HomeMy WebLinkAbout916705 . ' " ',¡. . '.'J" 1. RECEIVED 3/16/2006.at 10:38 AM RECEIVING:# 916705 BOOK: 614 PAGE: 479 JEANNE WAGNER .LINCO.LN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ,,00479 .AFFIDAv:r~ OF SURVIVORSHIP "THE STATE OF WYOMING ss. COUNTY OF LJ:NCOLN JDLJ:E L. JOHNSON, b€ing Íirst duly sworn upon h€r oath, d€pos€s ilnd stat-es as Íollows: ~. On th€ 5th day oÍ Nov-emb€r, 2005, my husband, GARY A. JOHNSON, di-ed, as is -evid€nc€d by th€ oÍÍicial c€rtilicat-e oÍ d€ath attach€d h€r-eto ilnd incorporat€d h€r-ein by this I-eÍ-er-enc-e. 2 . At th€ tim€ o£ his d€ath my husb:and j oint~ y OWTI€d C€rtain I-eal prop€rtywithm€, said r-eal prop€rty b€ing locat-ed in th€ County oÍ Lincoln, Stat-e oÍ Wyoming, :and lIlOI-e particularly d€s cribedas £ oll ows : 17 Lot 6B o£ Block 1 oÍ th-e LincolnH-eights 5th Addition, S€cond Filing, to th-e City oÍ K-emm€r-er, Lincoln County, Wyoming according to th€ oÍÍicial p~at th€r-eoÍ. 3. Said r-eal property was originally conv-ey-ed to GARY A. JOHNSON ilnd JDLJ:E L. JOHNSON, husband and wiÍ-e, as t-enants by th€ -entir-eti-es, by WarIanty D€€d dat-ed Octob€r ~O, ~990, and I-ecord€d in th-e O£Íic-e oÍ th€ Lincoln County Cl-erk ilnd Ex-OÍÍicio R€gist-er oÍ D€-eds on October 25, ~.9.90, in Book 29l:PRat :Pag-e 20-4. -4. By I-eason oÍ my husband's d€ath, :I am -entitl-ed to sol-e . ··.''''''a!,·r.,,·,.,·,·,·,-.-!·, ,...... ...........-.......-..,. . ..,..,.,.-.....-..........'-...,. ."';,,.......'< .....,...,..',-..... 0916705 C00480 ownership of the above-mentioned real property. DATED this /0 day of ~Ju , 2006. ~J1Ì¿~. ~J JU E L. JOHN N. SUBSCRIBED AtW./1 SWOßN to and acknowledged before me this /¿J~ day of ff/~ 2006, by JULIE L. JOHNSON. , WITNESS my hand and official seal. a~ My Commission Expires: /1-/drtJt -r.:~~ p,,- V ' f~.'¡J~ '. . L.Af:" "'~ ·'·OT.II ¿.'<It- , .' <~~ 'T j..: 0- t : ~" f Commission ", n ~ , r~' L:XOJres . ~r-.z '. " I<!;~.." j3.2005 .: (!) ,CLo. ,...~ Q,': UBl\v, . ~¡fI :t\.(\:s:' ·~·~'Î~O "~",.~....,., UN1'I ..~~~.~~~ ~ 2 f:::¡:::::~:i:::::t~l l~~:~1~:~ ;;1~~î;m~~;~f:~m~ ~; ~ ;'·i~i~;~~:i~~~~~;;~::; .. ~ ~ 'j .; I ., ; i ; I I I ~ I I I I I . ~. ~ ,I II I . '" ~":;;'~::"~.'~;"~Îß",\