HomeMy WebLinkAbout917121 C~'1r 6 4 Q. WARRANTY DEED Ken Clark, a married person, Grantor, whose address is P.O. Box 580, , Afton, Wyoming 83110, for and in consideration of other valuable consideration and ten dollars ($10) in hand paid, conveys and warrants to Ken Clark, Trustee, or his successors in trust, under the Ken Clark Living Trust dated March 28, 2006, for the benefit of Ken Clark and his heirs, Grantee, whose address is P.O. Box 580, Afton, Wyoming 83110, the following described real estate: That property described in the Quitclaim Deed that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming in Book 614 at Page 487 as Receiving # 916708. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that property described as: "5. A tract of land containing 1.66 acres more or less, identified as Lot 18 in the Hialeah Subdivision according to the plat of record in the Office of County Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming. Together with all water rights and improvements" ~ in theW arranty Deed that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on March 16,2006 in Book 467 at Page 393 as Receiving # 874302. J Situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, and the said Grantor hereby covenants with the said Grantee that Grantor is lawfully seized of said premises; that they are free from encumbrances; and Grantor warrants the title thereto against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, except: restrictions, reservations, easements, and encumbrances of record. Hereby releasing and waiving any and all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of this state. Dated: March 28,2006. ~L 'KEN CLARK STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN ~ SS The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Ken Clark "STATE ~F my hand ~ off~al;e'~~. / / LINCOLN WYOMING dy-M- 1). t-a~ MISSION ExPIRES JAN~ 18,2010 Notary Public My commission expires: ()¿;..... 1 8. 'Zt?! () , RECEIVED 3/30/2006 at 2:02 PM RECEIVING # 917121 BOOK: 615 PAGE: 640 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY --- --- --~ ~---_.._-.-_.._-.._--,.- - --.. '--'--'----""-" 1,:t~·:;Ù:t:~.:.:::1 ::::::::::::;M:~:~ 1:~¡~~jl~\m~: 091..7:1..21 COO,641 ;..'......~. '. ..-.,..._.....~--.;_"""'"-" ···...w..=.__....·"._ "'...,~.. ,._"'.,..--.....~¥,,'.._"'"-, "4 'I'm. 3. .2: 57PM LINCOLN CO i::t.£R< .. NO. 191 P.3/4 .. 0916708 00489 ,'.. , ," ..... .-............- . .:....... '46t"1" '3 A un A '1I.1"'r<i:r. RECEIVED DOOK.. r PRPAoB..ßJLL 'W cu.UV1l, "'8'~7m~ '" LINCOLN :COUNTY CLE.RI( CAROL A. cL.AIu<. as an indlvfdual, grantor, otSRd1, ~c{düng, tbr and In cozGl11eIliüOIÛJ£fJ1énZ= " 6 DolJarS and no/100 (S10.00) and Other Val~b1e Considerations, In had paid, receipt whor 'b b~ '. _ acknowledged, conveys and warrants to D. KI1NNBTH CLARK and CAROL A , ffiY~µRiNER separate property, grantee, of Smoot, Wyoaúng, the following de.scn'bed reat ~tate, 'Iltuat n Ui'Cö!n."'W'MING County, State of Wyoming. hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exempdon Jaws of the Ststo, to-wit: With riShts ofsurVivorship. : 1. SR 1/4SE1/41 Section 1, nON, lU 19W, 6thP.M, togethcrwitli an ~errightll and improvements. Consisting of 37.94 acres more or less. . EXCEPTING and RESERVING there from the following described tract of land: " , , Beginnlng'at s point in the centerline of the E.L. Clark Lane; :Cowity R.oad No. ISO, which is NO 2S'48"W 3345.35 feet trom the . Southwest COtmf of Section 6, TJON;R. I 19W, 6th P:M., Li:ricoln County Wyoming. and running thence NO 2S'48"W 300.00 feet to & paint, thence S 88 59'37"WSOO,OO feet, thence SO 2S'48"E 150.00 feet, thenco 87022'47":8 425.78 feet, more or IcsJ, to the poInt of beginning. Containing 2.066 acres, more or less, together with all improvements' water rlgbtJlllnd tnineral rights pertaJn!ng thereto. 2. ^ tract of land lying in the NE1/4SSe114 ofSecÏion 1, RlI9\y, T30N, 6thPbf., Lincoln County, Wyoming, marc PlU1lcularlr descdbed as foDows: 'Beginning at a point wlúch is NO OS'E 1320.00 feet; thenc!: S8~ 50'W 792.00 reet , ffom'tbe SH corner of said Section 1, and proceeding thence 889 SO'W 528.00 fee~ diencCl NO 05'E 1320.00 feet; thence N89 50'E 528.00 feet; thom:e.SO 05'W 1320.00 féet to tbë point ofbéglnning. Said tract çontalÎ1!ng 16.00 IIQr05, more or less, together with water rights and improvement$. 3, Beginning at a point that is 984.53 feet North and 1,57Ö.20 feet West oftha Southeast Comer øfSection I, T30N, R119W, 6th P.M., Wyoming, (said beginning point being the Northeast comer of the Kay RobinÅ on tract in tho SWI/4SEI/4 of snid Section I), and running thence S23 29'\V (alOJ1ß the East boundary line of said RDbinson tract a.ndsaid'Ba.st boundary Iil1c extended) 1,073.44 feet, marc or less, to tho South boundary line, 677.94 feet, mOre or less to the Southeast comer of add SWl!4SE1I4, thence North along the East boundary lino thereof. I ,320.00 feet more or less, to the Northeast COmer thereof. thence West along the Noith bounduy line ofsaJd SW1I4SBl/4 104.4S feet mOre Or loas, to a paint on said North . bOllndazy Une that is N23 29"E 11-om the point of'beglnning. thence 823 29'W, 365.75' feet, more or less to the point of beginning. Consisting of 11.8543 acres, tnOrc or less, together with aU water, water rights, ditches and ditcb rights, minoral and mineral rights, and other appurtenances thereunto . , belonging. , 4. Nl/2NIil/4, Section 12, !JON, R119W, 6th P.M. , , ConslstinS Df 80 acre, more or less, together with 1111 Water, water dghts, ditches and djtch rights, mineral and mineral rights, and al,l improvements.' , ... 09:1.71.21 C00642 '..'; ',- '.....,.: ..,':'..,.... :...........·....,,"-..,.....~I;..:.J."J.w·...n>Iill:;:n."".:'., 0,'."',' ,..- _i. . ':;.."'":;,.,.".,.,...,....,.6~!...,.:, :,: '/:'>. " ",·"""'......"""""."ò::.L>:-JI/_· ';,.,.!W.t:4I~,t.;,.: ",....~,,:."""'-',.':'\i. "..,:,' ....:....''':¥I«.M' ':.' I'm. 3.2æ6 2:58PM I i dS1670S' .' , . I i I I I I, , I ',. ,. LINCCUi CO Q.£R ( NO. 191 P.4/4, ., ' '00049P' 0874302 894 " . S. A tractofland containing 1.66 acres more or less, id~cd IS Lot 18 in the Hialeah Subdivision according to the plat of~ðCOrd in the OtBcc of County Clerk. Lincoln County, Wyoming. Together with ,.u water rights ' and improvements.' , , , SUBmCT TO aU Wed)CÍ1t~, aceptJona, rostrictions, rest!V1tions, and rights of way of sight or record. , ' SUBJEct TO thai certain Farm Loan Mortgage datc4 Ma.rch' 31, 1982> and r.ecorded by the Lincoln County Cleric On April 1, 1982, in Book ' 186 P.ll, Page 221. ReCording Number S7S24g. between Detbcrt S. Cluk and 0.$8. Ioy Clark. husband and wife, as mortgagor. and tho, . Stato of'Wyorning, Wyonùng Parm Loan Board, !S mortgagc, sccuñng Ii promissory note in tho amount of $40,000.00, which note and mortgage grantee assumes, agrees 10 pay and to hold grantor harmless trom any , further liability as mortgagor thereon. WITNESS my hand as ofthisj. r daY'OØ.N~ 2001 , . .. . . ~~ A·8JdJ- 8T ATE OF WYOMING) COUNTY OF LINCOLN) CAROL A. CLARK The foregoing Warranty Deed was 8~wledged before me by CAROL A. CLARK. on this J; 1 a-day of1"11Q.00l, 4t ' Mon. Wyoming. : Witness my hand and officlaJ s~ My Commission EXpires: " ~) ~;Z ... Nota ubi , ' ' Ct1:il - '~:l':':~i~~:::';:! . f·.·~~·~·'·'v ::·:l;lJ:rTh~.:!r::r ~ ',.: -