HomeMy WebLinkAbout917120 Ai,..,.....' . . . . , 00.063,8 WARRANTY DEED (;':l~ Ken Clark, a married person, Grantor, whose address is P.O. Box 580, Afton, Wyoming ~311 0, for and in consideration of other valuable consideration and ten dollars ($10) in hand paid, conveys and warrants to Ken Clark, Trustee, or ills successors in trust, under the Ken Clark Living Trust dated March 28,2006, for the benefit of Ken Clark and his heirs, Grantee, whose address is P.O. Box 580, Afton, Wyoming 83110, the following described real estate: That property described in the Warranty Deed that was recorded in' the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on March 16, 2006 in Book 614 at Page 491 as Receiving # 916709. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. Situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, and the said Grantor hereby covenants with the said Grantee that Grantor is lawfully seized of said premises; that they are free from encumbrances; and Grantor warrants the title thereto against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, except: restrictions, reservations, easements, and encumbrances of record. Hereby releasing and waiving any and all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of this state. Dated: March 28, 2006. STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN ~ SS The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Ken Clark . fen -2~~~-lØø. 'tness my hand an d official seaal. JACK D. EDWARùS - NO IARY PUBLIC \ Þ f ./ COUN1YOF STATE OF J~ ; ~ LINCOLN WYOMING Mvc~lásroN EXPIRES JAN. 18, 2010 Notary Public , RECEIVED 3/30/2006 at 1 :59 PM My commission expires: d~ '!t ~I 0 RECEIVING # 917120 I BOOK: 615 PAGE: 638 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY __ u...__ __.__u__, __ ~ ____ I~"I' "j/j ,'''. J' ~~~~t~;~Wr? ~:?~ ·i:~;"i.b'f~b"'; ~~'::?4li'.$:il(:::' ~ "õ ,..I·~i";t.' tf:'.õ!1J .=i:.:.:r~,I~~I~" ''': ·~~~~~~~~~~~~ti· 0917120 .~-'" C006'39, , , ::¡t:¡..:·..·~~~~~..----II!IIfWtIK.H1';.N('Ïl'f'tr.r.,..~~.. .....,.... ~;:J.-..:·!~·~·..~~:6:I~xw:.·t~Ct;'·."::..t.~~.· ·.·~....-.!.t~....-..~......~~·.~,:;.;;¿M"*....r..MIô,u-.6....~m"',~r.". ..~.1:t.1.:....... .~. I'm. 3.2Ø06 1:04PM LII'CCl.N co Q.ERI< NO 183 ~...- ' RECEIVED 8/2612005 at 4::l.H'M .' Vó tJ (lf~' .:::- , RECEIVING" 911308 BOOK: 595 PAGE: 745 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK. KEMM,ERER, WY COO 4 9 3 0916'709 'ø ' WARRANTY DEED lit ON BKNNJ:K, I SllllIe PCI'IIJII, , . peDlar Dr Lmcola CDllØIy. SlaID or WyCllllin¡, Cor COlLSldmtlan ot Te¡¡ IJId 001100'1 ~10.00) ItIð ather ¡ood aad nlua ble c.onridø.r!oQ In 1wI4, r=rlpt wbcrtoC ir bercb, IQlalawlcdlal CONVBY AND WAlUWfI'TO ON' CL.Ul1t AND CAROL c:I.A.RE, Hasbaøilaad WIle" ¡øateo, who,. Jddras II P.O. Bo~ SSO. AnM. VIY ISUO tba CoUO\VIøi de,eribed œd l!atal!=, sl\llltc In LIncoln Caunl7 aM Sure or WyomIn¡, hereby nleas!n, anc1 watvin, aU rl¡/lts UDder and b7 vIrtua DC the bomelleGd IUØIptioa 11... of the Ita.. , 10 9'it: Lot 7 of Secdoll 6, '[JON 1U11W ot the 6111 PJd., l.Jnca1a Ccnw1, W)'olllhar., J!.XCEn'ING u.. Wat 22J (~of Wd Lot 1. ,ALSO , Put oC t.ol 7 ot Sèl;rloa 6, nON 1l11aW of Ihð 6d¡ 'P.M., lJncoln CIIDIII;r, W7D1111n& bela¡ /DOn þlrtlwluly clua!1d u foUo_ ' 1IEOJNmNG II !he Nortbwal Comer aC IJJd Lor 1II1II ruønbi¡ Ihcacc SOQIh 19.5 fcd; !heaca EIK!U 6:ec; , Ibeø:e Soutll 1~ ~ I\I.DIa Eut 130 feet¡ .1b6Qco Nonh 360 tcolT , Ihcø:;c Weir 22j tcer to the POIm' OF BEGINNING. . , to SUB1ECT, boTÆver, tu aU resirntJoøs, ~. prDIecdvCl cowmna, ~IIOM, IIUc:ØICQU lUll! rI¡IIII-al-Wl7 01 œconi, In "sin, or ID UIG, , W1TNESIJ D1It ~ II1II ::) IÇ c!&y 01 Aacust. 200S.' ' "I.. !YK:~ ~.... . u. Samet 2.ð \ 1 811. of hanlylvaDla )' I n)ø. , Couuty ot ~~'C-y , ~ lOlqolD¡ IuIruIutonI ."... lebo ~ ,II) , day or AuIDlC, 2005., WltIIeaI ia, bu4 I1Id ol'llclal JCII1. My ö,mm'",¡"a. Eiplnw. .. No NOTARIAL S¡;AL ' ARLJ,to{ 5, lEMaE5, Ho"", Plaltlll ' P~ton Township, ""In ~eonlY,1 PA My Comm\JJlor1 Eilplr.. r.b,2" 2007'