HomeMy WebLinkAbout917115 ~ e;"Ç.i. !J t::IO ":J:! U .84>"; (I)";j~ 0"" f'" &;if j~~~ j~ SB "~t;:) ~ ~ A~ f,i I :;;:~~~; '/ 7 ~ n O'::::::%:::;::(¡,::~!,: 9 .... ~ " '...,....''"''1 1J L~ v t:., :~m~¡~;~ili~I! MORTGAGE Joseph Belloff, .an IDdividual, Mortgagor, to .secure the payment of One Hundred C\1Y f:j/' ~ i74¡ooo.où '{l? .seventy~o'u.sand Dollar.s (~) ~thmtere.st thereon ifnot paid in::full on or before the Maturity date of June 1,2006, .as evidenced in the Promis.sory Note dated March 24, 2006, pay.able in .accordance with the provisions ofiliat certain promissory note, rlated March 42006, hereby mortgage lIDd w.ammt IoJlnbertL McFarland and Cecillii G. McFarland, .and their .successor.s or .assigns, Mortgagee, of Lincoln County, Wyoming to-wit: Etna, Lincoln County, Wyoming SEEATIACHED DESCRIPTIONS marked.as ·~IT 'A'. 1£ default occurs m the payment of the indebtedness or in the p.ayment of.any installment thereof, or jf default occur.s in .any of the covenants .and .agreements hereof, then the whole indebtedness .shall, .at mortgagee'.s option, become due .and pay.able forthwith, .and mortgagee may foreclose this mortgage either by .advertisement .and.sale of the premises .as provided by statute, or by.an .action in equity. Out of the proceeds of .any foreclo.sure .sale, mortgagee .shall retain or receive .all.sums due to it.hereunder, .and costs of foreclo.sure .and .sale mcluding .attorney fees in .any equitable .action brought to foreclose this mortgage. To ::fully .assure mortgagee the benefit of the .security intere.sts in the premise.s granted to it hereunder, mortgagors hereby .assign to mortgagee .all ren1$ hereafter pay1ible for the me.and occupancy of the premise.s by .any person in possession thereof with mortgagor.s' consent. If default occurs in.any of the covenants .and ..agreements herein coníained, whether or not mortgagee elects to foreclo.se this mortgage on .account thereof, mortgagee .shall.at once be entitled, .and is hereby.authorized, to collect the rents from the premise.s .and to .applyíhe .same to the payment of the indebtedness .secured .hereby until .such defal11tisremedied. In the event of foreclo.sure of this mortgage upon default, mortgagee.shall be 'filltit1ed to the po.ssession.and enj oyment of the premises .and the incident rents, issues, .and proñts thereof from the íime of .such default .and for .and dnring the pendency of Mortgage J o.seph Belloff ~P.age 1 of 2 RECEIVED 3/30/2006.at 11:29 AM RECEIVING # 917115 BOOK: 615 PAGE: 629 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY ClERK, KEMMERER. WY -~-_.-------.-.,. 0917:t1S COC630 foreclosure proceedings ßIld íhe period of redemption, if .any. If mortgagors .should :fail 10 .smrender .such possession 10 mortgagee promptly upon its request therefore, mortgagee may compel delivery thereof by .an ejectmentllCtion or other civil proceeding .appropriate 10 that pllI]Jo.se. .Furlhennore ßIld in .addition 10 the remedies otherwise provided for in 1his mortgage.and by law, ßIld.as.a matter of right, without regard 10 the -solvency or illsolvency of mortgagors, the v.a1ue of the premises, or the .sufficièncy thereof 10 discharge the indebtedness ßIld costs of foreclosure.and -Sale, mortgagee .shall be entitled 10 .a receiver for the premises ßIld the renís, issues ßIld profits thereof::fTom the time of .default 10 the expir.ation of .any redemptive period provided by law. Such receiver may be .appointed by.any court of competent jurisdiction upon ex parte .application, without notice, notice being h:erebyw.aived.and íhe .appointment of.a receiver upon.such .application being hereby consented 10 by mortgagoLS. In the :event of d~f.an It, the Mortgagees, .after giving notice 10 the Mortgagor.s, may :elect 10 foreclose by.advertising the notice of default then proceed with.sale of the propertyinllCcordancewith Wyoming Statute §34-4-lOl- §34-4-l02 (2005). Berebyr:eleasing ßIld w.aiving.all rights under ßIld by virtue of the homeste.ad t:xeJDpunn Jaws nftM State OfW~ WITNESS nlJIJumds1his . day of ï1!t1tL ,2006. Joseph STATE OF WYOMING ) ) S5. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrument w.as .acknowledged before me 1his ;; Lfr!l day of March, 2006, by Joseph:Belloff, .anlndividual. ÆLo-UaJ ~ t1r-..u- NOTARYJ>UBIlC .. . . My Commi¡:sionExpire.s: q -)5 -07 Mortgage J o.seph Belloff J>4ge2 of2 GLORIA K. BYERS - NOTARY PUBUC County 01 State of Uncaln Wyoming My CommissIon Expires Sept. 15,2007 :::~::~::::~:::~::::::; ~:~~:~:!:l:!~ l:::~ ~if!~~~~~~~~t~~i~ "; Prolassionalland Surveyors Paul N, Scherbel Wyo, Registration No, 164 Utah Registration No, 1610 Idaho Registration No, 3990 Nevada Re9istration No, 6805 Scott A, Sche<bel Wyo, Registration No. 3889 Idaho Registration No, 8026 Utah Registration No, 372111 MARLOWE A, SCHERBEl Wyo, Registration No, 5368 Surveyor Scherbel,J.lD, Alton, Wyoming Big Piney, Wyoming Jackson, Wyoming llva Hot Springs. Idaho Montpelier, Idaho :m~r::p,)¡;:: ~:¡:~ ;;:!:~:!:¡:~:~;:: 031?~.15 DESCRIPTION FOR corS31 ROBERT L. McFARLAND AND CECILIA G.McFARLAND PARCEL B -ADJUSTED To-wit: -- Tbatpart oftheNW1,4 of Section 14, T35NR119W,Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of iliat 1ract of record :in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County :in Book 134 of Photostatic Records on page 600, described liS follows: BEGINNING .at 1he .northeast brliSs cap of Lot 2 of Sherwood Subdivision of record :in said Office liS Plat No. 44-0; 1hence N89°-52'-08"E, 643.54 feet, lÙong 1he north line of said NW1,4, to a point; -thence SOoo-09'-56"E, 1326.31 feet, 10 a point on the north line of the SE1,4NW1,4 of said Section 14; thence SOO°-46'-16"W, 30.00 feet, to.a po:int on.a line parallel with.and offset southerly thirty (30) feet of Baidnorth line; 1hence S89°-58'-53"W, 930.03 feet, .along Baid parallel line, to 1henortheast point ofiliat 1ract of record in Baid office on Book 3 91 of Photostatic Record on Page 474; 1hence continuing S89°-58'-53"W, 371.00 feet lÙong :the north line of .said 1ract, 10 :the northwest point :thereof, on the easterly right-of-way line of US Highw.ay 89; thence NOoo-09'-28"W, 30.00 feet, lÙong said easterly right-of-w.ay line, to the southwest brliSs cap of Lot 4 of said Sherwood Subdivision; 1hence N89°-58'-53"E, 657.80 feet, lÙong:the south line of said Sherwood Subdivision, to the southeastbrliSs cap ihereof; 1hence NOoo-09'-28"W, 1325.05 feet, lÙong :the east line of said Sherwood Subdivision, 10 :the BRASS CAP OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING .an.area of20.49 acres, more or less; ihe BASE BEARING for this survey is the east line of the NE1,4 of Section 14, T35N R119W, being NORTII; SUBJECT 10 easements of record; AND SUBJECT 10 .an easement for illgress .and egress .and utilities over, under .and across :the north sixty (60) feet of :the .above described Parcel B - Adjusted; AND SUBJECT 10 .an easement for ingress .and egress .and utilities over, under .and across ihe south sixty (60) feet of 1he .above described P.arcel B - Adjusted; each ~'comer" found liS described in :the Corner Record :filed or to be :filed :in :the Office of -the Clerk of Lincoln County; ~ ~'point" marked by .a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with .a 2" .aluminum cap :inscribed, ~'SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LlD AFT ON WY PLS 5368", with .appropriate details; each ~'brliSs cap" marked by a 2" galvanized .steel pipe with mliSs cap inscribed, "MARLOWEA. SCHERBELPLS 5368 AFTON WYOMING", with.appropriate details; "Modification in anyway of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor" · ._.,~-_._-.--_. ---,------- Proløssional land Surveyors Paul N, Schørbøl Wyo, Registralion No, 164 Utah RegistÅ“tion No, 1670 Idaho Registration No, 3990 Nevada Registration No, 6S05 Scott A, Schørbøl Wyo, Registration No, 3889 Idaho flegistratron No, B026 iJ1ah flegistraüon No. 372111 MAfIlOWE A, .sCHERBEl Wyo, Registration No, 5368 Surveyor Schørbøl, l.ìD, Alton, Wyoming Big Piney, Wyoming Jackson, Wyoming lJ¡vaHoI Springs, Idaho Montpelier, Idaho 091711.::i .r"M corS32 DESCRIPTION FOR ROBERT L. McFARLAND AND CECILIA G. McFARLAND PARCEL B-ADJUSTED PAGE TWO "'Modification in any way of íhe!:m¡!~¡j¡*~!lli¡ng description terminates liability of