HomeMy WebLinkAbout916706 G00482 THE STATE OF WYOMING ) )SS THE COUNTY OF SWEETWATER ) RECEIVED 3/16/2006 at 10:58 AM RECEIVING # 916706 BOOK: 614 PAGE: 482 JEANNE WAGNER ____:'_NCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY AFFIDA VIT TERMINA TlNC ESTA TE BY JOINT TENANCY David L. Garetto, being of lawful age and first duly sworn according to law, upon my oath, depose and state: 1. That James B. Garetto died on October 2, 2005 in Reliance, Wyoming. 2. That on March 7, 1991 for valuable consideration James B. Garetto by his Quit Claim Deed of that date, which deed was duly filed for record in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk on March 14, 1991 in Book 294PR on page 602, conveyed unto James B. Garetto, David L. Garetto and Dorothy F. Garetto, as joint tenants with full rights of survivorship, the following described real property, to wit: Lot 86 of Star Valley Ranch Plat 9, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof. 3. That by reason of the said conveyance, James B. Garetto, David L. Garetto and Dorothy F. Garetto became the owners of the real property as joint tenants and title thereto vested in them continuously from said date of conveyance as described in said Quit Claim Deed, until the date of death of James B. Garetto on October 2, 2005 at which time title to the above described real property vested absolutely in David L. Garetto and Dorothy F. Garetto in accordance with the provisions of §2-9-102, W.S. (1980). 4. Affiant avers and certifies that deceased is the identical party named with Affiant in the aforementioned deed whose death terminated his interest, title and estate in the said real property; and Affiant attaches hereto and makes a part of this Affidavit a copy of the official certificate of death of decedent, duly certified by the public authority in which said death certificate is a matter of record. Dated this L of ffYH'('Ì\ .2006. 12- Jf~;,l rJt.Jii- CÀ David L. Garetto State of Wyoming County of SWQ€!t'llatcrl~rt.o\f\ \( _ The fore~~nsnment was subscribed and sworn to me by David L. Garetto this [) day of ' '((' , 2006. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: ~- ß- 'Ö Notary Public LINDSEY KRAll ~NÕTfr~ý'P~~;' -; COUNTY OF STATE or ;: LINCOlN ....'YOM:NG i My Commissi~n Expires f)~ \~... 1.0 ~ ~owJI-ð-*'"tfI'-Ø'fiI-~¡þ.·~~iP ~':I:';':';'i':;I¡':':'.î .,..,II"",·"·d..;",,, ·:t~lUj~¡~:~¡~::~:~~ :~:j ;:;;:~::~::::t::~¡::::;; t1;:,·.j ~ !.M.~"~¢ ofi6706 ,:~:;::::::~::*t:¡::;:; ::. .;~~~;:r~:::ø ~/~mf1~mmj¡~ ~.·00483 STATE OF WYOMING DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CERTIFICATE OF DEATH LOCAL FILE NUMBER 137 " DECEDENrS LEGAL NAME (1ncIud. AKA'I W ony) (Arst, ~, LaII) JAMES BATI$TA GARETTO STATE FILE NUMBER 3. DATE OF DEATH (M l/DaylY') (SpoW Manlll) October 2, 2005 2. Sf)( Male >. II) -00: ~g "0 ~~ ..0 .!!;;l Q.o: Ew °z 0:) Æu. '~ Sweetwater 4, SOCIAl SECÙRITY NUMBER 6. DATE OF BIRTH (Mo/P.ylY,) 520-14.,.9150 September 13, 1919 IF DEATH OCCURRED IN A HOSPITAL: OOther S ) 7d, COUNTY OF DEATH 1200 Main Street Reliance 6. BIRTHPlACE (City .od otal. or loreign counlty) 9. MARITAL STATUS AT TIME OF DEATH o ~ 0 Married, bul_rated o Dlvon:ed 0 Never Married 121>, COUNTY 10. SURVIVING SPOUSE (II wite, give name prior 10 first marrieg.) Clinton, Indiana ~Idowod o Unknown 11. EVER IN U,S. ARMED FORCES? YES ONO 12d. STREET AND NUMBER 12.. RESIDENCE -, STATE 12e. CITY, TOWN OR LOCATION Wyoming Sweetwater Reliance 121, INSIDE CITY LIMITS? 12., ZIP CODE 1200 Main Street 82943 YES ONO 13, FATHER'S NAME (First, MiddIe,lall) Lawrance Garetto 14, MOTHER'S NAME PRIOR TO FIRST MARRIAGE (Arol MiddIe,lesI) Mary Elizabeth Delaurante 1 s.. INFORMANrs NAME 150. RELATIONSHIP TO DECEDENT 150, MAILING ADDRESS (St,.e' ond Number, City, State, q, Cod.) Dave Garetto Son 338 I Street, Rock Springs, Wyoming 82901 17~,J'V.CE OF DI~P.pSITION IN""",,,I d 17b.LOCATION CITY OR TOWN AND STATE esr,.t1taveltoM!ilmOr al uar ens o Remavll Irom Wyomirig Rock Springs, Wyoming , 19a. NAME OF FACILITY 19b. ADDRESS OF FACILITY '154 Elk Street Vase Funeral Home Rock Springs, Wyoming 82901 22. TIME PRONOUNCED DEAD 23, WAS CORONER CONTACTED? Abt. 2100 October' 3, 2005 1108 ~YES ONO CAUSE OF DEATH 24. PART I. Enter lIIe chain 01 evenlo - dlseasel, InjurIeI or COß'9IIcaIlonl - thel dlreclly caused the delth. DO NOT onler terminal ....onll such is Of"file ' an8st. ,espiratory arresl, Of ventricular rlbriUaUon wlthoullhowing the .UoIog)'. DO NOT ABBREVIATE. Ent., only one cause on a tine. Add IddiUonaJ linea if necH&aIY. Approxlmal. Inlotval: OoS8110 death IMMEDIATE CAUSE (Final dlso..e Of condition ,elUlllng In delth) a,Acute Congestive Heart Failure DUE TO (Of II . consoquonco 01): Minutes Sequenltaiy UsI condIlIons, . any, leading 10 the CIUse li$ted on Une L Enler the UNDERLYING CAUSE (dl..... or Injury that Inlllaled the evenls '.Iulling In death) LAST. b. Coronary. Sclerotic Artery Disease DUE TO (or .. a consaquence 01): Years e, 'DUE TO (or II . consequonce 01): d. >. II) 'io: "w .!!¡¡: Co :: 50: ow Q O IJ ~ PART U. Enter other sign¡rlCan~ condiUons contributing to death but nol resulting in the underlying cause given in Patti. 25. WAS AN AUTOPSY PERFORM EO? o YES NO 26, WERE AUTOPSV FINDiNGS AVAIlABLE TO COMPLETE THE CAUSE OF DEATH? 27, DID TOBACCO USE CONTRIBUTE TO DEATH? DYES ONO 26, IF FEMAlE AGED 10-64 o No' pr.gnant within past year o Pi~nl allime of death o Nol pregnant. bul pregnanl wkhln 42 day. of death DYES o PRoBAeLV 29, MANNER OF DEATH ~Nalutal o AccIdOnt o Suicide ONO ÖNKNOWN o NoI pregnant, bul prognanl 43 daY110 1 year belore dealll o Unknown . p'Ögnanl within the pas' yoar o Homicide o Peodlng Inv..tlgation ' LJ Could not be detennlnod 30, DATE OF INJURY (MoIDaylYr) 31, TIME OF INJURV 32, PlACE OF INJURY (Dee.dent'. home, conllruction .Ita, lor.ol, ele,) 33, INJURY AT WORK? DYES ONO :¡.c, LOCATION OF INJURY (S"oeland nUmbe', CII)' or Town, State) 35. IF TRANSPORTATION ACCIDENT, SPECIFY: o Driver I Ope,ator 0 P_striari o P.... er 0 OllIe, ( 36. DESCRIBE HOW INJURV OCCURRED, AND IF TRANSPORTATION INJURY, THE TYPE(S) OF VEHICLE(S) INVOLVED (Au_Ie, pickup, motOfcycle, ATV, blcycte, ele,) 37a, CERTIFIER (Chock only one) o PHYSICIAN - To !he be.1 01 my ~Iedge, death occurred at the time, data.od piece, ond due 10 the caUSojl) ond ';'m.r ltolod. 0{ CORONER - On the ba.I., of examination, and/or Inve.ilgello my opinion, death occurred althe Iim., da'e ond place, Ired due 10 the caUse(l) and, inanner staled. Signal",. 01, Ce_ 37b. DATE CERTIFIED (MoIDay/Vr) October 6,2005 Travis R.Sanders, Deputy Coroner, 421 "B" St., Rock Springs, WY. 82901 38b. DATE RECEIVED BY REGISTRAR (Mo/Day/V~ OctQber 6, 2005 ÚA TE ISSUED October 6, 2005 THIS J~J~é) eERrTIFY THAT this is a true correct confonned reproduction of the original cop;),\' ,~'th~.qeatli:}]ertificate completed by the VASE FUNERAL HOME and submitted tq, ~t.~PJ..IDS SERVICES, Wyoming Department of Health and Social Services, I?·:.;"~~(ofß.ñaTtb..~a~.Medical Services at Cheyenne, Wyoming. i, .!' . ,,: 0 \, ~ STATE OF WYOMING) " ' ss COUNTY OF SWEETWATER Subscribed and sworn to before me a Notary Public ~ 6t~ ~ of October 2Q05 -I. 0 My commission expires on April 21, 2006