HomeMy WebLinkAbout916709 fimm;~~iili~m;~~ 0T~~i!~;tM1~~ml "':"I:t~;+¡I:';I~"'¡7(,';'''''' I,',':A,'(;:: :~.,! ·":~~;;f¡~;:''; ;1,"": ..; ~::'."~",~_"."";,~:":,::?:"'\. . .';~';: ,"~¡'¡~.~.!'~'!.~~j!.',~, ;""',~i~;~""Þ.i!ï~~'i'l.·;'~':i : "i::!I~'~:"L·~!I\I;;::!" '''':''f!, ,,;);. "." ,.' ~.,:,' ,',;.;, :.:~,''':.:.~.No;;~.. """:' ;':C,"" :'."' ''"':-0:'' "~'·I;"'l";~ " '.; , 000491 I~ WARRANTY DEED KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that KEN CLARK and CAROL CLARK, P.O. Box 580, Afton, Wyoming 83110, husband and wife, tenants by the entireties, GRANTORS, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby CONVEY AND WARRANT to KEN CLARK, P.O. Box 580, Afton, Wyoming 83110, a married man, individually, GRANTEE, the following described real property, situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, hereby waiving and releasing all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, to wit: That property described in the Warranty Deed that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming in Book 595 at Page 745 on August 26, 2005 as Receiving # 911308. A copy of said deed is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. 'ì Subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the United States Patent and to easements and rights of way of record or in use. :;~ day of March, 2006. Of£~ CAROL CLARK RECEIVED 3/16/2006 at 11:05 AM RECEIVING # 916709 BOOK: 614 PAGE: 491 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY CLARK WARRANTY DEED PAGE 10F2 '¡' 'j!iW¡!£ü!4.~i·'!.ò.~~~;:!' ,!~!,:,!,~..·.¡t'~·~'¡~=,~4!'."';;JtNo~'-.:t;:W'·· \,'~ I·,·..,' ~',.,,!~.~',"'",f'I-'.,.,W!lOì(,' ':,.'~' ¿ -;'..¡I.., .....~..o!.'t..'. ..",., . "¡;. -":.IlIll';@f'~..t'JtIi1.'.t!{,1I.~~I.:;.,.·,;~!t¡.¡;,~I:;;:''¡: "'~:""".. .";,,.';~.':::;/!ifl'.'~"~I!,¡~ ~ti':"'_~'}";".'."" -;'.~'!:'~" :'!..~~.~¡,,;.¡*._. 0916709 C00492 STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT was acknowledged before me by KEN CLARK this lith day of March, 2006. o ial seal. JACK D. EDWARUS - NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF . STATE OF LINCOLN·, WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JAN. 18,2010 Jt1t? p. a4 NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission expires: J;h( ¡ð(l-Pro STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT was acknowledged before me by CAROL CLARK this Jtìth day of March, 2006. WITNESS my hand and official seal. JACK D. EDWARDS - NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF e····" ." STATE OF LINCOLN ~ , WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JAN, 18, 2010 J~ D,e-cÞ~ ~TARYPUBLIC ' My Commission expires: JM {g,lfJ/O CLARK WARRANTY DEED PAGE 20F2 r..·r.;:lj,~;;:;.:.~ ~ .i;~':j~:ml:~:':':~' bt.·.i¡iJ. ~,:.Md 'TI:::z¡:,;~m; <~:¡WJ,:~::~~~~::;;' i'li'¡':.'.":'ol,·.5~·t",:~:::¡~.ua:cr.~~.I1C>~;'~ai1t?~I..t!i;'r.,'ih:;;,·;,,:,p~;2·r'-n:!;o;"';,i~~'~, ··~..L'..:,~",:.;.'~~~:cü:~~.:.~~t:~:.!:::':L:,;· ",..':.i',"':,:, . ·"~:"t~~'.;'!·~~~,K~~":'"N'fI~~".·,',.'. ;':.::,~,j~··',rJ;'j~:I;til.;.k·~,':"~\'~'I"~~-,I,~,~:$T.i¡: .....,£,¡-.':.1~~,,~. MAR. 3.2006 1:04PM LINCOLN CO ClERK NO 183 J:> 2- RECEIVED 8/26/2005 at 4:2:$ I-'M .' Vu U ('j;-¡J-, ..::-- R.ECEIVING"# 911308 BOOK: 595 PAGE: 745 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMM,ERER., WY COO 4 9 3 0916'709 ~ WARRANTY DEED M. KEN BENNER, a Slnlle PU'SOII, znntar of Lincolll Caulll)', SlAte: of Wyoming, for coa.sidmtion of Te¡¡ and 001100', ($tO.OO) and other good IIIId valuable con¡idmdon in hand, r=!pt wbcréOf ù ~by acknowlcd¡cd CONVBY AND W A:RR!\NT TO KEN CL\RK AND CAROL CLARK, Husblllld aIId WIre, gøntcc, who,. addr=J Is P.O. Bo:>t S80, .~ WY 83110 tbCI foUowiol d~ribed real eslAle. sllDalC in Lincoln County and SUre of WyomJnB, hereby releasing and waiving aU rig ¡u UDder and by virt1Ie of tilt bomertelld e:wnpt!on \a'll'S of the stale 10 wit; Lot 7 of Section 6. TJON R118W of !be 6111 P Jd., Lincoln Counry. WyollÚnr. EXCE1"I'ING t/JD Wcn m feet ot saki Lot 1. ALSO Put at I,.ot 7 af ~ion 6, TION RJ18W of ~ 61b FoM., llnt:oln COUD!;Y, WYOlllÌlll being mote partlcuJuIy described u foUowa: 1IEGJNNING at the NOrthwœl Camer af laid Lot 1 and 1U1U1ing Ihcncc 50\l1li195 Ce#t: !i1eQœ Eut 95 f=t; th= Soulll 165 ~tj I!wIce East 130 feeti ,Ibcncc Nanh 360 f'ecti lheQl;e w.ear. 225 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ïó ..... I (, WITNESS OUt baDds IhII SUB1ECT, IIowewr. to all a:ørValloos, rutrlcltp¡u. protective CllYeDaI1t8, exceptlolll, elW:Ø1ent1 ønd rigbll-of-wlY 01 record, in light, or ill Ule. ::ì~ day of AIlgtJ3t, 2005. "i. ~ rgn~,.. , M. Ken ScDrlet , ¡p Stace of PeIII1I)'lvaala )' Coumy of ~~. ~.Joa:gQlaB instnPullnl IVU acknow. i:d ed be ~ day of Auglllt, 2005. WitneM m, b8n4 11111\ official seal. by M. Ken Benner IhiI My Cwnminion Elt¡¡i:tu: No NOTARIAL S¡;.6.L ARLAN. 5. 'ÆMELES, No.....,. Ptaltkl P~1On Township, Centn C'evnfY¡'1I My ComminÍOll E;¡plr.. I'eb.2ð 200,.