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WeUs Fario Bank, National Asaociation
C/O Heal £State Resource Center
11201 Amelia£arhartDrive. MAC:fIU1252-01B
SalUake City, UT B4116~57
RECEIVED 3/24/2006 .at 4:00 PM
BOOK: 615 PAGE: 111
Bradley û.~on
lJnda L .Jacobson
1101 Uinta Stntet
Evanston, WY B2930
Words .used in multiple sections .of"this d.oc.ument are defined below and Dther w.ords .are Defined in Secti.ons 3, 11, 13, lB,.20 and.21. Certain
rules regarding 'the .usage .of w.orrls .used in 1:his Document are .also prDvided in Secti.on 16.
(AI ftSec.urity Jnstr.umentft meIlns 1:his .t4¥:U~hiCh is rlated March .24. .2006, "together with.all Riders "to ~is rloc.ument. 'T..H -1=...
(BI ftBorrower" is Bradley G. -Iacobso~ ress is 1101 Uinta Street, EvanstDn, WY B2930 Bnd .Linda L -Iacobson;'Wf1Ose addr-ess is
1101 Uinta S'treet, EvanstDn, WY B2930. Borrower is 'the mortgagor .under 1:his Security Instrument,
(CI ft.Lender" is Wells Fargo Bank, National Association. l.ender is a National Assocation .organized and existing under ~e laws .of Wy.oming,
.Lender's .adrlr-essis Evanston, 7.24 FrDnt Street, MAC :fIC7B22-011, EvanstDn, WY B2930. .Lender is 1:he mortgagee !.Inder 1:his Sec.urity
(DI ftNote" meIlns 1:he pr.omissory note signed by Borrower and rJated March .24, .2006, The Note:states 1:hat BorrDwer .owes .Lender Three
-Hundred Fifty-1ive Thousand & 00/100 D.ollars (U.S, .$355,000.00) plus interest. Borrower has pr.omised 'to .pay 1:his .debt in r-egular P-eriorlic
PByments.and 10 .paY1:he rlebt in 1.u1l not later1:han March.24, 2007.
ŒI "Property" meIlns 1:he property1:hat is rlescribed below .undenhe heading "Tænsfer of Rights in 1:he Property."
(FI ':Loan" meIlns the .debt -evidenced by 1:he Note, plus int-erest, .any prepllyment charges .and late charges .due !.Inder 1:he Note, .and .all sums
.due .under this Security Instr.ument, plus interest.
(G I ~Riders" means all Riders "to 1:his .security Instr.ument 1:hat .are executed by Borrower. The i.ollowing Riders Bre "to :be executed by Borrower
(check box.as .applicable):
:0 Adjustable Rate Rider
:0 Balloon Rider
:0 1-4 F.amily Rider
:0 Condominium Rider
:0 Planned Unit Development Rider
1] Biweekly PByment Rider
IJ Second -Home Rider
IJ Dther(s) [specify)_
(HI ~Applicable blw" meIlns BII :controlling .applicable iederBl, .state .and local statutes, regulations, .ordinances .and Bdministrative r.ules Bnd
.orders (that have 1:he irlfect .of lawl.as well.as .all .applicable 1inal, nOlHlppealable judicial opinions.
(II ~Community Association D.ues, Fses. .ilnd Assessments" meIlns BII .dues, 1ees. .assessments .and mher charges 1:hat .are imposed .on
Borrower .or1:he Pr.operty by.a condominium association, homeowners .association.or similar .organization.
(JI "'Electronic 'F.unds'Transfer" means .any 1:Tansfer .of iunds, mher 1:han 11 1:rans.action originated by check. .dr1lft, Dr similar :paper instr.ument,
which is initiated 1:hrough .an ,electr.onic 1:erminal, 1:elephonic instr.ument, computer, or magnetic 1ape so .as "to .orrler. instr.uct, or authorize .a
iinancial institution 1:0 .debit Dr I:rsdit .an .account. .such term includes, but is not limited "to,point-.of~ale 1:Tansfers, 1Iutomated teller machine
1:rans.actions,1:r.ansfers initiated by 1:elephone, wire 'transfers, 1Ind 1Iutomated I:leIlringhouss 1:ransfers,
(KI ~.Escrow Jtems" means 1:hose items 1:hat Bre .described in .section 3,
{LI ftMiscellaneous Proceeds" means .any c.ompensation, settlement, aw.ard of damages, or proc-eedspllid by .any 'third party (other 1:han
insurance :pr.ocseds paid !.Inder 1:he coverBges described in Section 5) 1or: Ii) damage 10, Dr rlestr.uction .of, 1:he Property; (iil condemnation Dr
.other 'taking of 1111 Dr Bny plIrt of ~e Property; (iiil.conveyance in lieu .of .condemnation; or (iv) misrepresentations .of, Dr .omissions.as to, 1he
value .and/.or condition of 1he Property.
(MI ftMortiage Insur.ance" meIlns insurance pr.otecting .Lsnder .against the nonpayment of,.or .def.ault .on.1:haLoan,
(NI -Periodic Payment" means 1:he regularly scheduled Bmount.due 10r (i) principalBnd interest !.Inder 'the Note, :plus (iil Bny BTnDUnts .under
Section 3 .of 1:his .5ecurity Instr.ument.
(01 "BESPA" means 1:he Real Estate Settlement Pr.oc-edur-es Act (1.2 U..s.C. 2£01 '1rt seq.) Bnd its implementing r-Bgulation, Regulation X (24
C.ER. Part 35001. BS they might be Bmended irom 1:ime 1:0 'time, or Bny .additional Dr SUI:cessor legislation Dr regulation 1:hat ijOverns the same
subject matter. As.used in 1:his Security Instrument, "RESPA" T-efers 1:0 .allr-equirementsllnd restrictions 1:hat Br-e imposed in regard "to .a
"1ederBlly related TnDrtgBge Jo.an" even if1:heJ..oan .does not.qualify BS.a "federally related mortgage loan" .under RESPA.
(PI ft!':""'cessor jnJnterest of Borrower" means Bny party 1:hat has 'taken 1:itJe 1:0 'the Property, whether Dr not1:hat party has ..ass.umed
Borr.ower's .obligations .under 1:he Note .and/.or 1:his .security Instr.ument,
\ ( ^
(k v
P.age l.of B
.loan No: 0062989454
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This .security Instrument secures to .Lender: iii the repayment of the .Loan, and all renewals, extensions Bnd modifications of the Note; and (ii)
the performance of Borrower's covenants Bnd Bgreements under this Security Instrument Bnd the Note, For this purpose, $orrower rloes hereby
mortgage, grllnt and convey to Ümder and Lender's successors Bnd Bssigns, with power of sale, the iollowing rlescribed property located in the
County of .Lincoln:
Real Property tax irlentification number is
Lots 101:and 102 of Star VBlley Ranch Plat B. Lincoln County. Wyoming BS Described on 1he offu:ial plat thereof.
which currently has the Bddress of 55 White Pine Drive, Thayne, Wyoming B3127 ("Property Address"):
TOGETHER WITH Blithe improvements now or hereafter erected on "the property, and .all easements, Bppurterumces, Bnd iixtures now or
hereafter B part of "the property, All replacements Bnd Bdditions shall Blso be covered by this .security Instrument. All of 'the ioregoing is
referred to in this .security Instrument.as the "Property."
BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and hBs the right to mortgage, grant Bnd convey
"the Property and that the 'Property is unencumbered, except ior encumbrances of record. Borrower warr:ants.and will rlefend generlllly the title
to the Property Bgainst BII.claims Bnd rlemands, subject to any encumbrllnces of record,
THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covelUlnts ior natiolUll use.and non-uniform covelUlnts with limited variations by
jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instrument covering real property,
UNIFORM COVENANTS, Borrower and .Lender covenant and agree liS iollows:
1. PByment of Principal, Interest. .Escrow Jtems. Prepayment Charges. and Late Charges. Borrower shall pay when rlue the principal of,
~md interest on, the rlebt evidenced by the Note Bnd .any prepayment charges and late charges rlue under the Note. Borrower shall lIlso pay
iunds ior .Escrow Items pursuant to .section 3, Payments rlue under 'the Note lInd 'this Security Instrument shall be made in U,S, currency.
-However, if any check or other instrument received by .Lender as payment under "the Note or 'this .security Instrument is returned to .Lender
unpaid, .Lender may require 'that Bny or all subsequent payments rlue under the Note and this Security Instrument be made in one or more of the
iollowing iorms, liS selected by .Lender: (a) cash; (b) money order; (c) certified check, bank check, "treasurer's check or cashier's check, provided
Bny such check is rlrawn upon Bn institution whose rleposits are insured by a iederal Bgency, instrumentality. Dr entity; or (d) Electronic funds
Payments are rleemed received by .Lender when received at the location rlesignated in 'the Note or Bt such other location liS may be
rlesiglUlted by.Lender in accorrlance with the notice provisions in .section 1'5, .Lender may return any payment or partial payment if1:he payment
Dr partial payments are insufficient to bring the J..oan current, .Lender may accept any payment or partial payment insufficient to bring the l.oan
current. without waiver of any rights hereunder or prejudice to its rights 'to refuse such payment or partial payments in 'the future, but .Lender is
not obligated to apply such payments at the time such payments are .accepted, If each Periodic Payment is applied as of its scheduled rlue
rlate, then .Lender need not pay interest on ulUlpplied funds, Lender may hold such unapplied iunds until Borrower makes payment to bring the
J..oan .cummt. If Borrower rloes not rlo so within B reasonable period of 'time, .Lender $hall either apply such iunds or return them to Borrower. If
not .applied earlier, such iunds will be lIpplied "to the outstanding principal balance under the Note immediately prior to ioreclosure. No offset Dr
.claim which Borrower might have now or in the future Bgainst Lender shall relieve Borrower irom making payments rlue under the Note Bnd 'this
.security Instrument or performing the covelUlnts Bnd agreements secured by this Security Instrument,
2. Application Df PByments Dr Proceeds. Except as otherwise described in this .section 2, BII payments accepted Bnd applied by.Lender
shall be Bpplied in the iollowing order of priority: (a) interest due under the Note; (b) principal rlue under 'the Note; (c) Bmounts rlue under Section
3, Such payments shall be applied to each Periodic Payment in the order in which it became rlue, Any remaining Bmounts shall be Bpplied iirst
to late .charges, second to any other Bmounts due under this Security Instrument, Bnd 'then to reduce 'the principal balance of the Note.
If .Lender receives a payment irom Borrower ior a rlelinquent Periodic Payment which includes a sufficient lImount to pay Bny late charge
rlue, the payment may be .applied to 'the rlelinquent payment Bnd the late charge. If more than one Periodic Payment is outstanding, .Lender may
Bpply Bny payment received irom Borrower to the repayment of the 'Periodic Payments if, Bnd to the extent that, each payment can .be paid in
iull. To the extent that Bny excess exists Bfter the payment is applied to the iull payment of one or more Periodic Payments, such excess may
be Bpplied to any late charges rlue. Voluntary prepayments shall be Bpplied iirst to any prepayment charges and then as Described in the Note.
Any :application of payments, insurance proceeds, or Miscellaneous Proceeds 'to principal rlue under the Note shall not extend or postpone
the rlue Date, or change "the Bmount, of the Periodic Payments.
3. F.unds ior .Escrow Items. Borrower shall pay to .Lender on the Day Periodic P.ayments Bre Due under the Note, until the Note is paid in
iull, a sum (the "funds") to provide ior payment Df Bmounts rlue ior: (a) taxes and .assessments iÌnd other items which can Bttain priority over
"this Security Instrument as a lien or encumbrance on the Property; (b) leasehold payments Dr ground rents on the Property, if Bny; (c) premiums
ior Bny .and BII insurBoce re{uired by .Lender under Section 5; .and (d) Mortgage InsurBnce premiums, if any, Dr any sums payBble by Borrower to
.Lender in lieu of the payment of Mortgage Insuumce premiums in .accordance with the provisions of Section 10, These items are called ".Escrow
Items," At origination Dr .at lIny -time .during the term of "the J..oan, .Lender may require that Community Association Dues, fees, Bnd
Assessments, if Bny. :be escrowed by Borrower, Bnd $uch Dues, iees Bnd lIssessments shall be .an .Escrow Item, :Borrower .shall promptly furnish
to .Lender BII notices of Bmounts to be paid under this Section, .Borrower shall pay .Lender the Funds ior .Escrow Items unless .Lender waives
:Borrower's obligation to pay the funds ior any Dr all.Escrow Items. .Lender may waive BorrDwer'.s obligation to :pay "to .Lender funds ior Bny Dr
BII.Escrow Items Bt Bny 'time. Any such wBiver may only be in writing, In the event Df such w.aiver, Borrower shall pay rlirectly, when Bnd
where payBble, the .amounts Due ior any .Escrow Items ior which payment of funds has :been waived by .lender ilnd, if .Lender requires, .shall
iurnish to .Lender receipts evidencing .such payment within such time period as .Lender may require, Borrower's obligation to make such
payments and to provide rceceipts shall ior BII purposes be Deemed to be B .covelUlntBnd agreement .contained in this Security Instrument, BS "the
phrBse ".covelUlnt Bnd Bgreement" js 1J5ed in Section B. If Borrower is obligated to pay.Escrow Items Directly, pursuant to 11 w.aiver, and
:Borrower iBiJs to pay the .amount Due ior Bn .Escrow Item, .lendermay exercise its rights under Section :9 Bnd pay .such lImount Bnd Borrower
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.Loan No: D0629B9454
(Continued) 091.6908
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1ihall1hen be obligated !lnder Section 9 10 repay 10 .Lender Bny such Bmount, .Lender may revoke 1he waiver BS 1.0 lIny Dr 1111 Escrow Items lit lIny
1ime by B notice given in lIccorLlance with Sectien 15 lind, upen such revecatien, :Berrewer shall plIy 1.0 .Lender BII funds, .and in .5JJch Bmounts,
'that lire 1hen required under 1his .section 3.
.Lender may, Bt Bny 1ime, cellect lInd held funds in.an Bmeunt (a) sufficient 1.0 permit .Lender 1.0 lIpply 1he 'funds .at 1he 1ime specified !lnder
flESPA, lInd (b) net 1.0 -exc-eed 1he maximum .amo'unt .a lender can require under RESPA, .Lender shall -estimate 1he Bmeunt of funds we .on 'the
basis .of ament nata Bnd reBsenable -estimates of expenditures of future Escrow Items Dr .otherwise in Bccerdance with Applic.able .Law,
Ihe funds shall be held in lIn institutien whese depesits lire insured by B federalllgency, inStrumentality, Dr entity (including .Lender, if
.Lender is lIn institutien whese nepesits Bre se insured) .or in .any federal -Heme .LoBn :Bank. .Lender 1ihallllpply 1he funds 1.0 pay 1he Escrow Items
ne Jater 'than 1he 1ime specified !lnder RESPA. .Lender shall net charge :Berrewer fer helding Bnd .applying 1he f!lnds, Bnnually .analyzing 'the
-escrow lIccount, Dr verifying 'the Escrow Items, unless .Lender pays Berrewer interest on 'the funds and Applicable.Law permits .Lender "to make
:such B charge, Unless lIn .agreement is made in writing .or Applicable.Law requires interest "to be plIid on 1he funds, .Lender shall not be required
"to pay Berrower lIny interest Dr earnings en 'the funds. Berrower lInd .Lender can lIgree in writing, hewever, 'that interest shall bepllid on 1he
funds, .Lender 1ihall give 1.0 Berrower, without charge,an Bnnualllcceunting .of1he 'funds..as required by RESPA.
If 1here is B surplus of funds held in -escrow, .as nefined !lnder RESPA, .Lender shall BCCOUnt 10 Berrower for 1he -exc-ess funds in .accorLlanc-e
with RESPA. If 1here is.a shertage .of f!lnds held in -escrew, liS Llefined !lnder RESPA, .Lender 1ihall netify Berrower .as r-equired by RESPA, Bnd
.Berrower shall pay 1.0 .Lender 1he .amount necessary 1.0 make up 'the shertage in lIccerwmce with RESPA, .but in ne mere 1han 12 menthly
payments, If 'there is B Lleficiency of funds held in-escrew, BS Llefined under RESPA, .Lender shall netify Borrewer .as required by RESPA, Bnd
Berrewer shall PBY 1.0 .Lender 1he .amount necessary te make up 1he neficiency in .accerLlance with RESPA, .but in ne mere 1han 12 monthly
Upen payment in full of BII sums secured by 1his Security Instrument, .Lender shall promptly refund 1.0 Berrower lIny 'funds held by .Lender,
-4. Charges; .Liens. Borrewer 1ihall pay .alll8xes, Bssessments, charges, fines, lInd impesitiens .attributable 10 1he Property which .can lIttain
prierity over 1his Security Instrument, IeBseheld payments .or ground rents on 1he Property, if lIny, .and Community Asseciatien Dues, fees. .and
Assessments, if Bny, 101he extent1hat1hese items Bre Escrow Items, Berrower shall pBY1hem in 'the manner previded in Section 3.
:Berrower shall premptly nischarge lIny lien which has prierity ever 1his Security Instrument !lnless :Berrower: (a) Bgrees in writing 'te'the
pByment of 1he .obligatien secured by 1helien in 11 manner Bcceptable 1.0 .Lender, but only se leng liS :Berrower is performing such IIgreement; (b)
.cDntests'the Jien in geed fBith by. .or Llefends .against -enfercement .of 1he lien in, legal prDceedings which in .Lender's .opinien .operBte "to prevent
'the -enfDr.cement .of 1he lien while 'those proc-eedings lire pending, but .only until such proc-eedings .are .concluded; Dr (c) secures frem 'the hDlder
of 1he lien .an .agreement satisfactery 1.0 .Lender suberdinating 1he lien "to 1his .security Instrument, If .Lender Lletermines 'that .any part .of 1he
Property is subject 1.0 .a lien which .can lIttain prierity over 1his Security Instrument, .Lender may give :Berrewer .a notice identifying 'the lien.
Within 10 nays of 1he Date .on which 'that netice is given, :Berrewer 1ihallsatisfy 1he lien Drl8ke .one .or more of 1he .actiens set forth .above in1his
Section 4,
.Lender may require Berrower 1.0 pay .a one-1ime charge for .a real estate l8x verification .and/or reporting 1iervice !lsed by .Lender in
.cDnnectien with 1his .Loan.
5. Property JnsuranCB. :Berrewer shall keep 'the imprevements new -existing Dr her-eàfter erected on 1he Property insured lIgainst loss by
fire, hazarLls included within "the 1erm "-extended .ceverBge," and .any ether hazarLls incJuding, but net limited 1.0, -earthquakes .and floods, fer
which .Lender requires insuTBnce. Ihis insurance shall be maintained in 1he .ameunts (including deductible levels) lInd fer 'the perieds 1hat .Lender
requir-es, What .Lender requires pursuant 1.0 1he preceding 1ientences .can change during 1he 1erm of 1he .Loan. Ihe insurllnce .carrier providing
'the insurllnce shall be chesen by BerrDwer subject "to .Lender's right "to disapprDve :Berrower's .choice, which right shall net be exercised
!lnreasonably, .Lender may require :Berrewer 1.0 pay, in cennectien with 'this .Loan, -either: (B) 11 .one-1ime .charge fer floed zone Lteterminatien,
.certific.atien .and 1TlIcking services; Dr (b) .a one-1ime charge fer fleed zone Lleterminatien .and certifiCBtien services .and subsequent charges -e.ach
'time remappings Dr 1iimilar changes occur which reasenably might Btfect such determinatien Dr certificatien. Berrower shall .alse be respensible
for 'the plIyment of lIny fees imposed by 'the 'Federal Emergency Management Agency in .connectien with 1he review .of .any flood :zone
Ltetermination resulting from .an objection by Berrewer.
If Borrower f.ails 1.0 maintain lIny of 1he .ceverages described .abeve, .Lender may .obtain insurllnce cover.age, lit .Lender's optien IInd
.Berrower's -expense. .Lender is !lnder ne Dbligatien"tO purchase ,any particular1ype Dr ilmount of Ceverllge. lherefore, such cever.age 1ihall.cover
.Lender, .but might Dr might net prDtect :Berrower, :Borrewer's equity in 1he Property, Dr 1he .contents .of 1he Property, .against .any risk, hazard Dr
Jiability .and might provide greater Dr lesser .cDverage 1han WIlS previously in -effect. Borrower lIcknewledges 'that 1he .cost .of 1he insuTBnce
.ceverage so .obtained might signific.antlyexceed 1he .cest of insurBnce 1hat Berrewer could have obtained. Any.amounts disbursed by .Lender
under 'this Section 5 shall become .additional Ltebt .of Borrower secured by 1his Security Instrument, lhase IImounts shall bear interest lit 'the
Note rate from 'the .date .of nisbursement IInd 1ihall be pay.able, with 1iuch inter-est, !lpon noticefrem .Lender 10 Borrower r-equesting payment.
All insuTBnce policies required by .Lender Bnd renewals .of such pelicies shall be subject "to .Lender'1i right 10 disapprove such policies, shall
include.a standard mortgage clause, ilnd shall name .Lender liS mortgagee lind/Dr .as lIn .additienal Joss plIyee. .Lender lihall have 1he right 10 hold
'the policies .and renew.al .certifiCBtes. If .Lender requires, Berrewer shall promptly £live 'te .Lender .all receipts of paid premiums .and renew.aI
netic-es, If Berrower .obtains lIny form of insurance covenlge, net otherwise required by.Lender, fer Llamage "to, Dr Ltestwction .of, 1he Property,
such policy shall include.a stancJarLl mertgage clause.and shall name .Lender .as mertgagee .and/or liS IIn .additional loss payee.
In 'the -event .of Jess, Borrower shall £live pr.ompt netice 1.0 'the insur.ance carrier lInd .Lender. .Lender may make prDof .of Joss if not made
promptly by BerrDwer, Unless .Lender .and :BerrDwer otherwise .agr-ee in writing, :any insurance proceeds, whether .or not 'the !lnderlying
insurance WIlS required by.Lender, shall be lIpplied"te restor.atien.or repair Df1:he Property, if1he restor.atien.or repair is economically feasible lInd
.Lender'Ji Jiecurity is not Jessened, During such repair ilnd restoration peried, .Lender shall have 1he right "to hold such insurllnce proceeds !Inti!
.Lender has had lIn oppertunity"to inspect such PrDperty 1.0 flnsure "the wDrk has been .completed "to.Lender's satisf.action, prDvided 'that such
inspectiDn shall.be !lndertaken promptly. .Lender may Disburse proceeds for 'the repairs ilnd restoration in.a single plIyment Dr in 11 series of
progrBss payments..as 'the work is .completed. Unless.an lIgreement is TTUlde in writing Dr Applicable .J.:aw requires inter-est 10 be .:paid .on such
insur.ance pr.oceeds,lender shall not be required "tO.:pay BorrDwer lIny interest Dr earnings .on such proceeLIs, Fees for :public lIdjusters,.or JJther
"third .:parties, retained by :Berrower shall not be .:paid .out of 1he insurance pr.oc-eeds .and shall be 1he sole .obligation .of BerrDwer. If "the restoTBtion
.or repair is not BConomic.ally feasible .or .Lender's security wouJd be lessened,"the insurance prDceeds shall .be ilpplied "to "the Jiums secured by
'this Security Jnsùument, whether.or not'then Ltue, with "the flxcess, if .any, paid 10 :BorrDwer. .such insur.ance proc-eeds shall be .applied in "the
DrLler provided for in Section .2,
If .BDrrDwer Bbandons 'the Property,.Lender may file, negotiate .and settle .any .ilvllilable insurance claim .and related matters. If Borrower
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Lloes not rflspond within 30 days ~o B notice irom Lender ~hat ~he insurBnce cBrrier has offered 10 settle B claim, ~en Lender may negotiate Bnd
settle the cleim, The 30-Llay period will begin when ~he notice is given, In flither event, or if Lender acquires ~he Property under Section 22 or
Dtherwise, Borrower hereby .assigns to Lender (al Borrower's rights 10 Bny insurance proceeds in an amount not ~o exceed ~he .amounts unpBid
.under the Note or this Security Instrument. Bnd (bl Bny other of Borrower's rights (other ~han the right 10 Bny refund of unearned premiums paid
by Borrower) under .all insurBnce policies covering ~he PTDperty, insofar .as such rights Bre Bpplicable 10 the coverBge of the Property, Lender
may use the insurBnce proc-eeds either to repair or restore the Property or ~o pay amounts unpaid under ~he Note or ~his Security Instrument,
whether or not then due.
S, OCC!lpancy. Borrower shall occupy, establish, Bnd use ~he Property .as Borrower's principal residence within SO Llays after ~he
-execution of this Security Instrument and shall continue to oCC!lpy'the Property .as Borrower's principii I residence ior at least one year .after ~he
.date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be .unreBsonably withheld. or .unless Ðxtenuating
drcumstances exist which .are beyond Borrower's control.
7. Preservation, Maintanance Bnd Protection of the Property; InsplU:tions. Borrower shall not Llestroy, damage or impair ~he f'TDperty.
.allow the f'TDperty to LleteriorBte or commit wBste on 'the Property, Whether or not Borrower is residing in ~he Property, Borrower shall maintain
~he Property in order to prevent ~he Property irom deteriorBting or decreasing in vBlue due to its condition. Unless it is Lletermined pursuant to
.section 5 'that repair or restorBtion is not Ðconomically ieasible, Borrower shall promptly repair ~he Property if Llamaged to avoid iurther
Lleterioration or Llamage. If insurBnce or condemnation proceeds are paid in connection with damage ~o, or ~he 'taking of, the Property, Borrower
shall be responsible ior repairing or restoring the Property only if Lender has released proceeds ior such purposes, Lender may disburse
proceeds ior the repairs and restorBtion in B single payment or in a series of progress payments BS the work is completed, If the insurBnce or
L:ondemnation proceeds Brfl not sufficient to repair or restore 'the Property, Borrower is not relieved of Borrower's obligBtion ior the completion
of such repair or restorBtion.
Lflnder or its agent may make reasonable flntries upon and inspections of 'the Property, If it has reasonable cause, Lender may inspect 'the
interior of ~he improvements on the Property, Lflnder shall give Borrower notice Bt ~he time of or prior to such an interior inspection specifying
.such reasonable CBuse.
B, Borrower's.Loan Applicstion. Borrower shall be in default if, during 'the LOBn BpplicBtion process, Borrower or Bny persons or entities
acting at ~he direction of Borrower or with Borrower's knowledge or consent Qave materially false, misleadinQ. or inaccurate information or
statements 'to Lender (Dr iailed 10 provide Lender with material information) in connection with ~he Loan. Material representations include, but
Bre not limited ~o, representations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property BS Borrower's principal residence.
£!. Protection of Lender's Interest in ~he Property and Rights Under this Security Instrument. If (a) Borrower iBils 10 perform the covenants
Bnd agreements L:ontained in this .security Instrument, (bl ~here is a legal proceeding that might signifiesntly affect Lflnder's interest in ~he
Property and/or rights under this Security Instrument (such as B proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, ior L:ondemnation or iorfeiture, ior
-enforcement of B lien which TTUlY .ilttain priority over this Security Instrument or 10 flnforce laws or regulationsl, or (c) Borrower has BbBndoned
'the Property, then Lender may do and pay ior whatever is reBsonable or Bppropriate'to protect Lender's interest in ~heProperty Bnd rights under
~his .security Instrument, including protecting .and/or Bssessing ~he vBlue of the PTDperty, and securing and/or repairing ~he Property, Lender's
Bctions CBn include, but Bre not limited to: (alpaying Bny sums secured by B lien which has priority over~his Security Instrument; (bl appearing
in L:ourt; Bnd (cl paying reBsonable attorneys' iees to protect its interest in ~he Property and/or rights under this Security Instrument, including its
secured position in .a bankruptcy proceeding, Securing 'the Property includes, but is not limited to, Ðntering the PTDperty ~omake repBirs, L:hange
locks, replace or board .up Lloors Bnd windows, drain waterirom pipes, Ðliminate building or other code violations or dangerous conditions, :and
have .utilities 'tUrned on or off, Although Lender may take Bction under this Section £I, Lender Lloes not have to do so Bnd is not under Bny Lluty
or obligation ~o do so, It is .agrfled that Lender incurs no liability ior not 'taking Bny or all Bctions Buthorized under this Section B.
Any amounts disbursed by Lender under 'this Section £I shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this .security Instrument.
These Bmounts shall .bear interest at ~he Note rate irom the date of disbursement and shall be paYBble, with such interest, upon noticfl irom
Lender 10 Borrower rflquesting payment.
If ~his Security Instrument is on B leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all ~e provisions of the lease, If Borrower :acqukes iee 'title 10 'the
Property, the leasehold .and ~he iee title shall not merge unless Lender Bgrees to the merger in writing.
1D. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender rÐquirfld Mortgage Insurance BS B condition of making the Loan, Borrower shall pay ~he premiums
required to maintain 'the Mortgage InsurBnce in flffect. If, for Bny rflBson, the Mortgage InsuTilnce coverBge required by Lender L:eases to be
aVBilable irom the mortgage insurer 1:IuIt previously provided such insurance and Borrower WBS required to make separately designated pByments
~owBrd 'the premiums ior Mortgage InsurBnce, Borrower shall PBY ~he premiums required to obtain .coveTilge substantially equivalent tb the
Mortgage Insuranc-e previously in -effect, at a L:ost substantially -equivBlent ~o the L:ost to Borrower of the Mortgage InsurBnce previously in
Bffect, from Bn 1Ilternata mortgage insurer selected by Lender. If substantially flquivBlent Mortgage InsurBnce L:OVerBge is not BVBiI¡¡ble,
Borrower .shBII L:ontinue to pay 10 Lender ~he amount of the separBtely Llesignated payments that werfl Llue when the insurBnce L:overBge L:flBsed
to be in -effect. Lender will accept, use .and rÐtain'these payments .as a non-refundable loss reserve in lieu of Mortgage InsurBnce. .such loss
TBserve shall be non-Teiundable, notwithstanding the iBct that the LoBn is ultimately paid in iull, Bnd Lender shall not be required to PBY Borrower
any intflrest or ilBrnings on such loss reserve. Lender can no longer require loss reserve payments if MortgBge InsurBnce L:overage (in ~he
.:amount Bnd ior 'the period ~hat Lender requires) provided by :an insurer selected by Lender :again becomes .avBilable, is obtained, and Lender
requires sepBrBtely Llesignated pByments 'towBrd the prÐmiums ior Mortgage InsurBnce. If Lender required MortgBge Insurance BS B condition of
m.aking the LoBn Bnd Borrower was rÐquir-ed ~o make separBtely Llesignated payments lowBrd the premiumsior Mortgage InsurBnce, Borrower
shall PBY ~he premiums required to TTUlintain Mortgage InsuTilnce in effect, or 10 provide a non-refundable loss rÐserve, until Lender's requirement
ior Mortgage InsurBnce Bnds in accorLlBnce with :any written Bgreement between Borrower Bnd Lender providing ior such ~rmination or .until
~rmination is rflquired by Appliesble Law. Nothing in this Section 10 .affects Borrower's obligation ~o pay interest at ~e rBte provided in ~he
MortgBge JnsurBIlœ Teimburses Lender (or any Ðntity that purchases the Notfll ior I:Brtain 10SSBS it TTUlY incur if Borrower Lloes not repay ~he
.Loan:as BgrÐed. Borrower is not B :pBrty~'the Mortgage InsurBnce.
Mortgage insurÐrs -evBluate 'their ~otal risk on all such insurBnce in iorce irom time ~ time, Bnd mBY flnter into agr1¡ements with other
pBrties 'that share or modify 'their Tisk, orreducfl losses. These :agreements arB on ~rms .and L:onditions ~hat .are sBtisiBctory 10 ~he mortgage
insurÐr and ~heother party (or parties I ~o ~hese Bgrflements, These .agreements may require the mortgage insurÐrlo TTUlke payments using any
source of iundsthat~he mortgage insurÐr m.ay have BVBilable (which may include funds obtained irom MortgBge InsurBnce prÐmiumsl.
As a result of these agreements, Lender, any puœhaser of the Note, another insurer, any reinsurÐr, .any other Ðntity, or Bny affiliate of Bny
1>age 4 of B
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of 1he foregoing, may receive (directly or indirectly) .amounts that derive from (or might be characterized as) a portion of Borrower's payments
for Mortgage InsurancB, in Bxchange for sharing or modifying 1he mortgage insurer's risk, Dr rBducing losses. If such agrBement provides 1hat.an
Bffiliate of .Lender "takes a share of 1he insurer's risk in exchange for a share of 'the prBmiums paid 101he insurer, 1he arrangement is often
~rmed "Cilptive reinsurance." further:
(a) Any such Bgreements will not Bffect the Bmounts that Borrower has .agreed to pay ior Mortgage Insurance, or Bny other terms Df ~e
.loBn. .such Bgreements will not increase the Bmount Borrower will Dwe fDr Mortgage Jnsur.ance, .and they will not -entitle Borrower 10 .any
refund .
(bl Any such Bgreements will not .affect the rights Borrower has - if Bny - with respect 10 the Mortgage JnsurBnce under the Homeowners
Protection Act Df 199B Dr .any other Jaw. These rights may include the right 10 receive 1:ertBin jisclosures. 10 request Bnd obtain :cBnceliBtion of
~e Mort,gage Jnsurance, 10 have the Mortgage Jnsurance terminated .automatically. .and/or to receive B refund Df Bny Mortgage Jnsurance
.premiums that were uneBrned Bt the 'time Df such :cBnceliBtion Dr termination.
11. Assignment Df MisceliBneous Proceeds; forleiture. All MiscBllaneous ProcBeds are hereby Bssigned 1:0 Bnd shall be paid 'to Lender,
If 'the Property is .damaged, such MiscÐllaneous Proceeds shall be Bpplied 1:0 restoration Dr repair of ~e Property, if 'the restor.ation or repair
is -economically feasible .and .Lender's security is not lessened, During such repair .and restoration :period, .Lender shall have ~e right'to hold such
Miscellaneous Proceeds until .Lender has had Bn opportunity 10 inspect such Property 10 Ðnsure 1he work has been completed 10 .Lender'.s
satisfaction, provided 'that such inspection shall be undertaken promptly. .Lender may pay for 'the repairs Bnd rÐstoration in a single
.disbursement or in a series of progrÐss payments BS 'the work is completed, Unless an agrÐement is made in writing Dr Applicable.law requires
interest to be paid on such Miscellaneous Proceeds, .Lender shall not be required 10 pay Borrower any interest or Barnings on such Miscellaneous
ProcBeds, If 'the restoration or rBpair is not economically feasible or Lender's security would be lessened,1he Miscellaneous ProcBeds shall be
.applied to 'the sums secured by 'this Security Instrument, whether Dr not then .due, with 1he excess, if Bny, paid to Borrower. Such
Miscellaneous ProcBeds shall be .applied in 'the or.der provided for in Section 2.
In 'the Bvent of a 1:otal1:ilking, .destruction, Dr loss in value of 'the Property, 'the Miscellaneous PrucBeds shall be Bpplied to 'the sums secured
by 'this Security Instrument, whether or not 'then jue. with 'the Bxcess, if any, paid 1:0 Borrower.
In 'the Bvent of .a partial "taking, destruction, or loss in value of 'the Property in which 'the iair market value of 'the Property immediately
before 'the partial "taking, .destnJction, Dr loss in value is equal to or greater 'than 'the .amount of the sums secured by 'this .security Instrument
immediately before 'the partial "taking, destnJction, Dr loss in value, unless Borrower Bnd Lender otherwise agree in writing, 'the sums secured by
'this Security Instrument shall be reduced by 'the Bmount of 'the Miscellaneous ProcBeds multiplied by 'the following iraction: (a) 'the 'total amount
of 'the sums securBd immediately before 'the partial "taking, destruction, or loss in value .divided by (b) 'the iair market value of 'the Property
immediately before 'the partial1:ilking, .destruction, Dr loss in value, Any :balancB shall :be paid 'to Borrower.
In the Bvent of a partial "taking, .destruction, or loss in value of 'the Property in which 'the fair market value of 'the Property immediately
beforB 'the partial1:ilking, .destruction, or loss in value is less 'than 'the Bmount of 'the sums securBd immediately before 'the partial1:ilking,
Destruction, Dr loss in value, unless Borrower Bnd Lender otherwise BgrBe in writing, 'the Miscellaneous procBeds shall be Bpplied to 'the sums
secured :by 'this Security Instrument whether Dr not the sums are 'then due.
If 'the Property is .abandoned by Borrower, or if, Bfter notice by .lender 1:0 Borrower 'that the Dpposing Party (as .defined in 'the next
sentence) offers 'to make .an .awBrd 10 settle B claim ior .damages, Borrower iails to respond 10 .Lender within 30 .days Bfter the .date 'the notice is
£liven, .lender is authorized to collect Bnd .apply the Miscellaneous ProcBeds Bither 10 rBstoration or repair of 1he Property or 10 'the sums secured
by 'this Security Instrument, whether or not 'then .due, "Opposing Party", means the 'third party 1hat owes Borrower Miscilllaneous Proceeds or
'the party .against whom Borrower has a right Df Bction in regard to Miscellaneous ProcBeds,
Borrower shall be in Default if Bny .action Dr procBeding, whether civil Dr criminal, is begun 'that, in .lender's judgment, could result in
iorleiture of the Property Dr other material impairment of .Lender's interest in 'the Pruperty Dr rights under this Security InstnJment, Borrower :cBn
.cure such a .default and, if .accBleration has occurred, reinstate BS provided in Section 19, by C&JSing 'the .action or proceeding 'to be dismissed
with a ruling'that, in l.Bnder's judgment, precludes iorleiture of'the Property or other material impairment of .Lender's interest in 'the Property or
rights .under 'this Security Instrument. Ihe procBeds of Bny .award or claim for Llamages 'that are .attributable 'to the impairment of .Lender's
interBst in 'the Property lire hereby .assigned lInd shall be paid 'to Lender.
All Miscellaneous Proceeds 'that lire not lIpplied 'to restorBtion Dr repair of 'the Property shall be Bpplied in the or.der provided for in Section
12. Borrower Not ReleBsed; forbeBr.ance By .lender Not B W.aiver. Extension of the time for payment or modification of Bmortization of 'the
.sums secured by 'this Security Instrument cQranted by .lender 10 Borrower Dr any Successor in Interest of Borrower shall not Dperate 'to n~lease
'the liability of Borrower or lIny .successors in Interest of Borrower. .Lender shall not be required 1:0 :CDmmence procBedings .against Bny
Successor in InterBst of Borrower or to refuse 'to Bxtend 'time for payment or Dtherwise modify Bmortization of 'the sums secured by 'this Security
Instrumem by reason of .any demand made by 'the original Borrower or .any Successors in Interest of Borrower. Any iorbear.ance by .Lender in
Bxercising lIny right Dr remedy including, without limitation, .Lender's lIcceptance of payments irom 'thir.d persons, -entities or SuccBssors in
InterBst of Borrower Dr in amounts less 'than 1he amount 'then .due, shall not be a waiver Df or prflclude 'the Bxercise of any right or remedy,
13. .Joint BOO Sever.all.iability; Co-signers; Sw::cessors lInd Assigns Bound. Borrower covenants Bnd Bgrees 1hat Borrower's obligations
Bnd liability shall .be joint Bnd several. -However, any Borrower who co-signs 'this .security Instrument but .does not Bxecute 'the Note (a
".co-signer"): (a) is co-signing 'this Security Instrument only to mortgage, frant and convey 'the :co-signer's interest in 'the Property under 'the
'terms of 1his Security Instrument; (b) is not personally obligated to pay the sums secured by 'this Security Instrument; Bnd (c) lIgrBes 'that .lender
lInd .any other Borrower Ciln Bgrfle 10 Bxtend, modify, forbear Dr make .any .accommodations with regard to the 1:erms Df'this Security Instrument
Dr 'the Note without 'the co-signer's consent.
.subject 'to 'the provisions of Section 18, Bny .successor in Interest of Borrower who .assumes Borrower's obligations .under 'this Security
Instr.ument in writing, Bnd is apprDved by .lender, shall obtain BII of Borrower's rights and benefits .under 'this Security Instr.ument, Borrower
shall not be rÐleased irom Borrower's Mligations lInd liability under 'this Security Instr.ument .unless .lender BgrBes 1:0 such rBlease in writing,
Ihe .covenants Bnd .agrBements of 'this Security Instrument shall bind (except Bsprovided in .section .20) lInd. benefit 'the successors Bnd Bssigns
of .lender.
14. .loBn t:harges. l.:ender may charge Borrower ,fèes ior services :perlormed in .connection with Borrower's .default, ior'the purpose Df
protectin!! .lender's interest in 'the Property Bnd rights under 'this .security Instr.urnent, including, but not limited ':to, .attomeys·iees, property
inspection lInd valuation iees. In rBgard 1:0 Bny other iees, 'the lIbsence of Bxprflss .authority in 'this .security Instr.ument 'to charge a specific iee
'to Borrower .shall not be construed liS a prohibition on 1:he charging of such iee, .Lender may not charge iees 'that .arB Bxpœssly prohibited by
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'this Security Instrument Dr by Applicable.Law.
If the .Loan is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges, and 'that law is finally interpreted so 'that 'the interest Dr other loan
.charges .collected Dr to be collected in connection with 'the .Loan exceed the permitted limits, then: (a) any such loan .charge shall be reduced by
'the amount necessary to r-educe the .charge 10 1he permitted limit; and (b) Bny sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted
limits will be refunded to Borrower, .Lender may choose to make 1his refund by reducing 1he principal owed under 1he Note Dr by making B
.direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, 1he reduction will be treated .liS a partial prepayment without Bny prepayment charge
(whether or not a prepayment charge is provided for under 1he Note), Borrower's acceptance of any such refund made by direct payment 10
Borrow-er will constitute a waiver of any right of action Borrower might have arisinf out of such overcharge.
15. Notices. All notices given by Borrower or .Lender in connection with 1his Security Instrument must be in writing, Any notice 10
Borrower in connection with this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower when mailed by iirst class mail Dr when
.ilctually .deliv-eredto Borrower's notice .address if sent by other means, Notice 'to .any one Borrower shall constitute notice 10 all Borrowers
unless Applicable .Law -expressly r-equires otherwise, The notice .address shall be the Property Addr-ess unl-ess Borrower has .designated B
substitute notice Bddress by notice to .Lender. Borrower shall promptly notify .Lender of Borrower's .change of .addr-ess, If .Lander specifies B
procedure for r-eporting Borrower's change of .address, 1hen Borrower shall only report a change of .address 1hrough that specified procedure,
There may be only one .designated notice .address under this Security Instrument .at anyone 1ime. Any notice to .Lender shall be given by
.delivering it Dr by mailing it by first class mail 10 .L-ender·s Bddress stated herein unless .Lender has .designated another .address by notice 10
-Borrower. Any notice in connection with 1his Security Instrument shall not be deemed 10 have been given 'to .Lender until .actually received by
.L-ender, If .any notice required by 1his Security Instrument is Blso required under Applicable .Law, the Applicable .Law requirement will SlItisfy 1he
corresponding requirement under 1his Security Instrument.
16, Govemin! .Law; Severability; Rules of Construction. This Security Instrument shall be governed by iederal law.and 1he law of 1he
jurisdiction in which 'the Property is located. All rights and obligations contained in 1his Security Instrument .lire subject 'to Bny requirements and
limitations of Applicable .Law. Applicable.Law might -explicitly or implicitly .allow 'the parties 10 agree by contract or it might be silent, but such
silence shall not be .construed .liS a prohibition against Bgreement by contract, In 1he -event 1hat any provision or clause of 1his Security
Instrument Dr 'the Note conflicts with Applicable .Law, such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this .security Instrument Dr the Note
which can be given -effect without 1he conflicting provision.
As used in 1his Security Instrument: (a) words of 1he masculine gender shall mean and include .corrÐsponding neuter wor.ds or words of 1he
ieminine gender; (b) words in 1he singular shall mean and include 1he plural and vice versa; .and (c) 1he word "may" gives sole discretion without
any obligation 10 '!.ake any action.
17. Borrower'.s Copy. Borrower shall be given one .copy of the Note and of 1his Security Instrument.
18. Transfer of the Property or .a Beneficial Jnterest in Borrower. As used in 'this Section 1B, "Inter-est in 'the Property" means any legal Dr
beneficial interest in 'the Property, including, but not limited 10, 1hose beneficial interests'tr.ansferred in .a bond ior .deed. contract ior .deed,
installment sales contract Dr escrow .agreement, the intant of which is the 1ransfer of 1itle by Borrower .at a iutur-e .date 10 a purchaser,
If all Dr .any part of 1he Property or any Interest in the Property is sold or 1ransferred (or if Borrower is not.a natural person .and a beneficial
inter-est in Borrow-er is sold Dr 1ransferred) without .Lender·s prior written consent..Lender may require immediate payment in iull of .all sums
secured by 1his Security Instrument. tiowever, 'this option shall not be -exercised by.Lender if such exer.cise is prohibited by Applicable.Law.
If .Lender -exercises 'this option, .Lender shall {live Borrower notice of acceleration, The notice shall provide B period of not Jess 'than 30 .days
irom'the date the notice is given in .accordance with Section 15 within which Borrower must pay 1111 sums secured by 'this Security Instrument,
If Borrower fails 'to pay 'these sums prior 'to 'the -expiration of 'this period, Lender may invoke .any remedies permitted by 1his Security Instrument
without iurther notic-e Dr .demand on Borrower.
19. Borrower's Right to Reinstate After Acceleration. If Borrower meets .certain .conditions, Borrower shall have 1he right 10 have
cenforcement of 'this Security Instrument .discontinued .lit Bny time prior 10 1heearliest of: (a) five days before SlIle of 'the Property pursuant 10 Bny
:power of sale .contained in this Security Instrument; (b) such other period as Applicable .Law might specify ior the 'termination of Borrower's
right 10 r-einstate; or (c) -entry of B judgment -enforcing this Security Instrument, Those conditions lire 'that Borrower: (a) pays .Lender .all sums
which 1hen would be .due under 1his Security Instrument .and 1he Note .liS if no Bcceleration had occurred; (b) .cures any .default of any other
.covenants Dr Bgr-eements; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing 'this Security Instrument, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys'
iees, property inspection .and valuation iees, .and other fees incurred for 1he purpose of protecting .Lender·s interest in the Property and rights
.under 'this Security Instrument; .and (d) 1akes such action .liS .Lender may r-easonably require 10 .assure "that .Lender·s interest in 1he Property Bnd
rights .under this Security Instrument, Bnd Borrower's obligation 'to pay 'the sums secured by 'this .security Instrument, shall continue unchanged.
Lender may require that Borrower pay such reinstatement sums and -expenses in one Dr more of 1he following forms, .liS selected by.Lender: (a)
cash; (bl money order; (c) .certified check, bank .check, 'treasurer's .check Dr .ceshier's .check, provided .any such check is .drawn upon .an
institution whose .deposits .lire insur-ed by a iederal .agency, instrumentality Dr -entity; Dr (d) Electronic runds Transfer, Upon reinstatement by
Borrower, 'this .security Instrument and obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective BS if no .acceleration had occurred, tiowever, this
right 'to r-einstate shall not Bpply in 'the .case of acceleration under Section 1 B.
20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. The Note or a partial interest in 'the Note (together with 1:his Security
Instrument) can be sold one or more times without prior notice '10 Borrower, A sale might result in.a change in the -entity (known.as 'the "Loan
Servicer") 'that .collects P-eriodic PByments .due under 'the Note and 'this Security Instrument Bnd performs other mortgage Joan servicing
.obligations under 'the Note, 'this Security Instrument, .and Applicable .Law, There 1IIso might be one Dr more 1:hanges of the .Loan Servicer
unr-elated'to a sale of'the Note, If 'there is a .change of 'the Loan Servicer, Borrower will be given written notice of 'the change which will :state
-tile name Bnd .address of 1he new .Loan .servicer, 'the 1Iddress 'to which payments should be made lInd Bny other information RESPA requires in
.connection with a notice of 'transfer of servicing, If '!he Note is sold .and 1hereafter 'the .loan is serviced :by 11 Loan Servicer other 'than 'the
pur.chaser of 'the Note, 'the mortgage loan servicing obligations 10 Borrower will remain with 'the Loan .servicer Dr be "transferred 10 a successor
Loan Servicer lInd .are not .assumed :by1he Note purchaser unless otherwise provided by 'the Note purchaser.
Neither -Borrower nor .Lender may .commence, join, Dr be joined 10 .any judicial Bction (as either Bn individual litigant Dr 'the member of .a
.class) 'that .arises irom 'the other party's lIctions pursuant 'to this Security Instrument Dr 'that Blleges 'that 1he other party has breached.any
.provision of, Dr .any .duty owed by reason of, 'this Security Instrument, until such Borrower or Lender has notified 'the other .party (with such
notice {liven in .compliance with 'the requir-ements of .section 15) of such .alle{led br-each Bnd Bffor.ded "the other party hereto.a reasonable period
lifter '!he giving of such notice 'to "take .corrective .action. If Applicable .Law .provides .a 1ime .period which must -elapse before .certain .action .can
be "taken, that time period will be .deemed 'to be reasonable ior purposes of 'this paragr.aph. The notic-e of .acc-elerBtion Bnd opportunity 10 cure
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Ðiven "to Borrower pursuant 10 .section 22 .and "the notice of .accelerBtion Ðiven 1:0 Borrower pursuant 1:0 Section 1B shall be LJeemed 10 satisfy "the
notice .and opportunity 1:0 "take J::orrective .action provisions of this .section 20.
21. Hazardous Substaru:es. As used in 1his Section 21: (a) "Hazardous Substances" are "those substances defined as lOxic or hazardous
.substaru::es, pollutants, or w.astes :by Environmental1.aw .and 1he iollowing substances: gasoline, kerosene, other ilammable Dr "toxic petroleum
products, lOxic pesticides .and herbicides, volatile solvents, materials J::ontaining BSbestos Dr iormaldehyde, Bnd radioactive materials; (bl
"£nvironmental1.aw" means 1ederallaws and laws of 1he jurisdiction where 1he Property is located "that relate "to health, .safety Dr -environmental
protection; (c) "£nvironmental Cleanup" includes Bny response Bction, remedial action, or removal action, BS defined in Environmental1.aw; .and
(d) .an "Environmental Condition" means a J::ondition "that can cause, J::ontribute 10, or otherwise "trigger an Environmental Cleanùp,
Borrower shall not cause Dr permit "the presence, use, disposal, storage, or rele.ase of any Hazardous .substances. Dr "threaten "to release Bny
tiazardous Substances, on Dr in "the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor Bilow Bnyone -else 10 do, .anything affecting "the Property (a) "that is in
violation of Bny Environmental1.aw, (b) which J::reates an Environmental Condition, or (c) which, due 10 "the presence, use, Dr release of .a
Hazardous Substance, creates.a J::ondition "that .adversely affects "the value of "the Property, The preceding "two sentences shall not .apply "to "the
presence, .use, or storage on "the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substaru::es "that .are generBlly recognized "to :be .appropriate "to normal
residential uses and "to maintenance of "the Property (including, but not limited 1:0, hazardous .substances in consumer products).
Borrower .shall promptly give Lender written notice of (a) .any investigation, J::aim, demand, lawsuit or other .action :by .any governmental Dr
regulatory Bgency Dr private party involving "the Property Bnd .any Hazardous Substance Dr Environmental1.aw of which Borrower has BctuBl
knowledge, (b) Bny Environmental Condition, including but not limited 10, Bny spilling, leaking, discharge, release Dr 1hreat of release of Bny
tiazardous Substance, .and (c) Bny J::ondition l:aused by 1he presence, use Dr release of a tiazardous Substance which Bdversely Bffects 1he v.alue
.of 1he Property, If Borrower learns, Dr is notified by .any governmental Dr regulatory .authority, Dr .any private party, 1hat .any rernov.al Dr .other
remediation of Bny Hazardous.substance .affecting 1he Property is necessary, Borrower shall promptly "take .all necessary remedial.actions in
Bccordance with Environrnental1.aw, Nothing herein shall create .any .obligation on Lender ior .an Environmental Cleanup,
NON-UNifORM COVENANTS, Borrower .and Lender iurther .covenant Bnd Bgree .as iollows:
22. Acceleration; Remedies. .Lender Jlhall sive notice 1:0 Borrower prior to .acceleration ioUowing Borrower'JI breach .of .any 1:ovenant.or
lIgreement in this Security Instrtlment (but not prior to .acceleration .under Section 18 .unless Applicable.law provides .otherwise). 'The notice
Jlhall specify: (a) "the LJef.ault; (bl "the lIction required to cure the .default; (c).a liate. not less than :30 liays 1rom "the liate "the notice is siven 10
Borrower. by which the .default must be 1:ured; .and (dlthat 'failure 1:0 1:ure the .default on or before "the liate specified in "the notice may result in
lIcceler.ation of "the sums secured by this Security Instrument .and sale .of "the Property. The notice shall 'further inform Borrower .of the right 10
reinstate .after .acceleration .and "the right to brin9 a 1:ourt .action to .assert "the non-existence of a .default or any other .defense .of Borrower 10
lIcceler.ation .and sale. If "the .default is not ccured on or before the liate .specified in the notice. Lender .at its option may require immediate
payment in 'full .of .all .sums Jlecured by 1his Security Instrument without 'further .demand.and may invoke "the power of sale lInd .any other
remedies permitted by Applicable.law. Lender Jlhall be -entitled 10 t:Ollect.a1l -expenses incurred in pursuing "the remedies provided in this Section
22. including, but not Jimited 10, TilaSonable .attorneys' 'fees .and 1:os15 of title evidence.
If under invokes the power of sale, Lender shall sive notice of intent to 'foreclose 10 Borrower .and 10 1he person in possession of 'the
PrDperty, if .different, in .accor.dance with Applicable .Law. under Jlhall give notice of the sale to Borrower in "the manner provided in Section 15.
under Jlhall publish the notice of $Ble, lInd the Property Jlhallbe sold in the manner prescribed by Applicable.Law. .Lender or its .designee may
purchase the Property lit .any $Ble. The proceeds Df the $Ble shall be .applied in "the 'fDllowing or.der: (al to 1111 expenses of "the $Ble. iru:luding. .but
not Jimited 10. reasonable .attorneys' 'fees; (b) 1O.a1l Jlums secured by this Security Jnstrument; .and (c) .any ~ess 1:0 the person or persons
Jegally entitled to it.
23. Release. Upon payment of all sums sel:urÐd by 'this Security Instrument, .Lender shall release 1his .security Instrument. Borrower shall
pay any TecorLJation 1:osts. .Lender may 1:harge Borrower B iee ior rÐleasing "this .security Instrument, but only if 'the 'fee is paid 'to .a 'thir.d party
ior services renderÐd .and "the charging Df'the iee is permitted under Applicable.Law.
24. Waivers. Borrower rÐleases Bnd waives.all Tights under .and by virtue of'the homestead -exemption laws of WyominÐ.
F.acsimile .and Counterpart. 'This .document may be signed in any number of separBtel:opies, -each of which shall be -effective .as an oriÐinal, but
.all of which 'taken lOgether shall1:onstitute a single document. An Ðlectronic "transmission .or other 'facsimile of 1his .document or Bny Telated
LJocument shall be .deemed an original Bnd shall be .admissible as Ðvidence of "the document .and 1he signer'.s execution.
BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower Bccepts lInd .agrees 10 "the 'terms .and t:Ovenants 1:ontained in 1his Security Instrument Bnd in .any Rider
-executed by Borrower .and recorded with it.
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Loan No: D0629B9454
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On -mis .day befoTi~ me, 'the .undersigned Notary Public, :persolUllly Bppeared Bædley G. .Jacobson Bod JJndaL .JBcobson. '10 me known '10 be 'the
individuals nescribed in Bnd who flxecuted'the Mortgage, Bnd .acknowledged 'that 'they signed 'the Mortgage BS 'their irfle Bnd voluntary Bet Bru:I
.Ileed, ior 'the .uses.and purposes 'therein mentioneJ:J.
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