HomeMy WebLinkAbout916712 " .' ",t~';':I~'~'~((I;(¡;;:I~;~';;:,:,,'i::,":':(:.;-'::J.:·!'I,'::f':ii:;;t :::r;;~'~ ...., -., ~'_ ,·:::J1'Ç.!ff~ '¡. . ::; ::.;,..', ·"':.:'~~:':'~':I:~:':':':';'j:, . :i:. :.:¡'¿Ji,!~&!'!2t;.~~ ,:~t.i:l!~~!æi~;U;lt..:i!,;::~..:..:.~_:: .. .1·. ',' ::~·.;:';¡"j~iR;~;r~l;;i:¡:l!',:;:,·~~; ~~~:"";!;:"',":~~~:l~:~~';::':" 00(:500 '-'-". STATE OF WYOMING CERTIFICATE OF REDEMPTION RECÊÙ"-ED 3/16/2006 at 3:31 PM RECEIVING # 916712 ) BOOK: 614 PAGE: 500 )ss. JEANNE WAGNER ) LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY COUNTY OF LINCOLN - ,-. - -. -- --- THIS CERTIFICATE OF REDEMPTION, made and delivered this 220d day of December, 2005, by Ron Thomas who is the Branch President with First National Bank-West ofP .0. Box 1620, Afton, Wyoming 83110 to TEICHERT BROTHERS, LLC of P.O. Box 364, Co keville, Wyoming 83114. VV1TNESSETH: WHEREAS, on August 23, 2005, First National Bank-West obtained a Certificate of Purchase oil a mortgage foreclosure sale that was recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming on August 23,2005 as Instrument Number 911149 in Book 595PR at Page 360. That Certificate of Purchase was for the real property described as follows: See Exhibit "A" and: WHEREAS, the redemptioner satisfactorily met all the necessary requirements of § 1-18-104 W.S. and paid to First National Bank-West all amounts due to properly redeem the property; NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the foreclosure by sale, the purchase by First National Bank-West, the Mortgagee who received a Certificate of Purchase, and the timely and proper redemption by TEICHERT BROTHERS, LLC, pursuant to § 1-18-106 W.S., I hereby certify the redemption and grant this CERTIFICATE OF REDEMPTION to said TEICHERT BROTHERS, LLC. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have duly executed this CERTIFICATE OF REDEMPTION this J7"ß'day of ~ , 2006. CJ First National Bank-West ~~- By: Ron Thomas Branch President STATE OF WYOMING ) )ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) On this ~day of ~~ , 2006, before me personally appeared Ron Thomas, Branch President, to me known to be the individual described herein and who on behalf of the First National Bank-West executed the within and foregoing Certificate of Redemption, and acknowledged to me the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of the FirstNational Bank- West, for the uses and purposes therein described. Witness my hand and official seal. BRANDlE MCDONALD NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF. STATE OF LINCOLN WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES FEB 13,2009 ) ~1Yì~ ' TARYPUBLIC My Commission Expires: dJ3~ LLC\Teichert Bros\Valley Hi\Certificate of Redemption ~~;:':':':':I: :,:,~;:I ¡;;.,.,....'...I ..A¡. ~lli:ililli~! - ,,',.,,-. . ,"/ ..: '\ 091671.2 EXHiBIT ",\,u .. 00(501 I I I TIlACT'I': 1'hnt pnrt of Trnct 90 of 1'24"', Rll!1~I, with:"n the incor- p roted limits or tho Town of ColceYillo, Lincoln County, Wyoming b~ih¡ part oC that. trAct at record il\ the of (ico ot" thO! Cll/rlc ~r Lincoln County In Book 4 at Photostnticnecords on page lla, ddscribed as follows: Commonclnl ~t A corner on tho Nest right-ot-WQY l1ne ot Stato Bi.:hlla)' .:JON, ~IQ2·15.5'1~, 1655,11 t'bllt 1'rolll C.lrner No,: 2 ot slI.id 1'ract 90 whero found Il 2" IInlvI1ni2ed steel pipe 23 lonlt (BLH "type) with brass cop inscribod "PAUL N. SCHERUEL I1LSj6~ BIC PINC;:Y WYOMING T24N Rl19W Tn90 1 rft74 1'/191 1 ~,(j5" : identicAl with tho northenst corner or thQ.~ tract or lnnd ot record in the slIid Office in Book 12 ot Phot09t.Qtic ftecords on pAge J89¡ thence Nll·35'W, 92.00 foct Along tho sAid right-of-wilY lino to II. COt"ner: thence continuing Hll·J5'W, 137,95 t~et Along thcsald ri~ht-of- WAY lino to the Corner at nc~inning; thence continuinll NIl' 35' "', 205.5 teat nlon¡t the said rir:ht-of- ~A)' line to A corner: thence 578·25'W, 206.68 reAt to A corner: thencCl S10·H'E, 197.19 rc"ot to Q cOt'ner: thenco ~~0'41'E, 211,49 fact to the Corner at ßoginnlng: ~ach corner beinr: marked by A 2" ~nlvani2ed stael pipe 28" long (BLH type) with "brus Cl1p inscribed "PAUL N, Ii CJIEI\BIU. RLS164 IHO PINEY "'YOHING" And Appropriate detnils; the bASe bearing ror this survey is the line bdtween corners Nos. 1 and 2 of Trl1ct No. 90 with A t'ecord of North: all in accordnnce with the map prepnred And filed In the SAid Office, TRACT U: That port of Tract 90 of T24N, R119W, withi~ the incor- porated li~it~ of the Town ot Cokevil18, Lincoln County, Wyomine bein~ part or that tract of record in the Orrice of tho Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 4 of Photostatic Record9 o~ page 115, dc~cribcd as follows: Commcncinlt Qt d corner on the west risht-of-wQY li~e or State Highllll.Y :JON. N82'15,5'W, 1655.11 feat (rom COI'ner No; 2 or SQld Tract 90 whQ~e found A 2" ~Alv4nized steel pipe 2Sr long (BLH typ~ I with bras's co.p inscribed "PAUL H. SCHERBEL RLSIG1 Dla PINEY WYOMING 1'2~NI Rl19W Tfl90 2 1 'rI\ 701 Tfl91 ~ ë 'J'n. 76 19651O¡ .,". ,.. 0916712 00(502 id~nticQl with the northenst corner oC thA~ tract or lnnd record in the snid Orfic\: in Uoole 72 01" Pho:ostatiu Itccords pa~q :189; thence Nll·35'1~, !l2.00 tuel: nlonl: the sl\ld ri¡:ht.-of-w:\y lIne to a or on corner; thence cont.inuing Hll'35''r/, 137.95 Ceot I\lón,~ sllid right-of-14AY lino to 11 corner; t h B n c Q co n tin II in ¡ N 11 . 35 ' I~ I 205 . 5 reo I; n Ion ¡: s n i d :." ill h t _ 0 f _I~ 1\ Y line to the Corner of Beginning: thenco contiml1ng Nl1'35"~, 310.05 foot I\lonl: tho sl\id l'il:ht-of'- wny line to Q corner: t.honco N7S·25'E, 25.0 1'oClt, Illonll said right-ot-,'I\)' lino t.o u corner; thonce continuing N1S·2S' !, 3.0 fcut nion.: snioJ right-of-way lino to a corner; thence Nl1·35'W, 131.2 fael: Illong tho said right-oC-way lino to a corner identical with tho southoast COrne~ of thllt tract of lllnd of record in s~id Office in Doak 98 of PhotDstatic Records on 1n~e 559; thenco 556·2'J'.", 197.27 feet ulonll I;he south Line oC st\1d trllct. to A corner: thencQ S71"56'W, 43.76 Ceot nlong tho ~outh lire at said trdct to ,a cornor: thence SI0'11'ß, 371.01 teet to A Corner; '. thence N7S'2S'E, 206.GO Coet ~o the Corner or DeGinninc: eAch corner ~e1ng marked by a 2~ gAlvanized steel pip~ 2a~ Ion a (DLH type) with bt"4SS cap inscl'ibed ~P^UL N, S(;IIEnD~L RLSIU4 nID PINEY liYOHING" 'nnd approPriate detnils; the base bearing for this survaYis the line balwcen c,rncr Nos. 1 And 2 ot TrAct Ho. 90 with n record of North: All in accordance with the map prepared and fllod in the sriid Office j:~:':I .t.;'ii: :'~; \'.'.it'ó'.i¡i"jl,'. I, ~-j.'I.'.. '¡'¡'.'t ":.;::,;' : I 'C 091671.2; IC GOO$03 , . 'I " I I I . . . VAfL£Y~/-MOT¿¿ . I..,' StiNG' ·PART. ¡OF-. '. ' ¡' , I , r1ACr 90 ! ~24N _1//9~ I I L:/N~OLN ¡C~UNry, 'tI:YOMIA , , i .: i '. I' j I I , I I I I i . . I I . . ~~ I . .' ~ \ t -<. -I~I ~ I