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HomeMy WebLinkAbout916789 C00721 RECEIVED 3/21/2006 at 10:43 AM RECEIVING # 916789 BOOK: 614 PAGE: 721 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY This Jip&Ce for Recorder'Ji !lie only WYMRSD3-5 04.28105 Project:#: 708WFB Reference:#: 708-0025660176 I~I~I~IIIIIII ~~ mlll~lllI~ III~ I ~~ml ~~II~I~I *7DB-DD25hhD17h* Secondary Reference :#:20060331 (R.045) 'PINlT.axID:#: 32-1830-30-8-13-000.00 Property Address: 337 E. 4TH AFl'ON, WY 831100348 Document 'Prepared.By: DOcx, LLC 1111 Alderman Drive Suite #350 Alpharetta, GÁ 30005 When recordetl rt:tum 10: DOcx, LLC .1111 A.J..J1ERMANDR., SUITE 350 ALPHARETTA., GA3000S 770-753-4373 MORTGAGE RELEASE, SATISFACTION, AND DlSCHARGE IN CONSIDERATION ofthepayment.and:fìill.satisfaction oflÙl.indebtedness .secured by1hat cfrtainThed oÎ1Ì11st rleæribed beloW,1he undersigned, WellsFugoBank, N.A., whose.addressis.2701 WELLS FARGO WAY, MAC X9901-026, MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55467, beingthepresent legal owner of saidindebteLlness.and the:rebymtitled.and.authDrized 1Dreceive.said payment, doesl1erebyrelease,.sa1isfy,.and discbarge.saidThed of Trust .in :fìill.and doesl1erebyconsent becanccled.and discharged of record .BOlTower(s): KENTL.STEVENSONAND NANCYR. SI'EVENSON,HUSBANDAND WlFE,BYTHE :ENT1RETIES Original.Beneficiæy: WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. J..oanAmount: .$70,096.00 Dme of Deed ofTflßt: 4/1412003 DateRecorrled:5/1a003 .Book: 519 .'PJIge:397 lnstnnnentNwnber: 889614 legal Description (ifrequired): BEGINNING AT A POINT wmCHIS THE SOUTHEAST CORNER. OF LOT 3,BLOCK14INTHEAFl'ONLINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING TOWNSHIP AS PLATl'ED AND F1LED ANDIUJNNING TIlENCENORTHTORODS, THENCE WEST10RODS, THENCE SOUTH 10ROD.8, THENCEEAST 10 RODS TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Cnmtnffits: JIl1drecordetl in1he official records oflincoJo County, Btate ofWyoming.affucting:ReID'Property .and more particularly .described on 5aÍd Mortgage refeIred 10 herein; JNWlTNESS WHEREOF, fuellndersigned.has caused 1hese presents 10 be t:XfCuted on of 03/1112006. Wells FJU'go Bank, N.A. \ ~~,~ ;;( ~.~ LINDA GREEN VICE P LOAN DOCUMENTATION Witne.$: N1NADANIEL w,-.~~~ Stare of GA County DfFI1LTON On 1his Dare of 0311112006, before:IIle, fue uru:iersigned.authority,.a N otaIy 'PubJi.c .duly J:ommissioned, .qualiñed.and.a.cting within JIl1dfor1he .aforem~ntinn~dSta1e.and County, personally .appeared thewi1hin:ruunedLINDA GREEN.and JESSlCALEETE, Jrnown 10:me (or.identified 10:me on 1he basis ofBatisfactory evidence) 1hat 1hey lire :the VICE PRES. LOAN DOCUMENl'ATION lII1dVICE PRES. LOAN DOCUMENTATION respectively ofWellsF.argo:Bank, N.A.,.and were .duly.authorized:in 1heirrespe.ctive capacitif'.': 10 execute 1he .and:in the name .and on behalf of.said.cmponUion .andfuat.said coporation~uted1he.same,.and:fudher stated.and .acknowledged ilia11hey.had so signed, 'Cucuted.and de1ivered.said :instrument for1he ronsidl"nltinn, purposes :therein:mentioned.and.setforth. ~~>ndoffcidsad cn~ rlme--' sct: ~ '" .-,... . n~ t:è'...··~.fJr~··..1' : ~OTAl'lr \ Notary ,\ -·-ú! s ~ '. oI>UB\.\ :¡ -'?.....·.....F...26.1Q1D..···O 0'10 .......... rJ': cou~· RAJ PARMAR Notary Public - Georgia Fulton County My Comm. Expires Feb. 26.2010