcoln County in Book 213 of Photostatic)\.ccorlls on page 79 and in Book 124 of PhotostalicRccords 011 page 659, described as foHows: . . . BEGLNNJNq at a the southwcst corner of said SWY-INEY4; thence NOoo-2~' -24"E, 396.00 feet, along the west lineofsaid SvVY4NEY-" to the southwèst spik.e of that tract of record in said Office in Boole 530 of Photostatic Rccords OJl page 197; thence S8~)O -35' -36"E, 214.50 feet, aloug the south lirie of said tract, to the southeast point tltertof; thencc NOoo-24' -24"E, 198.00 feet, along the 'cast line of said tract, to the northeast point tllereol; lI¡cnce N89°-35'-36"W, 214.50 feet, along the north line of said tract, to the norllJwcst spike of said trad, 011 the west line of said SWY"NEy..; theuee NOÔo-24 -24"E, 417.09 feet,. along said westlinc, to a spike; lIlcncc N89"_LIA' -45"E, 265.19 feet, to a point; thence SOoo-U7' -06"E, 1 0 13.16 feet, to a point on the south lin.e of said SW II4NEJ/~; thence continuing SOO°·07'-06"E, 16.50 feet, to a point; t[¡e~lce N89°-48'-JO"W, 274.G1 feet, along a line parallel with said south line, to a point O.IJ the west line oCsaid NWY-ISEY;,; thûllcÛ NOOO-24'-24"E, 16.50 feet, along said west line to the CORI'ŒH. OF JJI~ G JI'tN H~ G; ENCOMP ASSJNG anare~1 of 5.40 acres, more or less; . the BASE BEARING for this survey is the west line of tbet-my.. of Section 10, 'l'3IN lU 19W, bèing tWOO-24'-24"E; each "corJlGr" found as described in the Corner Record Wed or to be lilcJ in Llle OCl:ice nf lhe Clerk of Lincoln County; Paul N. Schulbul '1"'\'1). Houi:,¡tralioll No. 16·' UfO ¡ Rouitllrallon I"I}. 1670 I<.h,;'u lIeub""lio" Uo, 3990 N(!Vildu F\eyi:¡ImlioIlI'lD. 6605 Sc(}1t A. ScJl~llJol WY'). Rcuiglralio" 140. 3009 Idaho ncøistmlion No. 002û Ut..h flú!Ji~~lm ¡()n !'Ia. 3.,2111 MAnLOl¡vE A HCHElmlEL Wyo. HcUi:!halio" No. 5300 eaell "point" LHarlœd by a 5/8" x 24" st~el reinforcing rod with a 2'.' alulll:inurn cap , inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCBERBEL LTD AFTONWY PLS 5368'.', wllll approprlatc details; I PlullJ:.IfiiOll<.:lltUlIÚ SUIVt:!}'U $ each "spike" marked by a 3/8'" X 12" stcel spike refereliced by a 5/'ð" x 24" steel reinforciilg rod with 2" aluJninulll cap inscribed, "SUR.YEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368", \vith appropriate details; SUI':eyol SdlWbul, LTO, Allnll, WYÙlllillg BiU Pi¡1/3)', Wyollliny .Jacl:sfJtl. W)'OlUi"U 1...1\'::1 Ilo! S )dIlUs. Idaho ·:IOIJliIUliof,ldallo \llt\J 1-119-1\)\Nuall IlillSlcad . . II "(Vlodilic'ltion in 'wy way of IIle!1i¡¡¡1¡:¡¡!:¡::i(:-:jng description terminates liability of Wi:~:¡0:¡:;~1(1)Æ::!yor L C, . ¿.:.~..N~,'.~) ¡;::,~t~~}!;1~11'.::~tL~ ,·Wi ~ r . Jiii-·....,..-----.· . /" ¡ / / f I '¡·~i:'-,-·;·;-i-:;"~··::O """""...".. :;:;:::¡::;:::{;;:;:::::), F 09 U::J.!.b ~) :::~:~:::¡~~t :::::::~~..:1:::f::::~' ~;~~:gfl-~;~;~~:-:: C o'tJ2li'2 DES Cllll'Tl 0 N FOR NOAJl HILLSTEl~.D FAl\JJLY TItUS'f, 1G AI'HIL 1984 TltACT ¡.\ PAGE 'J'WÜ aUi.ll a~coflJallcc with the plat prepared to be Jiled in the 01lice of the Clerk of Lincoln County tiLled, "NOAH HILLS1y{\D 'FAMILY TRUST, DArED 16 APRIL 1984 PLAT OF . JRf\Ç}~S_ . W~;n-HN 'rB}~ iD 'Y,INEY,I NWY,ISE~~, SECTION .10 1'3 IN RJ.l9vV ..~¡NC~W7,9UNI y. /'0b'j),q o.~;.'([..tcdI2 Dcccmber2005; as rcvLScJ. ~~17/ tl/ I' J' ...... n~'.."~. ,I // /,' r¡ ,... ..,' ''''''''-'~~'''''' .. '~/C:Þ2/ /OtCAt!" ) , /t: ,/7:1l!().:~".::.::')'1>'<' . ¡. . / ' ,. // /' -:':';:~jC~ ,f~. \'::-' \.s~~ L.5 Dccclnbcr 2U05' I 'i", / .3,11 .!¡;->¡'," '~('~':~'\.""" \ /. . l/''' ,. ..;V ;;;p,,:j~;;I~~ \~). .~.; \ / . .. ~,Y... ('~\if .¡f" t':'¡ )"",;, ~ :i ,/";t j ·~t') ~œ. r,;; , 'f . ft· '" ";1¡41 j. '1 I .. ~""F.\ " I.· \ '1,,) j} j .f :., n,.¡, \f .r~þ ~,I. I , 1/:''" '" . .1; -" 0/ ' "". 12 1"'14.- .I ,~:-. }!".., ..4:. .... ,}?iilo"" ;Þ"/ ~ "". I' -jfi '" '{' ", '\.oo.t'T'P.:!.:._\'" !.!J¡r·~~.......;¡;,I'~"'·' ( P'ole5~jiot ¡ llj1ltll5ulvoyOl'S Puvl N. Scl\CIlJoI Wyu. J1Hui~~·nlion No. 1611 UliJlI nClJi5h¡¡IÎOII No. -U)70 Idaho f'oUisl",lioll foIo. 3990 Hcvuda rttJui:;lfillion 1'10. 6005 SCuU A SGllUlhol Wyo. lIeuisl",liu" no. 31]09 Idaho n'3Vis1lulion No. 6ù?G UI'-\ ¡ lIeUi"',,,li,," ¡.Io. 372111 MMILOWE A. SCIIEIIUEL 'NYIJ. Jleyi5ha\ion No. 53G6 !.,;lllV'J,/IJI SdlClbcl, LTD. 1\lIutl, W'lOIl~I1U BiU Pillcy, WyolUinU Jaá$on, V'J~'mninu lUl¡ï:J - ol SllIin!ls, Idaho ITIt\J l-119-IO\Nuuh I ¡¡liSle,," "h ,1"¡¡r;",,IÕ,-,n in al1\/ \M~I\1 of Ihp. !nmnoillo description lenninales liabilily of lhi) surveyor" ~