HomeMy WebLinkAbout916669 RECEIVED 3/14/2006 at 4:05 PM RECEIVING # 916669 BOOK: 614 PAGE: 366 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 00036 WA.RRANTV DEE!) ... WENDELL HARRIS; TKU~TJ£J£ OF~· WJ£NllJ£LL HAíUùS PRúF1f SHARING PLAN dDtetrlanulUY 1, 1"6, - ,,",,--,-~ grantor-of LÎßeem Co1lBty, State of Wyoming, for consideration of Tt''J 'Inð oo~s ($10.00) aM other good. Gd valu~"'ll' CQnQ;iI~r9tjnn in h:mcl. rp.('.p.ipt whercoii!lberebLacknciwIedged . CONYEY ANIlW ARRANT TO -- '. . TANYA M. WIllTE, as Sole Owner, grantee, whose adW'éss 1S P.O. Bòx tr403';Jãcksön,- Wi 83002 --~_ thé fõltõwmg clescn"bëd'Tear-t:state;-situate in Lincoln' County-and State-~, hereby u:lc..:;ing ..lid w..iv~& a:11 rights under and 1)) .irtuc of the hamcsteaß 9emption ~~the state to-wiÞ.-- P"{f of Spr:tinn R 114N RllRW oith~6th.P.M.,Lincoln CQuntx... Wy-oming being more particularly:,çlesçribed as follows: -~-, Beginning at a point 500 feet North from the Southeast Comer of the SE~SW~ of said Section 8, said point also being the Northeast comer of tfiaCtract of reC()rd as an exceptíón íñ tliät certafu Wãïtãnty DëOO1-ecoroeå1>y me tIDëöln-eounty-Clerk on July zr,-1988ûrBook: 263PR on page-616 and IUllIlÍug thcm..c NVlttL ..Jvug tbe-~boundary linc uf Mid SE~SWJA, 340 fe~t, - --- - thence WeJt pantl1ei te the Nook bounåary line of said trad, 26k-~ thence Sooth parallel to tbe- East boundary line of s~iil SP 1-' ~w ~. ~4n rp.et, more or less to the Northwest COIIJeLof !laid tract;. _, _ _ - .-.,. thence East alon~the North QoundaryJine of said tract 261.36 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. SUBJECT, however, to all reservations, restrictions. protective covenants; exceptions, easements andfígJits-or--way öITèCónr;-ili sigJït, or Ìì1 use. ~'--- 8 .2006. WITNESS- OUI haOOs this -ÐQ.w ch Wendell Harris, Trustee '/ State of California ) )8S. County ofSM ~~ ) The foregoing--in~lìUlI~t:ll~ ~ ac~OWledgOO-before-~. . ¡iITÍS this ~çh, day of- _ ~~ l:1 .200&.--..- u / My Commission EJ{pires: 01 t 0 I /'20 I 0 Witn('ss my ha )iI ¡In" offir;9l s~,,1 ....', .:.... " J: t