HomeMy WebLinkAbout917192 (e:) ~ a::: UJ :2 a::: UJ ~ :2 ex> NNa::: :2 <:'! NUJ UJ ,... C') " Z ~ ,... ~UJCJ - ':i co r--.CJ~ co ~~$ a::: 0 C')Q. W 0 UJ ...J ~ : : : Z U ~CJ z ç ..,. Z CD~ Z C~ .....UJ :J WUJ CD' 0 >U ~ u -UJ 0 z Wa::: (.) 0 ...J (]) 0 W U c:: Z ...J Smoot Special Improvement District P.O. Box 156 Smoot, WY, 83126 Attn: Lloyd Hunsaker CnO/,02 \.1 \; t... GRANT OF EASEMENT Smoot Special Improvement District. grantor of the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of an initial payment of THREE THOUSAND ($3000.00) dollars for a 5 year period ending January 30,2011 and then a payment of ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED ($1200.00) dollars for each subsequent 2 year period beginning January 30,2011, for as long as the site is occupied and other valuable consideration, CONVEY (S) AND WARRANT (S) to SILVER STAR TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC., grantee of Freedom, Wyoming, an easement for the benefit ofthe Grantee on the following described real estate situated in the County of Lincoln and State of Wyoming, for the following purposes and under the following conditions: 1. Purpose of Easement. This easement shall be for the purpose of Right -of- W ay for telecommunications or electrical cables, and to construct, operate, repair, maintain, relocate and replace thereon underground telecommunications or electrical facilities, including a monopole to mount microwave dishes and antennas. The grantee may trim or remove trees or other objects that pose a threat of damage to the utilities. 2. Description of Easement. A 25'X 25' parcel described as follows: Starting at the Southwest comer of Lot 5, Block 6 in the town of Smoot located in the Southeast Y4 of the Southeast Y4 of Section 31, T31'N, R118W recorded in Book 192, Page 561 at the Lincoln County Clerks Office, Kemmerer, Wyoming, and said Southwest comer being the True Point of Beginning, thence; Northerly along the west property line 25', thence; Easterly 25', thence; Southerly 25' to a point on the South property line, thence Westerly along the South property line 25' to the True Point of Beginning. 3. Abandonment of Easement. Silver Star agrees to 5 year minimum lease and if at the end of 5 years, Silver Star chooses to abandon the easement, Silver Star will be responsible for the removal of all equipment and site restoration and the easement will be relinquished. 4. Binding Effect. The tenns and conditions of this easement shall be binding upon the inure to the benefit of the heirs, successors and assigns of the parties named in this instrument. Witness my hand this ~ day of IN THE STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ANGIE PUTNAM· NOTARY PUBlIC I CQUNlYOF _ STATEb,: UNCOlN _ WYOt.ING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES SEPT. 9. 2009 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by ~ 0 y',;~. ' ~ L ^ f"- c:; ~ ~~ -r , this Or :t:.A-day of ~ \C., hI, " 2006 ~.'. ',. :,;j ;,;..-~ Witness my hand and official seal. , ., J1AA~ P(dM""~ ~. 9.- )())? NOTARY LIC My Co ission Expir~"~ ' :¡\I~~1i~m~¡l~~D