HomeMy WebLinkAbout916670 ru::~%:IVJ::U ~11412DD6 at4:D5 PM RECEIVING # 916670 BOOK: 614 PAGE: 367 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY C00-367 ðO State of Wyoming Space Above This Line For Recording Data MORTGAGE (With Future AdvIDlCe Clause) 1. DATE AND PARTIEB. Tbeliate of this Mortgage (Security lnstrument) is March D, 2006 parties.1heir llddresses.and tax identifi~3tion numbers, if required. lire liS follows: MORTGAGOR: lilnYil M Whit-e. A SINGLE WOMAN £luebi rdbme ilnd lost Cræk Roild Alpine. WY E3128 o If cl1eclœd, refer to !he littacheíl AcJcJ/"ndnm llcorpormed berein, for -additional Mortgagors, !heir signatures.and -acknowledgments. lENDER: MERIDlANTRUST FEDERAL CREDIT UNION ORGANlZED AND EXISTING UNDER. TREl..AW.s OF THE UNITED .sTATES OF AMERICA 2223 WARREN AVENUE CHEYENNE, WY &2001 TAXPAYER, ill.:II: 83-0179749 2. CONVEYANCE. For good.and vJÙWlble consideration. the receipt.and sufficieru:y of which is -acknowledged,.and to secure the .secured Debt (defined below) .and Mortgagor's perfonnance lIDder 1his Security 1nstrument, Mortgagorgrlints, bargains, .conveys, mortgages.and WIDTants to Lender, with power of sale, !he following described property: .LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. AS EXHIBIT . A' - J 'I Tbe property is located in Lincoln (County) .at Bluebird Lilne ilnd Lost Cr-eek ROild (Address) Alpine (City) , Wyoming B3l28 (ZIP Code) Together wtth.all rights, easements. lippurtenances. roylllties, minerlil rights, oil.and gas rights. .all wliter.and riparian rights, ditches, .and wliter stode.and.all existing .and future nnprovements, stnu:tures. fixtures, .and replacements that may now, or lit llllY time in the future, be:part of the real estate,described.above (all referred to.as "Property"). 3. MAXIMUM OBLIGATION LIMIT. Tbe total principalllIIlount secureD by this Security lnstrument.at llllY One time shall110t exceed $ 171.BOO.00 . Tills limitation of llIIlOunt Lioes not include interest.and other fees.and clJarges validly made pursuant 10 this .security Instrument. Also, this limitation Lioes not lipply to MIvam:es made under the terms of this .security Jnstrument 10 protectLender's security .and to perform liny of the covenants contained in this Security lnstrument. 4. BECDBED DEBT AND FÐTlJRE ADVANCES. The term ....secured Debtfl is Liefined liS follows: A. Debt incurred lIDder!he terms of.all promissory Dote(S), contrllCt(S), guarlinty(s) or other evidence of Liebt described secure .and you should include the final maturity liate of such debt(s). BOME EQUITYJ.1NE OF CREDIT AGREEMENT DATED Milrch D. 2006 ,AND MATURINGfebruary 28. 2007 .B. All future MIvam:es from Lender to Mortgagor or other future obligations of Mortgagor to Lender lIDder llllY promissory 110te, ContrllCt, guaIllllty, or other evidence of debt executed by Mortgagor in favor of Lender executed zfter this Security lnstrument whether or not this .security lnstrument is specifically refereru:ed. If more than one person signs 1his .security 1nstrument, each Mortgagor .agrees that this Security lnstrument will secure .all future MIvam:es .and future obligations that.are given· to or incurred by llllY one or more Mortgagor, or liny one or more MortgagoT.and others. All future MIvam:es.and other future obligations lire secured by this Security lnstrument even though llll or part may 110t yet be MIvam:ed. All future MIvam:es.and other future obligations lire secured liS if made on !he.date of this Security lnstrument. Nothing in this .security lnstrument shall constitute licommitment to make .additional or future loans or MIvllllCeS in llllY llIIlOunt. Any sucl1cornmitm/"nt must be ligreed to in 11 separlite writing. C. All other obligations Mortgagor owes 10 Lender, which may later lirise, to the extent not prohibited by law. including. but 110t limited to, liabilities for overdrafts relating 10 llllY deposit llCCOunt .agreement between Mortgagor..and Lender. D. All.. Mlditional sums MIvam:ed.and expenses incurred by Lender for insuring, preserving or otherwise protecting the Property .and its vlllue.and llllY other sums MIvam:ed, .and expenses llcurred by Lender lIDder the terms of this Security lnstrwnent. In !he event that Lender fails to provide llllY necessary notice of the right of rescission with respect to liny 1Idditional indebtedness secured lIDder paragrliph B of this .section, Lender waives llllY subsequent security interest in !he WYOMING- HOME1iQUlTY LINE OF CREDIT MORTGAGE (NOT FOR FMNA. FHLMC. FHA OR V A USE) ~ DDS-WBM ··{o·._.'· .';.,.. ¡j;\;',;' ~iA,lt'-::m;t~ l~j?~f!J;~~ !¡~~f~: 0916670 Mortgagor's principal Dwelling that is created by this Security Instrument (but Does not w4ive the security interest for the Debts refereru:e!l in paragr4ph A of this Section). 5. MORTGAGE COVENANTS. Mortgagor agrees that the covenants in this section 4re material obligations under the Secured Debt lUld this Security Instrument. If Mortgagor breaches 4ny covenant in this' section, Lender may refuse to make 4dditional extensions of creditJUld reduce the credit limit. By not exercising either remedy on Mortgagor's breach,lender Does not waive Lender's right to later consider the event 4 breach if it happens 4gain. Payments . Mortgagor 4gTees that 411 payments under the Secured Debt will be paid when ßue JUld in .accon:lance with the tenus of the Secured Debt JUld this Security lnstrument. Prior Security 1nterests. With regarD to .any other mortgage, Deed of trust, security .agreement or other lien Document that created 4 prior security interest or encumbrID1Ce on the Property, Mortgagor 4gTees to make .all payments when due JUld to perfonn or comply with.all covenants. Mortgagor.also 4grees not to 4110w .any modifIcation or extension of, nor to request .any :future 4dvID1Ces under.any note or .agreement secured by the lien Document without lender's prior wrinen .approv.al. Claims Against Title. Mortgagor will pay .all taxes, .assessments, liens, encumbrances, lease payments, ground rents, utilities, .and other charges relating to the Property when ßue. lender may require Mortgagor to provide to Lender copies of .all notices that such .amounts 4re due.and the receipts evidencing Mortgagor's payment. Mortgagor will Defend title to the Property .against .any claims that would impair the lien of this Security Instrument. Mortgagor 4gTees to .assign to Lender, .as requested by lender,.any rights, claims or Defenses Mortgagor may have .against parties who supply labor or materials to maintain or improve the Property . Property Condition, Alterations .and lnspection. Mortgagor willlœep the Property in good condition and make all repaiTsÙlat .are reasonably necessary. Mortgagor shall not commit or .allow .any waste,impainnent, or Deterioration of the Property. Mortgagor .agrees that the nature of the occupID1CY JUld use will not substantially change without Lender's prior written consent. Mortgagor will not pennit .any change in .any license, restrictive covenant or easement without lender's prior written consent. Mortgagor will notify Lender of 411 Llemands, proceedings, claims JUld .actions .against Mortgagor, .and of .any loss or .damage to the Property. lender or lender's .agents may, .at lender's option, enter the Property .at 4ny reasonable time for the purpose of inspecting the Property. lender shall give Mortgagor notice 4t the time of or before .an inspection specifying 4 reasonable purpose for the inspection. Any inspection of the Property shall be entireIy for lender's benefIt.and Mortgagor will in no way rely on lender's inspection. Authority to Perform. 1f Mortgagor :fuiJ.s to perfonn .any duty or .any of the covenants contained m this Security .Instrument, lender may, without notice, perfonu or cause them to be performed. Mortgagor .appoints lender:as .attorney in fuct to sign Mortgagor's name or pay.any .amount necessary for performance. lender's right to perform for Mortgagor shall not create.an obligation to perfonn, JUld Lender's failure to perfonn will not preclude lender from exercising .any of Lender's other rights under the law or this Security Instrument. Leaseholds; Condnm¡n¡lI1n~; Planned Unit Developments. Mortgagor .agrees to comply 1f with the provisions of .any lease if this Security 1nstrument is on.a leasehold. The Property includes 11 unit in II condominium or II planned unit Development, Mortgagor will perfonu 411 of Mortgagor's duties under the covenants, by-laws, or regulations of the condominium or planned unit Development. Conilpmmltion. Mortgagor will give lender prompt notice of .any pending or threatened .action, by private or public entities to purchase or take.any or 411, of the Property through condemnation, eminent DOmain, or .any other means. Mortgagor 4uthorizes lender 10 intervene in Mortgagor's name m.any of the lIbove Described lICtiOns or claims, Mortgagor 4SSignS to lender the proceeds of .any lIWMd or claim for .damages connected with 4 condemnation or other taking of 411 or 4ny part of the Property. Such proceeds 5halI be considered paymentSJUld will be .applied liS provided m this Security Instrument. This 4ssignment of proceeds is Bubject to the tenus of .any prior mortgage, 1leed ohrust, security lIgreement or other lien document. Insur-ance. Mortgagor shalllœep Property insured .against loss by fire, flood,theft 4nd other hazards 4nd risks reasonably -assodated with the Property ßue 10 its type JUld location. This insurID1Ce shalI be maintained in the .amounts lUld for the periods that lender requires. The insurID1Ce carrier providing the insurID1Ce shall be chosen by Mortgagor subject to lender's -a -approv.al, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. If Mortgagor :fuiJ.s to maintain the cover.age llescribed .above, lender may, .at lender's option, obtain cover.age to protect lender's rights in the Property .accordfug to the tenus of this Security Instrument. All insurID1Ce policies JUld renewllls shall be .acceptable 10 lender JUld shall include -a Btandard "mortgage clause" .and, where .applicable, "loss payee clause" Mortgagor shall immediately notify lender of cancellation or termination of the insurance. lender shall.have the. right to hold the policies JUld renewals. If lender requiTes, Mortgagor shall imm~cliatt>\y ,give to lender 411 receipts of paid premiums.and renew4l notices. Upon loss, Mortgagor shall give immediate notice to the insurID1Ce carrier lUld lender. lender may make proof of loss if not made imm~cliat"ly by Mortgagor. Unless otherwise -agreed in writing, .all insurID1Ce proceeds shall be applied 10 the restoration or repair of the Property or to the Secured Debt, whether or not then due, -at Lender's option. Any -application of proceeds to principal shall .not extend or postpone the ßue 1late of the scheduled payment nor change the .amount of .any payment. Any excess will be paid to the Mortgagor. 1f the Property is .acquired by lender, Mortgagor's right to .any insurance policies lUld proceeds resulting from .damage 10 the Property before the .acquisition shall pass 10 lender to the extent of the Secured Debt imm~cli3tely before the .acquisition. HwmciaI Reports .and Additional DO(,lImpnt~, Mortgagor will provide to lender upon request, .any financial ~tat,.m~nt or .infonnation lender may 1leem reasonably necessary. Mortgagor.agrees to sign, Deliver, lUld :file.any lldditional Documents or certifications that lender may consider necessary to perfect, continue, JUld preserve Mortgagor's obligations under this Security Instrument JUld lender's lien status on the Property . WYOMING- HOME EQUITY LINE OF CREDIT MORTGAGE (NOT FOR FMNA, FHLMC, FHA OR V A USE) ~ DDS-WHM 0916670 00369 6. DUE ON SALE. Lender may, At its option, declare the entire balance of the Secured Debt to be immt>cli~tely 1lue.and payable upon the creation of, or contract for the creation of, a transfer or sale of the Property. This right is subject 10 the restrictions imposed by fedeullaw (12 C.F.R. 591), AS applicable. 7. DEFAULT. Mortgagor will be ill default if llIlY of the followillg occur: Fraud. Any Consumer Borrower t:ngages in fraud or material nlisrepresentation ill connection with the Secured Debt that is llIl open end home equity plan. :P1iyments. Any Consumer Borrower on llIlY Secured Debt that is llIl open-end home eqwty plan fails to:make a payment when due. :Property. Any llCtion or maction by the Borrower or Mortgagor oœurs that lldversely Affects the J>roperty or lender's rights ill the Property. This jnc udes, but js not limited to, the following: (a) Mortgagor fails 10 m:!int:!in required msuranceon the J>roperty; (b) Mortgagor transfers the Property; (c) Mortgagor commits waste or otherwjse destructively uses or fails to maintain the Property such that the ACtion or maction adversely Affects Lender's security; (d) Mortgagor fails 10 pay taxes on the Property or otherwjse fails to act.and thereby causes A lien to be filed Against the Property that is senior 10 the lien of this SecuÚty lnstrument; (e) A sole Mortgagor dies; (t) if more than one Mortgagor, llIlY Mortgagor dies llIld Lender's security is adversely Affected; (g) the Property js taken through eminent domain; (b) a judgment js filed.against Mortgagor .and subjects Mortgagor .and the Property 10 ACtion that adversely Affects Lender's llúerest; or (i) A prior lienholder forecloses on the Property .and AS A result, Lender's interest js lldversely Affected. ~ve . Offiœrs. Any Borrower js llIl executive officer of Lender or llIlllffiliate.and such Borrower becomes indebted 10 Lender or llIlother lender ill llIlAggregate .llIIlOunt greater than the llIIlOunt pennined under federalla ws .and regulations. 8. 1ŒMEDIES ON DEFAULT. 1n lldtlirion to llIlY other remedy available under the tenns of this Security lnsnument, Lender may ACCelerate the Secured Debt.and foreclose this Secmity lnstrument in a manner provided by law if Mortgagor is ill default. In some ll1stanceS, federal .and state law will require Lender 10 provide Mortgagor with noti£:e of the right to rore, or other noti£:es.and may establish time schedules for foreclosure actions. At the option of the Lender, llll or llIlY part of the Agreed fees .and cl1arges, Accrued interest And principal shall become immt>cli:!tt>ly due.and payable, After giving noti£:e if required by law, upon the occurrence of A default or11nytimethereafter. Lender shall be entitled to, without limitation, the power 10 sell the J>roperty . The aœeptance by Lender of llIlY sum in payment or partial payment on the Secured Debt llÍter the balance is due or is llCCclerated or 11fter foreclosure proceedings Me filed shall not constitute 11 waiver of Lender's right to require complete cure of llIlY existing default. By not exercising llIlY remedy on Mortgagor's default, Lender does not w11ive Lender's right 10 later consider the event 11 default if it happens .again. 9. JcrPENSES; ADVANCES ON COVENANTS; ATTORNEYS' FEES; COLLECTION COSTS. 1f Mortgagor breachesllIlY covenant ill this SecuÚty lnstrument, Mortgagor 11grees to pay 11llexpenses Lender mcurs ill perfonning such covenants or protecting its secuÚty interest in the Property. Buch expenses include, but Me not limited to, fees mcurred for inspecting, preserving, or otherwise protecting the Property.and Lender's security illterest. These expenses Me paY11ble on demand.and will bear interest from the rlate of payment until paid in full11t the highest rAte of interest in effect 11S provided in the teIIIlS of the .secured Debt. Mortgagor 11grees 10 pay 11llcosts .and expenses mcurred by Lender in collecting, enforcing or protecting Lender's Tights And remedies under this Becurity lnstrument. This llIIlOunt may mclude, but js not limited to, reasonable llttorneys' fees, court costs,.and other legal expenses. This llIIlOUllt does not mclude11ttorneys' fees for 11 salaried employee of the Lender. To the extent permitted by the United States Bankruptcy Code, Mortgagor 11grees to pay the reasonable 11ttorneys' fees Lender mcurs to collect the Secured Debt 11S AWMded by llIlY court exercjsing jurisdiction under the Bankruptcy Code. This Becurity Instrument shall remain in effect until released. Mortgagor 11grees to pay for Any recorrlation costs of such release. 10. :ENV1RONMENTALLAWS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. As used in this section, (1) EnvironmentaLLaw means, without limitation, the ComprehensiveEnvironmentaLResponse, Compensation.andLiability Act (CERCLA,42 U..s.C. 9601 et seq.), .and llll other federal, state .and local laws, regulations, ordinances, court orders, 11ttorney -Eeneral opinions or interpretive letters concerning the puWic l1eaIth, safety, welfare, environment or 11 hazardous substance; llnd (2) Hazardous Bubstance means llIlY toxic, radioactive or hazardous material, W11ste, pollutant or cont:!min~nt which -bas cl1arACterjstics which render the substance dangerous or potentially dangerous to the 'Public l1ealth, safety, welfare or environment. The term mcludes, without limitation, llIlY substances defined 11S "hazardous material," "toxic substances," "hazardous waste" or "hazardous substance" under llIlY Environmental Law. Mortgagor repr-esents, WllITalltS.and.agrees that: A. Except AS previously Disclosed .and llCknowledged in writing to Lender, no JIazardous Substance is or will be located, stored or released on or in :the Property. This restriction does not 11Pply to small quantities of Hazardous Substances that-are generally recognized to be Appropriate for the normal usellnd m:!intt>n:!n~t> of:the Property. -E. Except.as previously disclosed .and llCknowledged ill writing to Lender, Mortgagor.and every tenant have been, .are, -and shall remain ill full compliance with llIlY 11pplicable Environmt>nt:! I Law. C. Mortgagor shall immt>cli:!tt>ly notify Lender if 11 release or threatened release of a Hazardous Substance DCClITS on, under or 11bout the Property or there is a violation of llIlY E.nvironmt>nt~1 Law conceIJling the Property. In such llIl -event, Mortga-Eor shall take llll necessary remedialACtioD ill llCcorrlance with llIlY Environmt>nt:! I Law. D. Mortgagor shall immt'cli:!tt>ly:notify Lender in writing as soon 11S Mortgagor has reason to believe there js llIlY pending or threatened investigation, claim, or proN'f'cling rclating 10 the release or threatened release of llIlyJIazardous Substance or the violation of llIlY Environmt'ntJlI Law. WYOMING-HOME EQUITY LINE OF CREDIT MORTGAGE (NOT FOR FMNA, FHLMC, FHA OR VA USE) c.fi- JIDS-WHM 0916€C~ ',·',·':"';1:;:,-,;,J,,':'·.1J ·,:;;kH!~;¡;:;';:::{-}¡ :jfjmi~~ '::~,:,:¡',,:i¡if¡¡~~Bj . ""000370 11. .ESCROW FOR TAXES AND JNSIIRANCE. Unless otherwise provided jn ~ seJlliT~te llgreement, Mortg4gor will not be required to p<iY to Lender funds for !axes .JIDd msurmce in escrow. 12. JOlNT AND lNDIVIDUAL LIABILITY; CO-SIGNERS; SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS -BOUND. All rluties under 1his Security 1nstrument -a.re joint .JIDd individilllJ. If Mortg<igor signs this Security lnstrllIDent but does not sign JlIl evidence of debt, MortgJlgor .does so only to mortg<ige. Mortg<igor's interest ill :the Property to secure p<iyment of :the Secured Debt .JIDd MortgJlgor .does not llgTee to, be persoruùly lliIble on :the Secured Debt. If this Security lnstrument secures <i gwmlllty between Lender .JIDd Mortg<igor, Mortg¡¡gor llgTees to w~ive JlIlY rights ÙlJIt ma.y prevent Lender from bringing JlIlY 1lCtion or d<iim ~g<iinst Mortg.1gor or -3llY p<lrty indebted under this obligJltion. These rights ma.y include, but lITe not limited to, JlIlY JlIlti-deficiency or olle-.1lCtion .hiws. The rluties .JIDd benefits of this Security 1nstrument sluill bind .JIDd benefit the successors .JIDd<issigns of Mortg.1gor.JlDd Lender. 13. SEVERABILITY; INTERPRETATION. This Security lnstrument is complete.JlDd fully illtegr<ited. This Security lnstrllment ma.y not be lIIIlended or modified by· Or<illlgreement. Any section in 1his Security 1nstrument, .ID1aChments, or ~ny lIgreement n:lJlted to the Secured Debt ÙlJIt conflicts with ~pplicable lJlw will not be effective, unless ÙlJIt lJlw expressly Or IDIpliedly permits the v<iriJItÏons by written ~i:reement. If JlIlY section of 1his Security 1nstrument CIDlIlot be enforced .1lCCording· to its terms, :t:rult section will be severed.JlDd will not <iffect the enforceability of the remainder of this Security lnstrument. Whenever used, the singlÙJlr sluill include the pl1mù .JIDd the plur<il the singlÙJlr. The captions .JIDd headings of the sections of this Sécurity lnstrument Me for convenience only .JIDd Me not to be used to interpret or .define· the terms of this Security lnstrument. Time is of the essence in this Security Jnstrument. 14. NOTICE. Unless otherwise required by lJiw, JlIlY notice slliill be given by .delivering it or by ma.iling it by :first .clliss ma.il to 'the ~pproprfute p4irty's lIddresson p¡¡ge 1 of this Security lnstrument, or to JlIlY other llddress .desÏgruited ill writing. Notice to one :mortg4gor will be.deemed to be notice to~ll mortg¡¡gors. 15 . WAIVERS. Except to the extent prohibited by .hiw ,Mortg¡¡gor w<iives -3llY right reguding the ma.rshJùling of liens .JIDd ~ssets .JIDd ~ homestead exemption rights reb1ting to :the Property . 16. LINE OF CREDIT. The Secured Debt includes ~ revolving line of credit. Although the Secured Debt may be reduced to ~ .zero balJlnce, this Security lnstrwnent will remain in effect until released. 17. APPLICABLE, LAW. This Security 1nstrument is governed by the .hiws ~s llgTeed to ill the Secured Debt, except to 'the extent required by the l;¡ws of 'the jurisdiction where the Property is 10ca.ted,.JIDd ~pplicable feder41lJlws.JlDd regulJltions. 18. lUDERS. The .coverumts.JlDd llgTt:ements of:each of the riders checked below Me incorporated into .JIDd supplement .JIDd lIDleIld 'the terms of this Security 1nstrument. [Check ~ ~pplicable boxes] o Assignment of Leases.JlDd Rents 0 Other 19. 0 ADDITIONAL TERMS. SIGNATURES: JJy signing below Mortg4gor llgTees to the terms .JIDd .covenants contained ill this Security lnstrument ~nd in JlIlY ~. Mortgagm. a],o llinow ~"",,,,,;pt of> copy of 1Iili _ 1mtrument 00 "'date mated 00 p,,", 1 (SizmrtllTe) (Dare) (S' TanYil M White ACKNOWLEDGMENT: (Individwù) STATE OF WYOMING , COUNTY OF 1 incoln }SS. This instrument w~s~knowledged before me this l3th .day of March. 2006 -By ì.anYil M White, A SINGLE WOMAN My commission expires: 9 - IE - 07 (Seal) GLORIA K. BYERS. - NOTARY PUBUtC . State 0 County of ... Wyoming Lincoln '\ 5 2007 My Comm1ss1on Expires Sept. . · -1 I x At. ~ R 1&-.LP/?~ Notary Public WYOMING- HOME EQUITY liNE OF CREDIT MORTGAGE (NOT FOR FMNA, FHLMC, FHA OR V A USE) ~ DDS-WHM ,··.·.·.....t.......' , ::./>::~::~;;:.:;¡ . ":ì .". -:~. 0916670 C.00371 ~TT"A" Part o£ Section B, 'I'34N RlJ.BWo£ the 6thP .M. ,Lincoln County, Wyoming being IDor-e particularly d-escr.ibed as £ollows: B-eg;T1T1;ng at a point 500 £-e-et North £rom the SOllth-east Coril-er o£th-e SE~SWÁ o£ said S-ection B, said point also being th-e North-east corn-er o£ that tract o£ r-ecord as an -exception in that certain Wa:r:ranty D-e-ed r-ecorded by th-e LincoJ.n County Cl-erk on July2l,î9BB in Book 263PR on page 6J.6 and rmming th-enc-e North along th-e :East boundary line o£ said SE~SW~ I 340 £ -eet ; .. th-ence West parall-el to the Eorth .boundary lin-e o£ said tract, 2 6J. .36£ -e-et ; th-ence SOllthparal.l-el to the :East boundary .lin-e o£ said SE~SW~, 340 £-e-et, IDor-e or .l-ess to the Northwest corn-er o£ said tract; th-enc-e :East along the Eorth boundary line o£ :said tract 26J..36 £-eet, IDor-e or l-ess, to the point o£ beg;nn;-ng. :ilHi:;::::i:;::;:;:::¡ ." ... ¿!.~3