HomeMy WebLinkAbout916622 · ç:'.'~":'.!-- ",....,>"'~.'~, .~~ ','.. ..·.·.·,.Ji·.:~..~r.t~I' ",·¡:.:~~'~'¡·I"'-'·~':i'~~;0~~ .1"·!'-'·,':.1:<!.·~":'.._.' _' .'..~:' _ . ........ ..-.~'i':'~~~: ~ ci w ~ a:: « w ...... .... ~ ;'J: N~ffi ~ ..... w ...... NooZ ~ - CDWC9 ~ «I CDC9« CD .....«~ a:: 0 mo.. W 0 W-l ~ ('i) ~ Z 0 :!:: C9 Z~ ('i) Z "!t L5 z 02: .... J ::> WW c.ø 0 >0 ~ 0 -w 0 z Wa:: 0 -l (.) m 0 W 0 a:: z :J '-'! ··.···,:.~I~.!.o~:.:.~"t:(,'I·I:;:., ,';-, ;'. ','!.~~.~ ~';~t.:.·IC"""~.~~'~,I.~ -~a ~!0~_¡1..:,)s· :' ;:~ .'.J;¡ ".~i':';'¡-~:r. ~·i.".~U::;:;;';·-"'_' '·:·'.~~'.1:J~-(i· .:~1r.~:':'~..".' ..... r t1nr)2' 1 '. '.' \. I.. .... @ KERR-MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE lP 1999 BROADWAY, SUITE 3700. DENVER. COLORADO 80202 AFFIDAVIT OF DAVID R. DIX AS ATTORNEY-IN-FACT FOR KERR-McGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP Regarding the merger of KERR-McGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LLC PHONE: 303-298-3600 FAX: 303-296-3601 And KERR-McGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP ----- Into WESTPORT OIL AND GAS COMPANY, L.P. ..____c And subsequent name change into KERR-McGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP I, the undersigned Attorney-in-Fact of Kerr-McGee Oil & Gas Onshore LP, a Delaware domestic limited partnership ("Kerr-McGee LP"), with it's primary place of business for the Northern Office being 1999 Broadway, Suite 3700, Denver Colorado, 80202, for the purpose of placing third parties on notice of the transactions described below, state as follows: ~( 1. I am a duly appointed Attorney-in-Fact of Kerr-McGee Oil & Gas Onshore LP. 2. I have personal knowledge or have obtained appropriate documentation from the Secretary of State of Delaware as to the matters set forth herein. 3. I am familiar with that certain Agreement and Plan of Merger (the "Agreement") between Kerr-McGee Oil & Gas Onshore LLC (Kerr-McGee LLC"), a Delaware limited liability company and Kerr-McGee Oil & Gas Onshore LP ("Kerr-McGee LP") a Delaware limited partnership and Westport Oil and Gas Company, L.P. ('Westport L.P.") a Delaware limited partnership, (the "Surviving Limited Partnership"). 4. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 266 of the Delaware General Corporation Law and the provisions of Title 6, Section 17-211 of the Delaware Limited Partnership Act of the State of Delaware, the Agreement has been approved, adopted, certified, executed and acknowledged by each constituent entity and no amendments or changes to the Certificate of Merger of the Surviving Limited Partnership shall be effected. 5. The transactions contemplated by the Agreement were consummated on January 4, 2006, but the effective date shall be deemed to have been January 1, 2006. 6. Pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, Westport L.P. then changed it's name into Kerr- McGee Oil & Gas Onshore LP, a Delaware limited partnership ("Kerr-McGee LP") Attached hereto as Exhibit A are copies of the Certificates of Merger and Certificate of Amendment evidencing the above. 7. Attached hereto as Exhibit B is a certified copy of the Power of Attorney appointing David R. Dix as Attorney-in-Fact for Kerr-McGee Oil & Gas Onshore LP. ~llii~ili!j!¡i¡i~~;¡:i: ·ili¡~ ·".··-.-....:......._""·-"....·."2".." ......"."'-..;...::>I...,'="'............,<:.=_.."'..,.:.,=-',..~..,.....", "o.:."".~,,,:><. ~,,-,-~....,,~. . ..:t. ,..~.',.." _.,.-,.."...........""'*ó~....I:.:....".,. . ..:..o.;....~.;.u""______......."..",',.,;.:!,....,.._ "':, . . C',',..,' ',' ··.·.·;·...~.:.·.;:._·....·,,·.i1_..·I'()-....,·;.·!"':..r,'.~'~...i_,.;.:"....1'.;,...,.. .,', r'OO "'('2 . . . (o.:tJ \.,. , t;. c.. On.,' ër'22 .. "J .,~'~) \) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed this Affidavit this 14lhday of February, 2006. KERR-McGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP David R. Dix, Atl~i::1: STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF DENVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 14TH of February, 2006, by David R. Dix, Attorney-in-Fact of Kerr-McGee Oil & Gas Onshore LP a Delaware limited partnership. My commis Witness my My Commission Expires 04/21/2008 / ·..-.._..... .-........- ...... .._J..._,~ '._.. .__.w .,'.. ............_. . 0916622 EXHIBIT A 00 OQf)3 \-, \.. I.. t:.. . -?:. Delirware PAGE 1 ,... .~ ". I ~:~ ..~. . 'Tfie :Fírst State I, HARRIET SMITH WINDSOR, SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE, DO HERE13Y CERTIFY THE ATTACHED IS. A TRUE AND CORRECT COpy OF THE CERTIFICATE OF MERG$R, WHICH MERGES: "KERR-HCGEE OIL " GAS ONSHORE LE",. A DELAWARE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, WITH AND INTO "WESTPORT OIL AND GAS COMPANY, L.P." UNDER THE NAME OF "WESTPORT OIL AND GAS COMPANY, L.P.", A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ORGANIZED AND EXISTING UNDER THE LAWS OF' THE STATE OF DELAWARE, AS RECEIVED AND FILED IN THIS OFFICE THE FOURTH DAY OF JANUARY, A.D. 2006, AT 11:44 O'CLOCK A.H. " 2267653 8l00M 060005627 ..j¡~ ~91-~ Harriet Smith Windsor, Secretary of State AUTHENTICATION: 4421308 DATE: 01-04-06 n:r:::~:m::*!~::;; ~~:~·&:·:~~~~:::II ;;;{~~f, ~::~~*::::,¥~;::l:\ ·...9,.!.!.!i~t!.·.~f·_'~ " ~f~~~~~~~~ O~)1~6622 EXHIBIT A r' On'''' ("4 (,r Jt..~ Sbu of L:I!!1-.re Secnttazy or s~t:. -> DivisiQD or Co.tpcrz:lticns ·Delivered 1.1:52 AM 01/04/2006 . . FIL1lD 11;44 AM 01/04/2006 .. SIlV 060005627 - 2267653 I'IIZ "... . .' CERTIFICATE OF MERGER of Kerr-McGee Oil & .Gas Onshore LP with and into Westport on and Gas Company, L.P. \ ~:-: ..~. . Pursuant to Title 6. section 17-211 ofllie Delaware LimitedPartnmbip Act. First: The name of tbe surviving Limited Partnership is WESTPORT on.. BJJd GAS COMPANY. LP., a Dela.ware limited partDc:rship. ~cODd: The name oftha Limited Partnership being merged into !he surviving Limited Partnership is KERR-McGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP, a Delaware limited paztnCl'Ship. Third: The Agreement and Plan of Merger has been approved and executed by each of the limited partnerships which are to merge. Fourth: The name of the surviving Limited Partnership shall bç WESTPORT OIL and GAS COMPANY, L.P. F1ftb: For accmmting pmposes only. the merger iseffcctivc as of January I, 2006. Sixth: The .Agreement and Plan of Merger is on file at the place of business of the 5urviving Delaware Limited Partnership and the address thereof is 123 Robert S. Kar Avenue, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 73102. Seventh: A copy of the Agreement and Plan ofMergcrwill be furnished by the sorviving Limited Partnership, on request and without cost, to any partner of any doxncstic limited partnership or any person holding an interest in any other business entity which is to merge or consolidate. " IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the general partner of said surviving Hrnited partnership has caused this certificate to be signed by an authOri7.edperson, the 4th day of January, 2006. For accounting pmposes only, the effective.date shall be deemed to have been January 1. 2006. KERR-McGEE ONSHORE LLC, as general partner ofWestport Oil and Gas Company. L.P. BY:_~~ cfl1. ~ Name: Christina M. Poos Title: Vice President & Treasurer . ..... .-~ .-,...-, '~'---"._.~-~--.' .~."-"".. '-'- . ..... .~... ... . ~...~-..,,<--_. .-......_..._.. .._.~ _~.__._ h._._ 09:t66ZZ EXHIBIT A .. n 0 0 it) ~' 5 \", r- .'~' (, 1Jelàware PAGEl ..:. .; \ .:,;""0. '1ne :Fírst State I ,HARRIET· SMITH WINDSOR, SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE, DO .HEREBY CERTIFY THE ATTACHED IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COpy OF THE CERTIFICATE OF MERGER, WHICH MERGES: "IŒRR-MCGEEOIL & GAS ONSHORE LLC", A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, WITH AND INTO "WESTPORT OIL AND GAS COMPANY, L.P." UNDER THE NAME OF "WESTPORT OIL AND GAS COM1?ANY, L.P.", A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP O~GANIZED AND EXISTING UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE, AS RECEIVED AND FILED IN THIS OFFICE THE FOURTH DAY OF JANUARY, A.D. 2006, AT 11:52 O'CLOCK A.M. " 2267653 BlOOM 060005653 .J--....--..:; y·~m~~\ [f~~r"',,-R",>~;~ t.,) .j¡~ .~9I--~ Harriet Smith Windsor, Secretary of State AUTBENTICATION: 4421329 DATE: 01-04-06 :::::~::::::::::::;:¡;J ~~~~~~~~~~ ~t1¡~I~~¡1?8: , . "00. 0 0.0.'.0 ~ ..__.. .... . 09:t6622, i'·' EXHIBIT A r n n ."'j ~' 6 - '. \.. r.. ;.,- ' Sute of! ~ðMU'I! Sec::retazy o£ sut:. Di v:i.siaø of! Cozporzstioa:s ·"De.1.ivered 11:52 AN 01/04/2006 ..', 1'ILED 1~:32 JIM 01/04/2006 .. $W' 060005653 - 2267653 FIZZ " . CERTIFICATE OF MERGER of KelT-McGee Oil & Gas Onshore LLC with and into Westport Oil and Gas Company, LP. . ~~ 0: . Pursuant to Title 6. Section 17-211 of the: DelawareLimitcd Partnership Act First: The name of the surviving Umi1ed Partnership is WESI'PORT on.. and GAS COMPANY. L.P.. a Delaware limited partnmhip. Set:oDd: The name of the domestic bwiness CDtity be.ingmcrgedinto the surviving Limited Partnership is KERR-McGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. Tlûrd: The Agreement and Plan of Merger has been approved and executed by each of the business entities which are to merge. Fourth: The name of the surviving Limited Partnership shall be WBSTPORT OIL and GAS COMPANY, L.P. Fifth: For accounting pmposes only. the merger is effcctive as ofJanuary 1.2006. Sixth: The Agreement and Plan of Mergcr is on file at the place of business of the surviving Delaware Limited Part:DcIsbip and the address thcrcofi5 123 Robert S. Kerr Avenue. OkJahoma City. Oklahoma,. 73102. " Seventh: A copy of the Agreement and PJan of Merger win be fumis.hed by the survivmg Limited Partnership. on request and without cost. to any partner of any domestic limited partnership or any pcISOn holding an interest in any other business entity which is to merge or consolidate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the general partner of said surviving limited partnership has caused tbis certificate to be signed by an authorized person. the 41h day of Januæy, 2006. For accounting purposes only, the effective date shall be deemed to have been January I, 2006. KERR-McGEE ONSHORE LL~ as gcncral partner ofWestport Oil and Gas Company, LoP_ B~ QLt/klL -¡n. ~. Name: Christina M. PODS Title: Viëe President & Assisbmt Secretary . ) . . . ....,....,--..." ~ .~"..._~_....~ . ~ . .,., - ..... ......., .............-........ . 09J1J;{)2Z EXHIBIT A . O(!:"¡~7 '...' \ \J t.. .'V' '( Ðe1àware PAGE 1 - . ,... ... ..... "'. , ~~;:[ .' '.. T'ne :Jírst State I, HARRIET SMITH WINDSOR, SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THE ATTACHED I~ A TRUE AND COlmECT COpy OF THE CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT' OF "'í/ESTPORT OIL AND GAS COMPANY, L. P. .", CHANGING ITS NAME FROM ""WESTPORT OIL AND GAS COMPANY, L.P." TO "KERR-MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP", FILED IN THIS OFFICE ON THE FOURTH DAY OF JANUARY, A.D. 2006, AT 11:54 o 'CLOCK A.M. " 2267653 8100 060005668 ....v~ ~9f--~ Harriet Smith Windsor, SecretaI)' of State AUTHENTICATION: 4421361 DATE: 01-04-06 ffi¡¡ill~;W~~~~i~ ~ ~ ~ :~ ~]w~illI ;~~;:::~~~~~ ·:..:.:~,:~~:-l~N~:~;· ,JO;>'r,I',.'.",'",.' c "<.,~~.;"··''''~-'·''''''''''~'''!'''U\I'''~",,;'/Y'~'' Ii!';[;''':Ii:.IIóI!:t':~....'t:1I!~~;<"",.A~,H3;o·,.J;!"i:;;;'.,." .:,......~...,,~~':'~~,..~,. :'.' ,'. ,,',' ...~-...I'~.C"',¡~~.¡.'..........'\j-~~~.....i~,:'. ;.~..~.,.. ,'", -'.','.! ·:··'--'---"'-~'~~~'¡I!OJ~~.T',iTD!.CiIo:!i:A'"'~"':···~':'·.",,,.~~~,; . " - ,.. .;'.~~·";f;.:"!·;t'I"·"P'l":":"': T".-'·,'.'-";'-"':__':"";;;'1'!.".'. 091.6622 EXHIBIT A ·0 n Ó"¡ -;.. 8 .~ .... f,., b." State O~ DelðMt.t8 Sec:retazy or Stat. . Div:i.$ioa o£ Cozporaticns ':Le!.ivered 11:52 1W 01/04/2006 ..,._ Y.rLED 11.;54 AM 01/04/2006 .~;~ 060005668 - 2267653 FIZZ 'I .~ ;~?,". AMENDMENT TO CERTIFICATE OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP OF WESTPORT On. and GAS COMPANY, L.P. The undersigned, desiring to amend the Ccrtiflcate of Limited Partnership pursuant to the P.IOvisions of Section 17-202 of the Rc:mcd Uwonn Limited Partncnhip Act of the State of Delaware.. does hereby certify as follows: FIRST: The ~e ofthc Limited Partnaship is Westport Oil and Gas Company. LP. SECOND: The CertificAte: ofLimi1cd Par1ncrsh:ip ofthc limited partuership is bereby amended by deleting in its entirety Article 1 and inserting the following in lieu thereof. '''The name of the limited partnership is Kerr-McGœ Oil & Gas Onshore LP." IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the general partner of said Limited Partnership has caused this certificate to be signed by an authorized person, the 4th day of January. 2006. For accounting pwposes only. this amendment shall be deemed to have been effective January 1, 2006. By: Kerr-McGee Onsbore LLC, its general partner BT-£}-.~ 11'1- ~ e: Chrl&iuaM. P005 Title: Vice PresidCD1 & Treasurer ., l ....:,.....,:.......,.,..... '.-..' ~ : . ~:1"i 'i':' ".' "'. <', ' -', ,~. ;::;."1:..;;4;;;.,,;,.,,".: ,".'~ .o~if~622 III/I ""///111/1////1/111/ " I" II" " 2006011388 {) n .-) ,-¡ 9 ',.1 \) t,. <. City & County Of Denver PO A Page: 1 of 2 0111812006 11:44A R11 00 00.00 POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR GENERAL PURPOSES Ii\' C.S. KERR-MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP, a Delaware limited partnership ("Kerr-McGee") with ils principal offices in Houston, Texas, does hereby cO/lstitule and appoint DAVID R. DIX as its true and lawful agent and Attorney-in-Fact to perform in the name of Kerr-McGee, in conjunction with or relating directly or indirectly to the oil, gas and other minerals business of said partnership, any or all of the following acts: (I) To acquire, operatt:, convey, assign, exchangt: or otherwise deal with any and DII interest, in real property or personal property in the United States of America, including but nol limited to an'as owned or administered by, or subject to the jurisdiction of, any federal, state orloç,,1 governmental authority, excluding only Outer Continental Shelf Lands or the United States of America; (2) To buy, sell, exchange. process, reline, store or transport oil, gas and other minerals ur the products derived therefrom within the United States of America; (3) To execute and deliver contracts, deeds, leases, options, bids, applications or otTers to lease, extensions, renewals, assigmnents, releases, rights-of-way, easements, permits, bonds, statements of interest and of holding, other statements and reports, and any other instruments or documcnls of any nature whatsoever, relating to the property interests or activities described in (]) and (2) above; and (4) To perform such other acts as may, in the discretion of said Attorney-in-Fact, be necessary and proper to generally carry out the powers specifically enumerated above. Kerr-MeGee Oil & Gas Onshore LP, hereby ratilies and confinns a1l acts perfonned by said Attrorney-m.Fact pursuant tu this Power of Attorney, and hereby waives any and all dcfr.nses which might otherwise. be availdbie to Kt:rr-McGee to contest, negate or disaffirm such acts. Said Attorney-in-Fact is prohibited from tili/l~, simultaneous offers on behalf of any other participant in any federal lease sale. Effective Date: January 16,2006 Expiration Date: January 16, 2008 to C) C) C"J 0':> Q CO l.J..J I..L This Power of Altorney shall become effective as of the Effective Date shown below, and shall continu~ in full orce and effect until the Expiration Date shown below unless duly revoked in writing at an earlier date hy Kerr-McGe IN. ~\1¿'ltS~ ~YEREOF, this Puwer of Attorney is executed as orthe Effective Date shown abo've ~,~ '~~E~ II ~".I': f1., KERR-M~~EE OIL & [:AS ONSHOlU'¥ìiI' (~¡;, :" ~,'..: ';. t/' Delaware hmltt'd partnership 5;-::., _~ ~;1 }::i -g :: ~ :1'0 æ'": ~ ~;flð fi!! 8 :ëij ~:, ~';::$'.,.# .: ~. ~. ~S:;j':~"I1;'¡;'~( ", \. {" J u.I' 'I' By' ¿ J <I? '=:, (j) _._ ¡_ :'._';"---"-'_"L_ '-- -.----- '- '. -. -'-___. __., .:.:~ _<;;!. f.,.,."I-~ =-ô-= J\ìf:! i#fj "j3YtTlt:, s :¡;fant See e ary Jam"'. . Klec leI', Vice President ~',~:I t~ >. ~ .2 Q) '"2 ". ~ ,', .' G~: Q' ~ en (1j L -0 wrt'~·~ ·~.š.¡;i),"~: ~ lü!;\! ~ ;~I.g 2 ~g ." ',' , . c Uü 0 >- <D '. . ....t: ('~ 0 +-.. 0.. 1._ ' ·\'1A\ ., '0..... 0 +" ,. ',:i.,.:¡ ~ .¡: 0 CC! C () c; '~>'~ . - · .. -- - - -- ~ ~ .2 E t) Ê 'r ~ MkJL <; Ç:: 8 13 ~ G £--.-000 '. -'-...- .. .. .---... I- Ü 0 '0 () '0 i.*::i:i*r.::::::M1 Ht ~~,~.:.~, ¡m~m~~i;m~fIi :.: :" : ~·:I"o.."í:1~f':i: ,;, :r.>:\;';:o:. ::':;':¡,';"X::¡·_:.c';',:¿Urt!;.":¡-;:.;T.:·~·,' ·'i;.',' ~': ~-,~, ·:~·I:.;t:~~~...:.";,: , ':; '/" .·"':~''''~I~Iii,.;. ;1;;. .:. "~:~';I;~:·i'I-::';;::'¡fI(~;":}:~·:"~~·'~:;I~";I>~ '. ':~': ,:",.::,",' ..., "·"·,··;i; :'i'I:';!lJ1!'~;;';~"'_·' 'ç~~;.:":". :~..";' ~'.'.'¡' "II, .0:-, I'! 091.66-22 t'ní\;')r'o \.- '- L; t- J ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF COLORADO CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this (2- ~day of January, 2006, by James J. Kleckner, as Vice President of KelT-McGee Oil & Gas Onshore LP, a Delaware limited partnership, on behalf of the limi"d ""me,,"ip. ..&. -J. Notary PùbJic ~ My Con1/}lissi9n Expires: 1'/rVfðtl¡ 2