HomeMy WebLinkAbout916661 C00343 M~IDÂVIT OFF.ARTIAL VACATION VÂCATINGLOTJ. OFTBE D & EACRES SUBDIV1SION SECTION 26, T 35N,Rll9W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING In.accoTdanœ with ]>arn.e;rnp}¡¡:: 34-12-1 081hrough 11 0 ofWyOIIring St::rtnt~!'::> 2005~ liS RmP.11nf".à, we1he -:Irnnffl'sißJ1~n> Dfæ1Jenlcins BUd ~lai11e JP.11lci11!'::)J:msbaruhmd wife~ of3]7 -Prater Canyon County :R.oadNo.12-3]6~:FIeedom, Wyoming 83120~1Øve:noticellDdrlesire1ov.acateLot 1 of 1heD&EAcres Bnbdivision,liS ne!õ:r.Tlhed on 1batBUbilivision]Ùat ofIecorrl.::fiJedliS Plat No. 78- Bin1he Office of the Lincoln County Clerk. JJ1e -:Irnriersif;ned Affia11~) being duly SWOID1lCCOTilinz ío Jaw Do J1ereby.m.a1œ 1hefollowing ~Htement of:facts mul affinn· TbatwelU'-eíhe nriÑ"al DWDeIS lIDd ~ of lill of1helands indnnen within íhe.saidD &:E Acres Bnhdivision; lIDd 1bat we lU'-e the £mrent OWDeIS mul ]ll"opnetnrs of1heMidLot 1; That we l1re.also 1be £llTTent DWDeIS mulproprietors of1be property .smI'OlrniliI1£ Lot J in 1be BEl/4BW1/4 of B-ection26~ TI5N~ ID19W~.as ile!õ:r.Tlne.n in 1bat œed of:recmrl onJ>Bge568inBook27 ofDeeds:inthe Office of the Lincoln County Clerk; That lIfier va ¡a.H1Ì 011, 1he lands.heretofore rlescriherlliS Lot 1.shallIeVeI1 back 10 Deing part of the .smI'onnilin£]ll"Operty lIDd.shall he indnn~iI.said need ofI-ecm:d onP.age 568 in Book 27 ofDeeds;11I1d j( Tbat.as .a.result of:this ya ¡a.Htt 011 , :ther-e will be:no cl1ar1Eein the location Dr:use of ]>rarer Canyon CDlmty:R.oadNo.12-31~11I1d1beya~H1i11£1loes:not ahñn£e or .destroy.any of the:rights11I1d ]JIÏvi1eßeS of other proprietors in theD & EAcres Bnhd.ivision. TheAffimmJ1erebyv1lCBteíhe Mid Lot 1 mul:respectfill1y.reqnest1battheLinco1n County Clerk .make the 1lJ?PI'opriate lDIIlOtation on the I-ecordedPlat 78-B 10 Ieflect the vllCatÌon ofLot J. Dated:iliis ~ '7"" ~of~__J~ ,2006. f9~ {eAJ~ ¿-;r;~ (\h2~ Dræ1J""lcin. ¡f r::¿J""~iJ" v State of Wyoming) County of Lincoln) The:foregoing ;l1stnnnP.11f WBS.acknoW:1ed£ed befor-e:me:ByDeanJP.11lcim: lIDd ~lame JP.11lö11S íhis ~'ì<'- ~,¡{~ ,2006. WJtness:my JumdllIld official~. ~~c)~ OJ~)~_ ;fYl~J, ~()09 My . o-expIreS: J. GAL1.OWAv -NOJAßYPllBUC County å . State of iJncotn Wyoming My Can......, Expiœs May2,20Q9 RECEIVED 311412DDB Bt 11:D6 AM RECEIVJNG=# 916661 BOOK: £14 PAGE: 343 .4EANNE WAGNER lJNCOLN COUNTY ClERK KEM wy I:~:::::I::::~;::::~-- - - - ~ - - - ' '. .t~t""":~~:~1 "