HomeMy WebLinkAbout917248 RELEASE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE (BV Corpora lion) PARTIAL RELEASE 0:'259 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. That First National Bank West a corporation, of the County of Lincoln certify that a certain mortgage, bearing date the JH made and executed by II:u:l:ìalœx: Iùnle] opment. LLC as mortgagor_I to FirRf" N"f"ion"l R"nk \1PRf" ~s mortgagee. conveying certain real estate therein mentioned as security for the payment of $ 353.937.00 I t¡nerein stated, which mortgage was recorded in the office of the County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds of tinco]n County, State of Wyoming, on the 1 (, day of ~Ppt"pmhpr ih Book '99P11 of Mo,tgage" at page 97 , and mo,tgagiog tke following de,cr!bed ,.al e'tate in ,aid Coo I I . and State of WyominK day of .Tnl y , does hereby . A. D .2íill2., . as 2002.... nty. to-wit: Lot 717 of Lakeview Estates, 11th Addition to the Town of Alpine, Lincoln, County, WYoming, according to that plat filed November 9, 2005, in the Office of the Lincoln Count C Clerk as Plat No. 250-H. 10 RECEIVED 4/5/2006 at 10:20 AM RECEIVING # 917248 BOOK: 616 PAGE: 259 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY I I ! is. with a note secured thereby. and the aforementioned debt, fully paid. satisfied. released, and discharged and in consideration thereof the said mortgagee does hereby release and quitclaim unto the said mortgagor the premises thereby conveyed and mort. gaged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the First National has caused these Presents to be signed by its Branch and its C~~T fM;,~,e~tto be affixed, this 28 Sigt\e,¢t~~l"ii¡ ,'4, æ'~Jivered in the presence of .:'·~~~·¡'("~,:t,·~~¿:~ Bank W~Rt: President day of Mareh ,A.D. 2illl6..... By / West Its Branc . i~i., "';\"~" ~. cashier ~'l~~;i!:¡~) \ ','" "",1 If ,·¡\~t·dèsired to describe lands in space therefor. insert the fOllowing: "AU lands described in said mortgage." :I'HE STATE OF WYOMING, þounty of Lincoln I On this 28 _ day of Penn Jones to me personally known. who. being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the Rr;¡nrh PrIORi npnf" First National Bank West l f SS. M"rrh , 19...2006. before me personally appeared of and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument Was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and said cashi er ackn ledge!læS!Ùdlin ~ÞOb,' ,e e free act and deed of said corporat~'on. ven"-"m .''ti''',i...l tbi, ~1l day of '" _~ D ~ rf""" w,.m",~_ My Commission Expires October 28,2006 _.~ (/)~#0 Notary Public. My commission expires on the eft!? day of u¿- . A. D. ~& THE STATE OF WYOMING, County of This instrument was filed for record at A. D. 19~, and duly recorded in Book J ss. o·chjck_M.. on the on Page day of 'N~~ 'I 0 Ij"'j"'l~"ni':"<,¡'¡, . ';I:·..~;\¡,",,'/,.:.L·... I I Fees. $ r.;':I: ):~:_:':':'::;;: ~~;:i:::i:::::::~:::: ..~!.,. By County Clerk lind Ex-Officio Register of Deeds ::-.:,'.F.' ;', "S;, ',:.::',....:,' :¡: ~;> ~ :i;j '..',...... :l(¡:;jJ~ DeDutv r.1..rlr