HomeMy WebLinkAbout916696 C00445 Recording Requested by & When Recorded Return To: US Recordings, Inc. 2925 Country Drive Ste 201 S1. Paul, MN 55117 '?::D If} f")o I r;-( \Uûtø. u ~ìa&>l..f'rú RELEASE OF MORTGAGE RECEIVED 3/1512006 .at4:D6 PM RECEIVING# 916696 BOOK: 614 PAGE: 445 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Made 1his -22.day of ç'e\C:1 ,2006 j ~~~ Nmne of Mortgagor: JAMES D CLOSE AND HRT .EN CLOSE Nmne of Mortgagee: LISAHARIERMACQlÆEN Date of Mortgage: MAY 24,2001 Ori.vml1 Mortgage Debt: $77,875.00 " , Mortgage Recorded on MAY 25,2001 ID 1he Office of ilie Recorder ill ilie County of LINCOLN, State ofWY, recordedlN BOOKIPAGE 551 PR/82. :55'7 The under~izned ..hereby certifies that ilie debt .secured by ilie .above mentioned Mortgage .bas been fully .satisfied.and discharged. See .attached exhibit 'A.' fè)~ ~4A- C&~ HELEN CLOSE SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A BTATE OF: jdq ~(!) COUNTY OF: ß~L1I1OC~ ON íhis ~.day of ~..b ,2006, before me,llllotary public, 1he ID1dersigned officer,personallYllppeared ~'4. 14e-·<; I/) é(OS-c: wllOt:Xecuted1heforegoing .IDstrument for1he pmposes 1herein £ontained by.signing the.same. 1N ~ WHEREOF'lJrereunt.7/iÁ. et y.hand lI1ld official.sea1 --./ ~ D ONíhis:L? .day of ~S ,2006,beforeme,llllO :signed officer, 1'ersona1ly llppemed 1-1 ~ {_ VI é( c::s-.s~ wbo executed the foregoing jnstr:ument for 1he pmposes therein £ontained by .signing the same. .IN WITNESS WHEREOF, T bereunto set my .hand.and official.sea1 /~. 'ß. :A\JJ".5t t 20ft !~~lmm¡~!mti¡ ---:,.. f 0916696 00446 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION STAR VALLEY RANCH PLAT FOURTEEN (14), LOT TWENTY-FIVE (25) AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF LINCOLN COUNTY. WYMONG 1111111\\111\\\1111111111\\\111\\11\\111111111\\111111111111111111\111111\\\\11111\\11\111 U301??01?-01HP02 REL OF MORTGAGE LOAN# T006-015736 US Recordings '~::r:!:::!::i::::¡~ . ò 't¡Q.~.'.j.,~