HomeMy WebLinkAbout917116 :~~jt~mm;~mm~~! C633 "File No.: 6010614864 WARRANTY DEED DeIbert LaMar Cheney and Rama White Cheney~ Husband and Wife, gnmtor(s) of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, for 1Il1d in consideration ofTen Dollars 1Il1d Other Good.and Vllluable Consideration, m.hand paid, receipt whereofishereby .acknowledged, rlo(es) Convey and W.ammtTo ;James H. Olensl.ager and Jennie Â. Olenslager~ Husband and WHe~ as to an nndivided one-half inter£st,and :Brian H. Olenslager and Jnllie Â. Olensl.ager~ Husband and WHe, .as to .an undivided one-half interest grantee(s), whose llddress is: 980 Moody String Road, Thayne, WY, 83127 the following rlescribed real estate, .situate mLincoln County 1Il1d State of Wyoming, to wit: ¡,;,/ BEGINNING 1966 feet North of the Southeast Corner of Section 11, Township 34 North, Range 119 West of the 6th P.M., JUld rnnningthence North 335.0 feet; thence West283 feet; thence South 577.0 feet; thence East 103.0 feet; thence North 242 feet; thence East 180 feet 10 point of beginning. J l/ Hereby rele.asing 1Il1d waiving .all rights under 1Il1d by virtue of the ..homestead exemption laws of the State Df Wyoming. Witness my/our .hand(s) this March 27~ 2006. ~d7/ ;!~~~ County of Lincoln ) ).5S; ) RECEIVED 3/3012006.at 11 ;30 AM RECElVING# 917116 BOOK: 615 PAGE: 633 ÆANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY State of Wyoming ---~- -- -- '---- The foregoingll1strument was .acknowledged before me this 27th day Df by DeIbert LaMar Cheney ,and Rama -white Cheney. March ,20 06 Witness my hand 1Il1d official,Seal. My commi¡;;¡;;ionexpires: 9-15-07 ~~~~~ Notary Public ' GLORIA K. .BYERS - NOTARY PUBUC County of State of Uncoln Wyoming My Commission Expires Sept. 15,2007 t=.\\~ StÅ“amLineDeed- WJImI11tyWY Ii:> Rev. 312412006