HomeMy WebLinkAbout916924 ~~::::;~~::!*::::~: '."~I·.· I ·I·j·,¡'." ,·.·.·.·1'...·.·.·.· '.' . ,.,"........¡o......... .'. .....!.!'.......\._... ,', '.";I·.~_·',·" .~,::~'I.·.::; ',': ;:.: " 51105 (01) 'j ',-of (A :.; ~ 0:: W :::ii: a::: w « co :::ii: v "",CD a::: :::ii: v å) ~w W N·· Z ~ ..... o>w<9 ~ ctJ CD<9« <D """«3: 0:: 0 O>Q. W 0 ~ w...J r-- =tt: Z Ü ~ <9 z~ C") z U') UIj z c~ ~J::> wW CD 0 >ü ~ ü -w 0 z Wo:: 0 ...J (,) Q) 0 W ü 0::: z ::::¡ .~-r..J.;¡.-~t;.·, . .....~.;.;I...I.I......;..... .:''':',-;..~,'t,,~..&~... ,".-'!'" ''''~' í~--: : ,~,~.-:" :;~:J':.. !;_;.:..' '-. ,. .,- .... ,·~-.,'¡.¡,·..;·j·..;~·.~.~·{·c ,-t._ "',' :r.:· __',. '. ...,...,...,:..¡'..... " C00168 @ AMENDMENT TO DEED OF EASEMENT THIS AMENDMENT TO DEED OF EASEMENT is to modify the provisions of the Deed of Easement between Roland Max Steadman and Dorothy Steadman, husband and wife, as Grantors, and SV 100, LLC, a Wyoming Limited Liability Company, as Grantee, that was recorded August 13,2001, in Book 470 PR at Pages 475 thru 478 of Lincoln County, Wyoming land records. A copy of said Dead of Easement is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The parties to this Amendment are: River Bend Meadows, LLC, a Wyoming Limited Liability Company, successor in interest to Roland Max Steadman and Dorothy Steadman, as "Grantor" and owner of the Servient Parcel, and successor in interest to the owners of the Dominant Parcels (other than Grantee); and SV 100, LLC, a Wyoming Limited Liability Company, as "Grantee". For Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, including the mutual promises contained herein, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby amend the Deed of Easement as follows: 1. Paragraph 3 of the Deed of Easement is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: Hereafter, Grantee will not be permitted to place or maintain a gate at any location within the easement. Grantor may remove the "existing gate" that is located at the east end of the easement near U.S. Highway 89 after notifying Grantee at least 10 days prior to removal in writing at 5356 Sugar Hill, Houston Texas 77056; provided, however, that Grantor shall, at Grantor's expense, reinstall the existing gate at a "new location" on Grantee's property immediately west of the west end of the easement, as reasonably identified by Grantee not later than September 15, 2006. Conditions permitting, the existing gate and similar support structure will be reinstalled by Grantor at the new location within thirty (30) days after Grantee identifies the new location for the gate. Grantor will use its best efforts to assure that no more then ten (10) days elapse between the time the existing gate is removed and the time it is reinstalled at the new location. If Grantor removes the existing gate before Grantee has determined the new location, Grantor shall, at Grantor's expense, immediately install a temporary, locking gate on Grantee's property immediately west of the west end of the easement at a location reasonably determined by Grantor, until such time as the existing gate and support structure is reinstalled as described above. 2. Paragraph 4 of the Deed of Easement is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: If Grantor constructs an entrance sign for its development at or near Highway 89 and the easement entrance, Grantee may, at its option and expense, install its own sign in the same or similar location as reasonably determined by Grantor. Grantee's sign shall be complimentary with Grantor's sign, identify Grantee's name or Grantee's property's AMENDMENT TO DEED OF EASEMENT PAGE 1 OF3 :;':'.~!."'~W ':G.~¡:~··L-;W:'~"'~J;rJ.:&~:ra~~,"'1~"'.'·';.";t;¡~T"~í~:';,;-,;;: ~,,·<'''.·,.'f;;~h':·''iN·"·'-·-r..':·· .. < P'-""'''.'''¡~;~~I·!';!'''~'''!O~''~.i!¡J .'1 .' ,', ,.~.!TI., :>I"~~:\~'~~""i1~-':..." ,~;!! ",(,'; ':jõ..:rlJo' .~tI'-': 'a:r.'." ~~. '¡"', ~;~, :'.,)'1';' ·1i:i"P.~i;.:4."-¡ , ~:": .¡~ ;~:t "i i:;.,", ,:,..,.:.",.~ '~;;~~'¡"O:~.i':':' '. '._ ,. 091.6921.1 ('(\(1169 '.' U ..: ~ name, comply with all applicable laws and ordinances, and be pre-approved by Grantor before installation. Grantor shall give Grantee reasonable notice before Grantor's sign is constructed, so Grantee may coordinate Grantee's sign installation. 3. Paragraph 5 of the Deed of Easement is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: Grantee constructed a gravel road within the easement. Grantee and Grantor shall bear the costs of maintaining the road proportionately, based on the number of homes within their respective properties that rely on the road for access. For purposes of this Amendment, Grantee shall be deemed to have at least one home built on its property that relies on the road for access. (Example 1: Grantor has three homes that rely on the road for access and Grantee has no actual homes [but is deemed to have one] that rely on the road for access, maintenance costs will be shared 25% by Grantee, and 75% by Grantor.) Grantor may pave part or all of the existing gravel easement road, and otherwise improve part or all of the easement area, as a common access from U.S. Highway 89 for the Dominant Parcels, the Servient Parcel, and other adjacent property. In such event, Grantor shall pay (and Grantee shall have no responsibility for) the cost of obtaining governmental approvals, paving the road, and installing related improvements. Grantee shall, however, cooperate as reasonably requested by Grantor in obtaining approvals for the constructing of such improvements. If Grantor paves all or part of the road, then the cost of maintaining the paved road (and any remaining gravel road) shall be paid proportionally by Grantor and Grantee as described above. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, if either Grantor or Grantee does not use (or intend to use) the easement road (or any part of it) for access, such party shall not be required to contribute toward maintenance. (Example 2: If Grantee does not require winter access, Grantee may opt out of all winter road maintenance (plowing etc) and Grantor shall be 100% responsible for all winter maintenance if Grantor does require winter access. Example 3: If Grantor paves part of the easement road and has 3 homes that rely on such for access, but does not use the remaining gravel portion of the easement road, and Grantee has one [or is deemed to have one] home that rely on the paved and gravel portions of the road for access, than maintenance costs for the paved portion of the easement road shall be shared 25% by Grantee and 75% by Grantor, and maintenance costs for the gravel portion of the road shall be paid 100% by Grantee.) 4. Grantor at its sole cost and expense may install underground, public water, sewer, electric or other public utilities within the easement. In that event, Grantee at its sole cost and expense shall later be entitled to hook into those utilities, but shall not be required to reimburse Grantor for the capital costs of Grantor's utility installation. Grantee shall comply with all governmental and utility requirements related to any such connections. Grantor shall not be required to incur any additional cost related to its utility installations in anticipation of possible connections by Grantee. AMENDMENT TO DEED OF EASEMENT PAGE 2 OF 3 t¡~W~~~ili!~iliI~~¡ ~;~~¡iî¡i;~!~~~:f::r:r!r~ " - ';',1, ......'..I.~~ ,OJ ~~~:;:;f;.~;~;m~: '.i~:r.=-~i~'_ ¿":": .; .,:.;.~:.:<.:.:,t:'~:i..¿... " ,! ~ 'c,~·,_"r·' . J),r ,,"". ":'; ;,;.;!;: i1: ":..'.;.."'.. -.:: ',: f,,;.¡.~j: j;í'¡:"¡'.i'¡;::: ~I' .~, ." 1:. . . " 091.692L\ C00170 5. All tenus and conditions contained within the Deed of Easement, not in conflict herewith, are deemed to survive and be of full force and effect. THE FOREGOING AMENDMENT TO DEED OF EASEMENT is accepted and agreed to as of March 1,2006. GRANTOR: RIVER BEND MEADOWS, LLC, a Wyoming Limited Liability Company BY: ~ DAN . OLSEN MANAGER ~ GRANTEE: SV 100, LLC, a Wyoming Limited Liability Company BY: , , ~~~ F KSAVAGE MANAGING MEMBER -' AMENDMENT TO DEED OF EASEMENT PAGE 3 OF 3 .:.·I.....,.':.;...I. .~.<.....'d!J......:L:,·.':<.=....;..'-_·!~.~~...'_,',--.· : -:, u..:~.,. .~.<'.,..,.'i:.'.....'" ....', .' t·...:,;.~I·.:.I~..._',·, . ,;:::·,;~-"~""..._:·,r:·"··..,..".. ,,,.. or,,,.~·:,.··. . """',".",':".":'.' 091.f;924 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT . 00171 State of California County of Or(\~~~ }ss Name(s) of Signer(s) ~personally known to me o proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence -------------, DAWN MAHKORN ~a CommissIOn # 1647117 ; -. Notary PublIc . Callfomla $ ... - Orange county My convn. ExpIr.. Mar 21, 2010 to be the person(s) whose name(s) ¡s/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/theyexecuted the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies). and that by hislherltheir signature(s) on the instrumentthe person(s). or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. Place Notery Seal Above WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~·~~h~ OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: Dan G. Olsen, Mana.ger of River Bend Meadow!';, o Individual LLC o Corporate Officer - Title(s): o Partner - 0 Limited 0 General o Attorney in Fact o Trustee o Guardian or Conservator -Kk Other: Dan G. Olsen. Manager of River Bend Meadows. LLC . Top of thumb here Signer Is Representing: Cl1997 Netional Notary Association. 9350 De Soto Ave., P,O. Box 2402' Chatsworth, CA 91313·2402 Prod, No. 5907 Reorder: Call TolI·Free 1-800·876-6827 ~':~':':::Ú:"'~:;~ ',' ¡.-,. i~" i·;I~~". I " .~~~.tjt'~~~~~11· ~::*:- ~~i~~ f:-:~!>~~,SÝ.4: . ,·:,.~.·~"..¡.,·.f ·"'-·.I,·c '~': ".!.i'.' "", '''':.11_'' ~..-'.:.~: .",...1>"'.'........".. '-;':'.. -'.: ,'.:~. :r~""· ~ " ";',' ..,..,.;........,.......,...... t""~'.~I¡-U'!:~~i&· .~:,..:~.~~-.;.~:-o.~. ~t, ':'~.":" ··..·:.1.· . - . ","-'. '·.V·.·,:,;~..,.;'..~..;;:-_T.- ¡ f::·' ...,.,.-....,. ".!.~, .I'"~....'..:-~.:-~... 091..6924 STATE OF TEXAS ) ) SS. ) COUNTY OF HARRIS 00172 THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT was acknowledged before me by Frank Savage, acting as Managing Member of SV 100, LLC, a Wyoming Limited Liability Company, pursuant to authority provided to him by said Company's Executive Committee, on this, the dLf'f1-day of February, 2006. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ! .!.~~~:;, . JANIE M. TAYLOR : ì,;f~4;:{:i MY COMMISSION EXPIRES :"~~ fÁ'ÁJ JUNE 2 2009 , '>í>~1P ' L ... I . r. ~ ~~/ IF> OTARY puß¿ My Commission expires: {jUu. d, ð~"D1 . . '.' ',' '~I:'~.:·: ,',:. . . ' "','. .., '.:. ../,.~'~I:·~~.·.·I , .... '. ';', ":!'.1.ie;~;~_:~.--:"'.'....,'~ '1.1 ;~!~,:.,~ .':~ "'." . . '~,L '. ;!f;·";,~~i".:.~::,;¡,:..:-:,¡:.?:, ";;r. :¡:".'~.~~..!.o~:.: ~'~:':"" . ."Inll'fl 1.'"1-.... ,J' ,.I.- · I f-11' '.Ot/a4 '-1a. ~. ('I {'\ n .. ,.7 3 (,'Er.'- VI': r. \, \ ¡ ! C '- Jr_1 r.) , . \.. IV .,- Ol~~~Ö~§-¡~ ~0!I~JT'.. CLEf\!( 875205 () I þ.un I J ".;1 B: 55 ...... . ......nl 'lIE'. 091..~;92l\ .: ~-~~ 7Ó._PR PAOE4'7 ~j ,JEM'JÎ~E :', ;',.;f·/E n líEMMErm:. ','t:Ü/Jllt-IG ROLAND MAX STunMm and DOROTHY $TEAOM.AN.bll wiftI, On.ntol'J. reald~2ln Lincoln Coun't)', SUIt~ ofWyomin¡, tOt I vlluable conllderatJon lA-hand pald.convc:r and WllfIDr W 6V 100 LtC. , W,eJ11lna Urnired liability oa~Jlan~. Cinntlll, the tollowtnS ewmtnt Joc~e4 m tJnooln County, 9t11to ø£Wyomtn,u: S-I DEED O~ EASEMENT ^ J\On.;x;)uslv, 60 foO\ Rlþof- W-.y !'a~c.1\ from U.S, HJahwa,y 19 &ere', In ueA thlnÿ (30) rUt on eJt~ Jlde ot1he ~\er Llno being morc parUcularly doscrihed u follows: . BB01NN1N1J it A l"ó.ld\ Ih Ü1~ Welter\y Ript-o!,WIY line torUS. Hi2h~ 89, &Aid ¡)Gint bdn¡ 114.78 felt !!I75'44'O:Z"w fr01t\ rh.e a.L.M. t)'pe Monamont marklA¡ the CMrl.. V, KJøg PftLS ,~o lOCAtio¡¡ fQt Tbe NcnhU:l\ Cora.or or .aId NE\/'(~ thtnoo N891Q6'S2'w l,82UO fest to a point Lo said Center Una ofthc 'Heber J Diteh. on" of de scrip non. . The 60dvHdSCribcd easement Wl1 be for lhe uao and òineßT ~d ¡abject to the conditIons d.oacribed \,tiow: ' . I, The abovc:·dc~ribðd eu~rneot ¡hall be fbt thø hDnexclUd\1e bcnetl1 or U\c followms ~Iorlbed rca1 Pl'DPtrty: A. P1opt11)' lO;'1cd WltÞÚI ma NEl/4 of SøØ\ionl0, T34NI 1U lOW, ofthc: 618 P.M., !.lnÞð1Ð Coun\}', WyottUnl. tb.. mete Ii And bmmd. bei.ng more pmlcu1arly dclortbed as foUowl: .~:,._.....,_..., I I BBOINNINO lif tbe B.L.M, ~P' Mon.umon1 muldn¡ \he Paul N. Scho1ÒðI Rl8 16"-1 19831ocatlon for thcNOJ!.hwen COm«' otlwd NEV4¡ thance Sgg I 06' S~I,£ alon; 'Chð Nonh 1it16 of ~d NE.l/4, 699.42 fððf 1J) a polnt in th; Ccutcr LinG of1Àc: &Þ<lT J Pltøh¡ thence Southerly, alon¡ aaid Ceœct LlDc the f'c!loWÍI1¡: Sl1'191311'E ~~.:21 ftet. RU G 161ot"W ~(tB7 f"ett, S201/32'16"W 61.1~ illit., S6'09')S"E 2B,"~. ~~'09'19"E 70,75 tGct, S3'i '~'29'"2 ~ 1.06 feet,. 538119'32"289.13 teat. Sl~'$O'2g.,! 18.S1 feet, S41~tOS"W 23.76 &1:', 925'26'2A"W 21.2.6 fect,' S33 "lS'16"W l34.91 feet, 920'OS'4gllW' 28,S! teeu.. S1 S'2"31''W 75,'0 ftel, S11"45'S9"! 14.55 fCtf,' B52'34'36''f 1',271'"~ 91i7' I II 14"2 12.J.S'7 fiot and S6S'02'OS"S 57.35 fðð~ theaco Welt 2.1,O.J) t'tet; tbonce Nag 'SS'19"W ~ 13,59 (cÇt;thoac:c NSO'04'10''W 111 B7*~ ChcnceNS7113'37"W 161.66 (øot eo a p~tnt (n.~. 'W~.t 11u. ~f U!c!.NB1/4: thon~~ NO,' 1 Ii !51 "!,, aloG4 ,"" , .oo ,I . .....ø _ . . .. . .... .' . .. .. ,oo.. .... '.. ... ... - -_i~~~~.Zk~~~~,~..z#tU""~_K.L.'.:!l.l_~~""" .......!J..a,,.,.I_ .. .~.. ,....- --.~-..;;: , . . - ....::-a... '.1 ':_1' 'I~~ .!i j.. II.·.·.·, I"'~ .~·I"·4·;I.· ·lf...'. ' J*~:.::m~ r¡:¡¡~;~¡~~~¡~;~¡; ~ ~ ..~ _'í.':, '.. I,"~ ;,~.¡;¡:,:tô.l::r."",,¡ri..t¡·:·;I"-Bi'L'O"¡·!!I~¡.w!'-~!î:i.cvl:'J~"-,,,,~¡·,·i":"-::"=-':;'=--c~~:¡~~'~'¡' ...~:f.,:4<.$;¡;;!:. ,: '-.¡ .'" ".~';"..'.'~"~'.' . . ~:",', '·'·'·"~":I':17.;-':';ln:Oì:.:a:f.·, "':':"'~~'~''''.''''';;~'.í.''''Ii!:ß:::;:.~!''_..~-o;.};-;; ~.~: :/." ...~,-;.~'" ;'-'~';~~':: ;''''i",I~.J.?:¡:::''-'.-:¡'·:,.; 0916924 ('00"" 7 ~-' \.. '1 4 . ., B. '''lU! toliowtng-<1cscn\3td rrop~ fJlJW D~cci 'oy ':J\'unet U OQl1Ug\!.OU'd with an~ adju1.nlng tbe ptc~y óca~riÐcd 11\ p4ragrt.F'1\ 1,A. abovel 08''(5205 SE1I4 SW1/4¡ Sin. NB1/'4 Gl1d SWl/4-ln'Se~tiou 3 I1\d 1ŒNW in 9ac1{0J1 10, IIl1 In T34N. R.\ 19W, 6* P.M., L1ncoln CO\lnty Wyomln¡, Oógal c1e.l:rlptiOn ofproplt1y cwnç4 nr Max S~~ ~ bo btn.t\t1ed '0>, th~ euement.) D. (a copy of the description otth.e -property DM\~ by tlcll1nd Mu SU:1Io4J1HIl\, IE, to ~ bmtfttœ¡1"'oy ~hc Ea~en') see ex.hibit. Å. 47 G c. see exhibit A ~ above Plt'Cob oE l.nd late ¡be dc¡¡n!Mt1t pørceh (UDon\lnant Parcels"). Tb8 EaseØ\~t ¡ranted borcln h for ~ 1:iencfh of IInI1 app\.ttW\JJ1t \0 ~ nDrnlnan\ Plf~eh. The land which tht 2u~ent crones, ncwowne4 by Qramor. 15 me s.erv1ent plU1ic1 ~Ithf SCMctlt ParQG!"), Tba right. iQ4 allUp\10Dt dcaalbçd In Elili Easement IU!S bindin2 ~ÖJ1 anð inure 10 1ho beca1i" of tho b.tin, luc;CISon and 'ASsign, ottk Fm{t" '. 2.. Tho fOspeottvc ownm aCmo AbQye-l1l:1crib0c2 proptniol anl1 ~ hoin, luec.euorl and aulan-. a~ p.n1cd 1ho rl~ to U5e \he dcJcñb~ ~tncm for lnwCl11 auð .g¡cu '0 and Cram _ pUbUc roCid (U.S. m&hWtY 10) mli ~sliDn olutUitioa ~ Þ rlfpeative pAloei, daflo.rl'oðð in. pan.¡:'lpb \ A. B, C e.n4 D above. 3, , SV 100 LtC m~ conS"CNCt a 10ced ¡me at Rign.we.y 89 to lhnl1lOOCJs. h key Of wmDinAtion 19~ ðOQe will ~ luppUel110 Max. SWldln1ln1 M~ 'St~ Ir, an4 '0 thd IUfCeUOØl or us1øa of~e retpe.g1jve Pfope!ÛU or pa1'U 'thuCÐfdeJCñbc4 Abo,,! 't.å1hc ~~cmt IICCI:II5 of the cuamCM Is appEQp1Í..t~ to ~u .\IoCb pan. in. Ù'lC fa1~c: I ~. fiV \00 LLC rM)', at it. op!Ì.ðB,.¡:onru~ 111 Vttranc:c sign 1'1ear tho N.'IOZtlcnt h!rðby ¡ranted. ~m Hi.¡hway '9 w1\.h w -namc of any prqx:ny owners cr fb rADCh ~ conlÌ"tll\t wlth çpUClblc: lute 1.", and UllpptOVtd 'by t1Ïo owner ofthA JAtVÏ!nt estate. S. SV 100 U.C úW.1 U5C ¡tJ bðI, cffmU f,Ocaunuct "lOad &lDol th~ dc,..rl~d eucmcht II loon 18 praatl!:1Ù>1c bm 110 lo~ than 1 ~ manûu ftam 1b: d.'1: of·du: O~~~ln PrlorJa awi.ch1r1D.¡ eOAltt\1~tiO'A SV 100 Ltc 1hI11 æ lUawec1accQsl ~ \ba SV 100 LLC ptOPf~ vii an ax1Jûns fQad WIN¡¡À Ü\e CkNUOJ:·' propeny tor.. pcriac1 af S\ot to a~ae4 12 ø.cllun_ from the d.dc of1his Illement. FAUurc ~ eomp!r:tc the 4r:JaUbod rt)ad wi'fhb¡ J 2 tnCl~'hS of1hc. ~I; ofU¡b ~t ahaU ù:münau 1be BaWIIHD\, n-lCad RaU be conrtrUr;tcd of hhlA\1-1'1UII ~n'I~1 2 ,~.... '. ,.. . ..·;·...,ôlil»;Q;.:,;.;t.1~;I; :'_·¡.;¡t~·~.::¡f:·~~~~; :~..",,,~-:c,:;,,,:::,:':'::..:':'::,&:,,,,;""'''J':.=~~''''''.'. ...., .....:1;1:.:.:-;1;1;11..;(;...( ",', , . -.1·;·~ ·Ij¢.&.,...':tnn;.li;~.,,,,,,,~,,,'f·.',,,:''''':·:' ... :.·,.·...P:...;"\\!"I!.'.'I...tl!l.,.~~~;!:ç'i"":~..¡.;.;·. '.....:t¡.,..'i.:.,......~."I..... .',1. 091.692£\ .~UG-~~-e~ 11:18 AM TH£ INN AT VEER RUH U-DHI 11:11 ~rlJl.rTD~~JVU r Or. .I "1 5 ;.J \. U -l I ~e.,. 8S~ :514... 10 IIn 1111 T-TtI '.U(a¡ r-m P.ø... 08?5Z05 477 ;nv-I, ad atm DI)~le,iol\ the ~,erl stwl eAeh ball. propoidon_l ~ of~hl; I;Drt of' , mrJAWntn¡ the: road, bUM upon rnlØ1ber ofbomu u~1D.I tho Ealll:mcut to Clcçcn.~b bomel. 1n ~, n'~T One Or PlOTC: of Ibe perlOat O1~od 10 \Uð \be c..,.a¡~ d~si.r" tQ.PlVG 1he OUemem" IUOh þe'\1on Of petJOru rnr.rdo,o ~th9U( ~ to 1M O~~ petJIQn Dr pa10zw amh1tci 10 me '!be EUtð1I~t.Thl. ,hill ~ çñMie WI maiDrroan", obliptlpU deJ~bed abOvl. ·6. 'I\l¡ e.'~t b ilM"~ ~nl1y with. Wmtnty D~~ of evq dUe to grantee frQIn gRntor of the þropttV 4clC~d In p~tph 1.A. .boYD. DATED this r day of. A.c~IJ:. 7 ~ ~OO1. ~ nw;t!~~~~ JWl-.n4 Max sJdktan ". , ' ð~,' ,~,rø, ',.~ " ..' ~~adman " ',' , ' ::::o::::.JJaJ ) ) II. ) Th. fgr;loln.e inatt¡¡rnmn, WII ,?kn9, V(\a<JI~or. moW ~ 'LAND, ~AX, STEADMAN Jnd DOF.OTHY ST~MAN Usia ~ day of " ' , , , . Witness my hfJ1d e.nð. o1n¡:iaI.eaL . . -I:' . .L·:"~·: ' . . .. I .~. .'_'@.j.I¡..r.:.."I""II"'" .. 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'. ..,~.. ......1/. . '..~.!. , ,~., ..:.": ·'·¡:':!:"~~~¡'t'~!1:.L:J::z:~~a!'l::·'¡';~:':='¿'-;'f·.,' j; .' . ,', . :;' r. ·:(~.!,I;·I· ·t'\::;',"'·- ,..,.:. .,:, I' -: .:: ,,',!,',~.'.~;'. 1.'-;, , 091íf}9Z4 ('"\ l., 0 01 t'1 6 -,. ( 478 0875205 Exh.ibit "A" c) Property owned'by MID{ St~adrne.n akA Roland Max Stelldman and Dorothy: Northeast Quarter of Section 10, T34N, R119W, 611¡ P.M" Iincoln County, Wyoming. EXCEPTING TJ:ŒREFROM: That pared onand conveyed to R. Max Steadman, Jr., and Diann S. Steadman~ recorded 419/01 Book 462 P.R., Page 331. ' d) Property owned by Roland Max Steadman. Jr., aka R. Max Steadman, Jr., A portion of the property referred to in instrUment No. 707254, reoorded in Book 277 P'1t. Paga 188 and instrument no. 707255, recorded in Book 277 PR.. Page 190, being wiûùn the 1'Œ1/4 of Section 10, T34N, Rl19W, oCthe 61!. PM. Northwest from Thaync:, Lincoln County, Wyoming, the boundary and Ðl'ea being more particularly described as fonows~ Beginning at an Iron Pipe set at a point, said point bcinS 1710.15 feet S65 29'57"W from the ELM type monument foundmarldng the Charles V. King PEILS 590 loca.tion for the Northellst Coma- of said Section 10 (S3.S2JS 1 O..sll)~ thence Sl 09'S9"W 986.66 feet to an Iron Pipe: set¡ thence N82 4E'S9"W 458.63 feet to an Iron Pipe set; thence N3 291)S"W 793.45 feet \0 an Iron Pipe set; thence N7S 19'aS"E, 541.12 feet to ilie point of Beginning, containing 110.00 acres of land.' .'