HomeMy WebLinkAbout875942 WHEN RECORDED IVlAIL TO: COlVllVlUNITY FIRST NATIONAL BANK 200 NORTH CENTER STREET LOAN NUlVmER: ROCK SPRINGS, WY 82901 ATTN: PHYLLIS JOHNSON ASSIGNMENT OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS thatcommJNITY FIRST NATIONAL BANK (Assignor), in consideration of [he sum of THIRTY-EIGHT THOUSAND TWO IqUNDRED AND 00/100 Dollars ( $ 3 8,2 0 0.0 0 ) and other valuable consideration paid to it by w. c. D. a., 15 5 N. BEECH CASPER, WY 82602 (Assignee), the receipt of which is hereby acbtowledged, does hereby grant, bargain, sell, assign, transfer, set over and convey unto Assignee that certain Mortgage/Deed of Trust executed by MATTHEW J. REED .AND MI STY A. REED, HUSBAND AND WIFE ' to Assignor on property situated in the County of LINCOLN , State of WYOMINO and described in said Mortgage/Deed of Trust ~:s follows, to wit: LOT 8 OF BLOCK 3 OF THE WEST VAELEY SUBDIVISION TO TIlE TOWN OF LABAROE, LIN~OI_a%I COUNTY, WYOMINO AS DESCRIBED ON' THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF. A/K/A 813 COTTONWOOD LABAROE, i;g1'/ 83123 which said Mortgage/Deed of Trust is recordc[{ in the office of the Recorder/Register of Deeds Of said,County and S'tate on September i0, 2001 .,,, in Book Number 472PR atPage 497 as Docun~nt Number 875828 .... together with the said Note therein described, and the money due or to become due thereon, with interest at the rat.'~ specified in said Note. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the: Assignee, its successors and assigns, forever; subject only to the provisions in the said indenture of Mortgage/Deed of_Trust.contained IN WI)T-NE-SS 'W~-IEREOF.C.~TY FII?,~IT NATIONAL BANK has ~used tlr insJo~'~.o..~y signed tl:as 4TH day of SEPTEMBER 2001 By /. STATE OF WYOMINO ) )SS. SWEETWATER County) Onthis 4TH dayof SEPTEMBER, 2001 ,beforeme, a Notary Public in and for the County of SWEETWATER i , State of WYO14INO , personaily appeared PIIYLLI S JOI-tl%IS ON : ' to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he/she is VICE PRESIDENT / MORTOAOES '' of COMMUNITY FIRST NATIONAL BANK and that said instrument was signed on behalf of said corporation, (no seal is required) by aut'hority of its Board of Directors and the said c9rporation acknowledged the execution of said instrument to be the voluntary act and deed of said corporation, by it voluntarily executed. ,Witness ~y h~md and Not ~arfi,'fil Seal thee day and year last above written. ' l~otal/y publ,ic,i~ and f~r-- Swa:~wA~EI~' County, } ~c~ ~ s'r~,~c,*' [ COIVllvlUNITY FIRST NATIONAL BANK 200 NORTH CENTER STREET ROCK SPRINGS, WY 82903. DOCUASB 03/05/99 LIt'~00!..t,.~ C(.}IJi~T7 CLERK bOOK ...... ;....' ......... PR PAt .............. : .... QUIT CLA~ DEED KNOWN ALL MEN THESE P~SENTS, That Beth Y. Shurtleff, Grantor, Lincoln, State of Wyoming in consideration of Ten and 00/~..00's ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration the receipt whereof is hereby cpnfessee, and ac~owledged, have remised, released, convey and forever qu~tclaim unto Barbara Myers, Grantee, P.O. Box 1090, Afton, WY 83110 all such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand ~ or to all the following described premises, to-wit: Any interest Grantor may have by virtue of Home ~ase described in instrument dated August 15, 1991, record~:d April 28, 1992 in Book 309 P.R. on Page 465 of the records of the Lincoln County C~[erk, in th~ following described land: 1.03 acres of the following described land: ' Begi~ng at a point which is 40 rods west from the Southeast corne~: of the W V2 SE ~A of Section 1, T31N R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming and m~ng tk~ence West 20 rods; thence No~h 160 rods; thence East 20 rods; thence South 160 rods to the point of begi=ing. . .: 'LESS AND EXCEPT the land contained in Warranty Deed recorded December 21, 1978 in Book 151PR on page .528 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. IN WITNESS WHE~OF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day of August, 2001. ' :- ~' -' Beth Y/~leff STATE OF UTAH O=N Y . The foregoing instmmem was ac~owledged before me by Beth Y. Shurtleff this ~ day of Au~st, 2001., Witness my hand and official seal. Nota~ PuNic My Commission Expires: ~/;'$l/0~ ~~..~~ SOUTP~J F~T TITLE CO. Fax:1-.:'~07-877-967...,. SoP 11 'OZ 14:56 Llr,l(.¢Ol..d,,1 COU,rITy (}LERK WARRANTY DEED ' [lO0~g..__PR PAGE. ~: B~~ L. ~~, : a Married Person gramors of Lincoln Count, State of Wyoming, for consideration of Ten md 00/100's ($10.00) and oflmr good and valuable consideration in h~d, receipt whereof is hereby ac~owledged CONVEY AND WA~NT TO LINCOLN COUNTY-AFTON AIRPORT JOINT POWERS BOARD, a Non-Profit Organization,. grantees, whose' ad&ess is P.O. Box 1540, Alton, WY 83110 the following described 'real est~lite, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the state tO wit; , Bcgimfing at a point which is 40 rods west from the Southeast comer of the WI/aSE~ of Section 1, T31N RI19W, Lincoln County, Wyoming and running thence West 20 rods; thence North 160 rods; thence. East 20 rods.; thence South 160 rods to~: the point of beginning. LESS AND EXCEPT thc land contained in Warranty!Deed recorded December 21, 1978 in Book 151PR on page 528 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. WITNESS our hands tlfis / / ~'/~day of September, 2001. State of 2da~ County of ~/) n ~U/Z'// The foregoing instrumem: was ackmowledged before me by Barbara L. Myers tltis l/// day of September, 2001. W~mess my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: fi~-~_~ 3-3-2003