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~1 '1 t JI~ì . ~ ,J ') . ~ ·~._~·;·I~¡:!~o..:.;:.¡:..¡:.:¡:..·!:.~~.¡'- ~ "'~"''-~ ,-,,::,~_,_ .~;., '··:·s.".-;...·,.'i· .;!..: :_.;.\:............~..:-.~o:... ,·;"·'':';'¡;'';'j:,',.1.: ,''- ,¡,;¡'_'.:';"::~;."" .','--;',..:"J:';~,',':'." " ;~.:.;..'.':':':. 51417 ~ 000321 RECEIVED 3/1412006 at 1021 AM RECElVING# 916654 BOOK: 614 PAGE: 321 JEANNE WAGNER .LINCOLN COUNTY ClERK, KEMMERER" WY State -of Wvomin!l Spzace Above This l.ine For fW:ordin!l Data HEAL ESTATE MORTGAGE (With Futur~ Adv1lnc~ r:wuse) 1. DATE AND PARTJES. ìhe rlBte 1>f 1his Mortgage is D3·1D·1DD6 .ar~ .as -tollows: .and 1he parties .and 1heir .addr~sses MORTGAGOR: JJEBRA R SAINZ AND PATHICID I. SAINZ. WIFE AND tlUSBAND PDJ!DX 1D6 SMDDT. WY DUB :0 Ref~r"101he Addendum which is .attached .and incorpor1lted her~in -tor .additional Mortgagors. .lENDER: JHEJ!ANKDF~ARVAUIY DRGANJZED ANDfXlSTlNG UNDERìHELAWS DnH£~AlIDF WYDMING ~B4 WASHINlITDN-5TBID PDJ!DXBDD7 AfTDN, WY D11D 2. MORTGAGE. FDr ~ood .and v.aIWlble :coosider.ation, 1her~ceipt .and .sufficiency Df which is .acknowledged, .and "10 .seClJr~ ~ 0) 11he SßCUTßrl Thilit (heTß1Ifter rlefinedl. Mortgagor ~r1lnts, :bargains, :conveys, mortgages .and W1lTT1Ints to lÆnder, with 1he ') l f1/J . po~r Df .sale, 1he -tollowinfl DescrJbed property: S£HXHIBIT A ATTACtIED HER£TD AND MADE APART HEH£DF 1 i' ìhe PTDPßrty is Jocated in llNCDlN .at :B5D ADAMS STREET (County) , AITDN , Wyoming B311D (ADdri!SS) (City) jZip £Dds) ìDgether with .a/l rights, iffiSements, .appurtenances, royalties, mineTBI rights, Dil .and gas rights, :crops, 1imber, .all Djv~r.sion p1lyments Dr 1hirrl p1lrty p1lyments made "10 :CTDp pTDrI1.mers, .and .all ~xisting .and iutur~ improvements, .stT1Jctur~s, -tixtlnes, Bnd TBplacements 1hat may now, Dr 1It .any time in the -tutur~, be part of "the T~al -estate Describer! .above (all T~feTTed 10 .as "Property"). The 'term ProPßrty .also includes, :but is not Jimited 10, .any .and .all w1lter w~lIs, water, rlitches, r~servoirs, r~servojr sites .and IiBms located Dn 1he T~al ~state .and 1111 riparian Bnd water Tights 1ISsociated with 'the PrDPßrty, however ~stablished. ~~IifNfi-)tGl~llRAlICOMMERCIAlm:Al:ESTATE.sECURITY JNSTRUMENT IIWHDRfNMA, fHLMC, fHADR V4JJSE,AIID NUTfDRJ:DNSUMER PlJRPlISESl (page 1 Df B) . . - t .1 r'. '\') '1'....' _ ,2001 Ðank"fs5ysuoms, Jne., St. I:lDud, MN Fonn AGC .,_¡,} 116/2003 ; 'c j ."1> _ ':;¡~ff ~~!i¡lli~fillm . .',' .;':1."1,.;';>",', ".',',-.T. ..:tn:;~~.-......>.".:..::....!.:.-~'..l;."-;;.."~ -.... 0916654 000322 3. MAXIMUM DBUGATION l.IMIT. The total principal Bmount of the Secured Debt (hereafter Llefined) secured by "this Mortgage Bt Bny one time shall not exceed $ 15]58.37 . This limitation of Bmount rloes not include interest, 10Bn charges, commitment fees, brokerBge commissions, Bnomeys'fees Bnd other chBf!;¡es vBlidly mBrle pursuant to this Mortgage Bnd Lloes not Bpply to BdvBnces (or interest Bccrued on such BdvBnces) mBdeunder the terms of this Mortgage to protect l.ender's security Bnd to perform Bny of the covenants contained in this Mortgage. future BdvBnces Bre contemplated and, Blon9 with other future obligations, are secured by this Mortgage even though BII or part may not yet be BdvBnced. Nothing in this Mortgage, however, shall constitute B commitment 10 make Bdditional or future loans or BdvBnces in Bny Bmount. Any such commitment would need to be Bgreed to in B sepsrBte writing. 4. SECURED DEBT DEFINED. The term "Secured Debt" includes, but is not limited to, the foUowing: A. The promissory note(s), contrBct(s), guarBnty(ies) or other evidence of Llebt Llescribed below Bnd BII extensions, renewBIs, modificBtions Dr substitutions. (When r-efer-encing th-e Dßbts .below it is suggßsœd that you include itßms such BS .borroW/Jrs' namßs Bnd Bddœssßs, note principal amounts, I:omm-erI:ial revolving Joan Bgrßl]m-ent's maximum Bmount, intßrest tatßs, vBriable rate terms, maturity dates, --etc.) DNE PROMISSORY NOTE DAlID D3110/D6 IN THE AMOUNT DF ~ 15;75B.37 B. AU future BdvBnces fmm Lender 10 Mortgagor Dr other future obligations of Mortgagor to ÜmLler !mder Bny promissory note, contrBct, guarBnty, or other evidence of Debt existing now or executed after "this Mortgage whether or not this Mort9age is specificBlly referred 10 in the evidence of Llebt. C. AU obligations Mortgagor owes to Lender, which now exist or may Ister Brise, to the extent not pmhibited by Jaw, including, but not limited to, JiBbilities for overdrafts reIsting to Bny rleposit Bccount B9reement between Mort9agor Bnd l.ender. D. AU Bdditionalsums advBnced Bnd expenses incurred by Lender for insurin9, -preserving or otherwise -protecting the Pmperty Bnd its vBlue Bnd Bny other sums BdvBnced Bnd expenses incurred by Lender unrler the terms of this Mortgage, -pJus interest Bt the highest rBte in effect, from time to time, BS provideLl in the Evidence of Debt. E MortgBgor's -performance under the terms of Bny instrument evidencing B Llebt by Mortgagor to -Lender Bnd Bny Mortgage securing, guarBntying, or otherwise relating to the Llebt. If more than one J>f!rson signs this Mortgage BS Mortgagor, each MortgBgor Bgrees that "this Mortgage will secure BII iutureBdvBnces Bnd future obligations .described Bbove "that are given to or incurrerl by Bny one or more Mortgagor, or Bny one Dr more Mortgagor Bnd others. This Mortgage will not secure Bny other Llebt if -LenderiBils, with respect to such other rlebt, to make Bny required .disclosure Mout this Mortgage or if -Lender fBils to give any required notice of the right of rescission. 1). PAYMENTS. Mortgagor agrees 10 mBke BII payments on the Secured Debt when LlooBnd in Bccorrlance with the terms of the Evidence of Debt or this Mortgage. :6. I:LAIMS AGAINST TITlE. Mortgagor will paYBII taxes, Bssessments, liens, -encumbrances, lease -pByments, gmund rents, utilities, Bnd other charges relating 10 the Property when Llue.l.ender may require Mortgagor to pm vide to Lender I:opies of BII notices that liuch Bmounts Bre Llue Bnd the receipts evidencin9 Mortgagor'li -payment. Mortgagor will Llefend title to the Property Bgainst Bny claims that would impair the Jien of this Mortgage. Mortgagor Bgrees to Bssign to Lenrler, BS requesterl by Lender, Bny rights, cJBims or defenses which Mortgagor may have against parties who supply Jabor or materials to improve or maintain the Property. 7. PRIOR SECURITY JNTERESTS. With regard to Bny other mortgage, rleed of trust, security Bgreement or other Jien Llocument that created B prior liecurity interest or encumbrBnce on the Pmperty Bnd that may have priority over this MortgBge, Mortgagor Bgrees: A. To make BII-payments when Llue Bnd to J>f!rform or comply with BII covenants. B. To -promptly Lleliver to Lender Bny notices that Mortgagor receives imm the holrier. C. Not "to make or permit Bny modificBtion or extension of, and not to request or Bccept Bny future Bdvances unrler Bny note or Bgreement secured by, the other mortgage, Lleed of trust Dr security Bgreement unless -Lender consents in writing. B. DUE DN SAlE DR ENCUMBRANCE. Lender may, at its option, LleclBre "the entire bBlance of the Secljred Debt 10 De immeLliately Llue Bnd -payable upon "the creation of any lien, encumbrBnce, trBnsfer, or sale, or contract for any of "these on the Pmperty. tlowever, if the Property includes Mortgagor's residence, this section shall be subject to the restrictions imposed .by feLlerBI Jaw (12 C.f.R £91), BS Bpplicable. for "the -purposes of this section, the term "Property" Blso includes Bny interest to all or Bny part of the Property. This covenant shall run with the Property Bnd shall remain in Effect until the Secured Debt is -PBid in full Bnd this Mortgafje is releBSed. (pBge2 Df B) ~ ©1993,20011!anlcersSY51ems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN fonn AGCO-RESI-WY 1/1612003 :.,', C\ ~j r~ ~;. '{ ;; ¡ ::~¡:'¡:;:I.:J'.i:":¡;" .1 " i~".:.~·.~;~.·.~.·;:.·.· ···;,::~~·.IH~:.~;··: I~;.""".~~~¡';'-.':~'_,'... CD0323 0916654 . ~. TRANSÆR OF AN INTEREST IN THE MORTGAGOR. If Mortgagor is lIn ~ntity other "than II lliIturBl person (such liS B corporation or other organization), ander may Dermmd immedÍBte payment if (1) 11 bene1icial inter~st in MortgaBor is sold or tUlOs1erred; (2) "there is 11 change in ~ither "the identity or number of members 0111 partnership or similar ~ntity; or (3) "there is B change in ownership of more 'than 25 percent 01 me voting stock of II corporBtÎon or similar ~ntity. However, ander may not Demand payment in "the .above situations if it is prohibited by law liS of "the Dat~ of "this Mortfjafje. 1D.ENTITY WARRANTlES AND REPRESENTATIONS. If Mortgagor is an ~ntity other man B naturBI person (such liS 11 corporation or other orfjanizationl. Mortfjagor makes "to ander the iollowinfj wBrrBnties lInd repn:1sentations which shall De continuinfj liS long liS the Secured Debt remains outstanding: A. Mortgagor is lIn ~ntity which is Duly organized Bnd validly ~xisting in the Mortgafjor's state 01 incorporBtion (or organization). Mortgagor is in Dood standing in all states in which Mortgagor TIBnsacts business. Mortfjagor has "the power and Buthority to. own me Property Bnd to carryon its business liS now beinfj conducted lind, liS .applicable, is qualified to DO so in ~ach state in which Mortgagor operates. B. The -execution, Delivery Bnd performance of this Mortgage by Mortgagor lInd me obligation ~videnceD by "the Evidence of Debt lire within "the power of Mortgagor, have been Duly lIuthorizeD, have received all necessary flovernmental approval, Bnd will not violate Bny provision of law, or order of court or flovernmentalBgency. C. Other 'than Disclosed in writing Mortgagor has not chanfjed its name within "the last 'ten years .and hBs not .used .any other trBde or iictitious name. Without ander's prior written consent, Mortgagor Does not Bnd will not use Bny other name lInd will preserve its ~xisting name, trBde names Bnd irBnchises until "the Secured Debt is SBtisfied, ' 11. PROPERTY CONDITION, AL"ŒRATIONS AND INSPECTJON. MortgBfjOr will keep "the Property in flood condition .and make .all r~pairs "that lire r~asonably necessary. Mortgafjor will flive ander prompt notice of Bny loss or Damage to "the Property. Mortgagor will kBep the Property 1ree of noxious weeds lInd flrilSses. Mortfjafjor will not initiate, join in or .consent to lIny chanfje in Bny private restrictive covenant, :zoninfj ordinanc~ or other public Dr privBte restriction limitinfj Dr De1ininfj "the uses which may be made of me Property or Bny part 01 "the Property, without ander's prior written J::onsent. Mortfjafjor will notify ander of 1111 Demands, proceedings,1::Iaims, lInd Bctions lIflainst Mortgafjor Dr lIny other owner made under law Dr refjulation refjarDing use, ownership Bnd occupBncy 01 the Property. Mortfjafjor will .comply with 1111 legal requirements lInd restrictions, whether public or private, with respect "to "the .use of 'the Property. Mortgafjor 1IIso lIgrBes"that the nature of the occupancy lInd use will not .chanfje without ander's prior written consent. No portion of "the Property will De r~moved, Demolished or materially 1Iltered without ander's prior written consent ~xcept that Mortfjafjor hilS the rifjht to r~move items of pBrsonal propBrty comprisinfj B part 01 me ProPBrty that bBcomB worn or obsolere, provided mat such personal property is r~placed with other personal property at least -equal in value "to "the r~placed personal property, irBe irom any title r~tention Device, security BfjrBementor othBrencumbrance. Such T~plac~ment 01 pBrsonal property will De DeemBd subject "to "the sBcurity interest creared by 1his Mortfjafje. Mortfjagor shall not partition Dr subDiviDe me Property without .lender's prior written consent. anderor ander's BgBnts may, at andBr's option, -enter the Property Bt lIny reasonable time ior the purpose of inspecting 1he Property. Any inspection of 1he PropBrty shall be -entirely 10r ander's bene1it Bnd Mortgagor will in no WBY rely on ander's inspection. 12. AUTHORITY TO PERFORM. If Mortgagor iails to perform any of Mortgagor's Duties under "this Mortfjage, or lIny other mortgage, need of trust, security lIgreement or other lien Document 'that has priority over 1his Mortgage, .LEnder may, without notice, perform the nuties Dr cause them to be performed. Mortgagor lIppoints ander liS lIttorney in iact"to sign Mortgagor's name or pay lIny lImounl necessary im performance. If lIny construction on "the Property is Discontinued or not .carrÌßrl on in.a reasonable manner, ander may DO whatevBr is necessary to protect anrler's security interest in 'the Property. This may in.clude completing me construction. ander's right "to perform 10r Mortgagor shall-not create lIn obligation "to perform, lIod !.ender's iailure "to perform will-not pœ.clude anderirom ~xercising lIny of ander's other rights under the Jawor 'this Mortgage. Any lImounts pairl by ander ior insurinfj, preserving or otherwise protectinfj me Property lInd !.ender's security inrerest will be rlue on rlemanrl lInd will bear interest 1rom the Date of me payment until pairl in 1ull lit 'the interest rBte in ~ffect irom time to 1ime lIccorrling 10 the terms of the Evirlence of Debt. 13. ASSIGNMENT DF l.EASES AND RENTS. Mortgagor 1I5sifjns, flrBnts, bargains, .conveys, mortgages .anrl warrllnts "to .lender 115 Bdrlitional security .all me rifjht, title Bnrl inrerest in 1he 1ollowinfj (Property). A. £xistinfj or iuture leilSes, subleilSes, licenses, guarBnties lInd Bny other written Dr verballlgreements ior'the use lInd occupancy of 'the Property, in.clurlinfj DUt not limiterl to, .any extensions, renewBls, modi1ications or replacements (leilSes). B. Rents, issues lInd pro1its, includinfj but not limited to, security rleposits, minimum rents, percentage rents, lIrlditional rents, common lIrea maintenance charges, pBrking charges, rBal ~state 1axes, other 1\Pplicable 1axes, insurBnce premium contributions, liquidated damafjes iollowing De1ault, cancellation premiums, "Joss of rents" insurance, fluest receipts, n;¡venues, rOYBlties, proceeDs, bonuses, .accounts, J::ontract rights, BenerBI intangibles, .and BII rights lInd claims which Mortgagor may have that in lIny WBY pertain to or lire on lIccount 01 'the .use or occupancy of me whole Dr lInypart of the Property (Rents). Jn the -event .any item listed liS aases or Rents is .derermined "to be personal property, 1his Assignment will 1!lso De reBarrled .as 11 security lIgreement. 0' 003S~ {page 3 Df B) ,2001 Ðankers5ystems, Jnc., St. .cloud, MN f'Drm AGC~iÞ..\,¡~:~" 1/t6/2003 llim~:i:Éi~ ;r;~l~~~BI~ ·_·.!..,_UO..l.·.·.'.',', ·.·;'J.:I.·.~··,';lc.~·.·· 091.6654 [00324 Mortgagor will promptly provide l.-ender with copies of the l.-eases and will certiiy 1:hese .Leases ar-e 1:we and correct £:opies. The -existing l.-eases will be provided on -execution of the Assignment, Bnd BII of 1:he future l.-eases and Bny other information with respect to these .Leases will be provided immediately aiter they Bre -executed. Mortgagor may collect, r-eceive, -enjoy and use the Rents so long as Mortgagor is not in default. Mortgagor will not collect in Bdvanc-e any Rents Due in futur-e lease periods, unless Mortgagor iirst obtains l.-ender's written consent. Upon Default, Mortgagor will receive Bny Rents in trust for l.ender and Mortgagor will not commingle the Rents with Bny other funds. When l.-ender so directs, Mortgagor will endorse and Deliver Bny payments of Rents from 1:he Property to .Lender. Amounts £:ollected will be Bpplied at .Lender's Discr-etion to 1:he Secured Debts, 1:he costs of managing, protecting Bnd preserving 1:he Property, Bnd other necessary ,expenses. Mortgagor agrees that 1:his Security fnstwment is immediately ,effective between Mortgagor Bnd l.-ender. This Security Instrument will remain effective .during any stat.utory redemption period .until 1:he Secured Debts Bre satisfie.d. Unless otherwise prohibited or prescribed by state law, Mortgagor Bgreesthat l.ender may take actual possession of the Property without the necessity of commencing Bny legal Bction or proceeding. Mortgagor Bgrees that Bctual possession of the Property is .deemed to occur when .Lender notifies Mortgagor of Mortgagor's Default Bnd Demands that Mortgagor Bnd Mortgagor's tenants pay all Rents .due or to become Due .directly to l.-ender. Immediately Biter l.ender gives Mortgagor 1:he notice of .default, Mortgagor Bgrees that either .Len.der or Mortgagor may imme.diately notify the tenants and .demand that BII future Rents be paid Directly to .Lender. As long BS this Assignment is in effect, Mortgagor WBrrants Bnd represents 1:hat no .defBult exists .under 1:he .Leases, Bnd 1:he parties subject to the l.-eases have not violated Bny Bpplicable Jaw on leases,licenses Bnd landlor.ds Bnd tenants. Mortgagor, at its sole £:ostBnd expense, will keep, observe Bnd perform, Bnd requir-e all other ,parties to the .Leases 1:0 £:omply with the .Leases Bnd Bny Bpplicable law. If Mortgagor or Bny party to the .Lease .defaults or iails to observe Bny Bpplicable law, Mortgagor will promptly notify .Lender. If Mortgagor neglects or refuses to enforce £:omplianc-e with the terms of the .Leases, then l.-ender may, Bt l.ender's option, -enforce complianc-e. Mortgagor will not sublet, modify, extend, cancel, or otherwise Bft-er the .Leases, or accept the surr-en.der of the :Property £:ov-ered by the .Leases (unless the .Leases so requir-e) without l.-ender's consent. Mortgagor will not Bssign, £:ompromise, subordinate or encumber the .Leases Bnd Rents without l.-ender's prior written £:onsent. .Lender .does not Bssume or become liable for the Property's maintenance, .depreciation, or other losses or .damages when .Len.der BCts to manage, protect or preserve the :Property, exc-ept for losses Bnd .damages .due 10 l.-ender's gross negligenc-e or intentional 'torts. Otherwise, Mortgagor will indemnify .Lender Bnd hold .Lender harmless for BII liability, loss or Damage that .Lender may incur when l.-en.der opts to ex-ercise Bny of its remedies Bgainst Bny party obligated under the l.eases. 1 14. CONDOMINIUMS;Pl.ANNED UNIT DEVElOPMENTS. If the Property includes B unit in B £:ondominium or B planned .unit Dev-elopment, Mortgagor will perform BII of Mortgagor's Duties under 1:he £:ovenants, by-laws, or r-egulations of 1he £:ondominium or planned unit .dev-eJopment. 15. DEFAULT. Mortgagor will be in Default ii Bny of the following occur: A. Any party obligated on 1:he Secur-ed Debt iails 10 make payment when .due; B. A br-each of Bny 'term or £:ovenant in 1:his Mortgage. Bny prior mortgage or Bny £:onstruction Joan Bgreement, security Bgreement or Bnyother .document evidencing, fuarantying, securing or otherwise r-elating 'to 'the Secured Debt; C. The making or furnishing of Bny v-erbal or written r-epresentation, statement or warrBnty 'to l.-ender that is ialse or incorrect in· Bny mat-erial r-espect by Mortgagor or Bny person or entity obligated on 1:he Secured Debt; D. The .death, Dissolution, or insolv-ency of, Bppointment of a receiver ior, or Bpplication of Bny Debtor relief Jaw 1:0, Mortgagor or any person or ,entity obligated on the Secured Debt; E. A food fBith belief by .Lender Bt Bny time that .Lender is insecur-e with respect 1:0 Bny person or entity obligated on 1he Secur-ed Debt or 1hat the prospect of any payment is impaired or the value of 'the Property is impaire.d; f. A mat-erial adverse change in Mortgagor's business including ownership, management, Bnd financial £:onditions, which .Lender in its opinion believes impairs the vBlue of the Property or repayment of the Secured Debt; or E. Any loan proceeds lU-e used ior 11 purpose 'that will £:ontribute 'to-exc-essive ~rosion of highly erodible land or 'to the £:onversion of wetlands to produce Bn lIgriculturlll £:ommodity, as further explained in 7 C.f.R. PBrt 1940, Subpart G, Exhibit M. 16. REMEDŒS DN DEFAULT. In some instanc-es, fedeTBI and state Jaw will require .Lender to provide Mortgagor with notice of the right to £:ur-e, mediation notices or other notices Bnd may ~stablish time schedules for ioreclosure BCtiOns. Subject 1:0 these limitations, if Bny, .Lender may Bccelerate1:he Secured Debt Bnd foreclose this Mortgage in B mllnner provided by law if this Mortgagor is in Defllult. At 1:he option of l.ender, BII or lIny pllrt of the Bgreed iees and £:harges, lIccwed interest lInd principal shall become imTT1t!diately Due Bnd payable, Biter giving notice if r-equir-ed by Jaw, upon the oc£:urrence of 11 default or lIny!ime thereaiter. In Bddition, l.-ender shall be entitled to BII the r-emedies provided by Jaw, the Evidence of Debt, other ,evidences of Debt, 1:his Mortgage Bnd lIny r-elllted Documents including without limitation, the power to sell the Property. All remeDies Br-e .distinct, cumulative and not -exclusive, lInd the l.ender is entitled to 1111 remedies provided lit Jawor equity, whether ~xpr-essly set iorth Dr not. The lIcceptance by .Lender of Bny sum in payment or partial payment on the Secured Debt aiter 'the blllance is due or is Bcc-elerated Dr aiter for-eclosure :proceedings ar-e filed shall not £:onstitute B waiver of .Lender's right to require iull and £:ompJete £:ure of any ,existing Default. By not exer£:ising Bny remedY.Dn Mortgafor's l) ;1:I}f~íJt~,fJ;.ë1t11~er Does not waive .Lender's right to later consider 'the -event a Default if it continues or happens again. ! " ,'" , (pege 4 Df B) , ~... '-' :¡ Ie.. . ~M © 1993.2001 Bankers Systems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN Torm AGCO-RESI-WY 1/16/2003 .' ',~"'i·~·"'.·~·i·'·.:· """, _..;;:,!;'.i.::.:....::~..~.-..;:. .,,' ;-. _:~:,' ..-'.-.....~u..~','~.. ......;....1.1........, . ····':.,:....:Wi!£lo'.,:_·Cit1;o·-'·,· .~.." >·.··1;~·!.· 0916654 C00325 17.EXPENSES; ADVANCES ON COVENANTS; ATTORNEYS' TEES; COllECTION COSTS. Exc~pt when prohibited by Jaw, Mortgagor agr.ees to pay all of l.~nder's -expenses if Mortgagor br~aches any cov~nant in this Mortgage. Mortgagor will Blso pay on demand all of l.~nder's ~xpenses incurœd in collecting. insuring, preserving Dr protecting the Property orin Bny inventories, Budits, inspections Dr other -examination by l.~nder in r~spect to the Property. Mortgagor .agr.ees to pay BII costs Bnd ~xpenses incurred by l.~nder in ~nforcing Dr protecting .Lender's rights Bnd r~medies underthis Mortgage, including, but not limited to, Bttorneys' fees, court costs, Bnd other legal ~xpenses. Onc~ 1he Secur~d Debt is 'fully Bnd 'finally paid, .Lender Bgr.ees to r~lease this Mortgage and Mortgagor agr~es to pay for Bny recordation costs. All such Bmounts lU~ Due on Demand and will bear inter~st from the time of the Bdvanc~ Bt 1he highest rat~ in -eff~ct, from tim~ to time, BS provided in the Evidence of Debt and as permitted by law. . 1B.ENVIRONMENTAl1.AWS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. As .used in this section, (1) "Environmental Law" means, without limitation, the Comprehensiv~ Environmental R~sponse, Compensation Bnd l.iability Act (CERClA, 42 U.S.C. .B6D1 -et seq.1. BII other federal, state Bnd local laws, regulations, ordinanc~s, court orders, Bttorney general opinions Dr interpœtive letters conc~rning the public health, safety, welfare, -environment Dr a hazardous substance; Bnd (2) "t:tBZardous Substance" means Bny toxic, radioactive Dr hazardous mat~rial, wllste, pollutant Dr contaminant which has 1:harBct~ristics which r~nder the substance Dangerous Dr pot~ntially Llangerous to the public health, safety, welfllr~ Dr cEnvironment. The term includes, without limitation, Bny substanc~s Defined as "hazardous mllt~rial," "toxic substanc~s," "h1IZ1Irdous Wllst~" Dr "hazardous substance" under Bny Environmental1.aw. Mortgagor r~presents, wllrrllnts Bnd Bgr.ees ïhllt, -exc-ept BS pr~viously disclosed lInd Bcknowledged in writing: A. No t:tBZardous Substance has been, is, Dr will be located, transported, manuiactured, trellted, refined, Dr handled by Bny person on, under Dr lIbout the Property, ~xcept in the ordinary course of business Bnd in strict 1:ompJiancs with BlIlIpplicable Environrrnmtal1.aw. B. Mortgagor has not Bnd will not cause, contribute to, Dr permit the release of Bny HazardoJ.ls Substance on ths Property. C. Mortgagor will immsdiatsly notify ander if (1) 11 r~lease Dr threatsned rslease of t:tazardous Substancs occurs on, .under Dr Bbout the Property Dr migrates Dr thr~atens to migrate 'from nearby property; Dr (2) thers is B violation of Bny Environmsntal 1.aw concsrning the Property. In such Bn -evsnt, Mortgagor will TIiks BII nec-essary æmedial Bction in lIccordancs with Environmental Law . D. Mortgagor has no knowledge of Dr reason to believ~ thers is Bny pending Dr thr~atened investigation, claim, Dr proc-esding of Bny kind r~lating to (1) lIny t:tazardous Substancs Jocated on, under Dr about the Property; Dr (2) Bny violation by Mortgagor or lIny tenant of any Environmental1.aw. Mortgagor will immediately notify .Lender in writing BS soon liS Mortgagor has rsason to believe there is lIny such pending Dr threatened invsstigation, claim, Dr procseding. In such an-svent, l.-ender has the right, but not the obligation, to participate in Bny such proc-eeding including the right to rsc~ivs copies of lIny documents relating to such proceedings. £. Mortgagor Bnd -every tenant haVt! been, Br~ lInd shall remain in full compliance with Bny .applicable Environmental Law. E Ther~ Bœ no .underground storllge TIinks, privBte Dumps Dr open wells located on Dr .under the Property Bnd no such TIink, Dump Dr well will be Bdded unless l.~nder first consents in writing. G. Mortgagor will regularly inspect the Property, monitor the Bctivities lInd operlltions on the Property, Bnd 1:onfirm 'that .all permits, licenses Dr Bpprovllls required by Bny Bpplicable Environmental Law Br~ obtained Bnd complied with. t:t. Mortgagor will permit, Dr caus~ Bny tenant to permit,.Lender Dr l.snder's Bgent to cEnter Bnd inspect the Property .1Ind review 1111 rscords Bt Bny rsasonable 'time 10 Lletermine (1) the -exist~nce, location Bnd 111ItJ.Jr-e Df Bny t:tazardous Substance on, under Dr lIbOJ.lt 1he Property; (2) the .existence, Jocation, nature, Bnd magnitude of Bny t:tazardous Substance that has been released on, under Dr about the Property; Dr (3) whether Dr nDt MDrtgagDr Bnd Bny tenant Bre in cDmplumce with lIpplicable Environmental1.aw. I. UpDn ander's request Bnd Bt Bny time, MortgagDr Bgr.ees, Bt MortgagDr's -expense, to -engage B Iualified -snvironmental -engineer to prepar-e an -envirDnmental Budit of 1he Property Bnd 1D submit the r.esultsDf such Budit to .Lender. ìhe choice of the .environmental-engineer whD will perfDrm -such audit is -subject tD .Lender's lIpproval. J. under has the right, but nDt the obligatiDn, tD perfDrm Bny of MDrtgagDr's obligatiDns under this -sectiDnat MortgagDr'-s -expense. K. As B consequence of Bny br~lIch of Bny r~pr-esentation, warrBnty Dr promise made in 1his section, (1) MortgagDr will indemnify Bnd hold ander Bnd ander'-s successDrs Dr Bssigns harmless irom Bnd against BII losses, claims, LlemllmJs, Jiabilities, Llamages, cleanup, r~sponse and rsmediation CDSts, penalties Bnd -expens~s, including WithDut limitation BII costs of litigation lInd BnDrneys' fees, which .Lender Bnd .Lender's succeSSDrs Dr 1iSsigns may sustain; Bnd (21 Bt ander'-s rliscœtion, ander 1T11IY r~lease this Mortgage Bnd in rstJ.Jrn MDrtgagor will provide under with coll1lteral of lit least -equal vlllue 1:0 1:he Property secured by this Mortgage without pr~judics to Bny of under's rights .under 1:his Mortgage. L Notwithstanding any of the language contained in this MDrtgage 'to the 1:Dntrary, 1he 1:erms of 'this section shall survive :any ior-eclDsure Dr satisfactiDn of this MDrtgager.egardless Df Bny passage Df 1itle 10 .Lender or Bny Disposition by .Lender Df :any Dr BII of the Property. Any 1:Iaimsand rlefenses tD the con!rllry Bre heriiliy wlIived. 19. CONDEMNATION. Mortgagor will five 1.ßnder prompt nDtics Df Bny BctiDn, real Dr 1hr.eatened, by privllt~ Dr public -entities tD purchas~ Dr TIike :any Dr BII Df the Property, including :any -eas~ments, through condemnation, .emjn~nt DDmain, Dr .any D!her means. Mortgagor 1urther lIgœes to nDtify .Lender Df :any proc.eedings instituted 'fDr 1he -sstablishment Df Bny s~wer, Wllter, conservlltion, ditch, drllinage, Dr other District n¡Jating 1:D Dr Dinding upDn the PrDperty Dr lIny part of it. Mortgagor Buthorizes under to int~rVt!ne in MortgagDr's name in Bny Df the BbDve rlescribed BctiDns Dr claims Bnd 1:D r:oJlect Bnd r~c.eive BII sums r.esulting 'from the BctiDn Dr r:Jaim. MDrtgagor Bssigns to .Lender the proceeds of lIny aWllrd Dr daim for Damages r:onnected with B condemnatiDn Dr other TIiking Df .1111 Dr Bny part of the Property. Such proceeds:shall De cDnsider.ed payments :and will be Bpplied BS provided in 1his Mortgage. "This lIssignmen! Df proc-eeds is subject to the terms of Bny prior mortgage, Deed Df trust, secJ.lrity Bgœement or D!her lien rlocument. {}~lTf}#)"")f't ... '-..., '.¡! í' (', f.' ~ '(lL~9. e!j Df B) ;, \J U -J"J ~ . 2001 lIanker~ Systems. Inc.. St. Cloud. MN TDrm AGC!i'\."folt,..¡¡>,I,', 1/16£2003 ~::::*t~i:i:~::;::: '.' ét..J. ):~::~ . ';;.','_1.';"_;';':',' . ,. '~'.:~.:~'ú-~. <·...:t,.'i:::.::~;.:.i,;·L.:..·. '_,'_..'...,;!....'.i....:..:.;.:.:,..r:_'.,. " ...~~.t'~~.:.;.¡'.-, 0916654 C00326 20. INSURANCE. Mortgagor BgrBesto maintain insurBnc-e Bsfollows: A. Mortgagor shall kt!ep the Property insurt!d Bgainst 1055 by firt!, theft Bnd Dther hazards lInd risks rt!asorülbly lIssociatt!d with the Property due to its type Bnd 10cBtion. Other hazards Bnd risks may include, ior -examplt!, 1:0VerBge Bgainst loss due to floods or flooding. This insurBnce shall be maintained in the Bmounts Bnd for the periods tlult .L-ender rt!quirt!s. What .L-ender requirt!s pursuant to the prt!Dt!ding two sentenct!s 1:an change rluring the tt!rm Df the Secuœrl Debt. The insuranct! carrier providing the insurBnct! shall be chost!n by MDrtgagorsubject to .Lt!nder's Bpproval, which shall not be unrt!Bsonably withheld. If Mortgagor fails to maintain the 1:0lfflrBge rlescribed Bbove, Lmrler may, Bt .L-ender's Dption. Dbtain 1:overBge to protect .Lender's rights in tht! Property lIccording to the tt!rms of this Mortgage. All insurBnct! policies lInd rt!newals shall be lIcct!ptable to .L-ender Bnd shall include 11 standard "mDrtgage 1:lause" lind, wheœ lIpplicable, "lender 1055 PBYBe clause." Mortgagor slulll immediBtf!ly notify.Lender of cBnc-ellBtion or termination of the insurance. .Lender shBII have the right to hold the policies lInd rt!newllls. If l.-ender rt!quires, Mortgagor shall immediBtt!ly givt! to l.ender 1111 rt!ct!ipts Df paid pœmiums lInd rt!newal notices. Upon' Joss, Mortgagor shBII givt! immediate notice to the insurllnce carrit!r lInd .Lender. .Lender mBY mllkt! proof of Joss if not mBde immediatt!ly by Mortgagor. Unless .L-ender Bnd Mortgagor otherwise lIgrBe in Writing, insurBnc-e procBeds slulll be lIPplied to rt!stoTlltion Dr repBir of the Property rlamaged if the œstoration or repair is -economically iellsible Bnd .Lender's seC1Jrity is not It!ssened. If the restoration or œpair is not t!conomically ieBsible Dr .Lender's security would be lessened, 1he inSUTllnDe procBeds shall be lIpplied to the Securt!d Debt, whether or not then rlue, with lIny -exct!ss pBid to Mortgagor. If MortgBgor abBndons the Property, or does not lInswt!r within 30 rlays 11 notice from .Lenrler that 1he insurance carrier has offt!red to settle 11 claim, then .Lender may collect the insurBnct! procef!ds.l.t!nder may ust! the procBeds to repair or rt!stort! the Property or to PBY the Securt!d Debt whether Dr not tht!n rlue. The 3D-rlay period will begin when the notice is givt!n. Unless .Lender Bnd Mortgagor otherwise Bgœe in writing, Bny lIpplicBtion Df procBeds to principBlshBII not -eX!t!nd Dr postpone the rlue rlBte of scheduled pByments or change the lImount Df the payments. If the Property is lIcquirt!d by .Lender, Mortgagor's right to lIny insurllnct! policies lInd proceeds rt!5ulting from rlBmage to the Property befort! the lIcquisition shBII pass to .Lender to the -extent of the Secuœd Debt immt!diatt!ly before the lIcquisition. B. MortgBgor lIgrt!es to mBintain 1:omprt!hensivt! general liability insurBnct! naming .Lender liS lIn lIdditionBI insurt!d in lIn lImount lIcceptable to .Lender, insuring BgBinst daims lIrising irom lIny lIccident or Dccurœnct! in Dr Dn the Property. C. Mortgagor B!rBesto mBintain rt!ntalloss or business interruption insurBnce, BS rt!quirt!d by.Lender, in Bn lImount -equBI to lit leBst 1:DVt!rBge Dfone yt!Br's rlebt servict!, lIndrt!quirt!d -escrow lIccount rleposits (if BgrBed to sepaTlltely in writing), under B form of policy lIcc-eptable to .Lender. 21. NO ESCROW fOR TAXES AND JNSURANCE. Unless otherwise provided in B SepBl'1Itt! BgrBemt!nt, MortgBgor will not be rt!quirt!d to PBY 10 l.-ender funds ior taxt!s lInd insurBnct! in -escrow. 22. flNANCJAl REPORTS AND ADDITIONAl DOCUMENTS. Mortgagor will provide 10 .L-ender upon request, lIny iinanciBl statt!ment or infDrmation l.-ender may rleem nect!ssary. MortgBgor WBrrBnts thatBII financiBlstatt!ments lInd informBtion MortgBgor provides to .Lender lire, or will be, BccurBte, 1:orrt!ct, Bnd 1:omplete. Mortgagor lIgr-ees to sign, rleliver, lInd file 115 .Lender may rt!asol1Bbly rt!qlæst lIny lIdditional documents or c-ertifications that .Lender may 1:onsider nect!ssary to perlt!ct, cDntinue, lInd prt!serlffl Mortgagor's Dbligations under this Mortgage lInd .Lender's Jien status on the Property. If Mortgagor iails to rloso, .Lender may sign, rleliver, lInd iile such rlocuments Dr 1:-ertificares in Mortgagor's namellnd Mortgagor hereby irrevocably lIppoints .Lender or l.-ender's lIgent 115 lIttomey in fact to rlo the things necessary to comply with this section. 23.--JDlNT AND INDIVIDUAl.lIABJlITY; CD-SIGNERS; SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS BOUND. All rluties under this Mortgage lire joint lInd individual. If Mortgagor signs this Mortgage but does not sign the Evidenct! of Debt, Mortgagor rloes so only to mortgage Mortgagor's interest in the Property to securt! payment of the Secured Debt lInd Mortgagor rloes not lIgrBe to be personally liable Dn the Securt!d Debt. Mortgagor BgrBeS that .Lender Bnd Bny pBrty to this Mortgage mBY -£xtend, modify Dr makt! Bny change in the tt!rms Df this Mortgage or the Evidence Df Debt without Mortgagor's consent. Such 11 chBnge will not rt!lease Mortgagor irom the terms of this Mortgage. The duties Bnd benefits Df this Mortgage slulllbind lInd benefit the succt!ssors lInd lIssigns Df Mortgagor lInd .Lender. If this Mort!age securt!s B guarBnty betwt!en .Lender Bnd Mortgagor Bnd rloes not rlirt!ctly securt! the Dbligation which is guarBntit!d, Mortgagor lIgrBeS to wBive lIny rights that may prt!vent .Lender from bringing lIny Bction Dr daim lIgBinst Mortgagor Dr lIny party indebtf!d under the Dbligation including, but not limitf!d to, lInti-rleficiency Dr Dne-Bction IBws. a~lT:f'-<Í}"J '" ~: ,m'£¡~3_ '2\'1D1 Ðankers£ystems, Jnc.. £t. Cloud, MN fDrm AGCO-RESI-WY 1/16/2003 :0. (\ ~.~ ,~, :J (pBge fj Df B) '0' l '... \.. \~. ..L ";:'~~'·~Û~.~.:;·,·. ',', ";"'..::;.::':"::":"':",':::-";[!":.i','.-'. -, ~.---.",..,. ':'-\'~:':'.__ :...·.:.:.~~f:,~.:..:.:.~1 .'....;,:~~.:;,;:..~_~. .1.' ',1' _-,\_".¡~.i!~'.'_'~·\:.. . :,-.;:,~,.;.. '.... ., ,'q ..y,;¡,:.:.~¡. . 0916654 C00327 24.APP.LICABlE LAW; SEVERABILITY; JNTERPRETATJON. .his Mortgage is !jovemed by the Jaws of the jurisdiction in which .Lender is located, ~xcßpt to the ~xtßnt otMrwise Tßquirßd by the laws of thß jurisdiction woorß the Property is located. This Mortgage is complete and fully integrated. .his Mortgage may not De amended Dr modified by oral ligr~ßmßnt. Any -section or clausß in this Mortgage, Bttachments, Dr Bny agrßementrßlated to the Securßd Debt that -conflicts with Bpplicable law will not be ~ffectivß, unless that law ~xprßssly Dr impliedly peTmits the vBriations by written Bgrßement. If Bny section Dr clalIse of this Mortgage cannot be ~nforced Bccorrlin!j to its terms, that -sectiQn Dr J::lause will De -sevßr~d Bnd will not Bffect the ~niorceability of the rßmainder of this Mortgage. Woonever used, the -singular -shall include the plural Bnd the plural too -singular. .he captions Bnd headings of thß -Sections of this Mortgage Brß for J::onvenißnc~ only Bnd Brß not to bß 1JSßd to interprßt Dr dßfinß the terms of this Mortgaj:Je..imß is 01 the -essßnœ in this Mortj:Jaj:Jß. 25. NOTJCE. Unlessotherwisß Tßquirßd by law, Bny notiœ -shall De j:Jiven by rlelivßring it or by mailing it by first class mail to 'the Bppropriate party's Bddrßss on page 1 of this Mortgage, or to Bny othßr BddrßSS rlesij:Jnated in writinj:J. Noticß to one mortj:Jaj:JDr will be œeTTH!d to be noticß to all mortj:Jagors. 26. WAIVERS. Except to 'the ~xtßnt prohibited by law, Mortgagor waivßsBny Tight Tßgarding the marshallinj:J of liens lind liSSßts Bnd BII homßstead ~x~mption Tights rßlating to the Property. 27 .!J.C.C. PROVJSIONS. If checkßd, the following Brß Bpplicable to, ]Jut rlo not limit, this Mortgage:. D Construction Loan. .his Mortgage securßs Bn obligation incuTrßd for too J::onstruction ofBn improvemßnt on too Property. TI Flxt1lr-e FJJinll. Mortgaj:Jor !jTants to .Lenrler B -security inter-est in lill !joods that Mortgagor owns now or in too i1JtJJrß Bnd that Br~or will Decomß iixturßs Tßlated to the Propßrty. D Crops; Tjmber; Minemls; Rents, J55ues ;and Profits. Mortgagor YrBnts to .Lender B -security int-erßst in BII crops, timber Bnd minerals located on thß Property BS wßII BS all Tßnts, isslres, lindprofits of thßm including,]Jut not limitßd to, all CQnseniation Resßrvß ProgrBm (CRPI Bnd Paymßnt in Kind (PIKI payments Bnd -similar governmental proyrams (all of which -shall Blso be included in the term "Propßrty" I. D P-er50nal Property. Mortgagor !jrants to .Lender B -sßcurity inreæst in Bllpersonal.propßrty located on Dr J::onnected with too Property. .his -sßcurity interßst includes BII1arm products, inllßntory, ~quipment, BCJ::ounts, rlocumßnts, instruments, J::hattßI pBper, general intangibles, Bnd BII othßr items of pßrsonal propßrty Mortgagor owns now Dr in the iuturß Bnd 'that Brß uSßd Dr useful in the construction, ownership, operBtion, managemßnt, Dr maintenanc~ of the Property. The term "personal property" specifically -excludes that propßrty rlßScribßd BS "hollSehold goods" sßcurßd in J::onnf!ction with .a "J::onsumer" loan BS those terms Brß rlefined in .applicable ißderal Tßj:Julations j:Jovßrning unfair and rlec~ptivß J::rßrlit practic~s. D Fllin1j As Fjmmcinll Statement. Mortgagor .agrßes Bnd Bcknowledges that 'this Mortgagß .also suffic~s liSB iinancinj:J statßment Bnd BS -such, may be iiled of recorrlBs B iinancing statement ior purposes of Article B of the Uniform Commercial Code. A J::arDon, photoj:Jr.aphic, image Dr other rßproduct!.on pf this Mortga!je is sufficient BS B financing statemßnt.,·· . 28. DTHER TERMS. If J::heJ::ked. the iollowing Br~ Bpplicable to this Mortgage: D .line of Cr-edit. ìhe Securßd Debt includes II Tevolvinj:Jline of cædit provision. Although the Secur-ed Debt may be T~duœd to .a 2ero balance, this Mortj:Jage will rßmain in -effect until T~leased. D SepJlrate Assi1jnment..he Mortgaj:Jor bas ~xßclJted Dr will ~x~cute .a SepBrBte Bssignment of !eBses Bnd T~nts. If the separBtß lissignment of æasßS Bnd Tßnts is prDperly ~xeclJted Bnd Tßcorded, then the sepBTIIle ilSsignment will supersede this Security Instrument's "Assij:Jnment of .Leases Bnd Rents" -section. :0 AdditionaIT-erms. o~, T e .)~1'-;j" , ,-2001 BankeTsSvstems, Jnc.,5t, Claw!, MN TDTm AGC {'. ,.~ 1" ra .....; : j t, ,) ':--, 8 (pBge 7 Df B) -!~¡;mli~i~;fm~t~1j I~i~~;~~~;~¡f~ .. ....;...~...~.~,.:.';" ,,'¡", ','. ';-.~. -'.'~'.. '~~': "'';:''::;''.::.;''~: '~"::,~~' ,.;'........~l'...y.~...,... ,·,'IT~~~::...·,".,:.'..._ .',~.;:;'">.._; .',"'. ......,....:..:.' 0916654 000328 SIGNATURES: By si9nin9 below, Mort9a90r B9Hres 10 1he "terms Bnd J;ovenants J;ontained in 1his Mort9age Bnd in Bny Btulchments. Mort9a90r Blso Bcknowledges receip1 of B J;OPY of 1his Mort9age on 1he date stated Bbove on PBge 1. :0 Actual BlJ1hori1y was gran1ed 10 1he parties si9ning below by resolution si9ned Bnd Dated (Date I fJ~ f 5: (Signatun,IPATRII:1D I. SAINZ ~(llilte) (Signatursl (OBtaI (Signature I (OBtai :0 Refer "t01:he Addendum which is Btulched Bnd incorporB1ed herein ior Bddi1iolUll Mort9agors, si9lU1tures Bnd Bcknowled9ments. IIndividwol ACKNOWLEDGMENT: STATE Of WYOMING ,COUNTY Of "This ins1rumen1 was BcknowJedged before me 'this .Ið by My J;ommission expires: STEVEN A HARTWEll. Notary Public County of . State of LIncoln Wyoming ~ .~~mmlssion Expires July 8, 2006 ) ss. 5T AlE Of , COUNTY Of "This instrumen1 WBS Bcknowledged before me 1:his by } ss. Day of - Dr £ntity AclmowJed~ntl Df B My J;ommission expires: rritle(s II (Name Df Business Dr Entity) on behalf Df 'the business Dr en1i1y. (Notary PublicI ,~( 'i ;r~ro01 Bankers Syslems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN '!'Drm AGCD-lIESI-WY 1/16/2003 u {; ~:~ S ,~, (pBge B Df BJ 091665t.1· D1i:SCRIPTrCl( ~f'\o FOR EXHIBIT A HEmE U. BOlmoc TRACT B coo 29 To-wit: __ That part of the HW~U of Section 31, T3~N, Rl10H, Lincoln County, Hy~ng, within the South Atton-Haat1ngs Annexation to the Tewn at Afton, des~ibed as tollovsl , 2U1JaIHNDlg at A point on the westerly +-lgbt-af_..,.y Une of the Fair Grounda noa~ of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, on plat Ho. 233, t1tl~, -SOuth-Afton_HAstingø Annexation to AfCon Hyomlng Townsite-, SI2--1"-52_£, 153.1~ feat trOll the northwest C:Ornar of .Øaid Mf3afHU, thence 302--04'_09_"', 123.83 tact, &l~ng 4aid WIIsterly right-of_way line. to a point¡ thonce N8'--57' ...6-H, 1.,." feer: , to " point¡ thenC:1I tfOO·-Ol·-2J-e. 123.7S feet, to A point., thence 3"'-·57' .4''':e, 15(.38 leet, to tho POINr OF BECINJIma ¡ , the SASE BEÁR.IOO lor this auxvay is th" weat line of the NWX of Section 31. TJlU, R118H, being HORTlI, each -POint- marked by a 5/8- x 24- steel reinforc:in~ rod with a 2- alu.inuœ cap inscribed, ·SURVßYon SCIEnSEL LTD nIa PIN~~ HY PLs 53'8-, with appropriatð detail~1 cach ·carrier- found aD described in the Corner Record filed in the Office of the C18~k of Lincoln County; all In accordancB with the plAt prcpa~ed to be filed in the OfUce 01 the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, .RENAr:: u. DONCOC PLAT OP TRACTS IN TilE Sourn AFTON-IIASTING.9 ANNEXATION TO TIlE TOWN OF AFTON WIT1IIN T]B NW!(NWH .9I::CTI0H 31 T32N nllOl1 LINCOLN COUN HYOMINa-, d 'e 28 Hllrch 'u". ~ ; -...-,,,- ,.. "-w..w -.....61 -...w..w ............. - ~..- ................. ..... "~K..r'N&."D.. ........... w...... "111 'l :\). '- --.-.------....-_._~~ ~"' ¡::" i;; F -........ -------..... ;I 1, ·UÖ-LUV Poli~ M-9945 Serilll Number ..-..;.. .' ...·~r· i M-994q(~ey~' ~ /94) ..,.' 1'( .' "