HomeMy WebLinkAbout917113 1i "11"', II è.'l S r:::o -ë! U ..QO. .~~~ -1::8 ,.' ø~ VI 'iš; .8, -. ' ':W ':;1 ot;G 0 g. .......~5 ~ J;i""1 .~ #".; ~~ r ,/ ) J It¡ '1 .n:: .w date. dMMclt 15,2006, payable 21dance with the provisions oftlmt cerWn ~ Ñ i promissorynoíe, dated March ,2006,l1erebymortgage.and w.amm110 RobertL. ...;.; M UI 1E .w ...... - ··z ~ -_.we) - McFarland.and Cecilia G. McFarland, .and 1heir successors or .assigns, Mortgagee, of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .0 DLC... :> .w .0 -1 £:!..... .wu .0- Z ~e) ZÇ: MZJt)<CZ 1:) > ~ ~ :::> .w.w 0 >u~ u -.wo Z .w.o:: 0 ~ (.) 1D 0 .w u .n::: Z ~ ~;:: ~ij::::::*:::::~; ~;:f:~:;:;:?;:;:;~!:::~; C'oc·~:. . ti _".,..~ MORTGAGE Yellowstone Farms, LLC, 11 Idaho Limited Liability Company, Joe Belloff, .an .individual, .and Larry Reinhart,.an .individual, Mortgagors, to secure íhe p.ayment of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Doll.ars ($25 0,000.00) due with illterest 1hereon .at íhe :r.aíe of seven percent (7%) per year, for íen (10) years, .as evidenced in ilie promissory note Lincoln County, Wyomingío-wit: Etna, Lincoln County, Wyoming SEE ATTACHED DESCRIPTIONS marked.as ·EŒIBIT 'A'. If defuult occurs in íhe payment of íhe indebtedness or in íhe payment of .any installment 1hereo±: or jf default occurs ill .any of ilie covenants .and .agreements hereof, íhen íhe whole indebtedness shall, l1t mortgagee's option, become due .and payable forthwith, .and mortgagee may foreclose this mortgage either by.advertisement .and sale of ilie premises .as provided by statute, or by.an 1iCtion.in equity. Out of íhe proceeds .of .any foreclosure sale, mortgagee shall retain or receive all sums due ío it hereunder, .and costs of foreclosure .and sale .including l1ttomey fees in .any equitable a.ction brought ío foreclose this mortgage. To fully .assure mortgagee íhe benefit of íhe .security .interests iI¡ íhe premises granted ío Ü hereunder, mortgagors hereby .assign to mortgagee all rents hereafter payable for 1he use..and occupancy of íhe premises by any person .in possession íhereof with mortgagors' consent. If default occurs in.any ofllie covenants .and.agreements.herein contHin~d, whether .or not mortgagee elects to foreclose this mortgage on .account íhereof, mortgagee shallllt once be entitled, .and is .hereby.authorized, to collect the rents from the pr~es.and to llpply the.same to the payment of the indebtedness secured hereby until such default is remedied. In íhe event of foreclosure of this mortgage upon defuult, mortgagee shall be entitled ío íhe possession.and enj oyment of the premises .and íhe :incident rents, issues, Mortgage YellowstoneFMDlS, LLC- Joe Belloff &Lany Reinhart :P~e] of4 dtT~ ~ 0917~13 COC622, .and proñts thereof rrom the time of .such default.and for .and nminz the pendency of foreclosure proceedings.and the period of redemption, jf llIlY. If mortgagors .should fail 10 .surrender .such possession 10 mortgagee promptly upon its request therefore, mortgagee .may compel delivery1hereofby .an ejectment .action or other civil proceedi:nß .appropriate 10 1hat purpo.se. Furthennore .and m .addition 10 1he remedies otherwise provided for in this mortgage.and by law, .and.as .a matter of right, without regard 10 1he .solvency or .insolvency of mortgagors, 1he v.a1ue of the premises, or 1he .sufficiency thereof 10 rlischarge the indebtedness .and costs of foreclosure .and .sale, mortgagee .shall be entitled 10 .a receiver for 1he premises .and the rents, issues .and prow thereof rrom 1he time of default 10 the expiration ofllIlyredemptive period provided by law. Such receiver may be .appointed by llIlY court of competent jurisdiction upon ex parte .application, without notice, notice being hereby w.aived llIld the .appointment of.a receiver upon.such .applic.ation being hereby consented to by mortgagors. In 1he event of defau1t, the Mortgagees, .after givillg notice 10 1he Mortgagors, may elect 10 foreclo.se by.advertising the notice of default then proceed with.sale of 1he propertym.accorillmcewith Wyoming Statute §34-4-10l- §34-4-102 (2005). Hereby releasing .and w.aivillg.all rights under .and by virtue of íhehomestead <=mptinnJaw. nfthe State nfW~. . IV1 n. /0 WITNESS our hands this~ day Of~,2006. Mortgage Ye11ow.stone F.arms, LLC- Joe B ell off & Larry Reinhm1 P.age2of4 t::::;~~:;:~r.:;:~ Etllli1:!~~~:~ <tL The foregoing instrument w.as BCknowledged before me this 2- \.I- day of March, 209~ by Joe Dd:lo.o: for YellowBtoneFß.11I1S, LLC. t\M.,U ~ ' I " ~<\l~;-·· (~ ~; ~ .\ ú·..........'OL.: ~ ~ ::'"'\. .- -.'Y ~ ~ ~...,. A Þ ~'" ~ ~ ~ ¡: 0-(1"0 r -\ 'ª = : ~... ::: = : CJ= :: ~ \. Þua~~ .....p J ~ ...... .io.···~~ ~ &'1: ........ ~ ~ ~""II .ttìE 0(( \\\\.~ /lll1n" 111'\\\\\\\ 091.7113 "'. \c~CA.lo .?? STATE OF WYOMiNG }"-l ) rgD'0()~Ù~\ \-l ) SS. COUNTY OF1:JNCOLN ) My Comml~~ionExpires: J/- 2? -/1 lcl~lc .,Pvr STATE OFWYOMlNG F) ßðlìMvÎ II.{. ) ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) :: ~ i;;!m!~¡!Ii~~~~;! ~: r::::::¡H~W;;¡~~f) '1:'·:ì;I;'~l;'II ¡¡J¡\,tl ':i':,-¡!jJh¡;' \~'¡'r~ ,',. "iT' l·00623 ,'tL The foregoing :instrument w.as 4Cknowledged before me this :2..4- day of March, 2006, by Joe Belloff, llIlJndividual. My Comml~~ionExpires: 11- 22 -{ / c¿ NOTARY~ ~\\\\ AAJ:lIIIII/. ~" :-1.. ú:......... OIA ~ § ~..... .....-1' ~ '"'~. ..... ~<iF"" :1'AAa-.... ~ ::: : ~O r ~ :::. - . "'IIIII¡"""" . - g: ... :É ::: CJ: .::: ~ ..... ÞUB~~ .....0 § ~ .... ....~")ì:: ~ 'l. .t\.. .' h5-' ~ 'l. ~r. ......... ~'C ~ ~"IIII..q7'E Or \\\~~ IIII1 " /I \1\\\\\\ Mortgage Ycl1ow.stone :Fß.11I1S, liC - Joe Belloff & Lany Reinhart :Page 3 of 4 091. 7~.1.3 \ cllAJ'-Ò BTATE OF WïOMlNG f:J6YVW.,,¡Jk COUNTY OF IlNCOLN ~\(ßP ) ) 55. ) +l:- The foregoing IDstrument WßS 1iclmowledged before me íhis .;¿ ~ day of March, 2006, by Larry Rein nHrt, for Yellowstone F.anns, liC. ~,~c~ NOTARY, ~/IIIIIIII M C ':p.".... !/~ Z2 II ~,~x\ r..........A...OJ}///.~ y ommission~.Pires:· , ~'~ ~. ..'/1' '~ ~ $..... ^R ~'.. ~ :::: ~ ,: O:'t ,... r·· '- :.:!::- ~ ~. = :~~. ::: := ~ ,,: .== \ \" ÞUß\.-~ /2 f ~ .... ..... ~~ ~ &'1:.......... ~ ~ "///111 .qìE of( ,\~o\S II11111IIIII \ \.\\\~ \ cl ~ (\AC(?F- STATE OF VlYOMING . ) ~(~~ )55. COUNTY OF IlNCOLN ) , fl The foregoing IDstrument WßS 1iclmow1edged before me íhis c:< l/ day of March, 2006, by Lany ReinnHrt, llIl Jndividual. ~J¿~ My Commi~~ion:Expires: /1-27..- /1 NOT~~\~/III' ~\\\\ Û FARIt III///. ~:-1.. .:...........Ot¡;~ ~~..... ..... ~ ~~: O:'tAR~"" ~ -.:"; . :=. ª ;''- .. ::: : P' ::: :=. \, . \0 f ~ '- ., Þua\,.:· .. 0 :::: ~ .... .··_~s ~ '. ... b5--';:; ~ &)': .......... \or~ '////11 .qìE Or ,\~~ 11111"" I 11\\\\\\\ Mortgage Yellowstone :F.anns, tiC - Joe Belloff & LarryR eln nHrt ,P.age4 of 4 fi ~~!;j¡j;l~~~;~!~ ~ i C00624 ~.unø~ , ~ ICSdIe¡ba WyQ. ~Iton No. 1" .1Juh ilðQist¡aUan..... U?O Jdlho'leg s\ uJ\crl No..!990 t>IMda~lIIûon NII.~ .$ccA A.~rbol Wye. fIIg aUalbn till, sa J!Iano 1\aQIIIIa J ~ ND. jQ2ð JJlah fItg lllJlII:n NA. 4721 \1 JLl.m.owEþ..~ Wyo. ~IÞ!I Nø.5968 ~'~.JJD. .J. Icn, w.,"mino 1!IDi'lnøy. ~ Jamon. Wyotrdn¡ J.a\IQ tiOISpr1t>a'ó, Jdaþo L\OtItpe/ ar. Jdaþø ;.æ*I~~ :;::,:;;::~~m~!~;i¡~ ¥.XHTRIT~:.r·' . Cü('625 DESCRIPTION FOR ROBERTL.MiFARLANDAND CECILIA G.MèFARLAND PARCEL]î. To-WÌ1:-- That part ofilieE%NWV<4 ofBection 14, 735NR.119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of1ha11roCt of record in!he Office of1be Clerk of Lincoln .County in :Book 134 of J>.hotostatic Records on page 600, rl.escribed.as follows: :BEGIN!\lNG at1he:nartheast comer of 5aidEY.2NW%; "thence 5000-10'-23''E, 1993.3 0 feet, .along !he :east 1ine of said E¥.zNWV4., 10 íh.e .southeast {:amer of1he N¥1SEY~~; !hence N89°-57'-43""W., 1312.45 feet, .along the .south line of said N1hSEl,4NWV4., 10 !he 1lCI1heast point of Lot 1 of Windy Acres Subdivision of record in.said Office Æ :Plat 'No. 122-B; tbP.nœNOO°-46'-16"E, 66322 feet, to.apoint on1hellorth1ine of58ÍdN~..sE%NW~; !hence NOoo-09'-56"W, 132631 :feet, to a point on 1he11Orthlineof5aidEV~%; 1h~T1ce N89°-52'-08".E. 1301.34 feet, Along !he 1lCrtÌ11ine m .said :E~%. 10 1he CORNER OF .BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING .2Il.area of 59.58 .acres. :more or less; !he BASE BEAR1NG for this.survey is íhe ~ line, of !he NE% of Section 14, T35N R119W, being NORlli; SUBJECT 10 ~ements of record; each "comer'" found.as .described in !he Comer Record filed or 10 be :filed in!he Office Df íhe Clerk ofl.incoln County; œch ~oinf' marked by .a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod: with.a 2" 1ÙnmÎt!11m .c.'3p fuscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY ~LS .5368~, -with zppropriate details; .all in 3Ccorrl2nce with the plat prepBred 10 be filed in !he Office of the Clerk of I..incoln Countyiitled, ~OBERT L. MCFARLAND AND CECILIA G. MCFARLANDJ>LAT A}' TRACTS WITHIN TIm NW% 5 DON 14 T35N R119W LINCOLN COUNTY, WY , rlated 12 NO. IßV1sed. \:' La, tJ~ ~o A ., "'Modification in .any w:iy .of !he iorefjoing Description 1erminates liability of !he surveyor"