HomeMy WebLinkAbout916659 , . :~~i~~~~~~~;m¡:! [0:jmmW;1~j~rr~f ("."\>....".".,,,,';::) 32 '··VT.'·".. ,., )ì .. QUITCLAIM DEED Derk lzatt IDld Lfflzatt, husband IDld wife, mld Glen Nilson mld Raeann Nilson, husbIDld mld wife, GRANTORS of IJncoln County, Wyoming, for IDld in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in band paid, n~œipt of which is hen=iliy acknowledged, CONVEY mld QIDTCLAIM to Carlton :E. Loewff and Cathy A. Loewff, husband IDld wife as tenants by the 'entin=~ties, IDld Robert A. Griffith and Linda G. Griffith, husband and wife as tenants by the -entireties, as tenants in common, GRANTEES, whose address is P. O. Box 1204, Thayne, Wyornffig 83127, the following described Ieal estate, Eituated in the County of IJncoln, State of Wyoming, herclJy waivmg and Ieleasing .all Iights under .and by virtue of the homestead -exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, ter-wit: See four page Description For Carlton :E. Loewff and Cathy A. Loewff Robert A. Griffith And Linda G. Griffith Loewff-Griffith TIact attached .hereto. 2 .~ ~ I Í/l( Together with .and IDcluding .all imPIOV€IIlentsther-eon IDld .all appurtenances IDld .hereditaments thereunto belonging. Subject to .all covenants, conditions, Iestrictions, easements, encumbrances I€ServatioTIS, .andIights-of-way of Eight and/ or Iecord. This conveyance 5ha1l also be subject to and together with an .:irrigation pipeline, OVff, 11I1der and across a 5irip of land twenty feet (20) in width as more particularly described on the attached four page legal description and 5ha1l :include the Iight to construct, maintam, lrnpIove, Iepair, .and Ieplace said llrigation p:ipeline. WITNESS our hands this 3 RECEIVED 3/14/2006 1It 11:00 AM RECEIVING =# 916659 BOOK: 614 PAGE: 332 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY ClERK, KEMMERER, WY ~ . ~. ,/. ¡~¿/ LAfffatt ~~ Glen Nilson -----... '- \<OJ..-O--Y\.,-~ . RaeannNilson STATE OF WYOMING ) ) COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The for-egoing in5trumentwas acknowledged before me ±his '":S day of } ) J£( o('/' ), .. ,2006 by Derk lzatt and Lee lzatt. WITNESS my hand.and official seal. LUANNBRUHNS . NOTARY PUBLIC County of State Qf Lincoln Wyoming My Commission EXPir~s March 25, 2007 , , 0916659 C00333 q)f~ Notary Public My Commission Exp.ir€S: ð/iüJALKJ ,;b;ß7 STATE OF WYOMING ) ) COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) Iþ.e fon~goìng instrument was llcknowledged before me this 7~ day of /h "H d,.. . ,2006 by G1enNilson.and Raeann Nilson. WITNESS myfumd.and official Bea1. M. KEVIN VOYlES - NOTARY PUBUC County of Siate of LJncaln., Wyoming My CommissIon 2>:piras July 16, 2CXJl 0' ! /10 I Oï -2 llii~1m~f;¡ili~~~ f'rolessionaLLand S1nveyors PlWl N, Scheibel Wyo. Registration No, 164 Utah Registration No. 1670 Idaho Registration No.;¡goo Nevada Registration No. £B05 Scott A Scheibel Wyo, Ragislralion No.3889 Idaho Registration No, BD26 lJtah Registration No. 372111 MAfILOWE A. SCtlEflBEl Wyo, Ragistration No,!i368 Survayor Schelbel,LID, Alton, Wyoming Ðig Piney, Wyoming .Jackson, Wyoming J.ava tiot Springs, Idaho Montpaiiar, Idaho ~:~:~:f.~~~:ti~~t '.... f.~i~r:i.·~ I..'. C~;ðlfð¡~~~ 4 DESCRIPTION FOR CARLTON E. LOEWERAND CATHY A LOEWER ROBERT A GRllIŒIH AND LINDA G. GRllJ1TIH LOEWER-GRllJ1:J.:.l'H TRACT To-wit: -- That part of the NW~.and iliat part of the WY~~ of Section 24, T35N Rl19W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of those iracts of record ill the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County ill Book 500 of Photostatic Records on page 172 .and ill Book 581 of j)hotosìatic Records on page 440, described æ; follows: BEGINNING at a Bpike on the north line of .said NW~, S89°-15'-2r'B, 30.00 feet, from the northwest comer of said NW~; thence S89°-15'-2r'E, 1291.24 feet, along the north line of .said NW~, to the northeast comer oftheNW~NW~ of said Section 24; íhence SOoo-19'-50''W, 662.82 feet, along the east line of said NW~NW~, to the northwest comer of the SY~ ~NWl,.4 of .said Section 24; íhence S89°-21 '-48"£, 1236.98 feet, along the north line of said S~~NW~, 10 a position on the westerly line of iliat tract of record ill said Office in Book 321 of j)hotostatic Records on page 670; íhence coursing ßaid westerly line, .and generally following the Hardman Bros. Canal, but not identical with the centerline or either bank, æ; follows: S12°-28'-59"W, 4838 feet, to a position; S06°-58'-59''W, 37.00 feet, 10 a position; S100-01 '-01"E,42.00 feet, 10 a position; .540°-11 '-01"E, 38.00 feet, 10 a position; S57°-11'-01"E, 138.00 feet, to a position; S44°-18'-59'''W, 83.00 feet, 10 a position; S69°-48'-59"W, 58.00 feet, 10 11 position; S07°-58'-59''W, 23.00 feet, to a position; S57°-31 '-Or~,46.00 feet, 10 a position; .544°-41 '-01'~, 75.00 feet, 10 a position; S39°-58'-59"W, 50.00 feet, 10 a position; S29°-18'-59"W, 56.00 feet, to the southwesterly position of Mid iract .and leave ßaid westerly line .and canal; thence S67°-09'-18'~, 1475.20 feet, .along the southwesterly line ofßaid iract of record in Book 321,10 a point on íhe west line of said WY~~, identical with íhe west line of Star VmIeyRanch j)1at No. 1, of record in said Officeasj)1atNo.174; "Modification in any way of the foregoing.description terminates liability of the surveyor" 09 ProfessionaLland Suoveyors Paul N, Scherbel Wyo, Registration No, 164 Utah RegislIation No. 1670 Idaho Registration No, 3990 Nevada flegistœtion No. fi805 Scott A. Scherbel Wyo, Registœtion No, ß889 Idaho Registmtion No, B026 Utah Registmtion No, ::372111 MARLOWE k SCtlERBEl Wyo, Registmtion No, SJ6S Surveyor Scherbel, 1.1D. Alton, Wyoming Big Piney, Wyominj¡ .Jackson, Wyoming l.ava ticl Springs, Idaho Montpelier, Idaho 659 C00335 DESCRIPTION FOR CARLTONE.LOEWERAND CATHY A. LOE'WER, ROBERT A. GRIFFITH AND LINDA G. GRU'lŒllI LOEWER-GRIFFITHTRACT PAGE TWO thence SOoo-19'-49"W, 903.81 feet., along the west line of 51Üd W%NE~, to the noI1:heæ;t pipe of Lot 9 of 1he Howard Woods limited Subdivision, of record in 51Üd Office.as :Plat , No. 51-C; thence coursing Ihe north line of 51Üd Plat No. 51-C .as follows: N89°-38'-44"W,66.32feet, 10 the northeast nail of Lot 8; N89°-14'-56"W, 234.68 feet., 10 the northeaBtnail of Lot 7; N89°-23'-37"W, 178.94 feet, tothenorthe.astnail of Lot 6; N89°-22'-OT'W, 157.48 feet., to thenoI1:heæ;tnail of Lot 5; N89°-05'-53"W, 120.25 feet., 10 the northeast nail of Lot 4; N89°-08'-43"W, 120.83 feet, to the northeast nail of Lot 3; N89°-48'-32"W, 119.40 feet., to the northeast nail ofLot2; N89°-32'~lö'W, 14135 feet., to the northeast pipe of Lot 1; S89°-31 '-55"W, 191.62 feet., to Ihe northwest pipe of 51Üd Lot 1, ßIld lellve BaÍdnorth line; thence S04 o-17'-09'~, 19.74 feet., lÙOng the west line of1;;aid Lot 1,10 the BOlúhwest comer ofBaid WY~~, identical with the northwest comer of Lot 71 of Star Valley Ranch Plat No.3 ofrecordinBaid Office.as:PlatNo.176; thence N89°-41 '-OT'W, 162.09 feet., along the BOuth line of 51Üd NW~, 10 li position lit Ihe mtersection of the lipproximate centerline of Hardman Bros. Canal; thence coursing Baid œnterline.as follows: NOoo-39'-30''W~ 31.71 feet, 10 li position; Nll 0_01 '~51''W~ 56.08 feet., 10 li position; N13°-16'-31'~, 75.51 feet., to liPosition; N25°-35'-3T'W, 25.46 £eet., 10 li position; N54°-59'-18~'W, '68.84 feet., to li position; N18°-08'-05"W~29.70 feet, to liposition; N09°-18'-00'~, 45.53 £eet, to li position; N17°-53'-21'~, 50.07 feet, 10 li pOBition; N07° -11 '-14''W, 1728 feet, 10 li position; N37°-01 '-40"W~23.81 feet., 10 li position; "Modification in any way of1he i::~;:;;:~1¡:*1¡.¡:.::hg description terminates liability of tH:i:~¡ii¡¡mi¡¡im¡'i!¡ï/or" U~M·"·~~""-'·':" .'_.,"A::.....<./::!J/ Professional !and Surveyors PlWl N, SchølÌ>lll Wyo, RagistJation No, 164 Utah Registration No, 1670 Idaho Registration No, 3990 Nevada Registœlion No. DB05 Scott A, ScheIÌ>llI Wyo, RegistJation No. 3889 Idaho RegistJation No, B026 Utah Registration No,372111 MARlOWE A, SCtiERBEl Wyo, Registœtion No,~ Surveyor SchølÌ>lll,LTD, A1ton, Wyoming Big Pinay, Wyoming Jackson, Wyoming !ava Hot Springs, Idaho Montpelier, Idaho ~:~*::OO I:-~~~~r.~:~:~:~:~~~!. 000336 DESCRIPTION FOR CARLTON E. LOEWER AND CATHY A. LOEWER, ROBERT A. G~~lTH AND LINDA G. G~~TIH LOEWER-G~~'.l1B TRACT PAGE THREE N33°-55'-13"W, 71.72 feet, 10.a position; N02°-52'-56'~, 56.71 feet, 10.a position; N13°-13'-03'~, 102.79 feet, 10.aposition; N400-35'-09'~, 87.76 feet, to.a position; N23 0-44 '-4~~, 35.57 feet, to .a position; NIl°-43'-15"W, 86.13 feet, 10.a position; N03°-18'-32'~, 5039 feet, 10.a position; N09°-19'-40'~, 57-24 feet, to.a position; NOl 0-13'-48'~, 71.93 feet, 10.a position; Nl1 0-37'-21'~, 119.61 feet, 10 a position; N05°-49'-0l '~, 151.12 feet, 10.a position; N31 0-52'-05'~, 62.95 feet, 10 .a position.at the .headgate of.an existing nnderground irrigation pipeline, .and leave said centerline; thence N88°-56'-18"W, 2507.92 feet, .along the centerline of .said existing underground irrigation pipeline, 10 a point; thence NOoo-22'-11'~, 1348.83 feet, .along.a linepm-alle1 with mld offset thirty (30) feet 10 the east of the west line ofBaid NW~, to the SPIKE OF JmGINNJNG; ENCOMPASSING .an.area of 10239 .acres, more or less; the BASE BEARING for this Burvey is the north line of the NW~ of Section 24, T35N R119W, being S89°-15'-21"E; SUBJECT 10 ml :easement for Chokecherry County Ro.ad No. 12-113; AND SUBJECT 10 ßnd TOGETHER with .a right of ingress ßIld egress over, under ßIld .across .a .strip of land twenty (20) feet in width, being ten (10) feet each Bide of the following described centerline of an existing underground irrigation pipeline: BEGINNING .at .a poiní, S58°-02'-08'~, 35.22 feet from the northwest comer of1he SW1j4NW'~ of .said Section 24; thence S88°-56'-18"E,2507.92 feet, .alongBaid centerline, 10 .a.headgate; that i1 is :intended that this description describe the centerline of .an existing underground pipeline; .should it be determined that the position of the .actual pipeline differs from iliat described.herein, the centerline of the .actual pipeline .automatic.a11y becomes the centerline of this description ßnd :easement; ~ "'comer" found .as described:in the Comer Record iiled or 10 be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; "Modification in -any way of 1he foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor" 'Prolessionall.and -Surveyors P1WI N, Scheibel Wyo, Registœticn No, 164 Utah Registration No, 1670 Idaho Registration No, ~990 Nevada Registration No, 6B05 -Scott A, -Scheibel Wyo, Registration No, 3889 Idaho Registraüon No, 8026 Utah Registœüon No. 372111 MARLOWE A, -SCHERBEL Wyo, Registration No, ~8 ßurveyor -Schelbel,.L1Il Aftcn, Wyoming Big Piney, Wyoming .le!:kson, Wyoming .Lava Hot -Springs, Idaho Montpelier, Idaho 0916659 C00337 DESCRIPTION FOR CARLTON~.LOEWERAND CATHY A.LOE~ ROBERT A. GRll'~lT.H AND LINDA G. GRll'}lTH LOEWER-GRllJ11TH TRACT PAGE FOUR each "point" marked by .a 5/8" X 24" steel TeinfoTc.ing rod with .a 2" .aluminum cap inscribed, ·'SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368", with .appropri.ate details; each ·'5pike" marked by .a 3/8" x 12" mel 5pike referenced by.a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with 2" .aluminum cap inscribed, ·'SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LID AFTON WY PLS 5368", with .appropriate details; :each ·'pipe" :marked by .a 1" black iron pipe with .a yellow plastic cap inscribed ·'PE/LS 698"; each .'nail" marked by.a Bteel 5pike, to be replaced with .an iron pipe .at the position .shown on the below described plat, by LloydB. Baker PE/LS 698,.in the 5pring of2006; :each ''position'' is .a calculated position with no monnment found or set; .all :in accordance with the plat prepared 10 be iiled .in the Office of the Clerk of LincoJn County íitled, ·'CARLTON E. LOEWER AND CATHYA. LOEWER ROBERT A. GR1FFITH AND LINDA G. GRIFFITH DERK lZATT AND LEE IZATT GLEN NILSON AND RAEANN NILSON BOUNDARY ADmSTMENT WITHIN THE Nll2 SECTION 24 T35N R119W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING', dated 14 September 2005, .as revised. ~. 13 February 2006 "Modification in any way of the~¡¡:J1¡¡¡¡!f:¡¡¡~~lli ng description terminates liability of iC;~W~illiili¡;¡i~yor"