HomeMy WebLinkAbout917279 lZ/2~¡2005 14:20 PAl 307 6~~ 57b7 !.O\l'EI{ VA!.!.EY I::~EI!(;\" Iiñ 003 t.íEl\ffiER,~ 12599 WORK ORDER # 61956 6195i SEC. 10, T36N, R! 19W C00370 DISTRIBUTION EASEMENT KNOW AlL :MEN BY THESE PRESE1\ï: 11\111 the undcrsigIled. Salvatore S<,.affide, 8ule Ownur, ("Gnmtor") t'1r Ia good and valuabl~ l'o:'l~1(ieraticn. the r::ceipt of which is hc;xo,y 'ickno"'ledged, do h~reby grill\t. .:-onvey and warrant unto lower Vall.:}' Erll"J'gy, a C:>operative Corporatiol'., of Afton and Jackson, \\')'oming and to it~ suoceSS(JFS and assigr &, ("GJ'IIJ.tees"), fa perpetual elisemt:nt aztd right of way fur ¡he com'truction and co::1tìnued rnuintertance. repair, alte:ratior. and replac.ement of tbe electric distribution circuit&, lir.es and equipment of the Grantee to he ccmstructed and !l1EIÍß1ll1nOO under, upon and across th= premises of GrazttOT in Uncoln Count}', S....w: )f Wyoming, uloi1¡l II ¡¡ne described as '<nllaws, to \>'1t: ßEfNG a pOJ'tj{lll oflot 7, Salt River Cove, DiVIsion Num~ I, Stcrion 10, T36N, R1l9W, 6'· P.M.. in Lmco:c Coun"t}', Wyoming more pattic'.Illlrly described as tè.lIows: BEGL~NL~G at a -;Joint being thi; Nt:: comer of S'aid I(lt 7. Thenc: S ':460 W, 114 feet to (¡ U'ansfomm location. EASEl\-ŒNT to incJüic 10 feet on each ~ide of des~'riberlline, together with 1111 necessary and rea¡¡onable rig......ts of ingr::ss and egress and to excavate and retia ditches E.t1d trenches for the I,)(',stion and repair of said Iàcilities 2nd to cut, trim, spray herbicide.s, or relT'.ove trees, shmbI:Jery, Iffi<iergrowth or other ob;lTUI.,-'iiolls intert"ering wÚh the repair and mamtenallce oftbe fucilities. The Grantor a¡;knowledges that EleC'Cric ¡md Magnetic Fields ('E.~1.F) are tUltu.'1!1Iy occurring in the Cransmission or distribution of electri(;ity. a.."ld that fhe Grantee has here notìl:ed Grllntor rbat EMF t"RtiJlg lII,d worml:ti.on is availahle upon reque.it6.'Om thll Grantee. Thi~ Easement by Grß11tor i$ intended :0) inchide so much splICe as is nocesl'IlII.y or appropriate to the pre..c¡el1('e of E~n7 and rea.sonable operatiorJ ,)1' tht: Grantee's distribution lines. / Gr81:ù..r agrees that all 1'01<:5, wiJ'ICs and olber f¡o.cilittcs, ins(alltxi on or lmdet the described l~nd3 ShE 11 remain thß property oÏth~ Grantee1'emo'\(~òle in th:: ~ole discretion of'ihf Grantee 2.1 ~he Grantee'. expl':m:. T.'1e rights, conditions and provisions of this easement shall inure ~o the ~ne±it of and be binding upon the parties, their heirs, eXf:Cuto"ts, adrtti:nistrators, SUl.'CC'JS01·S and 1l6S!! TlS. Grsntor shall compensate Grente~ fo)f any darnßaes to Orani.oe'~ Îacilities caused by Grantor, i.ne!1¡ilillg payment of C"t'I'.ntee'n attomf'Y fees if action is undertaken by GtII1ltee to enforce the commitments de£Cribed it'! this easement. Grantor reSf~"~$ the rigb! to irL'lpro\'e. occupy and u¡e tlus easement for all purposes not inconsistent with the easement gran. Each party shalJ have the remedy of specific perfOlmance regarding thIS ~sement. The rights ar,d l>hJigatio!1s des(:ribed in this easement she.111'un with the land This easement is not excbsive, and Grant'lf r~t¡¡i.ru¡ a1l rights not specifically granted by this easen;.,,'u1. This is the e.ntire agreement of tì.e P3l1¡' S regard::ng this cl'sement, except as may l:oe set forth In writing after the da::e of this e~e:mtmt and siSIIt:d },y the }Ja/1ie!:. Grantor hereby releases and wsives all rights by virtue of the Hom~stead ExemptlúTl Laws ,jf \I:yo111Ìug. WfDJESS the Hand of the Gf!Dltor, tlús .z.~. of -.Q~--;?";7 2005, --, '~ ~ .... ,""'-'''''.d'~~-- z o STATE OF COUNTY OF "Ibc foregoinc itlstJ'umCTlt was aeknowl<;dll~ berore /ill: by dUs __.___dI!Y oî _________, 20_. ------------....., (Seal) \vit:;css my IIJ!.fld and official seal. My commission expires: ,.. Notarý' Public SEE ATTACHED NOTARIAL CERTIFICATE RECEIVED 4/6/2006 at 10:37 AM RECEIVING # 917279 BOOK: 616 PAGE: 370 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ..;, 1~~:¡~~j]~!>.þ:~;t~.¡\::~,:.;!~1.'I:r,;;;;l;~:);:·'·~':~ ~ '?~;¡W~:~!;::·:::?:;;,',:-··: .' ':':'. :'-":' :';'5-:;_:k/:'~'i::\"-: :;,; ;;.:,:..~!; (~ :!I~:;:~t·:!~:!:..:,:~:·:~:·;· ·;;i::t~~~~i~~J'!Þ:Th~~.i¡~jW¡:r~ ','..". ',>:"~ ", . ; ~ ¡ ~:!:j; :j;;!i: ¡¡¡, :~¡: ,I,: : - ,::~ ,r:~ . ': ~ -; ¡; .:; ::¡f.:;:;¡¡:~:';:~: O~:t72r;r~ ~: 00371 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT ~~-~_._._._._-_. State of California County of C9 eA-...J &c- On ill ;z. (f cJ ç- , Date personally appeared }ss before me, . (s;i~.:, ~ V ~ H1..~~ J Name and TIlla of Qnicer (a_g., 'Jane Doe, Notary Public') 5' A-v'v~o-> S' c."rÇA DIJ"" Name(s) of Signer(s) o personally known to me ) t . ~ .. .. ~ .. . ~~~ ~~ ~~'E~M~Ñ ." ~ E " -'. CO MM. '1456097 m ~ : .. "; NotalY PubUc.caUfomla !!! LU· ORANGE COUNTY ~ ~ My Comm. Exp,'Dee 14, 2007 ~proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(~ whose name(~ is/al1ELsubscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/sl(ê!th&t executed the same in his/~t~ir authorized capacity(i~ and that by his/~thêH' signature~ on the instrument the person~, or the entity upon behalf of which the person~ acted, executed the instrument. WIT~~ Slgnatura of Notary Public OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove va(uab(e to persons re(ying on the document and could prevent fraudulent remova( and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document~ ---; Title or Type of Document: k 5 r>Rr,gv1ì~þ:' /l-S1/'1.o( ~ /'7, /'7- r/ CJ .~ , Document Date: Number of Pages: r Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: - Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: o Individual o Corporate Officer - Title(s): o Partner - 0 Limited 0 General o Attorney in Fact o Trustee o Guardian or Conservator o Other: Top of Ihumb here Signer's Name: o Individual o Corporate Officer - Title(s): o Partner - 0 Limited 0 General o Attorney in Fact o Trustee o Guardian or Conservator o Other: . Top of thumb here Signer Is Representing: Signer Is Representing: - ---. .. ..' ....- -- - --. -:-'--~~'':-'':-------'-'-~~~ C 2004 National Notary Association' 9350 De Soto Ave_. P.O. Box 2402· Chat.worth, CA 91313·2402 Item No. 5907 Reorder: Call TolI·Free 1.800.876.6827 r...."~' '_I""'''''\' '''''_'''-'''' ~¡:::::::;:¡:::::,::;:;;' r.·:;:;:·:..":·:·:·:·;;f· ~ø::::~~iliilitl~;~i