HomeMy WebLinkAbout917133 W]ImM¡¡ilimJ RECEIVED 3/31/2006 atf~n:;?r:f:;1;M RECEIVING # 9171Gj~'V'¡U'q / 7133 BOOK: 615 PAGE: 682 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY -~~-_._-------- -~'- IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, STATE OF WYOMING 00r682 Probate No. PR-2206-03 IN THE MArTER OF THE ESTATE OF: HELEN M. DEGRAW, Deceased. DECREE APPROVING APPLICATION FOR ESTABLISHING RIGHT AND TITLE TO REAL PROPERTY This matter having come on regularly to be heard by the Court on an Application for a Decree Establishing Right and Title to Real Property filed by CHRISTINA M. ROBINSON, KENNETH A. DeGRAW and VAL R. DeGRAW, decedent's distributees pursuant to the provisions of decedent's Last Will and Testament dated October 12, 1992, and it appearing that notice has been published and given to all interested parties according to law and there having been no objections to said Application filed herein; and the Court being fully advised in the premises; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED, that all of the decedent's right, title and interest in and to the /1 following described real estate 19cated in Lincoln County, Wyoming, and more particularly described as follows: The Lots Numbered One (1), Two (2) and Three (3), of the Block Numbered Thirteen (13), of the First Addition to . .,-,' ";'.-;"j;'~~';"~':':!'::::; ':':'. .-..." ':;·::~·~·-;:·:,,:;:,:,:,:,;or._,,·;, ., ., i-".:¡~,:=:.:~ ;f.1:¡;l:'-.1i!'-if¡,.t,.~'1.~;tiT~~z.;.l";"_';;~-·. .,. ·,"!"~~':U;"~.f~~ I. ,., ~;J_.:-.'" I :~" I, ':. ..' .._ ;:1:~~w;:r~:'1x·::· "':" ;k- . .-:.;,·....)..~J·:a.~>r.jJ\f..h*~LJ;;¡Jl:..~:,ii!t...:--:<y., -.:~lÚ;..: -:.~,!,~.!oo~.~:, .; ./ COr683 OS1.. 7133 the Town of LaBarge (formerly the Town of Tulsa), as surveyed, platted and recorded. be, ahd the same hereby is, determined to be and is set over to Christina M. Robinson, of 1806 Antelope Street #A, Kemmerer, WY 83101; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED, that all of the decedent's right, title and interest in and to the following described real estate located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, and more partiçularlydescribed as follows: Lots numbered One (1), Two (2) and Three (3) of Block numbered Ten (10) in the First Addition to the Town of Tulsa, now LaBarge, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as ~urveyed, platted and recorded. be, and the same hereby is, determined to be and is, set over to Kenneth A. DeGraw and Val R. DeGraw, as joint tenants with rights of survivorship, of 655 Easy Street, Green River, WY 82935; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED, that all of the decedent's right, title and interest in and to the following described real estate located in Sublette County, Wyoming, and more particularly described as follows: All oil, gas, and other mineral rights, including nuclear materials, in and under and that may be produced from the following described lands situate in Sublette County, Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: Township 28 North, Range 11,3 West, 6th P.M. Section 20: Tract 41 2 . ...',.. '. '~-....'.!¡:.\,:~_~,: .;,;,:.!,,>", .:."~",r·..· :~~,I\.t{'cJ"¡~!-:'~';.. ;·+,;i.I,¡.~ ··I1:~¡'Ii'.-+;.;<t'·"':~~"!~\!Y!!iIm'¡.:T\B'":¡r¡~-;;f~u::;.:~.m;':>r" '. ,. ", I:·:·:""Ä';'~·;·¡-f~t;.., ;'. :.' '.':f\'~'~: .' .,," .-;~: ¡,..;::.\<~, .;.;.1....-. . ," ".': . (.r~, ,-,:,\,:;.,.,:: 1"I!!, >. J';?' ,~¡:o.;.:.~':I·":I;'~'-";';'lilõ,;,;,;,õt;¡.:~: ';.:.' .'1' :~i~mili~.: ~ fII~¡itifl! ~ ~ 000684 0917133 be, and the same hereby is, determined to be and is set over to Kenneth A. DeGraw, of 655 Easy Street, Green River, WY 82935. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that pursuant to Section 2-1-205, W.S.A. (2005), certified copies of this Decree shall be filed with the County Clerks in and for Lincoln County and Sublette County, Wyoming, this Decree being presumptive evidence of the title to the aforementioned real property. DATED this dJ. j~ay of rn~ d- ~~~ , ' (;', 'lWYOMING J . ;~F LINCOLN 55. , , W '0 ..: (" ". ~ ",;"1:';' h~h'D. Roberts, Clerk of the Third " \....\~<í..... ',' ..1i~diRÍô.~ pístrict Court within and foresaid , ',' ~~('OLN to\}~ty and in thp: .- te of fares tf, do -,~,-- he9;~bfcerti 'Ile,foreg\.ing to b a full, ~.,-" true, and co opIate, copy. DENNIS L. SANDERSON District Judge 3 ,', :.; ·;'.·..::-~.;;·f..~:.t~?¡jfõ~i:,;· :t~:·l;J ;;~_!:H,-¡~,~¡~:~,',!,!¡:P.'~f':,:·., ~.'" - ,', ".. .', ....~' ....~·:..~!\~'-'I:i.:t!,:r.r.¡¡.~..,.;.,;.f;~.........~;.r.:.':.~:... . I. '1 -.·:.:t;·;':'=':O:~"~·:';':'.-.I'''''.~\.·.''.'.I.'' I'", ",: _':¡:'..J.:;'..,+..,... . "-.".: ..~;_; ,",\ I.:' ". '.,.'.';'~."" ~':'.I·' . _ ',¡ ::I!!!r!t~~I:t~r: .' .., .'... ...~,