HomeMy WebLinkAbout916719 {::f.f.i!~r::!::::ø ;;::~:!~t;~:;~:::::::::· ¡il¡;t~:~lillm~m~i) 000527 RELEASE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE XNOW ALLMEN:BYTHESEP1ŒSENTS~ 1hat TbeBank of Star V2ßey~Â Wynming .Banking C01])or.atiOn, rloe5meby .certify1hatllœrtaimnortgage bearingtherlateofFà}J:WDy27~ 2004~ -p.y~~l1t~n byB.obertLDJIhlbergmld CarolE.DJIhlberg,Hnsfumdm1dWifellIDOrtgage £onvey]ngllJien on œrtain:rea1 fS1ate1bercin DescnDerl.as .securityforthe]lllymení of 5180~OOO.OO -whichmortgageW1iSI-ecorrledm 1:he office 'of1:he Cmmty C1erk11I1dEx-Officio:R£"EÍster of Deeds of Teton Comrty~ Bíare ofWyomil1f;J on1he.24tb ofMarcl1,2004~ in Book 550 ofMortgages,~ :P.age lJ36.as doe.umentnumber 89801611I1d pert.al111T1.£1o 1:hefollowing ne!':mherl:rea1 estarein.said Comrty" 1o-wit: ""ALL LANDS DESCRIBED IN :SAID MORTGAGE.'" o f\\' :fc \)) The.1lOte ~m:ed 1bereby lIIld 1he morernentioned rlebíls:fullypàid, !':H1Ïmeil, -releR~d, lDld rl:¡!':dmTf;~d 11I1dm£nn!':j ilern1ion 1baeof:the.said1IlOrtgagees rlomebYIclease11I1d IfnÍtd Rlm mùo1:he .said :mortgag0!51he ]JTfm11ses 1bereby £onveyed 11I1d:morígaEed IN WITNESS Wl:IEREOF~ IheRank of Bíar V.alley l1.as ~Rll~d 1he:R~l~R~ ofJœa1Estaíe Mortgage1o be si zneil by.itsPr-esli1~t 11I1dits £OIpor.ate.seal1o be .affiyed, 1his 15th ilay of Mar~ 2006. J/1-- ,- v~' STATE OFWy01DÚ:l£) RECEIVED 3/16/2006Bt4:09:PM RECEIVJNG#- B16719 BOOK: »14 :PAGE: 57:1 JEANNE WAGNER DNCOLN couNTY ClERK, KEMMERER, WY )SS. COUNTY OF Lincoln ) On-fuis l~iiaYof ~ .,2006~Defore:me:persnnRlly11ppe8redRodJensen10 :me personally .known. who~ being by:merluly.sworn, rlid.say1hatl1e.is:theJ>T-e!':'ÏilentofTheJ3ank of BíaI V.alley1hat1he.sea1 affiyed lo.saidIDstrument is:the £OIJ>ornte.seal of.said £OIJ>oration., 11I1d1hat .said IDstrument W1iS ~l£?1ed l1I1d ~R led on behaJf of .said £orporation by Rl1fumiiy of its :Board Df .Dir-ector~ lUld.said V.iœJT-esirlP.11t .acknowledged 5aidIDstrument10 be 1heiree lIct.and .deed of 5aid £OIJ>oration. My Comml!':~lon:Exj:ñres: t1(i({?J m NoíaIy J>nblic MARCA TANNER NOTARY PLlBUC COUNTY OF . .sTATE OF LINCOLN WYOMING MY COMMISSJON Ð(pIRES NOV7,2OQg ~