HomeMy WebLinkAbout917112 ~m¡tfmJtm~~ill~ ¡;::::¡::!~:::~:::::::: "~1 ~~ :.)~.!.:.~,~~., /7 WARRANTY DEED ROBERT L. McFARLAND llIld CECILIA G. McFARLAND, busbmId mId wife, grmIton; of the County ofIincoln, llIld State of Wyoming, for .and.in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) mId other valuable consideration,.inhand p.aid, receipt of which is hereby .acknowledged, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to YELLOWSTONE FARMS, LLC, mIldaho Limited Liability CompmIY, grmItee, its heirs, .successors .and 115SÏgns forever, the following described re.a1 estate situated .in the County of Lincoln mId State of Wyoming, hereby releasing.and w.aiving all rights under llIld by virtue of the homestead exemption law.s of the State, to-wit: T.hatpart of the E1 12NW1 14 of Section 14, T35NR1l9W,Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Iincoln County 1 Book 134 ofP.hotostatic Records on page 600, described 115 follows: ,) .' .PARCEL E: BEGINNING lit the northeast comer of.s.aid El/2NWl/4; ,j j Thence SOO° - 1 0'-23'~, 199330 feet, lliong the t:ast line of .s.aid E1/2NW1/4, to the.southeast comer oftheN112SEl/4NWl/4; r " Thence N89° -5T43"W, 1312.45 feet, lliong the south line of .said N112SE1I4NW1I4, 10 the northeast po.int of Lot 1 of Windy Acres Subdivision of record .in s.aid Office 115 Plat No. 122-B; Thence NOO° - 46'-16'~, 663.22 feet, to a point on the north line of .said NlI2SElI4NW1/4; Thence NOO° - 09'-56''W, 132631 feetto a point on the north line of.s.aid E112NW1/4; Thence N89° - 52'-08'~, 130134 feet, lliong the north line of .s.aid E112NW114, to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSJNG .an.are.a of 59. 58 acres, more or less; (The base bearing for this .survey is the:eastline oftheNE114 of Section 14, T35N R119W, beingNORTH; :Each ~'comer~' found 115 described .in the Comer Record filed or to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; :Each 4'p0.inf' marked by a 5118" x 24" .steel reinforcing rod with li2" Aluminum -Cap inscribed, 4SURVEYORSÇHERBELLTD AFTON WY PLS 5368", with .appropriate details; All in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed .in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln county titled, 4ROBERT L. MCFARLAND AND CEClLlA G. MCFARLAND PLAT OF TRACTS WITHIN THE NW1I4 SECTION 14 T35N R119\V LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, dated 12 November, 2004 as revised.) SUBJECT to ~erntmt" of record; TOGETHERWITH the Easements described ill the following described documents .and/or 115 described 115 follows: W,a:mmtyDeed P.age 1 of2 RECEIVED 3/30/2006 at 11:25 AM RECEIVING# 917112 BOOK: 615 PAGE: 617 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY -~---_... ..-.....---- .---..... 0917~_1Z caDS1S 1. Grant of Easement by Sherwood Enterprises, Inc. 10 ilie Grantor named herein, recorded llS Instrument:# 917092 ~ Book PR 613 ~ on Pß.ge 334 , Lincoln County public records, and 2. Six1y (60) foot wide Easement for underground utilities and ingress and egress over,.across and fhrough 1henorth.sixty (60) fee1 ofilie property described llS PßTcel B-Adjusted (llS described .in Instrument:# , BookPR _, on J>ß.ge _, Lincoln County public records), and Bee.at:~ched Exhibit: Á 3. Sixty (60) fo01 wide EllSement for underground utilities and ingress.and egress over, .across and fhrough 1he south sixty (60) feet of the property described.as :F.arcel B-Adjusted (llS described in lnstrumen1:# , Book:FR _, on J>ß.ge _~ Lincoln County public records), and Bee .at:~ched Exhibit: Á 4. Thirty (30) footwideEllSementllS described.inJnstrument:# 804760, Book :FR 370 on.Pß.ge 560, Lincoln County public records. ALSO TOGbHlliR WITH lÙI wAíer:rights, mineral righ1s, improvemen1s and .appurtenances iliereon si1uate or .in .anywise .appertainin £ !hereunto. Subject, however~ 10 lÙI reserv.ations, restrictions, :exceptions, ellSemen1s and :rÏgh1s-of-w.ay of record or in use. WITNESS our hand this _day of March, 2006. ~' Js:s\. "",~ ."'~ ., . , --\\\ CE . cF ARLA1'ill \ ~~~ '-. '. '", STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) TJ¡e jomgoing :instrument WllS .acknowledged before me Robert L. McFßTland, 1hisd:L day of March, 2006. WITNESS my hand.and official seal. GLORIA 1<. BYERS - NOTARY PUBUC County of ~ State of Uncoln ~ Wyoming My Commission Expires Sept. 15,2007 My Commission Expires: Af?~fr? ~ NOTARYPUBUC ' STAIEOFWYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing :instrument WllS .acknowledged before me by Cecilia G. McFßTland, 1hisA day ofMarc~ 2006. WITNESS my.hand and official Beal. GLORIA K. BYERS - NOTARY PUBUC County of State of Uncoln Wyoming My Commission Expires Sept. 15,2007 , ~ NOTARYPUBLlC My Cnmmi!;sionExpires: WlUTaIIty Deed P-age2 Df2 ':;!:nf.:*:3:!:::i::~ ~::j~~~:~~~:~:~11 'f'ToI_Ia",uanø~ 1'.AIII N. SI:t\Jct)I/ Wyo, fllQIall8Uon No. 16' J,Jrah f\caIfllJlloo t4Q. WO JdI/I:I ~1tI...1þ 'I No..2IIOO ruvw fllgllUJ\IJn NIl, E5 .sedl", Sd>a¡b. wyo. fl8G11\ tllCl'l Nð.3!IðII la-he fWg ¡IrI\IO 1 No. mI8 .1Jiah~ No.n2111 MAiII.DWE ...SCtiERBEL w,.a. fllOlllrsllotl ND, ~ .!\¡ v¥f ~.J:'ID, Mon, Wyol1\tng Ð1øP1>\aV, ~ .Jac cton, W\C!I1InÐ .uv.ø t1DISpril\lli, fdøl1a /o4ofIlps lDl. Jdal\l> .---. ,- - '.--_.- '~~~¡im¡~}f~i§ ~~ill~m~ml 091;7~.12 :EXR:llIT Å COC6l9 DESCRIPTION FOR ' ROBERTL. MiFARLANDAND CECILIAG.McFARLAND PARCEL.B-ADJUSTED To-vm:-- That part of1he, NW~ of Section 14, T35N JU19W, Lincoln Coun1J' Wyoming, b~ part Df that 1ract Df Iecord in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County .iD 'Book 134 1:>f J>hotostaticRecards onpage 600. described.asfollows: .ÐEGINNING m !he northeast bmss· cap of Lot 2 of Sherwood Subdivision of Iecord in 53.id Office.2S J>1a.t No. 44-0; 1he.nce N&9t1-52'-08"E, M3..54 feet, alOD.E!hellorth1ine ofBBidNW1.4, 10 Ji point~ !hence BOOtl-09'-56''E, 1326.31 feet, to ~ point on1henorth1me Dillie BElj~~ of said .section 14; 1hence SOO°-46'-16"W., 30.00 feet, 10 3 point I)I1 Ji liIre ps:lMll14"l VJith.and offset 5ol11Ìl.erly íhirty (30) feet of said north line; 1hence S89°-58"-53~, 930.03 feet, Blong 53.id parallclline, to 1he JlCIthcast point Df1hat 1raCt ofrecOI'rl.in.said office cnBook392 ofP.hotostaticRecord onP.age474; 1hence COJ'Itinnmz B89°-58'-53"W., 371.00 feet .along "the DOrth line of 52.Ìd 1raCt, to !he :northwest point 'thereofJ on ilie ~y Iigh~-of-WB.Y liDe ofDS Bighway B9; . , 1bence NOO1)-09'-2&""W. 30.00 feet, ~ong .said. æsterly right-of-way line, to :the .southwest brass cap of . Lot 4 of .said Sherwood Subdivjsion; !hence N89c-58'-53~, 657.80 feet, ~ong 1he 50ufu line of said Sherwood Bubdivision, 10 '±he .southeast brass .cap 'thereof; !hence NOoo-09'-28"W, J325.05 feet, Blong the ~t line of.said Bherwood Subdivision, fa !he.ÐRASS CAP OF JlEGINNING; BNCOMPASSIN'G ~ Mea !Ú20.49.acr~ more Dr less; !he.BASE BEARING for 1his .survey is !he ~ line ofíhe NE¥.I of .section 14., TI5N R119W. beingNOR1B; SIJBJECT 10 æsement.c; of Ie cord; AND BUBJECT 10 1m .easement for .ingress Ed. ~gress .and 1Jtilities over, under .and B.CroSS !he llorth5ÍXtj' (60) feet of1he above describedJ>.arcelJ3-Adjusted;AND BUBÆcr to 2Il -easement for mgress æd t:gress 1Uld utilities OVefJ mder 1U1d .across 1he south m.."ty (60) feet of the 2.bove desctibed ~P.arce1 J3 - Adjusted; each ~.comer'" found .2S .described in ±he Comer Record .:filed or 10 be filed in :the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; fach "<pomt'" .marked by 1i 5/8'" x 24'" 5t.eel xeinforcing :rod vritb 11..2" ~ 1nrni"TlTT\ t:ap inscñbed. "".sURVEYOR SCHERBEL LJD APTON WY J>LS 5368", -with 2ppropD.ate details; f:aCb. "'brass .cap." m-'''')(.4''d by 11 2'" .&al~";7.M :steel ])Ïpe wi1h br4ss .cap inscribed. '""MARLOWE A. SCHERBEL ~LS 5368 AFTON WY01vfING", with.appropriate details; "Modification in :any way of 'the foregoing description 1erminates liability Df 1he surveyor' · '. P'C/Ot.II o sfl.Anð~J\III\.UI hut N.ScI\aIbQ WyO. flaøb1rI'br ...... 1C4 JJløþ ~1I1I'tÞn I/o. 'UI7O JdaI\O~ J1lA1!G'I Nc.3)gO !UvU~ fIt¡¡\lII.1!m1 No.Ø2S JòeoIIA~ WytJ. J!eßÞUJfIan ~.l!eII9 Jdano~!lBllon Na, M26 .u'-h ~tl\fl1løn Na.m'1' ~ A.BCHfI\ÐEI. wyO, f\'jlIaIlaUlln NIl. ~ ~,...ya,.!IchatÞII, PD. Af!on. \Ny: mlng )lIs P/nav. W¡cn¡Inc ~. W¡cmIn¡¡ .l8v. tu>I !!¡> rlngn, ~q'r, Idø"" 09:1.. 7~.1.2 C00620 DESCRIPTION FOR ROBERT L. MèF.ARLAND AND CECILIA G. McFARLAND PARCELB-ADJU5TED :rAGE TWO "Modification in 2ny way Df 1:::~::¡:::¡~~¡¡¡!:¡¡going rlescription 1erminatesJ/abjli1y !i;;;:~[:J¡;:¡;:::!:~:;;;rveYDr" ~:..'~!~':'~~¡~": '¿',~,"-·.!~,¡:.,lc·.;';:j__~::;j -